Professional facial treatment with manual massage

An open look, a clear oval face and radiant skin are not always the merits of good heredity and experienced surgeons. At least, this is what Monica Bellucci, Demi Moore and many other celebrities regularly say. Cosmetologists completely agree: facial massage, whose history goes back more than five thousand years, has recently become again at the peak of popularity. Inna Plakhtienko, a 1st category nurse at the Clinical Center for Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology, spoke about the benefits of the procedure, contraindications and subtleties.

What is a facial lifting massage?

Lifting massage is a special technique that is aimed at working the skin, subcutaneous tissue and facial muscles. It is done to remove excess fat deposits, start the cell renewal mechanism, relieve muscle spasms and smooth out wrinkles and creases. This procedure allows you to slow down and even reverse skin aging, maintaining a youthful and fresh appearance.

This procedure is necessary for everyone: both men and women. We age the same, regardless of gender. Young people have a clear oval, the “angles of youth” are still sharp. But with age, the face floats. After 35 years, a floating oval becomes noticeable. And this means only one thing - it’s time to take care of yourself and pay a little more time and attention to your appearance.

Types of massage

There are many options for massage effects. The choice is made taking into account the initial violations and the expected result:

  1. Classical. It is carried out to improve muscle and skin tone and improve color shade. This type of massage maintains a healthy face, but does not solve cosmetic problems.
  2. Lymphatic drainage. The main goal is to remove fluid from the intercellular space.
  3. Sculptural. Aimed at eliminating signs of skin aging and correcting facial contours.

Types of lifting massage

  • Metabolic
    is aimed at combating metabolic disorders at the cellular level. The disorder occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the intervening tissues. These tissues are very difficult to influence during a regular massage. And the metabolic one is aimed at deep study. During the procedure, a deep local kneading technique is used, which stimulates microcirculation processes, thereby improving cell nutrition and oxygen supply. This type slows down the aging process, improves lymph flow, removes toxins and relaxes muscles.
  • Spanish
    . This type is quite popular. With the right technique, you can achieve a gorgeous lifting effect, tighten the facial muscles, improve the functioning of skin cells, as well as increase its elasticity and restore a youthful appearance. The procedure itself consists of more than a hundred movements that are performed by all parts of the arms, including the elbows. This is the difficulty, since it is quite difficult to perform this procedure on your own.
  • Italian
    . This simple massage technique is aimed at activating lymphatic drainage and stimulating the muscular framework of the face, neck and décolleté. It is performed like this: in order to create pressure and simplify the process of removing toxins, the head is lowered and the procedure begins. This technique is especially recommended for people who are concerned about bags under the eyes and sagging skin.

Prices for facial massage

MODELING facial massage1900rubClassical Russian school of massage, aimed at toning muscles and strengthening the skin.
LYMPHODRAINAGE facial massage1900rubRelieving swelling, cleansing the lymphatic system, quick lifting
TIBETAN facial massage2400rubMassage with acupuncture elements
SCULPTURE facial massage2900rubFrench technique with deep muscle work. Recommended for eliminating jowls, double chin, and lifting cheeks.
MYOFACIAL facial massage4900rubWork with muscles, starting from the thoracic spine and ending with the scalp. Powerful lifting effect.
CHIROPLASTIC facial massage2600rubRemoves excess fluid and strengthens aging skin.
BUCCAL massage7500rubPowerful lifting effect, strengthening skin, smoothing wrinkles
OXYGEN facial massage3600rubLymphatic drainage, lifting, oxygenating, moisturizing the skin

Features of facial lifting massage

The peculiarity of this technique is that it allows you to achieve faster and more noticeable results, unlike other rejuvenation methods. During the procedure, you can work on every millimeter of skin on your face. And the result can be noticed immediately after the first session. Of course, if you follow the correct technique.

Lifting massage is a worthy replacement for plastic surgery. Surgical interventions carry great risks, and after some time they can lead to irreversible consequences. For example, if a nerve is accidentally injured during surgery, the person will experience partial paralysis of the facial nerve. Subcutaneous hematomas may also occur after surgery. And to get rid of them, it is necessary to use special drugs that stop the blood. We can talk a lot about the consequences of operations, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. Massage wins here because it is non-traumatic work with the face.

Come to the “Flourish” marathon to learn about the most effective exercises and self-massage techniques that will help remove swelling, wrinkles and generally tighten your face.

