Dermahil for bags under the eyes in mesotherapy hsr. reviews from cosmetologists



Duration of the procedure:

60 min.

Number of procedures:

5-10 procedures (every 7-10 days)


3,500 rub. (0.75 ml)

Recovery period: from several hours to 1 day

Product: Dermaheal Eyebag Solution


The product formula is multi-component, therefore it can solve many aesthetic defects.
The professional line contains biomimetic peptides. They are similar to amino acids linked in a chain by amide bonds that function in the human body. The significance is similar to the role of proteins (intercellular matrix protein, fibrillar, keratin). Regulatory peptides are molecules that accelerate regeneration processes at the cellular level.

The substance allows you to activate the production of hyaluronate and fibrillar protein, under its influence it is possible to restore lipolysis and reduce the production of pigment. Accordingly, the bags decrease and dark circles disappear.

Once in the nucleus of cells, the protein regulates their life processes, activates the maturation of new ones, and maintains the number of enzymes. This process is called growth factor, developed by Caregen Co. Ltd..

This peptide complex prevents the destructive process caused by free atoms. As a result, the cells are quickly restored. This effect is inherent in all products of the Dermahil line.

It also contains extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Recovery period

The duration of the period during which a person will have to leave intensive physical activity and work ranges from four days with the endoscopic method of performing the operation, and up to two weeks when choosing the classical method.

For the first few days, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and medical staff of the clinic. Only if there are no pathological changes is he allowed to go home. In the case of classic blepharoplasty, a person is recommended to limit reading and watching TV as much as possible, and also to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking during rehabilitation.

It is worth understanding that as the volume of surgical intervention increases, the risks of complications increase, and the rehabilitation period will not be much longer, but longer. However, the use of modern technology to quickly eliminate bleeding in the surgical wound and durable self-absorbing suture material allows the patient to return to active life as quickly as possible.

Side effects after the procedure

Objective research has confirmed that not only Eyebag Solution, but also the entire Dermaheal brand line is not hazardous to health. Allergic reactions may occur only due to individual intolerance to chemical reactions, which is genetically determined in humans.

There may be intolerance to the mesotherapy process, where it is necessary to do a certain number of injections. The injections themselves can cause a banal fear of pain in some people due to increased skin sensitivity and an increased pain threshold. A violent reaction may also occur in the form of severe swelling on the face from the injections themselves.

For such cases, a separate type of procedure has been developed, this is blepharoplasty of the eye area. It is carried out using the effect of ultrasound waves on the skin. A more gentle and easily tolerated procedure simply cannot be found. The maximum that can be obtained after such a procedure is a slight redness of the skin area. No special care is required after this procedure.

And mesotherapy with Eyebag Solution is considered traumatic due to the needle entering the skin and introducing the solution. There is relatively little swelling, redness, papules and bruises. It usually takes a few days for such consequences to resolve. You can speed up the disappearance of the consequences with specially selected ointments or a compress made at home.

About using Eyebag Solution

During my time working as a cosmetologist, I realized that the effect directly depends on the initial condition of the skin around the eyes. Age also has a strong influence, as does the individuality of each patient. I use Eyebag Solution only locally if there is a suitable case with a problem. I do not perform this procedure on patients under 25 years of age. Women under forty usually experience better results than older women. This is due to aging, but the skin receives the necessary amount of substances.


Blepharoplasty with Eyebag Solution

Eyebag Solution was used for bags and lasted for two and a half months. One drop on the upper and lower eyelids, of course, gave an effect, but I wanted to get a better result. I had indications for surgery. Six months of using the product and self-hypnosis allow you to hold on and not lose heart. Without the product, the bags would be very noticeable. The skin under the eyes has become denser.


Mesotherapy with Eyebag Solution

The genetic memory inherited from my mother gave me gradually increasing hernias by the age of thirty. I knew that the hernia would increase and was ready to see a doctor. After the examination, I was told that for now I could do without surgery and they gave me Eyebag Solution injections for correction. I read that such a procedure would be painful, but this did not happen. The manipulations turned out to be painless for me, and my eyes became the same again.


