Cocoa butter - properties and use in cosmetology

Everyone knows that the main ingredient in chocolate, which gives it a unique aroma and taste, is cocoa butter. But few people know that this substance is also actively used in cosmetology and medicine. The ancient Mayans knew about the valuable properties of chocolate oil as an elixir of youth, who practiced its use in the fight against wrinkles and to restore the skin. Cocoa butter for the face is still popular today as an effective way to care for the skin and simply as an excellent antidepressant thanks to its unsurpassed aroma.

Excursion into history

Cocoa butter as a cosmetic product has a long history. It has long been known about its healing properties, in particular, preserving the beauty and youth of the skin. Members of the ancient Mayan civilization called the cocoa tree a source of unfading beauty. Various wounds were healed using cocoa bean oil.

It is believed that the birthplace of the chocolate tree is South Africa. For Africans, cocoa butter is a reliable means of protection from the scorching rays of the sun. Its healing, moisturizing and protective qualities have been noticed many centuries ago. Since then, cocoa butter has not lost popularity. Over time, the distribution area of ​​chocolate trees has expanded and now they also grow in America.

Beneficial features

The aromatic product made from cocoa beans has a pronounced antioxidant, moisturizing effect, nourishes, softens the skin and increases its protective properties. The product contains a complex of fatty acids:

  • linoleic acid - a natural moisturizer, relieves dryness and flaking;
  • lauric - prevents moisture loss in epidermal cells;
  • stearic – protects the skin from attacks of harmful bacteria and infections, reduces the inflammatory process;
  • oleic - stabilizes lipid balance, prevents the appearance of acne and acne;
  • palmitic – evens out skin color, lightens age spots;
  • arachina - acts as a transporter of nutritional components deep into the integument, providing a quick effect from the use of cocoa extract.

In addition to fatty acids, natural cocoa butter is rich in vitamins K and E. Vitamin K promotes rapid healing of microwounds and cracks, blocking the inflammatory process. The high content of beauty vitamin E determines the high antioxidant properties of the chocolate product, has a rejuvenating effect, and preserves the beauty and elasticity of tissues.

Phytosterols are another assistant in matters of tissue rejuvenation and regeneration. We must not forget about other important macro- and microelements (magnesium, zinc, potassium, chromium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron). Together, they improve metabolic processes in skin cells, strengthen and increase their functionality.

Cocoa butter can be safely used in its pure form or as an additive to ready-made products, other natural oils and extracts.

Attention! The aromatic product made from cocoa beans, even in its pure form, does not irritate the skin, acts gently and effectively, and is suitable for all types of epidermis.

Production Features

Cocoa butter is obtained by processing beans. The process is complex, multi-stage. The hot method is used. As a result of processing, cocoa powder and cocoa butter are obtained. It is a hard, brittle product with an oily texture. It has a pleasant milky-nutty aroma. It acquires a liquid consistency at a temperature of +32-35°C. When heated to 40°C it becomes transparent, in the solid state the color can vary from cream to brown.

When properly produced, the oil retains all the valuable properties of the beans, but unrefined oil is still considered to have more vitamin content, although more purified, refined oil is more actively used in cosmetology.

general characteristics

In ancient times, cocoa was considered a product exclusively for the wealthy. While the aristocracy enjoyed the delicate taste and complained about noticeable notes of bitterness, the working class collected grains, ground them into powder/oil and puzzled over the specifics of preparation. Today everything is much simpler and more accessible. You don’t need to be a capitalist to afford cocoa butter. Each manufacturer will be happy to offer an inexhaustible range of cocoa products, ranging from real 90% chocolate to candles for stomach pain.

Cocoa butter is the fat that is squeezed out of ground chocolate beans. In appearance, the product is no different from the usual butter: the same bar of a yellowish-white hue, the consistency of which depends on the ambient temperature (up to +25°C it retains a solid structure, and at 33-35°C it begins to melt). Two types of oil are produced: natural and deodorized. The deodorized product undergoes additional processing and is used in various industries as an industrial component. The natural product is most often used in cooking as a base for desserts, snacks and main courses.