Plastic facial massage technique

All modeling movements must be directed strictly along the massage lines. For deep treatment of the skin, oil-based products are not used. Before manipulation, the skin is treated with special talc, which ensures reliable adhesion of the fingers to the surface of the dermis.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist lightly presses the soft tissues, but does not displace or stretch them. All movements must be rhythmic and deep. The manipulations performed during plastic massage are as follows:

  • pressing and pressing along longitudinal lines;
  • pressure with and without vibrations;
  • movements made perpendicular to wrinkles;
  • transverse surface pressure.

During the procedure, the patient should not experience pain or discomfort. The plastic massage technique includes the following techniques:

  • Deep kneading. It is performed using the palm and palmar surface of the fingers. A more intense and deep kneading of soft tissues is carried out along the massage lines.
  • Stroking. The fingers move in the direction of the massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the lower part of the bridge of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the ears, from the middle of the chin to the earlobes and from the earlobe down to the cheekbones. At the end of each line, the cosmetologist fixes the tissue.
  • Superficial kneading. Manipulations are performed in a spiral manner. When kneading superficially, the first and second phalanges of the fingers are involved. There are 8 circles for each line. They end with tissue fixation. For each direction, 3 approaches are performed.
  • Vibrations. Performed using the palmar surface of the fingers. The cosmetologist, moving along the massage lines, presses his hands to the skin, preventing it from moving or stretching.

To achieve maximum effect and eliminate the risk of complications, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and a specialist who will perform the massage. It is important to entrust the procedure to an experienced cosmetologist or massage therapist who has a license confirming his qualifications. Strict rules and a responsible approach are explained by the profound effect on facial muscles, lymphatic vessels, and nerve endings. Therefore, the technique must be carried out according to a clear scheme in compliance with all rules and stages. The International Hemostasis Clinic employs professional specialists with medical education. Patients who contact us can evaluate the effect after the first session.

How to prepare the skin for a lifting massage

And although many people say that facial massage can be performed at any time, even when you just have a free minute, this is not true. The procedure must be approached consciously and thoroughly prepared.

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin. To do this, take special products like washing gel or milk. Afterwards, wipe your face with toner.
  2. Some people prefer to make a hot herbal compress or simply steam their face before the procedure. This improves blood circulation, and the massage has a better effect on the skin and muscles.
  3. Never massage on dry skin, otherwise it will stretch. Before the procedure, apply cream or squalane. This is sugar cane oil, which through massage will even more effectively nourish the skin with the necessary elements. See how to apply it more effectively
    • If you prefer creams, then choose one that will definitely provide a good gliding effect.
    • For dry skin, take a nourishing cream to restore the lipid barrier. If it contains natural oils and extracts, it will be absolutely wonderful.

  4. But for oily skin, a cream without oils and fats is needed.
  5. Aging skin requires special attention, so it is recommended to choose creams with amino acids, proteins, retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids.

How to do a manual facial lifting massage at home

The procedure must be performed with the pads of your fingers. There is no need to press hard on the skin or squeeze it. Watch simple videos with effective exercises that will help you get a tightening effect:

  1. Do-it-yourself lifting effect
    Warm your palms and apply them to your temples. Stay like this for a while so that the whiskey also has time to warm up. Then massage this area with circular movements, smoothly moving towards the back of the head.
  2. Exercise on the neck to quickly nourish the face
    In order for the face to receive enough nutrients, you need to relieve spasm from the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Turn your head and tilt it forward slightly, feel and massage with your fingers the largest protruding muscle in your neck. First on one side, then on the other. Walk your fingers up and down.
  3. Another effective exercise:
    Let your hair down and place your palms on your chewing muscles and temples. Wait until your palms and muscles are warm enough. Then smoothly move your hands to the top of your head, as if you want to tie your hair into a ponytail. A slight muscle tension should be felt. Repeat this procedure two or three times.
  4. Exercise to relieve swelling and raise eyebrows
    Place your right hand on your left eyebrow. The second hand is under the eyebrow. There should be a crease between your fingers. We massage it with upward circular movements.
  5. Exercise to lengthen muscles and relieve spasms
    Place your palms firmly against your temples. Hold for a while to let your muscles warm up. Then tilt your head down, holding it with your hands. And slowly, with circular movements of your hands, move towards your hair.

How is a hardware lifting massage performed by a cosmetologist?