Carrying out the procedure

Dermahil for bags under the eyes is used in complex cosmetology programs, including mesotherapy sessions. The duration of one procedure is 50-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area. The drugs are administered subcutaneously by a qualified cosmetologist.

Injection manipulations are carried out using syringes with a microneedle, mesoscooters or meso-gun.

The procedure is carried out according to the standard algorithm:

  1. Before a mesotherapy session with a Dermahil cocktail, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Local anesthetics are used to relieve pain in the sensitive periorbital area.
  3. The doctor determines the area of ​​administration of the mesococktail. The drug is administered according to the chosen scheme by any of the methods (syringe, mesoscooter or mesopistol) intradermally, depth - 2-3 mm.

After the procedure, the area is again treated with antiseptics. To prevent the appearance of microhematomas, pinpoint redness and swelling, soothing gels, creams, and ointments are applied. After the procedure, it is not recommended to expose the sensitive area to sunlight, avoid visiting the pool, solarium, or thermal procedures.

After using Dermahil products, the treated areas should not be massaged or stretched. After 3-4 days, it is recommended to conduct lymphatic drainage sessions to normalize lymph flow.

Advantages of mesotherapy with Dermahil cosmetics

Recently, Korean cosmetics have begun to gain popularity among women. It has a natural composition and high efficiency. One of the latest successful developments was the mesotherapy preparations “Dermahil”. They are produced by South Korean.

The cosmetics are based on biomimetic peptides. These are specially created substances that replace natural amino acid chains present in the human body. Peptides have a beneficial effect on various internal processes: they help young cells mature faster, increasing the rate of their division, and in old cells they maintain an optimal level of enzymes.

These beneficial substances are called “growth factors.” And not in vain, because under the influence of Dermahil mesotherapy drugs, the number of cells increases significantly, and metabolic processes inside them proceed faster. Under the influence of cocktails, the body itself begins to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are necessary to maintain youth.

Cocktails for mesotherapy have the following positive effects:

  • accelerate the process of skin regeneration;
  • help stop the growth of damaged cells, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • allow you to preserve the results for a long time;
  • protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals;
  • do not contain components harmful to humans;
  • do not damage the skin when injected.

Dermahil cosmetics effectively combat the signs of skin aging. As a result of the course of injections, a woman will notice positive changes in her body and face:

  • small wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • the depth of facial folds will decrease significantly;
  • signs of cellulite will be eliminated;
  • the skin will become smoother and tighter;
  • the amount of hair on the head will increase due to the strengthening of the follicles;
  • for problem skin, inflammation will decrease;
  • the dermis will receive a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • pigmentation will be eliminated;
  • The elasticity of the skin will increase.

Features of Dark Circle Solution

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution is designed to correct and tighten the eye area and target dark circles.

The basis of the drug is a peptide nanocomplex, including:

  • Decapeptide 4;
  • Oligopeptide 24;
  • Oligopeptide 34.

The problem of dark circles in the periorbital area can develop due to the negative impact of the environment, physiological disorders, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, circulatory disorders, stress and age-related changes.

The drug Dermahil Dark Circle Solution is used in mesotherapy and actively acts on the intradermal layers as follows:

  1. Promotes compaction of the epidermis by stimulating collagen, procollagen, and other components of the extracellular matrix. As a result, the relief is smoothed, signs of aging are eliminated (expression wrinkles, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes).
  2. Activates microcirculation and metabolic processes of melanin formation, due to which cellular renewal and lightening of the skin in sensitive areas occurs.
  3. Prevents photodamage to the dermis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, evens out skin tone, and has a deep anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

An individual course is prescribed by a cosmetologist according to indications; the intensive course can include from 4 to 10 mesotherapy sessions with a Dark Circle Solution cocktail.

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Contraindications for use

Of course, this cosmetics has a number of contraindications, and you should not thoughtlessly put yourself in the hands of a cosmetologist. Moderation in everything is the key to beauty and health.

  • oncological diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • tuberculosis,
  • serious skin diseases - both chronic and in the acute phase,
  • serious chronic problems of any organs

- all this is a reason before visiting a cosmetologist to visit a specialized specialist and therapist who has no idea about the state of your health.

