How to use hair oil and avoid serious mistakes

To ensure that your hairstyle always looks impressive and neat, hair of any length needs regular nutrition and hydration. Have you noticed that the strands have become dry and lifeless, and the ends have become brittle and split? It's time to pay attention to “superfoods” for hair: saturated oils enriched with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will help cope with dryness and restore healthy shine and well-groomed appearance to your hair.

There are a huge number of hair oils on the market: “KrasotkaPro” will tell you how to choose the best and most effective! We have compiled a rating of oils that nourish, moisturize and stimulate hair growth, have a safe composition and will help get rid of many aesthetic problems. The TOP 10 is based on personal sales statistics, customer reviews and Yandex data: let's see which oils are included in this list?

The criteria by which we evaluate the products of each brand:

  • Safe composition.
    The oil should not contain sulfates, fragrances, or synthetic components that provoke allergies.
  • Pleasant aroma.
    Too strong a smell often spoils the impression of a product.
  • Volume.
    The more good oil in the bottle, the better - owners of long hair will especially appreciate this!
  • Versatility.
    It’s good if the oil can be used on both dry and wet curls, on the ends and on the scalp.
  • No traces.
    The use of the product should improve the appearance of the hairstyle and not leave a greasy or sticky residue on the hair.

Modern cosmetics have a balanced composition and a powerful concentration of vitamins, so they can quickly solve the problems of brittleness, hair splitting, itching and redness in the scalp. Our rating is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 2 points for a safe composition;
  • 1 point for a pleasant aroma;
  • 1 point for volume up to 50 ml, 2 points - up to 100 ml, 3 points - over 100 ml;
  • 2 points for versatility;
  • 1 point for no greasy marks.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 300 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 300 to 600 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 600 to 900 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 900 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

Final ranking table for hair oils

OilQuality pointsPoints for valuePoints for popularityTotal points
Constant Delight, Olio Ricostruzione oil62210
Moroccanoil, Treatment Original oil91212
Kapous, Arganoil oil91313
Pantene Pro-V, Intensive Recovery Oil7,53313,5
Estel, OTIUM Diamond oil83314
Elseve, oil “Extraordinary 6 oils of rare flowers”8,53314,5
MATRIX, Oil Wonders Egyptian hibiscus oil93315
Kerastase, Elixir Ultime Versatile Beautifying Oil10,51415,5
Ollin, Tres Oil103316
Londa Professional, Velvet Oil9,53416,5

Properly selected oil will prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth, thicken the structure and increase shine. To revive damaged strands and make the fabric silky and soft along its entire length, you don’t have to waste time going to expensive beauty salons: high-quality hair oil will become your main assistant! We have compiled a rating of the best oils, which includes time-tested and customer-tested products - we hope that you can choose the right product from this list.

It's a young business

Hair loss at a young age is quite common. And here we share the problem between girls and boys. In the former, this is often associated with poor nutrition and a lack of various substances, resulting in the development of iron deficiency anemia, lack of protein, and microelements. Also, their hair loss may be associated with the period of formation of hormonal levels, when it is not yet stable or for some reason has not been established.

In young people aged 18-20 years, hair loss can be the beginning of androgenetic alopecia: hair loss occurs due to high levels of male hormones, which are maximal at this age.

Of course, both young people and girls may have other reasons that do not depend on age, related, for example, to stress or past infectious diseases.

Olive oil

Contains omega fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, squalene, tocopherols, terpene alcohols, polyphenols.

Olive oil helps strengthen curls, restore their structure, add shine, and increase the thickness of hair. The best is considered to be the unrefined, first cold-pressed product; it retains a maximum of healing components. Olive extract is suitable for all hair types, but it should be used with care for oily curls.

Mask for moisturizing and strengthening oily strands

Lemon juice (30 ml) + olive oil (50 ml).

Heat the oil product in a water bath, add citrus juice. Rub into the roots and distribute throughout the hair, leave for 1-1.5 hours. Course: 12 procedures (1 r./week - for hair loss), 8 masks (1 time every 10-12 days - for prevention, strengthening and general health).

Masks with olive

Precautionary measures

  1. Do not buy cheap products from dubious places; they may be generously added to other oils - soybean, mineral. Choose a quality product from trusted manufacturers, preferably in a pharmacy.
  2. Before use, do a sensitivity test, because allergies can occur to anything.
  3. Do not frequently apply oils with a high comedogenic index to the scalp, preferably no more than 2 times a month.
  4. During the period of active hair loss, you cannot treat your hair with oils!
  5. After oil masks, do not use a hot hair dryer, iron or curling iron.

Review of home care products

Serum against hair loss, Nioxin — RUB 3,420.

Contains sandalore™ (a synthetic sandalwood scent), caffeine, lauric acid and niacinamide. The aroma of sandalwood can be perceived by the olfactory receptors present in the hair follicles and stimulate and prolong their growth phase. As a result, the period preceding hair loss is prolonged and hair loss is reduced.

