What types of facial massagers are there and how to use them

  • Benefits of facial massage using a massager
  • Types of facial massagers
  • How to use a massager correctly
  • Are there any contraindications

The skin on the face is very delicate and requires constant, and most importantly, proper care. This is especially necessary with age, when it loses its elasticity, becomes more demanding, and the first wrinkles appear. In addition to cosmetics, special massagers are used for facial care. Today we will talk about what they are and how they are useful, as well as what you should pay attention to when using them.

Benefits of hardware lifting

Hardware lifting methods do not injure the skin or violate its integrity. Already after the first session there is a visible effect!

There is no need to be afraid of side effects - the risk of their occurrence after a hardware lift is minimal. Experts say: during sessions, patients do not feel pain, and afterward they do not notice swelling and inflammation. All this thanks to a gentle lifting technique.

There are several hardware lifting technologies. Let's consider those that give predictable results and are currently actively practiced by cosmetologists.

The best vibrating massagers for facial cleansing

Is your skin prone to clogged pores and blackheads? Special multifunctional devices for daily facial cleansing and gentle massage will get rid of such imperfections, increase tone, and even out the relief and tone of the face. When using them, do not overdo it with pressure and friction, otherwise instead of a clean and well-groomed face, you risk stretching the skin and increasing its sensitivity.

Foreo Luna Photo



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Using this smart device, you can go through an individual daily cleansing and skin care program. Just touch the device to your face, and then connect via Bluetooth to the application of the same name, which will instantly analyze the level of dirtiness and hydration of the epidermis, choosing the optimal cleansing and massage mode.

The round, compact device with a silicone surface has 2 types of soft bristles for washing and applying aftercare. Thanks to this, your face will transform day by day without damaging even sensitive skin. The beauty gadget is available in 7 colors and has a more affordable price compared to its predecessors in the Foreo Luna line.


  • Cute design;
  • Suitable for cleansing and massage;
  • Availability of an application for drawing up a care program;
  • Does not stretch the skin;
  • Not afraid of water;
  • Suitable for daily use.


  • Doesn't work without a mobile app.

Don't know how to please a self-care lover? A gift in the form of Foreo Luna Foto will definitely not leave her indifferent.

Ga.Ma Face Cleaning Brush Mini



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If the skin requires deep cleansing, you will need a vibrating massage brush from Ga.Ma. The stylish device with an oval working surface is equipped with many soft, densely packed bristles that easily release sebum, keratin and makeup residues from the pores. The vibration function triggers gentle exfoliation of epidermal cells and increased blood flow.

As a result of regular use of the massager, the problems of rashes, clogged pores, closed comedones, uneven relief and dull complexion are solved. Thanks to the compactness of the device, you can enjoy clean skin in any conditions, the main thing is to replace the batteries in a timely manner.


  • Stylish design;
  • Compactness;
  • Ease of Management;
  • The bristles do not scratch the skin;
  • Visible cleansing effect;
  • Affordable price (about 2200 rubles).


  • Not suitable for sensitive skin.

The vibrating massage brush from Ga.Ma is ideal for caring for problematic, dense and porous skin that is prone to the formation of rashes and blackheads.

RF lifting

RF lifting is the effect of radio frequency on the superficial and middle layers of the skin. At the beginning of the last century, scientists discovered that diseases can be treated with high-frequency currents. In the 2000s, this technology began to be used in cosmetology, where it still produces amazing results.

Cosmetologists use two types of RF lifting devices:

  1. Lifting based on the principle of diathermy. The current passes through the metal electrodes and heats the skin.
  2. Lifting using the UHF method. The skin is heated using an electromagnetic field. The electrodes are covered with a dielectric - a coating that weakly conducts electric current.

During an RF lifting session, currents reach the deep layers of the dermis, warming it up to 50 °C, which leads to the destruction of the protein layer of the skin and strengthening of collagen fibers. Blood circulation increases, the fat layer decreases. Expression wrinkles gradually disappear.


RF lifting gives excellent results with visible changes in the skin, will get rid of scars and wrinkles on the face, and will make the skin more elastic and smooth.