Complications are also possible even with the correct administration of injectable drugs. These are hematomas (in other words, bruises), swelling that last longer than usual. During the normal course of the process, these obligatory injection companions disappear after two to three days.

Precautionary measures

Rejuvenation of the eyelid area requires compliance with instructions and safety precautions. Invasive manipulations can only be entrusted to a cosmetologist with a higher medical education. If the rules of placement, preparation or healing period are violated, negative consequences may be observed.

Side effects:

  • allergies in the form of itching, redness;
  • swelling, hematomas;
  • papules;
  • painful sensitivity;
  • inflammation.
  • Contraindications:
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • autoimmune conditions;
  • inflammation in the correction area;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Mechanism of action of Dermaheal

Dermahil meso-cocktails are developed using a unique technology and effectively fight the signs of skin aging. They have the following properties:

  • rejuvenating;
  • revitalizing;
  • tonic;
  • moisturizing.

The cocktails contain more than 58 active substances, including:

  • 5 synthetic peptides;
  • 2 antioxidants;
  • amino acid complex;
  • nucleic acids;
  • coenzymes;
  • coenzyme;
  • vitamins, minerals.

The basis of the preparations is hyaluronic acid, which in its molecular composition and properties is identical to the endogenous hyaluronic acid produced by the body. The presence of this component in Dermahil ensures maximum hydration (interaction of water molecules and ions), increases the activity of peptides, and prolongs the duration of the effect of using the drug as a whole.

Dermaheal ensures activation of metabolic processes and enhances cell regeneration. Thanks to these properties, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the cells are saturated with nutrients and stop being destroyed by free radicals and the negative influence of external factors. At the same time, the use of the cocktail does not provoke the growth of damaged cells, thereby ensuring the prevention of tumor diseases.

After the mesotherapy procedure

Another advantage of the Dermahil professional line is that they can be used not only to eliminate dark bags and age-related changes in the skin around the eyes, but also to correct areas of the entire face, neck, and décolleté. They can also be used to nourish and tighten the skin of the entire body.

But there is one drawback - Dermaheal meso-cocktails must be used in courses. The positive effect will be noticeable after the first use. But the maximum anti-aging properties of the drugs will be noticeable only after 8-10 sessions. The skin will become tightened, take on a healthy, fresh appearance, wrinkles will smooth out, pores will narrow, and the texture will become even.

Related video: Correction of hernial sacs of the upper and lower eyelids with Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

Advantages of the line of drugs

Dermahil for bags under the eyes, as well as preparations for rejuvenation, solutions for iontophoresis, cocktails for mesotherapy and other aesthetic procedures, is a patented and approved line by the CTFA body.

Benefits of using Dermaheal cosmeceuticals:

  • The basis of all preparations is a rich nanocapsule complex of highly effective peptides, active growth factors, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Thanks to its cosmeceutical properties, it provides a deep effect on the dermal layers and cellular structure, ensuring the activation of renewal and regeneration processes.
  • All drugs undergo multi-stage control and thorough cleaning in laboratories, which eliminates the presence of harmful impurities and allergenic components.
  • Any of the Dermahil lines is safe. The components do not cause malignant neoplasms, mutations or cell damage. The products provide protection against the destructive effects of free radicals. Dermahil helps get rid of bags under the eyes without surgery.
  • The effect of using Dermahil is long-lasting; the component composition excludes substances that can change the cellular DNA structure. This is why the dermal structure does not change after the introduction of mesococktails.

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How are injections performed?

During the procedure, disposable instruments are used, and the entire process must take place under perfectly sterile conditions. To prepare medicinal solutions, double distilled water is used.

If a retrobulbar or parabulbar type of injection is used, then the part of the eyelid into which the needle should be inserted is treated with 70% ethyl alcohol.

Anesthesia of the eye is usually carried out using Novocaine or Dicaine.

These medications are used in the form of eye drops. After instillation, the doctor waits about 5 minutes for the anesthesia to take effect, and only then begins the procedure itself. To enhance the medicinal effect, lidase or adrenaline can be added to the solution.