How to obtain the product

The main source of beans and, accordingly, cocoa butter is the chocolate tree. It is an evergreen tree (genus Theobroma) that is native to South Africa and cultivated in all countries with tropical climates.

Historical fact: the name of the genus Theobroma was given to plants by the Swedish physician and naturalist Carl Linnaeus, but the specific epithet “cocoa” is rooted in the language of the Aztecs. In the Slavic group of languages, in order to reduce the percentage of borrowings, they called the plant a chocolate tree, but the modern language is more flexible and uses the generally accepted form of “cocoa”.

The fruits are picked from the trees, divided in half and packaged in special containers. After a few days, the fermentation process begins in the containers. The pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree contains a high concentration of plant sugar. It begins to decompose into components such as ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The fruit begins to “ferment”, the temperature of the pulp increases to 50°C. In about 10 days, the seeds lose their natural bitterness, change color to darker and acquire a noble chocolate aroma with subtle, fresh plant notes. The beans are dried, packaged in the required containers and delivered to points of sale or for further processing [1].

The beans are passed through special heated filters. In these filters they turn into a thick, dense mass, and the constant high temperature prevents the product from curdling or hardening excessively. After processing, the oil is poured into molds and transported for sale.

Composition of cocoa butter

By its nature, cocoa butter is fat squeezed out of ground cocoa beans. Consequently, it retains the properties of fat: it remains solid up to +25-27°C, and melts at +32-35°C. This is very convenient when caring for the skin, because the oil becomes soft after touching it, making it convenient to apply and absorbed well. Cocoa butter contains a whole range of useful ingredients, in particular fatty acids and antioxidants (a large percentage of the total composition):

  1. Stearic acid (increases the protective and barrier properties of the skin);
  2. Linoleic acid (prevents flaking and dryness);
  3. Palmitic acid (promotes deeper penetration of active substances into the skin);
  4. Oleic acid (stimulates lipid metabolism, promotes moisture retention in the skin);
  5. Lauric acid (maintains optimal moisture levels in the skin);
  6. Vitamin E (smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production).

Benefits for the skin

Cocoa butter has a fairly dense and buttery texture and retains an amazing chocolate aroma.

First of all, its value lies in its truly golden composition, rich in microelements.

  • Due to the high content of fatty acids (stearic, linoleic, etc.), the oil promotes the formation of a water-lipid layer that protects the skin from environmental influences. As a result, the skin adapts more easily to harsh weather conditions: frost, wind and heat.
  • Palmitic acid stimulates the natural processes of production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in skin cells. As a result, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Lauric acid and potassium retain water molecules at the cellular level, preventing dehydration of the epidermis. Vitamin E deeply nourishes cells.

And in contrast to the smoothing effect, the result of moisturizing with cocoa butter is visible almost immediately - flaking and tightness are eliminated, the skin is softened.

  • Vitamins A and B, which are components of cocoa butter, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Vitamin A and stearic acid heal and dry out acne, while vitamin B9 soothes irritated skin. Oleic acid prevents clogged pores.
  • Cocoa bean ingredients such as theophylline and theobromine have a beneficial effect on skin tone and accelerate metabolic processes, improving complexion. They are actively used in anti-aging cosmetics to solve the problems of aging skin.
  • The presence of the same palmitic extract makes cocoa butter indispensable for lightening skin pigmentation.

Natural cocoa butter used in cosmetology is thoroughly purified from impurities and additives. Therefore, the end result is an exceptional, pure product that is effective, easy to use and universally suitable for every skin type.

Use in cosmetology

Cocoa butter has a fairly wide range of uses in cosmetology. Can be used to care for hair, face, hands, body, lips. Using this product during a massage helps normalize sleep and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Cosmetologists actively use cocoa butter for the following purposes:

  • Anti-cellulite effect;
  • Moisturizing, softening, skin regeneration;
  • Protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • Neutralization of redness, swelling, itching and burning;
  • Treatment of burns and wounds.

By the way, on our website there is unique material about the benefits of oil for facial massage.

Product reviews

Natural oils win the hearts of young and adult beauties every year. They captivate with their naturalness, benefits and effectiveness. Cocoa butter is one of the most popular face and body care products.