In salons, cosmetologists also offer different types of such massage:

  • Vibro-vacuum or LPG facial massage.
    It is performed with special nozzles. One of them is for working on the area around the eyes and forehead, the other is for the lower and middle part of the face. The nozzle sucks the skin, and several rotating balls knead it. Due to too active exposure, hematomas and bruises may occur.
  • RF lifting.
    During this procedure, the cosmetologist warms the skin with a special device. This process damages collagen and elastin fibers. This is done so that the body itself starts the recovery process. But this is all ideal. You can often see reviews that this device has no effect. And some time after the procedure, the skin sags more than if it happened during natural aging.

Which effect is better at a cosmetologist or at home?

In fact, there is not much difference in who will do the manual massage. You can find a professional cosmetologist and get the desired result, or you can make a mistake and throw money away. The main thing is that he doesn’t make things worse.

But why spend money on a cosmetologist if you can safely perform self-massage at home? In the “Flourish” marathon or intensive courses, all the exercises are given that will lead you to the desired result. It is only important to observe the regularity of the sessions and the execution technique.

Facial massage by a cosmetologist - reviews

Christina (cosmetologist), Russia, Moscow

modeling massage works well, and for me and for my clients there is always a result. but Japanese lifting and real modeling are different things, and the price is usually different) modeling - the massage itself lasts at least 40 minutes, but in the meantime wash, rinse, etc. - this is at least an hour.


every other day for a month, in the direction of lymph flow, with the right creams, and then lie down and enjoy the money and time saved,

You also need to make the right masks from natural ingredients, read Bolotov


Dermalogica special cleansing gel - Special gel cleanser.

This product does not contain soap, it contains lavender extract and mint.

Product volume 250 ml, plastic bottle, slightly rough, does not slip out of wet hands. The product is squeezed out easily, the lid opens by pressing. The packaging is sealed, you can take it on trips.

The gel itself is liquid, transparent in color, at first I squeezed out a lot per wash, but as they say, it’s a matter of technique and now very little product is used.

It foams well and has a faint, what I think is a floral, fragrance. In my opinion, it is a very delicate care, a truly gentle product. I use it morning and evening, but first remove makeup with oil, then with milk (using water and hands), and then only with gel.

The cleansing is good, it doesn’t tighten the skin (although this is probably individual), it’s very economical, but the product is not cheap.

I've been using it for about a month, every day.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - Daily Microfoliant.

I already really liked this product, I’ll explain why. Since I have very sensitive skin with rosacea and signs of inflammation, especially on the cheek areas. Therefore, I was looking for a very delicate cleansing. Of course, I use scrubs, visit a cosmetologist, etc., but I definitely needed this product.

The volume of the product is 75 grams, a screw-on cap and what a miracle it is!

The product resembles powder and is odorless. I pour a little onto my palm, add a little water, foam it and apply it to my face (after the gel). I massage it very carefully for a few seconds and rinse with water.

The cleansing is very delicate, I did not notice any consequences in terms of increased signs of rosacea. I use it every other day or two. There are no new blackheads on the nose

Overall, I’m very pleased with the product, considering that with my “problems” it’s difficult to find a gentle product.

I really hope that these products will help me bring my skin to better condition.

Oksana Valerieva

Well... let's get started))))) I know Katya and have been doing massage for 2 years, and for all 2 years I asked her about chiromassage. My joy knew no bounds when I found out that our Katerina is now a certified specialist.

Last week, during the classics, Katyusha showed me several movements to understand what it was, I really liked it, and today I finally got to Katya for an hour-long chiromassage.

To say that I am delighted is to say nothing! An hour of unreal relaxation, incredibly pleasant sensations.

And most importantly, I came with a terribly swollen and green face after 3 sleepless nights, I left smooth and taut))))) I even liked myself, despite my hair being ruined by oil.

In general, Katyushka is smart, I wouldn’t trade her for anyone. Thank you

Elena, about the Vesyoly Bob beauty studio in Otradnoye

Hello! Yesterday I had a plastic massage with cosmetologist Anita. Very pleased! The specialist advised on the subject of cupidosis, will develop a personal line of facial care, an hour and a half flew by in an instant. They also shaped the eyebrows. I recommend this studio and this cosmetologist to everyone!

Frosya Burlakova

Lymphatic drainage is best. And not just a course, but constantly. at least 3 times a week

Tatiana Voloshchuk

I think that a cycle of 10-15 procedures 2 times a week, with systematic repetition to maintain the effect, will be quite enough. The main thing is to back all this up with correctly selected cosmetics for your skin type and carefully work on facial areas during massage procedures. The effect will immediately not only appear, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, giving it a healthy, toned and rested look!

