Face massage
Fillers: contraindications, side effects and precautions
Contour plastic surgery is a rejuvenating technique that does not involve surgical intervention. During the procedure in deep
What does the skin look like after laser removal of age spots - the normal rehabilitation period and possible complications
Pigmentation after laser pigmentation removal is a fairly common problem. Typically, laser therapy performs
How to remove swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization?
Modern cosmetic procedures can correct many appearance defects. But at the same time, such interventions are sometimes
how to care for your face after mesotherapy
What is mesotherapy: advantages and disadvantages of using the procedure
Facial skin care after mesotherapy It is important to understand that mesotherapy, although it is cosmetic
Marutaka Multi Lift (ML) photo
What types of facial massagers are there and how to use them
Benefits of facial massage using a massager Types of facial massagers How to use correctly
Hydrogen peroxide in cosmetology
Pigmentation: Effective Home Methods to Lighten Skin
Many women have to face the problem of age spots on their face. The appearance of pigmentation is associated with
What are the pros and cons of cleaning?
Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist with before and after photos and reviews from cosmetology visitors
Photos before and after facial cleansing by a cosmetologist filled the virtual space. Many people consider the procedure
Sculptural facial massage
How to do French sculptural facial massage: video techniques and secrets of magical effectiveness
All nutrients enter the skin through the blood. The task of the muscles is to maintain tone
Facial peeling. Tips and reviews on how to prepare your skin for spring
Chemical peels have long become a popular method of combating various skin imperfections: acne and post-acne,
Italian cosmetics - what products to bring from Italy
Despite the fact that the modern market, saturated with all kinds of goods, sets a very high quality bar,
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