Cleansing strips for the nose - what are they for and what are they?

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Do you have blackheads all over your nose, forehead and chin? I'm talking about those pesky blackheads that are a total nuisance for only one reason - you squeeze them and the next day you have an army of blackheads. You want to get rid of acne as quickly as possible if you don’t know how to do it. You need nose strips for blackheads. To help you get flawless skin, I have compiled a list of the 10 best nasal cleansing strips for blackheads available in the market right now.

  • Why do you need nasal cleansing strips?
  • How to use nasal cleansing strips
  • How to Use Nasal Cleansing Strips on Other Parts of the Face
  • 10 Best Nasal Cleansing Strips

What are nasal cleansing strips used for?

Simple products that look like a regular band-aid can get rid of impurities in the pores, narrow them and make the skin smooth. The basis of the strip is paper, non-woven material, viscose, etc.

It is recommended to use strips to clean the skin of the nose if there are such nuances:

  • problematic skin (namely in the nose area: blackheads, oily sheen);
  • frequent use of thick decorative cosmetics that settle in the pores (highlighter, foundation, powder);
  • micro inflammation in the pores of the nose;
  • prevention of problems of enlarged pores and inflammation.

Depending on the existing shortcomings of the skin of the nose, you can choose exactly the product that will best solve the problem. The purpose of such a patch is described on the packaging. Typically, three types of strips are offered: to eliminate blackheads, targeted pore cleansing, and remove dirt and grease.

The principle of use for nasal cleaning strips is almost the same. But exact instructions for use can only be found on the manufacturer’s packaging.

Place where the nose strip is attached

Operating principle

Any nose strips for blackheads (Garnier, Propeller and others) consist of two sides: one smooth, the other sticky. The adhesive is covered with a thin strip of glossy paper, due to this it retains its properties for a long time. Various chemical and natural substances are applied to it, which provide its “exciting” qualities.

During gluing, the strips cling to various irregularities on the skin due to the adhesive layer. If you look closely, you can see that the dark spots are nothing more than dirty pores, where the top of the accumulations of fat and dust has darkened. Due to the depth of the hole, it is rarely possible to completely clean it mechanically the first time. But the strips are more gentle. By sticking to the top of the dirt, they pull out the blockage almost naturally.

Many manufacturers enrich their products with various additives that help narrow pores, accelerate their healing, and prevent them. At the same time, some types of strips (for example, carbon) contain absorbent components. They not only clean out clogged pores, but also help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing secretions. This has a positive effect on the epidermis, improving its color and turgor.

Photo - Stripes against blackheads

What are there

It is not the base of the patch itself that is valuable, but its impregnation. This is where manufacturers provide variety:

  • with coal dust;
  • with clay;
  • with plant extracts, extracts and other components.

The sizes of the strips also vary. The product can cover both the entire area of ​​the nose (together with the areas around it) and part of it (including only the wings of the nose).

There are many recipes for making a homemade analogue, but such cleaning products complicate the process of self-care, especially if there is no time for additional manipulations.

Basic steps for nose reduction using tapes

Kinesio taping can replace aggressive cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Tapes in combination with facial gymnastics can be used to:

  • reduce the length and volume of the nose;
  • tighten the drooping tip;
  • remove swelling and fat accumulations under the skin.

Good results are achieved by a set of procedures consisting of cosmetic care, face fitness, and kinesio taping.

Poor-quality tapes or improper use of tapes can cause harm: provoke the formation of new wrinkles, swelling, stretch marks. There are many free instructions on the Internet, but the information in them is scattered and contradictory.

You can learn how to tape your face correctly and effectively only after qualified training. I have developed a specialized course “Sleep and look younger. Smart taping 2.0" with detailed recommendations, video tutorials and comments, including an anti-aging gymnastics complex to combat facial and age-related changes in the face.

Using Cleaning Strips

In order for the effect to be good, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Basic cleanse your face of impurities (in the usual way - washing, wiping with toner, etc.);
  2. wipe the area of ​​the nose with a damp cotton pad (or simply wet it) on which the product needs to be stuck (it is necessary to wet the skin in order to activate the adhesive substance on the patch);
  3. stick the strip with an adhesive base to the skin;
  4. after complete drying, carefully remove the strip;
  5. If desired, you can use a toner to tighten pores faster.

It is not recommended to use the cleansing patch on a daily basis. It is better to do this a day or two after the cleaning procedure. If slight redness is noticed on the skin after removing the patch, this is a normal reaction. The redness will go away in a maximum of half an hour.

To make the removal of dirt in the pores (impurities on the skin, blackheads, comedones) more successful, it is recommended to steam the skin before gluing the strip and keep the strip for a longer time. For example, you can steam your skin before going to bed, stick a patch on a damp area of ​​your face and leave it on all night. This way the cleansing will be deeper, and the surface of the nose will become smooth and clean.