Scalp serum, BNV Biolab - price on request

A cosmetic product with a high profile of effectiveness and safety. Does not contain hormones, antibiotics, steroids. It contains a multipeptide complex HMPF complex - it activates hair follicle cells, nourishes them and normalizes blood circulation, and honeysuckle extract improves hair texture and protects against drying out.

Shampoo from the Extreme Length range, Redken - from 1,500 rubles.

Enriched with biotin (B vitamin), which promotes hair restoration, growth, and prevents breakage and split ends. After use, the hair becomes stronger and better tolerates thermal and chemical influences (hair dryer, styler, curling iron, dyeing, bleaching). Suitable for owners of weak and brittle hair who would like to strengthen and grow it.

Ampoules against hair loss ScalpSync PRO-Aminexil, Biolage - from 1500 rub.

The tonic with a light melting texture is instantly absorbed into the scalp and adds root volume. This is a professional treatment containing the Pro-Aminexil molecule, which strengthens the hair roots and prolongs the life cycle of the hair. The product restores the balance of the scalp, maintains the density of thinning hair and gives it a healthy appearance.

Serum to stimulate hair growth, Marble Lab — RUB 1,490.

The product promises to stop hair loss in three months and make it invulnerable to stress and the harmful effects of other external factors. The composition includes molecules that stimulate the division of stem cells and the metabolism of skin fibroblasts. The composition is supplemented with zinc, which strengthens the hair shaft, and glycine, an amino acid that reduces hair loss.

Cleansing gel for scalp and hair Scalp Care, Irforia – 1200 rub.

A product with a peeling function deeply cleanses the scalp of fat, dead skin particles, dust, styling products, and hard water deposits. As a result, oxygen is supplied to the hair roots, blood microcirculation improves, stimulating the growth of new hair. The composition contains black willow extract, which nourishes the hair roots, and hyaluronic acid, which prevents the scalp from drying out.

Kerator-regulating shampoo DS Hair, Uriage — 998 rub.

Eliminates dandruff, flaking, crusts, reduces irritation and itching. Zinc lactate, which is part of the formula, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and salicylic acid has a keratoregulating effect. Hair becomes stronger, shiny and easy to comb.

Shampoo against hair loss and oil “Castor oil and almonds” Botanic Therapy, Garnier - from 170 and 300 rubles.

The line is intended for weak hair prone to hair loss. Castor oil is known for its strengthening properties and promotes hair growth. Almond oil nourishes and restores hair, making it more elastic, shiny and strong. Light leave-in oil complements care, adds shine to hair and has an antistatic effect.

Shampoo-activator of hair growth "Seven pharmaceutical oils" Prokapil, Dr.Stern - 217 rub.

The product contains natural oils, including apricot kernel oil, sweet almond and jojoba oil, as well as a complex to activate hair growth - Procapil® (a combination of fortified matrikin, apegenin and oleic acid). Oils nourish and strengthen hair, and the complex stimulates hair growth and fights hair loss.


At the first consultation, the trichologist collects a thorough medical history. He must question the patient in detail, including about lifestyle and concomitant diseases, and he, in turn, must answer him fully and reliably. On this basis, the specialist makes a conclusion whether blood tests, ultrasound, or consultations with other specialists are needed. The consultation also includes a mandatory trichoscopy: the doctor examines the scalp using a trichoscope - a device that makes it possible to assess hair density, thickness, condition of the scalp and sebaceous glands. Having received all the necessary information, he builds a therapy program.

Combined type

Such hair looks oily at the roots, but has very dry ends, becomes electrified, and lacks natural shine.

Undoubtedly, external factors can trigger problems. But the cause of fat content can also be:

  • metabolic disorders, hormonal levels or disease;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • heredity;
  • overwork, stress.

If you notice that your strands have an oily sheen the very next day after washing, and the ends are damaged and difficult to comb, contact a trichologist at the HFE clinic, who will correctly determine the causes and give advice on treatment.

Combating combined problems involves a whole range of actions.

  • Wash your hair as it gets dirty, apply shampoo only once.
  • Provide the roots with sufficient cleansing, nutrition and hydration.
    Use products for oily hair. Using decoctions with the addition of aloe, lemon, and apple cider vinegar, you will keep the roots fresh for several days.
  • To “revive” your ends, apply cosmetic oils and restorative products.
  • Lead the right lifestyle.
    A daily routine and walks in the fresh air will improve your mood, reduce the level of stress hormones, and help strengthen your hair, skin, and nails.

Sea buckthorn oil

Contains amino acids that can treat chemical and mechanical damage to hair and give it shine; Omega 3.6 fatty acids, which give strands elasticity and firmness and fight dandruff; carotenoids and phytosterols, which affect metabolic processes, provoke the growth of new hairs.

An oil product made from sea buckthorn fruits is suitable for curls prone to dryness, as well as normal and oily hair types.

Volume mask

Dimexide (1 teaspoon) + yolk + sea buckthorn extract (1 tablespoon) + boiled water (50 ml).

Mix all the ingredients, apply to the roots with a brush, then coat the entire length to the ends. Leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo. Course: 1 rub./week. for a month. If necessary, after another month, repeat the course.

Volume and Strengthening

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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