If the doctor uses glycerin, dionin, enzymes or sodium chloride, he should warn the patient that the injection may be somewhat painful, even when using strong anesthetic drugs. After such injections, painful sensations may persist for several hours. To alleviate the patient's condition, the doctor may recommend the use of sedative medications, as well as cold or hot lotions.

After the procedure, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva and irritation in the eyeball area may develop. The patient's visual functions will be impaired for 12 hours. This may manifest itself as blurred vision and decreased clarity of visual perception.

To avoid the development of an infectious inflammatory process, the injured eye must be instilled with antibacterial drops. Eye drops are used for 7–10 days.

How to use Dermahil serum for dark circles under the eyes

Skin care products affect each person differently, so the best way to find out how effective a product is is to try it yourself. Fortunately, reviews from many clients about Dermahil serum for dark circles under the eyes are often positive. The product is very easy to use and does not require additional intervention.

The composition of Dermahil serum includes:

  • oligopeptide complex – stimulates collagen production;
  • hyaluronic acid, aimed at moisturizing the skin around the eyes;
  • vitamin C – has antioxidant properties, increases the effectiveness of other ingredients;
  • ginkgo biloba extract – a remedy aimed at draining excess fluid;
  • caffeine – increases skin tone, smoothes fine expression wrinkles;
  • Lavender extract is a natural product with healing and soothing properties.

Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of Dermahil serum to the wrist or elbow to identify individual intolerance to the components. The product is applied twice a day to the upper and lower eyelids. Before use, the skin around the eyes must be cleaned and degreased. If the serum gets into your eyes, rinse it under warm running water.

Dermahil serum has been clinically tested and is considered safe for all skin types. Before using it, it is recommended to check the composition, availability of a certificate from the seller, and also consult with a specialist.

Results after mesotherapy

Dermahil for bags under the eyes gives a visible effect after the first mesotherapy sessions. After using such lines as Dermahil HSR with hyaluronic acid, Dark Circle solution for dark circles, Eyebag solution against bags under the eyes, you can observe a special effect.

For example:

  • visible rejuvenation of the skin occurs;
  • aging processes slow down;
  • signs of photoaging are eliminated;
  • swelling decreases;
  • hydrobalance is restored;
  • traces of hyperpigmentation are eliminated;
  • the epidermis regains tone, firmness and elasticity.

After using patented peptide meso-cocktails approved by competent international authorities, intradermal restoration occurs with a visible lasting effect. The positive long-term result is due to the invasive administration of the drug with a direct nanoencapsulated effect on the cellular structure and extracellular matrix.

Main areas of influence

Mesotherapy can be performed on the face and body, it solves basic aesthetic problems and even helps to lose weight.

Let's look at the main areas of the face and head

on which the procedure is carried out.


Mesotherapy makes lips smooth and expressive. The skin around the lips becomes more elastic, youthful, “purse-string” wrinkles disappear, the contour becomes clearer, the relief becomes uniform, and dry skin disappears.


Mesotherapy solves the problem of hair loss by stimulating hair follicles to grow. Hair becomes thick, healthy, and acquires a pleasant natural color. The technique also successfully fights dandruff and dry scalp, prevents gray hair at a young age, and eliminates hair fragility and split ends.


After a course of mesotherapy of the face and neck, the general condition of the skin improves, the severity of horizontal wrinkles and folds decreases, local fat deposits and age spots disappear, the skin becomes more elastic and firm, and tightens. In some cases, mesotherapy can reduce the visibility of scars after surgery, for example on the thyroid gland. The technique is effective against double chin and spider veins.

Area around the eyes, eyelids

Mesotherapy for the area around the eyes effectively combats bags under the eyes and dark circles. The active components of “beauty cocktails” stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, making the skin elastic and youthful. Wrinkles are smoothed out, skin tone increases, healthy color is restored, and the skin is tightened. Mesotherapy eliminates sagging of the upper eyelid, swelling, edema, age-related imperfections, crow's feet, and dry skin.


The two main effects of mesotherapy in this area are skin tightening and double chin removal. During the procedure, so-called “non-surgical modeling” occurs.

For chin mesotherapy, special meso-cocktails are used that break down fat, strengthen the skin, and saturate it with moisture and beneficial components.


