What are the dangers of condylomas that appear on the chest and nipples?

Papilloma - is HPV often manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes. Many people do not even realize that this viral disease can be quite serious. The penetration of the papilloma virus into the human body leads to the appearance of neoplasms (papules) from pale pink to dark brown in color on the body - these are benign tumors, very similar in appearance to warts. Their further development will depend on how ready the human body is for resistance. Indeed, in some situations, they begin to rapidly spread on the skin and are sure to make themselves felt, while in others they will remain invisible for a long time.

Papillomas and pregnancy

If papillomas were found on the body of a pregnant girl, or the period of her infection occurred during this period, then there is a high risk that the fetus may also be infected with them intrauterinely. During pregnancy itself, papillomas are not necessarily transmitted to the baby; they may not infect him at all or may be transmitted during childbirth. Also, new mothers should not forget that they can infect their baby with HPV through blood, clothing and breast milk. Moreover, the removal of papillomas in this case is individual.

Reasons for development

The exact causes of the pathology have not yet been identified; there are several theories about this:

  • The theory of cell degeneration. According to Eirak, the nipple of the breast is formed during the spontaneous degeneration of cells. Various factors can trigger this process.
  • Epidemotropic theory. According to this version, the disease is of a secondary nature and develops from another type of breast cancer.

There are also several risk groups:

  • Age over 50 years.
  • Genetic mutations.
  • Damage, cracks and injuries to the nipples.
  • History of cancer.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Bad habits.

Paget's cancer most often occurs in women, but the pathology can also occur in men.

The danger of intraductal papillomas. Papilloma on the nipple, can it be removed?

Intraductal papilloma begins to appear near the nipple. In order to remove papilloma that has arisen directly on the nipple, it is best and most effective to use electrocoagulation with local anesthesia. A person must constantly monitor his or her health. If you notice the first signs, be sure to consult a doctor. It is much easier to protect the patient in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, you should know that the first signs of nipple papilloma are the appearance of clear or bloody discharge from the nipple. You should pay attention to the fact that in some cases, streaming papilloma may be the first news that cancer will soon begin to develop in the body. That is why this disease should be treated very carefully. Gorbakov’s clinic has created all the conditions for a quick response to this disease. Here, removal of papillomas is carried out quickly and painlessly, with consultation of an oncologist.

Warning symptoms

What is meant by “suspicion”? You should definitely run to the doctor for an examination if papilloma is on the nipple:

  • Started to increase in size.
  • It started to get dark.
  • It began to cause unpleasant, even painful sensations.
  • Provoked the release of fluid from the nipple.
  • Began to bleed (usually after injuries).
  • Started to itch, itch, or tingle.

Any symptom that has not been previously observed in the presence of papillomas on the nipple is a reason to consult a doctor, since the development of cancer must not be missed and the tumor must be detected at an early stage, then there is a high probability of a complete and rapid recovery.


Papilloma on the bladder

This type of papilloma, like ductal papilloma, is a precancerous condition. In this regard, as soon as the specialists of the Gorbakov Clinic discover a papilloma of the bladder, it will be immediately removed, using all innovative technologies and modern drugs. Most often, we use transurethral electroresection for this purpose.

Today, on pharmacy shelves you can find a large number of medications that help fight HPV. One such drug that is truly effective in treating this disease is Isoprinosine. But no matter how wonderful the drug is, it is still almost impossible to do without surgical intervention. When the specialists of our clinic prescribe Isoprinosine to their patients, they always monitor their health and notice the slightest changes. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only under the close attention of a doctor. But you should pay attention to the fact that the main task of Isoprinose is to increase the functioning of the immune system, its resistance to viral infections, but not to fight the papillomas themselves. Therefore, papillomas are removed using laser, radio waves, or other effective methods.

It should be noted that the human papillomavirus has the ability to spread throughout the body and cause various diseases not only of the skin, but also of the mucous membranes. Today there are just over 100 viruses of this type. At the same time, what diseases the papilloma virus will cause depends on what type of virus is currently in the human body. For example: 1 pit of viral papilloma - leads to the development of plantar warts, 2 and 4 - ordinary warts familiar to many, 3 and 10 - leads to the appearance of flat warts, as for 11 and 6, they contribute to the development of genital warts. But at the same time, removing papillomas is a difficult matter, but so necessary for many.

Genital condyloma is a flesh-colored neoplasm. They most often form on the genitals and around the anus. But sometimes they can spread in the oral cavity.

Many people do not know how one can become infected with the human papillomavirus, but everything in this matter is quite simple and open. Infection occurs through contact with contaminated skin or mucous membranes. Sometimes transmission of the virus can also occur through household means. The thing is that a long period of time may pass from the moment of infection. Since the virus can remain dormant for a long time and not make itself felt at all. Moreover, the virus is located in the skin itself. When it is in this state, it is almost impossible to detect it in the laboratory, as well as to infect other people.

There are two groups of human papilloma viruses that affect both the skin and mucous membranes.

So, there are “high-risk” human papillomaviruses that often lead to cervical dysplasia, and therefore can lead to cervical cancer. If a “low type” virus is detected in a person, it means that it will not cause anything other than genital warts.