Anna, 38 years old

I have been practicing the Japanese facial massage technique for wrinkles for several months now, and I liked the reviews on it the most. After 1-2 weeks of training, it is noticeable that the second chin retracts a little, the cheekbones themselves become more defined, and the cheeks disappear. The skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out under the eyes, nasolabial folds are reduced. There are no negative feelings!



The oval of the face is tightened, facial wrinkles disappear, and a pleasant feeling of beauty and well-groomed facial skin is felt.



If we bring up the topic of massages, the most expensive, but necessary, is the classic facial massage. At the same time, it is done differently in different salons, but the effect is always the same - an invigorating feeling of comfort and a feeling of well-groomed face. The most effective is course massages for 10-12 days. The skin looks smooth, the oval of the face is tightened, and facial wrinkles that betray age disappear. Last year, I remember having massage treatments at the sanatorium of the Ekaterinburg tram depot. A separate, specially equipped office resembled a psychologist’s room. I lay down on the couch and the massage therapist began to cast magic with her magic fingers, while a relaxation melody sounded. I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort during the massage procedures, just an uplifting mood from the fact that someone was touching my face so kindly and affectionately. One procedure lasts from 15-20 minutes. It is very good to do cleansing or moisturizing masks after a massage. The last time I paid for a complex with vitamin masks that froze on my face. The cost is always different. One procedure can cost from 250 to 500 rubles. When I did it with masks, it cost 650 rubles at a time. A little expensive of course, but worth it. By the way, as for wrinkles, massage should be done at least once every three months, and if possible more often. But with our modern lifestyle without proper rest, fatigue on the face will appear within a few days of any course massage. I don’t always manage to find time for myself, but when I find it, I don’t regret the money spent.



result, price of the procedure



I visited the salon (Health Factory) for a manual facial massage - 36 movements, the massage is based on the principle of 36 massaging movements that stimulate all the facial muscles, a very pleasant and effective procedure, I also went to another type of facial massage - the Kobido technique - this massage, on the contrary, relaxes all facial muscles, facial skin after the procedure becomes smooth and elastic, muscles are strengthened and tightened, and a general deep relaxation of the whole body occurs. The procedure is great, I recommend it to everyone.



Saving money and time, + health beauty



I still don’t know why spend money on various Botoxes!? Dear ladies, your health is in your hands in the literal sense of the word! I had only been training for a month when I began to notice positive changes on my face. Longitudinal wrinkles on my forehead have always bothered me, ever since middle school! If only I could wear bangs to hide it))) I started doing massages, relaxing the facial muscles, particularly the forehead, so my wrinkles began to melt before my eyes, my eyes opened, my cheekbones tightened! In short, now I can’t go a day without it! I definitely recommend it



relaxes and tightens well


did not find!

I am a massage therapist myself; I recommend manual classic facial massage specifically for women over 30 years old, because skin aging occurs more slowly due to this massage. So girls, go for it!!!!



Effective, pleasant, inexpensive


One massage is not enough to look your best

I have very lively facial expressions, so wrinkles appear even at less than 30.:( I save myself with good cosmetics and regular massage courses. It’s good that my friend has her own salon, where they always give me a discount - it’s nice and good for my wallet. After the first session, you can notice how the skin tightens. After the course - it’s absolutely fantastic - your face seems to glow from the inside. And this is visible not only to you, but to everyone around you. The whole procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. First, a facial massage is performed, then a light massage of the arms and collar area. This is a great way to relax and forget about all your problems for a while. It never hurt, just a mild effect on the facial muscles.



Fresh face


Not if you do it right

I did a classic facial massage in a course of 8 procedures (once a week). The effect is great. The face is fresh and rested. It relieves swelling well. The massage is performed for 40 minutes, consistently affecting the skin with varying degrees of intensity. Massage lines on the face are very important; you need to follow them exclusively, otherwise you can make things even worse. A powerful lymphatic drainage effect gives the effect of lifting the facial contour. I felt the effect after the first procedure. As the cosmetologist explained: it is better to do a facial massage with an active facial massage cream, and not with oil, since it (oil) clogs the pores. After completing the course, supporting the face with self-massage (using elements of classic facial massage).

Before/after results

Sign up for the “Flourish” marathon, follow all the exercises and recommendations, and in a month you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. In a good way. The marathon provides the best self-massage techniques with which you can get rid of swelling, tighten your face, smooth out wrinkles and more. And in addition to exercises, it also gives advice on nutrition and cleansing the body. You will learn how nutrition affects your skin condition and appearance. Read more about the marathon below.

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