How to use grape oil for the skin around the eyes: proven tips

Grapeseed oil is included in many cosmetic products. What benefits does a treatment that includes grape oil provide around the eyes? What are the nuances of its use?

The skin around the eyes is affected by external factors and age-related changes. She requires special care.

How to choose a quality product?

If the oil has a grape aroma, then it is most likely fake. This product has a light nutty aroma.

There are several nuances to choosing a quality product:

  • It is best to choose cold-pressed oil.
  • It is better to give preference to oil in a dark glass bottle. If there is sediment at the bottom, this does not indicate poor quality of the product.
  • You should carefully study the oil label. It must be produced in Argentina, Spain, Italy or France.
  • It is best to purchase oil in a small bottle. This is due to the fact that after opening there is contact with air, which significantly reduces the shelf life of the oil.


To prepare a compress, you should use grape seed oil and several additional components as a basis . In the fight against wrinkles, you can use cosmetic oils of peach, almond, jojoba and avocado.

Additionally, depending on your skin type, it is useful to add a few drops of essential oil:

  • essential oils of bergamot, orange, tangerine or grapefruit are recommended for moisturizing and rejuvenating
  • to improve elasticity - essential oils of sandalwood, geranium, lemon or rosemary.

It is recommended to apply the compress directly to wrinkles. It can be used on the entire surface of the face, especially if it is necessary to increase skin elasticity and reduce age-related changes.

Preparation and use


  1. Mix grape and almond oils in equal proportions.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture to a temperature of +40°C.
  3. To achieve a tonic effect, you can add 5-6 drops of sandalwood oil to the mixture.
  4. Moisten a cotton napkin or gauze folded in several layers with slits for the eyes in the product.


  1. Place on face for 20–25 minutes.
  2. Remove excess with a paper towel.

Application nuances

Most people mistakenly believe that oil is absolutely not suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes. This is due, according to them, to the fact that this product causes swelling of the eyelids in the morning. This effect occurs due to improper use of oil to care for this area.

There are several simple nuances, without which you can harm your skin.

Masks against age-related changes

In order for the mask to have the desired effect, you need to follow some recommendations, namely:

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. The composition should be applied from bottom to top (from neck to forehead). You can massage during application.
  3. You should keep the composition on your face for a strictly allotted time. If a burning sensation or other unpleasant symptoms appear, the mask should be washed off.
  4. The product should be washed off with warm or cool water without soap. After removing the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.


To make an application or compress, soak a cotton pad in oil. You need to lie with him in front of your eyes for 10 minutes.

Applications are best done on steamed facial skin. Open pores facilitate the penetration of beneficial components of the oil.

Gentle lotion

The oil can also be used as a makeup remover lotion. It gently cleanses the skin of the eyelids from paint and dirt.

To do this, wipe your face with a mixture of 3 tsp. grape and 1 tsp. apricot oil.

Replacing the cream

The oil can be used as a cream. To do this, the product is applied to the facial skin in a thin layer.

There should not be too much oil, otherwise it may get into your eyes. As a result, there may be redness of the mucous membrane.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Grapeseed oil can be added to finished cosmetics. In this case, take one portion of cream or other product and mix it with two drops of base. The product should be stirred before use.

If, after applying the product, red spots or other manifestations of allergies appear on the skin, the product should be washed off.

The skin around the eyes is affected by external factors and age-related changes. She requires special care.

Avocado oil mask

Avocado oil in combination with a grape seed base tones even dry eyelid skin.


  • 1 tbsp. l. bases;
  • 1 tbsp. l. avocado;
  • 3 drops rose or citrus oil.

The product is applied for 20 minutes.

The duration of therapy is 10 days. After this you need to take a two-week break. This product should be stored in a glass bottle in a dark room.

Green pea mask

This mask is ideal for those over 40. It slows down the aging process.


  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh green peas;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. yogurt.

All components must be blended in a blender. The mixture is applied for 30 minutes. After washing your face, do not wipe your face; the moisture should dry on its own.