After 50 years, the duration of the course increases. At this age, the body produces much less collagen than before, so experts recommend increasing the number of sessions to 8-10 and combining RF lifting with other anti-aging techniques, for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy.

Devices with optimal price-quality ratio

5+. Marutaka Multi Lift (ML)

Provides thorough and painless care for the skin of the face and neck, regardless of age. With regular use, it is possible to cope even with transverse wrinkles and prevent sagging of the skin. It works well not only with the skin, but also with tissues, restoring their elasticity. The device has three modes of operation, which combine massage, thermotherapy, and exposure using pulsed light. This makes the product a good analogue of professional cosmetology procedures.

Blue mode is designed to work with relatively young skin. It relaxes the muscles, relieves tension from the neck, and prevents the appearance of creases, wrinkles and folds. Blue pulses additionally saturate the skin with oxygen, even out its tone and tighten pores. The green operating mode reduces tension in the neck muscles and also accelerates blood circulation. The red mode warms the tissue up to 45 degrees, due to which the metabolism of the skin is significantly accelerated.


  • Great for women of any age;
  • Able to effectively act on any type of skin;
  • Suitable for face, neck and body;
  • Combines several types of impact;
  • Compact dimensions and low weight.


  • I have been struggling with acne for quite a long time.

Facial massager Marutaka Multi Lift (ML)


This device has a comfortable silicone ring, the shape of which fully corresponds to the natural curvature of the human neck. The device has as many as five functions - ion therapy, cupping therapy, vibration massage, microcurrent stimulation and phototherapy. When turned on, the device creates a hybrid energy field that provides a deep effect on body tissue, as well as on the bone marrow located in the cervical spine. When working with the device, you do not have to be tense - it is enough to take a comfortable position lying or sitting.

Before activating the device, you can apply various types of rejuvenating, restorative or moisturizing agents to the skin - the effect of their work will be several times higher. After just a couple of weeks of working with this device, you will notice that the skin has become more toned and the contours of the face have regained their former clarity.


  • Actively affects deep subcutaneous tissues;
  • Several operating modes;
  • The device can be used on a variety of parts of the body;
  • The device is made exclusively from safe materials;
  • Easy to use.


  • Not detected.



Actively fights sagging skin not only on the face, but also on the neck, as well as in the décolleté area. The device makes scars and scars less noticeable, smoothes the skin texture and eliminates post-acne problems. There are quite a lot of operating modes. The most popular among users is the cleaning mode - it removes dirt from the surface of the skin, deeply cleanses the pores, which helps normalize metabolic processes and speed up cell renewal. The moisturizing regime greatly enhances the penetration of nutrients deep into the skin, saturating it with beneficial compounds and moisture.

Electromyostimulation produces a deep muscle massage, tightening the skin. Exposure to red, green or blue light imparts a natural glow to the skin by increasing collagen production. The cooling effect is unique - it tightens the pores, retaining moisture in the skin cells.


  • This one device combines five effective methods of skin rejuvenation;
  • Acts as a good means for preventing aging;
  • The skin is not injured or damaged;
  • Suitable for absolutely all skin types.

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  • Not detected.


Ilumination Skin Smoothing Laser

The device is made of high-quality white plastic. It has an interesting curved shape, making it very pleasant and comfortable to hold in your hand. There is a special white stand for storing the device, and a fabric bag is also included.

The device uses professional laser technology that fights age-related skin changes. This laser technology is considered the most effective and safe. It is especially effective on problem areas - around the eyes and lips.

The operating principle is as follows: the device generates short pulses of laser beams, they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate natural renewal processes. Synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers occurs, which “fill in” wrinkles. This effect on the skin has a positive effect - it looks younger, smoother and more elastic. The kit includes detailed instructions in Russian, and for convenience, the device also includes visual and sound indicators. Therefore, using the device is very simple. The course of procedures is 5 times a week for 4 weeks. If desired, the procedures can be continued after 4 weeks.

Clinical trials have shown amazing results:

  • 78% of subjects noted a significant reduction in wrinkles after 2 weeks.
  • 87% of subjects noted a significant reduction in wrinkles after 4 weeks.
  • 95% of subjects noted a significant reduction in wrinkles after 12 weeks.