Users often use cocoa extract to moisturize and nourish the skin. Read about this in the next review.

For lips, eyelids, face, elbows, hair... The next user will tell you about effective beauty recipes and his delight in buying cocoa butter.

The many-sided benefits and pleasure of using Dolphin Coco unrefined cocoa butter are also discussed in the following review.

Cocoa butter Manteca de cacao cocoa butter also won a lot of positive user reviews. Soft and moisturized skin, ease of use and amazing aroma did not leave the next author indifferent.

Natural cocoa bean oil is an ideal assistant in solving skin problems, the use of which will bring a lot of positive emotions. Delicious aroma, instant effect, intense hydration and no harm - the undeniable advantages of the plant extract. Uncover even more recipes and beauty secrets with this product!

Features of using cocoa butter for facial skin

The product is especially effective for age-related changes. Suitable for normal, combination, sensitive and problematic skin, including irritated, inflammatory, dull, pale, etc. Included in face masks designed to eliminate excess oily facial skin. Has a powerful effect. With the help of cocoa butter, you can bring your skin to ideal condition - eliminate inflammation and peeling, and neutralize aesthetic defects.

How it works

Cocoa butter has pronounced anti-aging properties due to its high content of antioxidants and fats, which actively block free radicals, thereby significantly slowing down aging. Vitamins A, E, K and phytosterols, which are also present in sufficient quantities in the oil, actively smooth the skin, making it firm and elastic. The property of the extract to retain moisture inside the cells helps eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin.

When using masks with cocoa butter, you can quickly and effectively improve the condition of oily, inflamed skin. Thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties, the effect of the product extends to the deep layers of the epidermis, stimulates their proper nutrition, and normalizes metabolic processes. As a result, the skin condition noticeably improves.

Interesting: 4 beneficial properties of lavender oil for skin health.


Cocoa butter is recommended for use for:

  • Couperose;
  • Acne;
  • Peeling and dry skin;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Post-acne and scars;
  • Signs of skin aging;
  • The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Increased oily skin;
  • Dull complexion.

It is also recommended to apply cocoa butter before going out into the sun. When applied, a protective film is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents the penetration of harmful UV rays (the same principle of action remains the same when treating wounds or scratches on the face with oil).


The chocolate-flavored product, which is used in cosmetology, has a minimal list of contraindications. These include:

  • increased oily skin;
  • facial implants;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the product.

You should also remember that any substance used in cosmetology can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid the problem, you need to do a sensitivity test - apply cocoa butter to the inner surface of the elbow and wait 10 minutes. If no negative reaction occurs, then the chocolate product is safe.

The best beauty recipes

Cocoa butter can be used both in its pure form and as part of a variety of creams, masks and lotions, which are not difficult to prepare yourself. Using the oil in its pure form is ideal for very dry skin. In this case, it can be used as a daily cream. It is more advisable to apply the oil to cleansed skin at night. To do this, you need to hold the piece in your hands until it becomes soft, then move it over your face, removing the residue with a paper napkin.

  • In winter, such care will provide protection from weathering, and in summer - from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cocoa butter for the face is also suitable for delicate skin around the eyes (actively smoothes out crow's feet) and for cracked, flaky skin on the lips.
  • For a more pronounced effect, cocoa butter can be combined with other ingredients (the cream should be stored in the refrigerator).

Cream recipes for dry, aging skin

  1. Cocoa butter - 25 g, jojoba oil - 5 ml, olive - 5 ml. Melt. Mix. Place the container in cold water and stir constantly until completely cooled. Add 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
  2. Cocoa butter for the face - 25 g, Vaseline - 15 g, lanolin and paraffin - 5 ml each. Mix the ingredients and melt. Then add 45 ml of warm rose water without alcohol and stir. Then, until completely cooled, beat with a mixer.
  3. Melted cocoa butter - 1 tbsp. l., sea buckthorn and rosehip oil - 1 tsp., vitamins A and E - 2 drops each, nourishing or moisturizing cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Cream for oily skin

Mix rapeseed oil, almond oil, cocoa butter, rosemary and lavender essential tinctures in equal parts.