Mesotherapy successfully combats horizontal and vertical wrinkles that are characteristic of this area. The skin is tightened, rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, vitamins and minerals.

Nose and nasolabial folds

Dermal and epidermal mesotherapy can eliminate the superficial nasolabial fold at the initial stage, when it has just begun to form. Meso-cocktails stimulate your own bioprocesses, the skin becomes fresh and toned.

Now let's move on to body mesotherapy

and list the main areas in which it is successfully used.


Abdominal mesotherapy solves many problems, for example, helps fight excess fat deposits. It activates its own regeneration processes, increases skin elasticity, gives it firmness, evens out texture and color. In addition, there are often stretch marks and scars on the abdomen, such as from a caesarean section. Mesotherapy can also eliminate these defects.


Most often, meso-cocktails are injected into the back of the hands to rejuvenate and tighten them. The drugs eliminate dryness, peeling, pigmentation, wrinkles, prominent veins and other cosmetic defects of the hands. The impact of negative environmental factors is quickly eliminated, the skin acquires a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.

Hips and buttocks

The effect of mesotherapy in this area is skin strengthening, restoration and rejuvenation. If the cocktails contain lipolytics, then local fat deposits are destroyed. The skin is tightened, smoothed, cellulite and spider veins go away, scars and stretch marks are eliminated.

Neckline area

The main effects are breast lifting and skin restoration. The technique is effective in reducing the firmness and elasticity of the skin, age-related breast sagging, pigmentation, stretch marks and scars, wrinkles, uneven relief and unhealthy skin color. Frequent clients of the mesotherapist are women who have finished breastfeeding and want to restore the attractiveness of their breasts. Mesotherapy is also often carried out as part of rehabilitation after plastic surgery.


Here, the injection technique is more often used, because it is necessary to deliver the drugs clearly and purposefully to the problem area. Mesococktails usually affect blood and lymph flow, improving microcirculation in the skin, relieving pain and muscle tension, and toning them. Cocktails based on lipolytics are used to eliminate local fat deposits on the sides. Also, with the help of mesotherapy, defects such as “bull neck” and “widow’s hump” are corrected.

Home cosmetology

Hyaluronic acid, unsurpassed in its rejuvenating properties

Theoretically, carrying out the procedure at home is possible, but in practice it can be implemented only under one condition: if it is non-injection. That is, to carry it out you will need:

hyaluronic acid in its pure form or a ready-made meso-cocktail, which is sold in a pharmacy, but it must be intended for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes - pay special attention to this; mesoscooter; disinfectant solution;

soothing mask.

From the point of view of the stages of the procedure, mesotherapy carried out at home is no different from the salon technique (the following article will tell you about the pros and cons of mesotherapy at home). Only there will be no painkiller. And, of course, it will not be performed by a professional, which means you take full responsibility for the condition of the skin around your eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is important for patients to know why they should choose the Dermahil collection for the eye area.


  • does not have negative consequences;
  • performed under local anesthesia;
  • allows you to solve a range of aesthetic problems;
  • low-traumatic procedure;
  • reduced risks of infection.


  • course therapy is required;
  • carried out by a doctor in a cosmetology salon or clinic;
  • high cost of the procedure.


Blepharoplasty is a popular plastic surgery that involves excision of skin and fat deposits in the lower and upper eyelids.

Regarding how the suture is located, a distinction is made between transcutal and transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Thanks to the procedure in question, it is possible to eliminate bags under the eyes, swelling and hernias. Since the eyelid area is considered one of the most delicate, the operation can only be performed at one time, otherwise a thin scar will remain.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is an innovative correction method. Thanks to him, it is possible to delay or even avoid surgical intervention, which is very important for young clients.

Video shows non-surgical blepharoplasty:

Administration of drugs

This type of plastic surgery should be considered low-traumatic. During the manipulation, it is possible to eliminate the hernia of the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, special drugs are injected under the skin. They dissolve fat deposits. The result of this therapy is a reduction in hernia and normalization of blood circulation. In addition, injection blepharoplasty is an excellent solution for getting rid of dark spots under the eyes.