Thanks to the use of such a home device, you can get a significant reduction in wrinkles, just like after professional treatments in a salon.


  • Efficient laser technology;
  • Noticeable results after 2 weeks of use;
  • Simple controls;
  • Battery operation.


  • There may be discomfort at high power.

Ilumination Skin Smoothing Laser

Tria Age-Defying Laser

The principle of operation of the technology is no different from professional devices designed for laser therapy, which are usually used in cosmetology salons. The device generates high-power beams of light that penetrate deep into the skin, irritate cell membranes and partly even destroy them. This allows you to quickly start the rejuvenation process, which will be absolutely painless. Laser beams accelerate the body's production of collagen. It tightens the skin, evens out wrinkles, eliminates microcracks or excessive dryness.

The device is equipped with a built-in battery; the kit includes a docking station through which the battery is charged. After use, experts advise treating the skin with moisturizing serum or milk. If you operate the device in strict accordance with the instructions, there will be no harm to the skin.


  • Pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • The complexion literally improves after the first use;
  • Easy to operate;
  • There is a display and LED charging indicator.


  • If your skin is sensitive, you should not work with it at the highest power levels - unpleasant sensations may occur.

Tria Age-Defying Laser

ReadySkin zy8300

The care device specializes in ultrasonic cleansing of facial skin. It has a unique function - removing comedones by exposing them to galvanic current and a special alkaline solution, due to which they dissolve and are removed. The device has iontophoresis in its arsenal, which promotes the penetration of drug ingredients through cell membranes, delivering nutrients directly to the tissues without injections, while providing anti-aging, nourishing, moisturizing effects; as well as ultrasonic micromassage, which enhances the production of collagen in tissues.

In the lower part of the body there is a special nozzle for influencing the skin at temperatures of 39-42℃, this massage helps to relax, improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, including in the area behind the ears and on the neck, helps remove toxins, and gives the skin a fresh look.


  • Ultrasonic skin peeling and deep cleansing is similar to a cosmetic procedure;
  • Warming massage that activates cell regeneration;
  • Optimal ratio between the cost of the device and the set of functions.


  • Not detected.

ReadySkin zy8300


Absolute contraindications to RF lifting:
stage 3-4 hypertension;

acne/acne and other skin diseases;


autoimmune diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and the presence of silicone implants, it is highly undesirable to perform a lift with high-frequency current.

RF lifting sessions eliminate many body skin imperfections with an increasing effect from session to session. Thanks to these procedures, cellulite and stretch marks become less noticeable. Also, heating the skin with high-frequency current burns fat.

Possible complications

You should not plan to go out immediately after the procedure - there will be redness on the skin for several hours. This is a normal reaction to thermal exposure.

Complications arise if sessions are carried out with excessive load on the skin and if the cosmetologist’s recommendations are not followed:

  • burns;
  • edema;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • itching;
  • exacerbation of herpes;

After each session, avoid sunbathing and other hardware procedures in the affected area. It is not advisable to visit the sauna or swimming pool.

Some people do RF lifting themselves at home. Home procedures carry serious dangers - from burns to hospitalization.

The best vacuum facial massagers

Due to their complex cleansing and stimulating effect, vacuum massagers are especially recommended for those with oily and problematic skin with signs of aging. Their use is a fairly aggressive procedure, requiring precise adjustment of the gripping force of the skin, and inept manipulations are fraught with bruises and the appearance of rosacea. Avoid experimenting with a vacuum massager if you have thin and sensitive skin or weak blood vessels.

US Medica Delicate Silk



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The vacuum massage device from US Medica attracts with its stylish design, affordable price and tempting promises from the manufacturer. The battery-powered gadget in a plastic mother-of-pearl case is equipped with a rubber working surface. The only universal mode of operation of the device eliminates errors - its grip force is comparable to lightly pinching your fingers.

Daily five-minute sessions over a course of 10 days increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis, tighten the oval, narrow the pores, and give the face a healthy glow and sleek radiance. Thanks to its gentle effects, Delicate Silk is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of those with very sensitive skin.


  • Safety;
  • Does not leave bruises;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Improves skin tone and tone;
  • Strengthens the oval of the face;
  • Affordable price (2700 rubles).