From blackheads

Nasal strips are purposefully used to get rid of blackheads. The idea is to remove the strip and at the same time remove hardened plugs of sebum that clog the pores (comedones). The most common deep cleaning patches are based on the following ingredients:

  1. Coal. The adhesive base of the product contains fine dust from activated carbon (bamboo). The charcoal patch not only helps cleanse the pores, but also has an antibacterial effect (relieves inflammation, prevents bacteria from developing inside the recess after removing the strip).
  2. Plant extracts. The variety of components allows you to choose strips not just for cleaning pores, but also for skin care. The adhesive base of the patch contains extracts of green tea, aloe, lotus and other plants. In addition to cleansing the pores, they help the skin look healthy and fresh.

Skin with black spots does not look aesthetically pleasing. Contaminants that have settled in the pores must be removed. If you systematically use this cosmetic product, you can not only clear your nose of them, but also promote narrowing and prevent them from becoming clogged again.

To cleanse pores

Clean skin pores remove sweat and sebum well. Also, through these micro-holes the skin “breathes” and is saturated with oxygen. For cleaning, cleansing masks and strips-plasters are used. If charcoal strips are popular for blackheads, then for general cleansing of pores, those containing plant extracts are more often used.

Chamomile has an antiseptic effect and lightens age spots. Aloe and green tea provide additional hydration to the skin, soothe and relieve redness. The epidermis is deeply cleansed, the skin is smoothed, and the pores are completely cleansed and narrowed. Apply patches to prevent contamination once a week, for visible blockages - 2-3 times.

To remove grease and dirt

Fat plugs in the pores often form in those with oily skin type. Problem areas – wings of the nose, chin. To remove fat and dirt from the skin, use plasters, which in the set have a separate strip for the nose and chin.

The strips cleanse the skin, tone enlarged pores and make them narrow, preventing new impurities from accumulating in them.

Nasal patch for blackheads. Homemade patch for blackheads

For those who prefer homemade cosmetics, there are several recipes for making DIY patches for blackheads.
Before using them, the skin must be prepared: cleaned and steamed; we wrote above how to do this. Method 1

You will need: paper or gauze napkin, 1 egg white.

Preparation: beat the egg white into a foam, apply it to your nose, attach a napkin and also brush it on top with the white so that it is well soaked. Wait for the mixture to dry (this will take about 20 minutes) and then quickly but gently remove the strip from your nose.

Method 2

You will need: 2 tbsp. spoons of milk or water (you can mix milk with water), 1 tablet of activated carbon, 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin.

Preparation: crush an activated carbon tablet in a mortar or small bowl, add milk and gelatin, let it swell a little and heat in the microwave (about 10 seconds) or in a water bath (until the gelatin dissolves). Let it cool slightly and apply the mixture to the problem area of ​​the skin. Apply several layers, allowing each of them to dry a little. There is no gauze base in this recipe, since after the mixture dries (this takes 15 - 20 minutes) a durable film is obtained. We pick up this film with our fingernail and remove it with a quick movement.

After the procedure, rinse off the remaining product with cool water, and then wipe your face with a pore-tightening tonic or home remedies with a similar effect (for example, herbal infusions, an ice cube)

You should cleanse your nose of blackheads 1-2 times a week, as needed. If your skin responds normally to this procedure, you can use it regularly, just like cleansing face masks.


Using harmless cleansing strips is not for everyone. Before gluing, it is recommended to steam the skin well, so this method of applying the patch should not be used:

  • in the presence of rosacea;
  • for problems with blood vessels;
  • for sensitive thin skin.

In such cases, it is better to simply wet your nose with water. You should also not use the patch:

  1. if you are allergic to at least one of the components of the impregnation;
  2. there are skin diseases, acne with ulcers;
  3. with microtraumas of the skin.

Proper use of the patch will not harm the skin and will eliminate the existing problem.

Who is contraindicated for nasal taping?

Research into the therapeutic properties of kinesio tapes is being conducted simultaneously in several areas of medicine, cosmetology and orthopedics, and the list of prohibitions is decreasing. The effect of tapes is comparable to lymphatic drainage massage, so their side effects are similar.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. Open wounds, skin diseases in the taping area.
  2. Heat.
  3. The first two weeks after rhinoplasty, Botox injections or filler installation.
  4. Vascular thrombosis, thromboembolism.

Previously, it was believed that tapes could not be used for oncology, pregnancy, or varicose veins. Today doctors have changed their opinion and taping is successfully used:

  • for rehabilitation after surgery;
  • relief of pain due to symphysitis, diastasis,
  • for abdominal banding during pregnancy;
  • at stages 1-2 of varicose veins;
  • in the treatment of facial paralysis.

Most of the prohibitions that were recently included in the list of absolute ones have become relative. Therefore, if you have health problems, you should consult with your doctor to clarify whether lymphatic drainage facial massage is allowed for you.

Conditional contraindications:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Cardiovascular problems.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Frequent migraines.

How to choose: review of brands

To ensure a satisfying result, you should choose an effective nasal cleanser. There are many manufacturers of such a product, but among them there are those that are used most often and give good results.


The abundance of choice of these strips makes it possible to choose exactly those that suit the skin in any condition. The classic patch covers a large area of ​​skin, does not harden after drying, and adheres tightly to the skin. Among the special products for cleansing the nose, you can find them for general or deep cleansing of the skin.