Face masks


Cocoa butter - 1 tbsp. l., glycerin and kefir (fat) - 1 tsp., quail egg yolks - 4 pcs. Apply a couple of times a week to steamed skin. Perfectly eliminates dryness and smoothes out fine wrinkles.


Cocoa butter for the face, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice (required), condensed milk - 1 tsp each. Apply to skin, leave for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with water. Perfectly nourishes skin of any type.


Cocoa butter - 1 tsp, grape seed oil - 2 tsp, parsley sprigs ground to a paste - 4 pcs., rose oil - a few drops. Apply every day for a week to damp skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Reliably protects against harmful environmental influences.


Cocoa butter - 1 tbsp. l. Add the following ingredients step by step in the specified order: lemon juice - 1 tsp, chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. l., honey and yolk - 1 tsp. (parsley can be replaced with banana, and lemon juice with carrots). Apply to face. In 20 minutes. rinse with cleansing gel. Wipe cleansed skin with toner and apply moisturizer. IMPORTANT: the mask has a powerful brightening effect.


Cocoa butter and chamomile - 1 tsp each, grated cucumber pulp - 1 tbsp. l., aloe juice from 1 leaf. Apply the mask before going to bed for half an hour. For any skin type.

For oily skin

Cocoa butter - 40 g, kefir or sour cream - 9 ml, 1 beaten egg white. Apply to face for 10 minutes. The effect is normalization of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores, elimination of oily sheen.

For oily skin with wrinkles

Cocoa butter - 20 ml, white clay - 40 g, oatmeal - 10 g, yogurt - 15 ml. Apply to face for 15 minutes. The effect is increased skin elasticity, elimination of shine, narrowing of pores, noticeable tightening.

For the eye area

Cocoa butter - 5 g, sea buckthorn oil - 10 ml, vitamin E - 4 drops. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes, preferably before bed. The effect is the elimination of crow's feet.

Recipes for lips and eyelids

A substance with a chocolate aroma reduces circles and wrinkles in the eye area. Using it in cosmetology for this purpose is not difficult - you just need to soften the product and lubricate the skin of the problem area with it. There is no need to rinse off the chocolate composition.

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The product is also used in cosmetology to improve eyelash growth. It is melted and combined with castor oil in equal quantities, and then applied to the eyelashes with a brush, being careful not to touch the roots. Chocolate therapy lasts 10 minutes, then the product is removed with a cotton swab.

An oil compress is also used in cosmetology to care for the skin of the eyelids. You will need a piece of gauze soaked in melted cocoa butter. It is applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes, then washed off and treated with ice cubes. A procedure with a chocolate ingredient helps eliminate swelling, wrinkles, and dark circles.

Cocoa butter for body

Cocoa butter significantly accelerates the regenerative processes in skin cells, thus being excellent for the entire body. The presented product has a beneficial effect on different areas of the skin, strengthens capillary walls, stimulates microcirculation, eliminates redness, swelling, itching and burning, and reliably protects against external negative factors.

It is possible to use cocoa butter on the body in the following cases:

  • Stimulation of the resorption of scars and scars, manifestations of cellulite, stretch marks and other irregularities;
  • Sun protection;
  • Prevention of fungal diseases;
  • For burns, frostbite or after sunbathing;
  • Prevention of harmful toxic substances entering the epidermis (when working in hazardous industries);
  • Neutralization of the effects of chlorine on the skin while in the pool;
  • Elimination of itching.

Wraps with cocoa butter are very effective for eliminating skin unevenness. To do this, you need to mix cocoa, olive and sweet almond butters in equal proportions, apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, wrap in plastic wrap and put on warm clothes, such as a tracksuit, on top. Then cover yourself with a blanket. After 40 minutes, remove the film and take a warm shower. For maximum effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 10 times, 2-3 times a week.

Body products based on cocoa butter

Anti-cellulite chocolate scrub

To prepare it, you need 0.5 cups of cocoa powder, ground coffee and sea salt. The basis of the product is cocoa butter, it must be added until a thick and viscous mass is formed. The resulting scrub is applied to the skin with massaging movements for 6–7 minutes, then washed off in the shower. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply anti-cellulite cream to consolidate the effect.