The oil product contains a large number of useful components that can restore youth to aging skin:

  1. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that helps restore epidermal cells, accelerate regeneration and rejuvenate the skin.
  2. Plant polyphenols protect tissues from damage as a result of oxidation processes and the action of free radicals, help moisturize and restore skin elasticity.
  3. Saturated and unsaturated acids improve tissue nutrition and protect against negative environmental influences:
  4. a high concentration of linoleic acid stimulates cell regeneration, restores elasticity and moisturizes the skin;
  5. oleic acid binds water, preventing it from evaporating;
  6. strong molecular bonds of linoleic and palmitic acids restore smoothness to the skin and promote intensive collagen production.
  7. Minerals ensure normal metabolic processes.
  8. Vitamins A, C, group B are involved in redox reactions occurring in tissues.
  9. Enzymes and chlorophyll have regenerating and tonic properties.
  10. Phytoalexin resveratrol slows down the aging process of cells.
  11. Proanthocyanidin is a phospholipid complex with powerful antioxidant activity that enhances the synthesis of collagen in the skin and blood vessels. Restores the elasticity of capillaries supplying blood to facial tissues. As a result, skin elasticity and turgor increase, and the severity of wrinkles decreases.
  12. Flavonoids protect the epidermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. Strengthens capillaries, having a beneficial effect on aging facial skin.

Precautionary measures

Grapeseed oil is a harmless product. A negative reaction can only be caused by incorrect or excessive use.

  • Before using grape oil, it must first be tested for allergy. To do this, apply the oil to your wrist. If no redness appears after 20 minutes, the product can be used.
  • Remaining oil from the face can be removed using a dry cotton pad. After 30–40 minutes you can wash your face.
  • Cosmetic procedures should be performed no more than twice a day.

Indications and contraindications

The product is suitable for all skin types.

Indications for use:

  • moisturizing the epidermis;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Contraindications for using the product for cosmetic purposes:

  • individual intolerance;
  • with caution - in the presence of skin diseases and injuries.

Before the first use, it is recommended to do a test for individual tolerance: 2-3 drops of oil should be rubbed on the bend of the elbow or wrist. If there are no unpleasant reactions, one hour after application, you can safely proceed to the procedures.


  • Alexandra, 24 years old. Small wrinkles have recently appeared in the corners of my eyes. I was very upset then and went on the Internet to look for effective anti-wrinkle medications in this delicate area. I found a lot of rave reviews about grape seed oil. I decided to try it. I rubbed in the oil 2 times a week in its pure form. I was pleased with the result.
  • Evgenia, 55 years old. I trust my skin only to professionals from the beauty salon. Of all the procedures performed, I like it best when a mask of grape oil and clay is applied to the skin. After it, the skin becomes smooth and incredibly soft.

The smallest, but the most useful

Grapes are one of the oldest crops. Fruits, leaves and seeds have been used in cooking, winemaking and cosmetology for thousands of years. But it is the smallest element of the vine - the grape seed - that contains the largest amount of useful substances.

We recommend reading: “Grape oil (composition, properties, how to prepare).”

Among them:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acid.

100 grams of grape seeds contain the daily intake of vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as lutein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, natural chlorophyll, procyanide, resveratrol.

Properties and benefits for the skin

This is a low-viscosity liquid, light, flowing, light yellow in color with a slight tint of green, and does not smell of anything. In folk medicine, the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of grape seed oil are valued; it is also used to prevent the development of tumors, to strengthen vascular walls, cleanse the kidneys, lower cholesterol and increase the body's defenses.

In skin recipes, this oil is best combined with geranium, wheat germ, fennel, orange and tangerine, jojoba and sweet almond oils.

In cosmetology, this product is respected for the following properties:

  • cleansing the skin, removing toxins from it;
  • equally useful for oily, dry and combination skin;
  • fights wrinkles and sagging;
  • heals and refreshes complexion;
  • due to its light consistency, it is well absorbed into the skin, thereby ensuring the delivery of a maximum of beneficial compounds deep into the tissues;
  • effective as a component of anti-cellulite products;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • destroys bacteria, therefore suitable for the treatment and care of problem skin;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • useful for eliminating dermatitis, streptoderma, acne.


With banana and yogurt


  • grape seed oil – 11 drops;
  • small green banana;
  • unsweetened yogurt – 7 gr.


  1. Peel the banana.
  2. Bring to puree.
  3. Add butter and natural yogurt.
  4. To stir thoroughly.


  1. Steam the skin with a herbal compress.
  2. Using a cosmetic spatula, distribute the mass in the directions of lymph movement.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the residue.