Propeller charcoal patches do an excellent job of removing comedones that are deep in the pores. The skin becomes not just smooth: the pores are freed from impurities, narrowed, and the likelihood of new formation of sebaceous plugs is reduced.

Strips with green tea are designed to clean pores of various impurities, while they also take care of the skin: refresh it, moisturize it, and soothe it.


The strips have no analogues; their unique shape helps to position them as much as possible on the area that needs cleaning. In addition to the nasal patch, strips are provided for the forehead and chin. This way, all areas where enlarged and contaminated pores can be found can be cleaned in one procedure.

The base of the patch is fruit acids to quickly and efficiently soften the sebaceous plug for easy removal from the pore. This gentle action is suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Bon Voyage agiotage

With these special strips you can get rid of impurities in your pores without much effort. The patch easily adheres even after slightly wetting the skin with water, and completely follows the shape of the nose, thanks to the soft material of the strip.

The product also has an antiseptic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of pores after the cleansing procedure: it prevents the accumulation of dirt in them, and does not allow microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes to multiply.


The dense material of the strips is not convenient for use. They take a long time to soak; there is not enough moisture on the skin to form stickiness. They also have a longer drying time than similar strips. The adhesion to the skin is not sufficient to properly clean the pores. There are charcoal patches for blackheads, and there are also for general cleansing.


The manufacturer guarantees clean skin after removing the strip. The material of the patch is soft and thin, so it quickly becomes sticky and dries just as quickly. The shape of the product differs from similar patches, but at the same time it covers all the necessary areas around the nose. The product contains hazelnut extract.

Etude Organix

They cope well with pore contaminants, and especially with blackheads. To get rid of them, you need to act in two stages. For this purpose, the packaging is divided into two parts. The first contains a patch that prepares the skin for removing impurities (expands the pores and softens the sebaceous plug).

The second patch has a gel adhesive base. It penetrates into the recesses of the skin and draws out impurities from it. The material is medium density, easy to straighten. Not suitable for dry and sensitive skin.


Natalya, 37 years old: “For me, the most important task was the fight against morning swelling. The patches couldn’t cope, I sleep very little and suffer from chronic sinusitis. I heard about taping back in 2022, but decided to try it three months ago. I didn’t really believe in the effect, so I first watched free video tutorials. And after 5 days I signed up for Olga Enko’s course because I saw the effect: my nose began to breathe, the swelling decreased, and the nasolabial folds began to disappear.”

Aigul, 30 years old: “I naturally have deep expression wrinkles between the eyebrows and across the nose, which became very noticeable by the age of 28. I understood that injecting Botox at my age would mean condemning myself to this procedure for many years. Creams didn’t work, so I started looking for natural ways to remove these folds. I read a lot of literature on medicine and cosmetology, I realized that I need to try face fitness and taping, since my problem is not age-related. Kinesio tapes surprised me after the first use. I took it off and at first I didn’t even believe that the wrinkles had smoothed out significantly. By evening, however, everything returned. I realized that this would help correct my ugly nose. You just need to not be lazy and constantly study. Tapes are very good at helping you control your face and not wrinkle.”

Elena, 45 years old: “I learned about kinesio tapes after a back injury. Since the result was very good - the pain and limited movement were gone, I decided to try aesthetic facial taping. The kinesiologist who helped me with rehabilitation was skeptical. He said it wouldn't help with wrinkles. But I was left with a large piece of tape from the procedures, and I decided to try it, still poorly understanding the difference between taping the face and body. Applying sports tapes to delicate skin was a mistake; removing them is very difficult and painful, but I saw the result. I signed up for Olga Enko’s course. I selected the necessary tapes. The feeling is completely different. Now I use tapes not only for beauty, but also for a runny nose. The effect from them is the same as after the drops, but without chemicals.”

Causes and prevention

The best way to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon is to prevent it in time, and for this you need to find out how it appears.

The most common reason why black plaque appears on teeth is lack of hygiene. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, don’t remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas and neglect procedures, plaque formation is inevitable.

The remaining “unattended” bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity, first on the inside of the dental units, in the cervical area, then move to the front walls, harden, turning into tartar, and darken over time. This is why black plaque on your teeth cannot simply be removed with toothpaste or a hard brush.

At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate deep into the tooth structure, affect the pulp and root, and cause caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis and other pathologies. For prevention, it is recommended to undergo hygienic cleaning at the dentist regularly (once every six months).

Products containing caffeine and nicotine also cause black plaque to appear on teeth. They provoke the formation of pigment plaque, change the color of the enamel, and it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

To restore the whiteness of your teeth, you will most likely have to resort to a whitening procedure.

The greatest discomfort is caused by dark plaque on the front teeth in the smile area. And the presence of bacterial deposits or stone on the enamel accelerates and intensifies the darkening process.

Other reasons include:

  • excessive consumption of foods high in iron;
  • use of rinses containing phenols;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • bacterial diseases of the body;
  • taking certain medications;
  • regular toxic exposure to metals.

If dark brown plaque on your teeth appears in the form of spots, this may be a symptom of carious lesions, in which case you should immediately consult a specialist.

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