Sunscreen, sunscreen

Pure cocoa butter is used to protect against harmful sun rays and create a beautiful, even tan. Apply before going out into the sun.

Hand and foot cream

For greater effect, cocoa butter is added to ordinary cream. It is advisable to apply the cream to problem areas at night and wear thin gloves and cotton socks on top.

Anti-stretch mark remedy

Cocoa butter is an excellent prevention of stretch marks. Due to its natural origin, it can be used during pregnancy. Wraps (a mixture of cocoa and flax oils in a 1:1 ratio for half an hour once a week) and chocolate baths (10 drops of chocolate oil and 5 drops of citrus per bath, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour) are also useful for the prevention of stretch marks.

Anti-scar treatment

A small piece of cocoa butter is heated and the problem areas are lubricated.

Application in medicine

Due to its unique medicinal properties, cocoa butter has found application in medicine as a complementary treatment for many diseases. The benefits of the product when applied to the skin are so great that it is used as a basis in the production of external preparations for the treatment of dermatological, allergic, vascular and many other pathologies.

Doctors also prescribe cocoa in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, as well as to prevent infection with respiratory infections.

For cough and sore throat

When treating the respiratory tract, the oil is used both internally and externally. The product has not only a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, but also an antitussive effect, and also increases general nonspecific immunity. The most commonly used recipes are:

  • Taking a teaspoon of cocoa butter three times a day, dissolved in a glass of warm milk, will help calm an unproductive cough. This remedy can also be used to treat small children, only a single dose of cocoa should be no larger than a pea;
  • Resolving a teaspoon of the product in the mouth will help reduce pain and inflammation with sore throat;
  • Taking half a teaspoon of a mixture of 10 parts cocoa butter and 1 part propolis will also help speed up recovery from a sore throat. You need to drink this mixture 3 times a day.

Can be used for colds.
Also, for coughs or sore throats, this useful product is used externally. In this case, you need to rub the oil on the chest in front and behind at night and wrap it warmly.

For atherosclerosis

Cocoa butter, when taken orally, also has a beneficial effect on liver function, which leads to normalization of the ratio of low- and high-density lipoproteins in the body. Thus, regularly taking half a teaspoon of a product intended for oral use, twice a day, a quarter of an hour before meals, will protect blood vessels from the deposition of cholesterol on their inner walls and the development of atherosclerosis. Also, consuming cocoa will help dissolve existing “plaques”.

For massage

Cocoa butter can be used effectively for massage. This procedure has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, calms the nervous system, relieves stress and overexcitation, and restores night sleep. The product also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect and improves the appearance of the skin.

Before the session, you need to take a shower and then melt the butter. The substance is not evenly applied to the entire body, but only to the massaged area. Then, when changing the area of ​​influence of the massage therapist’s hands, the next area of ​​skin is lubricated.

The massage is performed using a drainage technique, in which areas of the limbs located closer to the body are first worked out, and then more distant ones. All movements are performed in the direction of the inguinal and axillary lymph nodes. On the anterior abdominal wall, the hand should move clockwise.

To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils to cocoa:

  • when massaged to eliminate scars and stretch marks, rosemary, mint, and lavender have a good effect;
  • Esters of citrus and coniferous plants will help cope with cellulite;
  • Patchouli and chamomile will help with flabby, aging skin.

It is pleasant and useful to use for massage.
The techniques include stroking and rubbing. In case of stretch marks or small scars, shading is also performed. If you have varicose veins, the affected areas should not be massaged!

Cocoa butter for the beauty of eyebrows, eyelashes and lips

Cocoa butter is applied in its pure form to eyebrows and eyelashes several times a day. After several procedures, eyelashes and eyebrows become thicker and more beautiful. For lip care, cocoa butter is used in a balm, which is easy to prepare at home. For example:

  1. 1.5 tbsp. l. melted cocoa butter, 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn and almond oils, 1 capsule of liquid vitamin E. Stir all ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, put in the refrigerator. Apply to lips as needed, especially before going outside;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Melt beeswax and cocoa butter until fluid, 2 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil (maybe another oil). Leave until hardened and use as a lip balm.