From a mixture of oils


  • grape seed oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • jojoba oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • rose or lemon oil – 2 drops.

Preparation : mix oils.


  1. Warm the mixture to body temperature.
  2. Apply to skin.
  3. Cover your face with a film that has slits for the nose, eyes and mouth.
  4. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the film.
  6. Rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water.

With cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon;
  • grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • almond oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Avocado oil – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix cosmetic oils and heat slightly.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with oils.


  1. Spread the mixture over the skin.
  2. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
  4. Rinse your face with warm water.

With avocado and bran


  • grape seed oil – 14 drops;
  • avocado fruit;
  • bran – 7 gr.;
  • retinol – 8 drops.


  1. Separate the avocado pulp from the skin and pit.
  2. Turn the pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add liquid vitamin, bran and grape oil.
  4. Mix.


  1. Steam the epidermis over a nettle decoction.
  2. Using a cosmetic spatula, spread the resulting mass in a dense continuous layer on the surface of the face.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove residual mixture with a paper towel.

With banana and yolk


  • banana;
  • grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • yolk of one egg.


  1. Peel the banana and mash until smooth.
  2. Grind the yolk with cosmetic oil.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with banana puree.
  4. To stir thoroughly.


  1. Distribute the composition over the skin.
  2. Keep for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove residues with warm water.

Review of reviews on the cosmetic use of grape oil

Reviews of grape seed oil for the face are mostly positive. A variety of masks are often made from it. Many claim that this product is simply ideal for skin prone to flaking.

Those with oily epidermis are advised to use this product, which helps get rid of unpleasant greasy shine. Among other things, there are reviews about the benefits of grape oil for the face against wrinkles, which are noticeably smoothed out.

Grape oil for skin rejuvenation

Grapeseed oil is a completely natural product. As part of many anti-aging facial care products, it is useful for getting rid of fine expression lines and deep age wrinkles. Compared to analogues, this substance has several advantages:

  • complete composition for nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • light texture - the oil is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin;
  • low risk of developing allergies.

Wrinkles occur when the blood supply and nutrition of certain areas of the skin are disrupted. Most often they appear in those areas that gather into small folds when the facial muscles move. Over time, the situation worsens because wrinkles compress blood vessels and skin folds deepen.

Properties and indications for treatment

Grape oil is often called the elixir of youth. It can maintain skin firmness and elasticity and fight early signs of aging. This is because it has the following properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antimicrobial.

Grape extract contains a high concentration of vitamins and minerals . Therefore, it is often used to treat various problems such as:

  • edema;
  • arthritis;
  • wrinkles;
  • acne;
  • dark spots;
  • dry or itchy skin;
  • chapped lips;
  • bruises;
  • wounds;
  • varicose veins;
  • stretch marks;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • premature aging;
  • obesity;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • dandruff;
  • stress;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • warts;
  • hair loss;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • cataract;
  • visual impairment.

A large number of microelements contained in the oil have a positive effect on the body as a whole. To boost immunity, it is recommended to drink a tablespoon in the morning .

Ingredient storage conditions

Any product, regardless of its origin and characteristics, must be stored according to its sell-by date. Oil is not included in the daily diet in liters, so it will be consumed quite slowly. Make sure that the stated expiration date is enough to allow you to use the product to the end. It is best to buy the freshest possible ingredients that simply do not have time to spoil (in addition to being safe for health, this is also helpful to your wallet).

If you buy an already packaged product (most often this is a standard plastic bottle), then there is no need to change the container. The main thing is to close the lid tightly after use. If you neglect this point, the product will become bitter and completely inedible after just a few days.

If you really want to change the container, then choose thick glass bottles. Because there is no point in pouring from one plastic container to another. Plastic used on an industrial scale will not harm the product inside or your body in any way, so don't worry about it.

Store the container in a dark place to protect the oil as much as possible from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is highly undesirable to send golden liquid to the refrigerator. This will not extend the shelf life, but will add problems. The liquid will quickly harden, freeze and thicken. White flakes form at the bottom, which arise during the oxidation of fat. This does not mean that the product is unfit for consumption, it is simply confirmation of improper storage of this particular product. Leave the oil to warm at room temperature and add again to your favorite dishes.

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