The composition of the medications is rich in biometric peptides. They increase the density of the skin and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The preparations do not contain direct lipolytics, and their use in the eye area is absolutely harmless. There is no rehabilitation process. The duration of the manipulation will be 30 minutes. The course of therapy is 4-7 sessions.

Video shows non-surgical injection blepharoplasty:

Hardware method

The procedure is carried out in two stages. The first involves gentle grinding of the skin using special equipment. After this, the skin is exposed to high temperature radio waves. In this case, a special eye attachment is used. Due to the complex effect, the skin located around the eyes is noticeably reduced and tightened. There is a stimulation of the production of new collagen and elastin. Fine wrinkles and dark circles go away.

At the second stage, the nasolacrimal grooves are filled with fillers. Thanks to them, it is possible to restore volume, giving the skin youthfulness. The duration of the manipulation will be 30 minutes. Everything happens using local anesthesia.

The following advantages of hardware non-surgical blepharoplasty can be highlighted:

  • there is no tissue displacement, risk of complications of facial features;
  • the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, there is no hospitalization;
  • the effect on the skin occurs without pain, there is no general anesthesia and the risk of consequences associated with it;
  • precise and safe influence on the desired area, without changing the integrity of the skin.

Now it’s worth considering how the procedure itself occurs:

  1. First, the patient makes an appointment with a cosmetologist. He asks questions regarding health. Here he will learn about eye diseases, allergies, and find out whether there are contraindications.
  2. Afterwards, an examination takes place, during which the doctor checks the condition of the skin, the amount of unnecessary skin on the eyelids and the depth of wrinkles.
  3. Before the procedure begins, old cosmetics are removed, and after that an anesthetic gel can be applied. To protect the cornea of ​​the eyes, a lens is used and the planned measures are carried out.
  4. At the end of the procedure, cooling compresses and ointments with an aseptic effect are applied to the skin.

Dermaheal eyebag solution

The product in question is original. It is produced by the famous Korean brand Caregen Co. Such products have not yet received due popularity in Russia, but nevertheless, many clients use Dermaheal Eyebag Solution and are satisfied with the results.

A positive result is achieved due to the fact that the drug contains components that are unique and have no analogues in the world. Thanks to them, it is possible to create positive changes in the current state of the problem. How lower eyelid blepharoplasty occurs is described in detail in this article.

In addition, a complex of useful elements allows you to make the thin epidermis denser, more elastic and lighter. An additional advantage of this drug is the ability to improve internal processes of metabolism and blood circulation.

Video of non-surgical injection blepharoplasty dermaheal eyebag solution:

Course duration to achieve effect

Therapy using Dermahil drugs is divided into intensive and maintenance. The intensive course includes 6-10 sessions. The cosmetologist calculates the number of procedures and the frequency of them on an individual basis. The initial condition of the skin, the presence and degree of age-related changes, physiological characteristics, and the presence of contraindications are taken into account.

After the intensive course, a maintenance program is prescribed with 1-2 mesotherapy sessions with Dermahil per month. In the absence of indications, mesotherapy is not recommended for young women under 25 years of age. The cost of peptide drugs depends on the product line and area of ​​application. The price of one session in the capital’s clinics is from 5000-7000 rubles.

Dermahil is a representative of modern cosmeceutical products with a unique nanopeptide formula. Mesotherapy with the drug helps get rid of bags under the eyes, dark circles, and age-related changes without surgery.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Indications and contraindications

Biorevitalizers from the Dermaheal line can be used for various problems: they save from age-related changes, excessive dry skin, inflammation, baldness, extra centimeters, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Indications for the use of the Dermahil HSR cocktail are as follows:

  • static and expression wrinkles;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • deterioration of complexion;
  • tendency to acne and acne;
  • dry skin;
  • scars and scars, both fresh and old.

The drug can also be used for increased oily skin, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. In addition to correcting problem areas of the face, the cocktail is also used on the body: it helps smooth out stretch marks and deep folds, giving the skin elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Like any injection product, Dermahil mesotherapy cocktails also have contraindications. You should refrain from using them if you experience one of the following conditions:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. Malignant neoplasms;
  4. Inflammatory processes, colds;
  5. Taking blood thinners and alcohol.