General recommendations for use

The effectiveness of any cosmetic product largely depends on the technique and frequency of use. Expert advice will help you achieve maximum results:

  1. Apply the prepared mask, balm, cream or pure melted cocoa butter only to cleansed skin. Firstly, the nutritional components will penetrate deeper into the skin faster, and secondly, there will be no clogging of the pores.
  2. Choose a recipe for a mask, balm, or cream with natural ingredients taking into account the type of epidermis.
  3. Before using the prepared composition, perform a rapid allergy test. Despite its many-sided benefits and versatility, even cocoa butter can provoke an allergic reaction and irritation of the skin.
  4. Strictly follow the recipe and frequency of use of cosmetic products so as not to provoke the appearance of other skin problems.
  5. All ingredients, including cocoa butter, must be of high quality. Expired products will not bring any benefit and can even significantly deteriorate your health.
  6. Fragrant cocoa butter can be applied to the area around the eyes and lips without fear.
  7. The presence of abrasions and scratches on the skin is not a contraindication; on the contrary, cocoa extract will contribute to their rapid healing.
  8. Before using the extract, it must be melted in a water or steam bath.
  9. There is no need to immediately make a large amount of a natural face mask; over time, its beneficial properties noticeably fade away.
  10. A natural product without additives is quickly absorbed, so you can apply it 15-20 minutes before bed or before going outside.
  11. Cocoa butter can replace any cream; just apply a little product to the skin of the face, lips, body, and hands.

By the way, cocoa butter extract is an excellent protector from scorching sun rays. Spread a little product on your skin when going to the beach to avoid burns.

Cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter actively restores hair structure, eliminates dandruff, stimulates growth, restores shine and a healthy appearance. Cocoa butter has a particularly beneficial effect on dry, brittle hair.

For hair care, the product is used both in pure form and as part of masks. The effect on the scalp and hair lasts about an hour, then the hair should be washed with warm water.

You can prepare a variety of hair masks with cocoa butter:

  • Strengthening. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter and burdock oil, 1 yolk, 20 ml kefir. All ingredients are combined until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply along the entire length of the hair. After application, you need to cover your hair with plastic and wrap it with a warm scarf. After 1.5 hours, wash off.
  • With rosemary infusion. Mix cocoa butter and rosemary infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of rosemary into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain before use) in a 1:1 ratio. Apply for 1 hour to unwashed hair. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • With rum (to stimulate hair growth). The mask requires rum and cocoa butter. The ingredients are mixed 1:1. The mask is applied to the hair for 50 minutes.

Such chocolate treatments are beneficial for all types of streaks. If your hair is prone to oiliness, experts recommend using cocoa powder instead of butter. A greater effect is observed when combined with various herbal infusions and vitamins.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Plant extract from cocoa beans has many beneficial qualities that will help maintain youth and health of the skin of the face and body, fill cells with nutritional components, smooth out wrinkles and prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition to the rich composition and effective multilateral action, it is worth noting the following advantages of the product:

  • versatility - the oil is indicated for children and adults, for all skin types;
  • has a minimum of contraindications;
  • can be used in its pure form without the risk of burns;
  • easily combined with other oils and ingredients;
  • not dangerous by overdose;
  • purchasing the product will not cause any difficulties;
  • a pleasant aroma that brings true pleasure and delight from the procedure;
  • affordable price.

The only drawback of the product is the risk of buying a counterfeit product. If used incorrectly or if contraindications are ignored, pores may become clogged and allergies may develop.

How to take cocoa butter internally

Ingesting cocoa butter used in cosmetology is prohibited; there is a special edible oil for this. This product is used for confectionery purposes, in particular in the production of white chocolate. For medicinal purposes, edible cocoa butter is recommended for people with weather sensitivity and low blood pressure. Constant use of this product stimulates the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system, and reduces the possibility of cancer and heart attack. When using cocoa butter, it is important to remember its calorie content.

Cocoa butter has been proven effective in treating colds and coughs (use a pea-sized amount every 4 hours). To treat cough, you can prepare a drink from cocoa butter (0.5 tsp), warm milk (1 glass) and natural honey (1-2 tsp).