But the thing is that the papilloma virus turns into genital warts only in 2% of cases. Only for those people whose immune systems are very weakened. Therefore, relapses of the disease and other problems associated with this can often occur.

Most often, genital warts are localized in places that can be injured during sexual intercourse. It should be noted that the period of manifestation of the disease is so ambiguous that sometimes it begins to manifest itself within a few weeks after infection, and sometimes waits for several years.

After the papilloma virus begins to manifest itself, small warts that are either pink or flesh-colored form on the genitals. If the immune system is weak, then they begin to increase in size, forming capsules.

As for men, the formation of papillomas occurs on the head of the penis.

In women, they infect the vagina, labia, clitoris, cervix and even the hymen. In this case, removal of condylomas becomes somewhat inconvenient and causes some discomfort.

In addition, we should not forget that papilloma can appear around the anus. It should be noted that the occurrence of this disease in this particular place most often has nothing to do with sexual contact through the anus. It’s just that genital warts lead to damage to large areas of the skin, so if damage to the external genital organs has begun, then there is a high probability that the anal skin around the anus will soon become infected.

Fibroadenoma of the breast

Simple fibroadenoma

It is a well-defined, mobile tumor nodule not associated with the skin. The formation has a round shape, elastic or densely elastic consistency. Most often localized in the upper-outer quadrants. The node is most often single, but there can be multiple and bilateral formations. The size of fibroadenomas usually does not exceed 3 cm. Most often, fibroadenomas are detected in women of reproductive age (16 - 40 years).

The incidence of cancer detection in fibroadenomas is 0.1%; lobular non-infiltrating cancer is usually detected.

Treatment: Sectoral resection with urgent histological examination


In order to recognize the condyloma virus or papilloma, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a highly qualified doctor. Treatment of diseases on the body can be carried out by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, on the male genital organs by a urologist, on female genitals by a gynecologist, and near the anus by a proctologist.

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, the doctor conducts a full examination of the patient at the first appointment. This is necessary in order to distinguish genital warts from other diseases similar to it in appearance.

Specialists at our clinic examine all patients with genital warts for the presence of HIV diseases and syphilis. If necessary, examination is also carried out for the presence of other diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse. In this case, genital warts are removed using the most convenient and accessible method.

Features of occurrence during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is especially susceptible to various diseases. This is due to weakened immune defenses. This process is normal during pregnancy and is necessary for a full gestation period. If the body does not weaken its defenses, the immune system may perceive the fetus as a foreign organism that needs to be gotten rid of.

Against the background of reduced protective activity, infectious diseases are often activated in the body of the expectant mother. In addition to natural processes, the appearance of warts during pregnancy is influenced by a lack of vitamins, an increase in body weight, and friction of the skin against tight clothing.

We recommend reading:

  1. Causes of condylomas in intimate places
  2. How to treat Fordyce granules
  3. What is the danger of flat condylomas

The main problem in this case is that a pregnant woman is contraindicated to take drugs to fight the virus. Treatment is carried out by strengthening the immune system by adjusting nutrition.

A pregnant woman is advised to eat well. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and microelements. It is important to avoid stressful situations, get proper rest and lead a moderately active life.

After the birth of the child, condylomas disappear on their own. But this happens extremely rarely. You should not rely on a “happy coincidence” and ignore breast growths.


To date, experts have still not been able to find a drug that would be able to completely rid a person of papillomas. Therefore, medications and therapy aimed at treating genital warts contribute to the relief of symptoms rather than a complete cure. That is, they are not able to completely rid the human body of viruses, or prevent their further appearance, and there is no guarantee that no one will be infected in the future. After all, the main goal is to relieve symptoms, prevent the occurrence of more serious cancers and make a person’s life normal. No treatment guarantees complete recovery, so there is a high probability that relapses may occur in the future.

How does the virus become infected?

The virus can enter the human body when:

  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules - sharing body care items with an infected person.
  • Swimming in public pools and reservoirs of questionable cleanliness, as well as staying in public baths, saunas and showers.
  • Unprotected sex (especially with frequent changes of partners).
  • Hugs, kisses and other physical contact with an infected person, that is, any exchange of biological fluids (saliva, blood, sweat, etc.).
  • Using various household items - this route of transmission is not very common, but you should not keep silent about it.

The virus easily enters the human body, but if the immune system works well, then the disease will not develop in the person and the virus will die. But if immunity is at a weak level, then the virus will circulate in the blood (this can continue for decades) and become active under favorable conditions.

Preventive measures

To protect yourself from the appearance of viral growths in the chest area, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid casual sex. HPV is most often transmitted through sexual contact.
  • Take care of your own body hygiene. Use only personal belongings and equipment.
  • It is important to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. Proper nutritious nutrition, water procedures, moderate physical activity, alternating with rest, will help strengthen the body’s defenses and improve the overall health of a person.

Condylomas on the areola, nipples or under the breasts require immediate diagnostic examination followed by treatment.
There is no need to ignore the disease. This can lead to a number of undesirable consequences that will negatively affect the patient’s quality of life. The article has been verified by the editors

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