It is also worth refusing biorevitalization at the beginning of the menstrual cycle: during menstruation, the risk of getting bruises after the procedure is much higher.

Where and for how much can I buy

It is recommended to purchase in specialized stores. It is difficult to distinguish a counterfeit from an original by appearance; before purchasing, you should check the certificates, batch number, and expiration dates.

Patients are not recommended to purchase cocktails on their own to reduce the cost of the procedure. If the rules of transportation and storage are violated, it is difficult to predict the results of cosmetic procedures. The price of dark circle and ice bag is 1950 rubles, HSR is 600 rubles. If there are contraindications, it is better to use hardware methods Eye Bad Gel, Dermaheal Dark Circle Gel, cost 1600 rubles.

Causes of dark circles

The structure of the area around the eyes is characterized by the close location of blood vessels and soft tissues to the skin.

The color that we see in the lower eyelid area is the “lumen” of blood vessels and tissues through our skin. In most cases, the color of the skin itself has absolutely nothing to do with it!

If in youth, with a healthy, unslag-free body, there is a small layer of fat between the skin and tissues in the eye area, then over the years it becomes thinner and modified, thereby provoking visual changes in the area under the eyes.

Look how many blood vessels there are around the eyes and what kind of “glow” they give:

The skin itself also loses its density and elasticity over the years, and sometimes acquires dark pigmentation.

Pathological changes

With an unhealthy lifestyle or the manifestation of any diseases, lymphatic drainage and microcirculation of fluid in the body are disrupted. Diseases of the liver and kidneys are accompanied by an increased content of toxins in the body, which in turn provokes the appearance of dark areas with a yellow tint. A low level of oxygen transport in the circulatory system provokes the appearance of “bruises” of purple and blue shades. This is a very general diagnostic assessment, but in general, the color of the area under the eyes can signal a particular disease.

If any disease has haunted you since childhood, then circles around the eyes can be observed from the same age.

Age reasons.

With age, subcutaneous fat shifts, its amount decreases, and the skin becomes thinner. If previously the blood vessels and tissues of the periorbital region were “hidden” by thick skin and subcutaneous fat, then with age the vessels with tissues begin to “see through” and give a blue or dark color.

Rarely, the pigmentation of the epidermis under the eyes can change with age, then the causes of problematic formations in the periorbital zone can be several factors, including the skin color itself.

Anatomical reasons

Deep-set eyes visually obscure the periorbital area, so with this structure it often appears that there are bruises and dark semicircles under the eyes.

Often, with an unhealthy lifestyle, these processes are accompanied by the accumulation of biological fluids in the suborbital zone, which is already fraught with the formation of bags in the infraorbital zone.

Almost always about the relief of the infraorbital region, again arising due to age-related changes.

The success of eliminating this deficiency depends on the correct diagnosis of the causes of dark circles.

The reasons for the rapid fading of the skin of the eyelids are the following:

  • Fewer layers of the epidermis;
  • Low density of subcutaneous fat;
  • Absence of granular layer of epithelium;
  • Small number of sebaceous glands;
  • Proximity of the capillary network to the surface of the epidermis;
  • Weakness of fibrillar protein fibers - collagen and elastin.

All these factors, combined with illness or an unhealthy lifestyle, predispose to rapid sagging of the skin around the eyes.

Preventing dark areas under the eyes is simple:

  1. Timely seeking medical help;
  2. Healthy sleep;
  3. Proper nutrition;
  4. Elimination of bad habits;
  5. Competent care.

However, if dark circles have already appeared, intervention by a competent cosmetologist will likely be required.

We will help you find out the exact cause of dark circles under the eyes and offer you the best methods for correcting the external defect.

We guarantee you safety, as well as high efficiency of the procedures performed within the walls of our clinic.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, doctors share their experience of using a line of South Korean drugs.

The cosmetologist writes that he works with Dermahil Aibek. The cocktail is good at removing lower eyelid hernias and dealing with paint bags. For clients with swelling, Lymphomyosot is prescribed.

A user asks his colleagues for advice on which drug to use to remove fine eyelid wrinkles. He writes about the absence of results from Dermahil HSR, only worsening after 4 procedures.

A user writes about a technique for working out the periorbital area.

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