How is it used in cooking?

In cooking, cocoa butter is used to make chocolate. To do this, it is mixed with sugar and cocoa. Handmade candies are made using the same principle. They add nuts, raisins, biscuit crumbs, sesame seeds, coconut flakes, and puffed rice.

The oil is used to prepare confectionery velor. This is a coating for cakes and pastries. Outwardly similar to the fabric it is named after. Velor is made from a mixture of dark or white chocolate and cocoa butter. With this coating you get delicious, aromatic, gourmet desserts for coffee. Grated butter is added to porridge, replacing butter.

In cooking, cocoa butter is used to make chocolate.

Precautionary measures

As a rule, cocoa butter does not cause any side effects, but there can always be exceptions, so before use (it does not matter, internally or externally), it is worth doing a cocoa bean tolerance test. To do this, you need to apply a few drops of oil to your wrist and evaluate the condition of the skin after a few hours. If there are no changes, you can safely use it.

Important! The oil must be completely natural. Don't buy a cheap product. It should not be used after the expiration date.


  • Not recommended for people with oily skin;
  • Prohibited for individual intolerance, diabetes, sleep disorders and obesity.

What can be replaced?

Natural cocoa butter is used in chocolate making recipes. In terms of cost, such a product turns out to be expensive. Therefore, in mass production, substitute fats can be used: CBE and CBS. They are not obtained from cocoa beans, but from palm, coconut or nut oil. But these substitutes worsen the properties of chocolate, namely:

· Gives a white coating.

· Make the tiles too soft.

· Lead to rapid rancidity.

· Develop foreign impurities to the aroma.

How not to make a mistake when choosing cocoa butter

You should choose cocoa butter only in trusted stores that sell natural cosmetics or in pharmacies. In such places, the likelihood that a buyer will purchase a low-quality product is extremely low.

  • Before purchasing, you need to carefully study what ingredients cocoa butter is made from. The product must contain cocoa beans, chemicals and other impurities.
  • When choosing cocoa butter, it is important to pay attention to the structure and color. High-quality oil has a milky yellow tint. The smell of the product should give off chocolate notes (the aroma is quite persistent).
  • After purchasing, you can try melting some butter. A fake, most often, begins to melt at a lower temperature - 20 degrees Celsius. Natural cocoa butter melts at 32 degrees Celsius.

Cocoa butter storage conditions

Cocoa butter should be kept in a cool place, protected from light. In hot weather, the oil can be stored in the refrigerator.

How to select and store

In order not to purchase a fake or low-quality product, it is advisable to make the purchase in a retail chain. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • package. It must indicate the date of release and the duration of storage of the product in sealed form;
  • smell. Real unrefined cocoa butter has a distinct chocolate aroma;
  • color. The refined product has a slightly yellowish tint, and high-quality unrefined oil has a pronounced yellow or yellow-brown color;
  • texture. Good raw materials have a solid and dense homogeneous structure;
  • melting temperature. Cocoa begins to soften at body temperature. Therefore, before use, the oil must be melted with a hair dryer, in the microwave, or by kneading it in your hand. You can also use a water bath. If melting begins under cooler conditions, then the product is not of high quality.

At home, the product should be stored in a cool place, and the temperature should not be lower than +15°C and not higher than +18°C. To avoid rapid rancidity and destruction of the components of the substance, packaging with raw materials must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight and high humidity.

Store within a range of only 3 degrees

The shelf life in a closed container is from two to five years from the date of release. Once the package is opened, the oil is shelf life for two months.

The best manufacturers

Regardless of who buys the product, it is very important to pay attention to which manufacturer it was made by. In the case of cocoa butter, the product is produced by Dominican, Brazilian and other companies in exotic countries.

Palmer's Soothing Oil

Thanks to its formula, Palmer oil has moisturizing properties, it soothes and softens the skin, eliminates dryness and itching of the skin. Vitamin E, elastin and collagen, which are present in the product, contribute to strengthening and healing the skin.

Where can I buy

Cocoa butter for body – Cococare

Natural cocoa butter that nourishes, softens and conditions the skin. This oil is most often used as a massage oil. In addition, it is used after applying moisturizer. Promotes muscle tone.

Where can I buy

Moisturizing Oil from Now Foods

The company produces 100% pure coconut oil. This product is considered food grade. Coconut oil does not cause irritation or unpleasant effects, and therefore is suitable for sensitive skin types. This oil is often used for sunburn, and also as a remedy for dry, cracked skin, and used for scars and stretch marks.

Where can I buy

Non-greasy oil from Aura Cacia

The product is certified organic. Contains nutrients and emollients. Protects, softens and nourishes the skin.

Where can I buy

Queen Helene Fast Absorbing Oil

A versatile oil containing natural cocoa butter and vitamin E. Can be used daily as a moisturizer and relaxer.

Where can I buy

Pure oil from Sky Organics

The ingredients used to create the oil are from Sky Organics, grown on organic artisanal farms in Ecuador, and the product does not contain GMOs.

Where can I buy

Where to buy, what is the price

The benefits of cocoa butter during procedures can only be obtained if you purchase high-quality material. Therefore, you should not take the first oil you find on the market, whose sellers cannot offer a quality certificate. Safe and natural oil can be bought in pharmacies, stores that offer healthy food products, and at special exhibitions.

You can also purchase the product from beauty salons or specialized outlets with certified products that offer skin and hair care products. You can choose a product in an online store, but be sure to pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate. The website must indicate the address to which you can return the product if it turns out to be of poor quality or make a claim.

If the oil will be stored at home after purchase, you must maintain the correct temperature for it - no more than +18°C. Air humidity is within 75%. If the conditions are met, the container with oil is tightly covered, it can be stored for 36 months. Average cost 100 g. cocoa butter – 350 rubles.

Where is it sold?

You can buy cocoa butter at any eco-store. At the same time, for cooking and oral medicinal use, you need to take edible oil, and for skincare procedures, cosmetic oil.

For home cosmetics

The best cocoa butter is sold in certified natural cosmetics stores. You can choose a 100% natural product in such trusted online stores in Russia as:

· Spivak

· 4fresh




Here you will find environmentally friendly, natural cocoa butter from domestic and foreign brands. All cosmetics are certified and have passed the necessary quality control.

For confectionery

Natural edible oil for culinary purposes is sold in such eco-confectionery shops as:

· Royal Forest.

· Chocolate maker.

· La Torta. ru

The assortment includes different types of cocoa butter for making cakes, desserts, pastries, and sweets. There are products for making and tempering chocolate.

Active ingredients

The oil extract is saturated with fatty acids:

  • Lauric acid – maintains water balance in the skin, reduces dryness and promotes rejuvenation, as do the phytosterols included in the composition.
  • The action of linoleic acid, which has nutritional properties, has a beneficial effect on the condition of flaky and dehydrated skin.
  • Oleic – stabilizes sebum production and blocks the development of inflammation and clogging of pores. Stearic acid, which has antibacterial properties, also contributes to this.
  • Palmitic – has lightening properties, so it copes with pigmentation and improves complexion, stimulating the saturation of the skin with oxygen.
  • Arachine – promotes the absorption of nutrients.

It also contains vitamins:

  • E – prevents the formation of wrinkles, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the skin;
  • B – nourishes the skin;
  • K – whitens and removes inflammation, promotes healing.

This is a non-allergenic and non-toxic product that does not oxidize and serves as a natural preservative when included in cosmetic products. The chemical composition of cocoa butter determines its properties and use on the face.

In what cases is it indicated?

Cosmetic cocoa butter for the face will be useful in the following cases:

  • For dry skin prone to flaking. In this case, it will help eliminate the constant feeling of tightness and provide the epidermis with natural hydration.
  • In the presence of cosmetic defects: post-acne, scars, scars, spider veins, stitches after surgery. Helps to cope with them even if other means are powerless.
  • For aging, sagging skin. Helps eliminate wrinkles, smooth the skin, and tighten the contour of the face.
  • For pimples, blackheads and other rashes. If you use it regularly, they will gradually disappear.
  • For burns and herpes. These problems are easier to eliminate if you make applications and compresses with its addition.
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