  • Not suitable for sensitive skin.

The vacuum massager from US Medica will be appreciated by those with thick, dull and porous skin with an unhealthy, sallow tone.

Hailicare JHF-09



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Do blackheads and clogged pores ruin your mood? A device for vacuum massage and cleaning from Hailicare will return your skin to a clean and well-groomed appearance. The mains-powered device is equipped with 5 types of suction nozzles.

On the front side of the holder there is a digital display and a switch for 5 power modes. The procedure of cleansing and massage with its help cleanses the pores of cosmetics, sebum, keratin, preventing the formation of rashes and closed comedones.

Vacuum massage with Hailicare JHF-09 increases the elasticity and tone of the epidermis, returning a healthy glow to the face. The icing on the cake is the affordable price of the device, thanks to which every girl will be able to carry out professional facial cleansing without leaving home.


  • Nozzles 5 types;
  • 5 power levels;
  • Ease of Management;
  • Eliminates imperfections in problematic skin;
  • Increases the turgor of the epidermis;
  • Affordable price (about 2100 rubles).


  • If used improperly, it can damage the skin.

The Hailicare massage and cleansing device is an affordable alternative to salon hardware facial cleansing, recommended for owners of problematic and porous skin.

Laser lifting

Laser lifting is one of the types of lifting with thermal loading - a laser beam selectively burns dead cells. Against the background of exposure to the beam, blood circulation increases, and dead cells are quickly separated from the dermis. Recovery processes proceed quickly, the rejuvenating effect is noticeable after each session.

After the procedure, wrinkles become less noticeable. Active collagen production begins and elasticity returns. The laser does not cause discomfort, and recovery is relatively quick.

This type of lift can be done at any time of the year, because active sun does not affect the result. The procedure is suitable for any skin type, even the most sensitive. Laser can rejuvenate both large areas of the dermis and act selectively, for example, to remove a scar or scar.

Laser lifting is carried out using the following types of lasers:

  • Neodymium. Eliminates vascular patterns.
  • Diode. Used for skin tightening.
  • Fractional. Deep peeling.
  • Erbium. Elimination of fine wrinkles and smoothing of deep wrinkles.


As a rule, laser rejuvenation is recommended at the age of 30-35 years - the production of one’s own collagen is still sufficient, wrinkles are shallow and the laser can effectively affect them. Each of us has an individual skin condition, so at the first meeting the cosmetologist will draw up an individual course program and choose a laser.

What to pay attention to

  • Type of massager. Depending on the principle of operation, the following types of massagers are distinguished: ultrasonic, vibration, air-compression (vacuum), mechanical (roller), microcurrent and infrared. At the moment, vibration massagers are recognized as the safest and most effective: they stimulate blood circulation, metabolic processes and collagen activation, and also increase vascular tone.
  • Purpose of the massager. Massage devices can be designed for a specific part (for example, the eyes) or for the entire face. Or for larger areas and areas of the body.
  • Massager weight. It becomes quite a serious indicator when choosing a home massage device. After all, you should feel comfortable holding it in your hands.
  • Type of food. The device can be powered by mains power, built-in rechargeable battery or batteries. If you plan to take it with you on trips, then, undoubtedly, a stand-alone device will be the best choice.
  • Moisture resistance and tightness. Moisture resistance is an important characteristic that a good massage device should have. After all, we often use it in the bath, as well as together with special care products.
  • Additional attachments. The presence of additional attachments will be a pleasant and useful bonus when purchasing a facial massager and will significantly expand its functionality.

Ultrasonic lifting

Ultrasonic lifting is an alternative to a circular surgical facelift. Ultrasonic waves are applied to the skin. They penetrate to a depth of 4.5 mm and reach the muscle complex. Ultrasound stimulates the contraction of collagen fibers. Thanks to these contractions, support for the facial muscles is formed like a mesh.

Ultrasonic lifting can be done at any time of the year - exposure to the sun is not prohibited.

Compared to the long recovery period after a surgical lift, recovery comes quickly - there will be no redness on the skin, you can immediately return to normal life. The result lasts for 2-3 months or more.

Budget products

Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S

This device operates on the basis of ultrasonic waves, with its help it will be possible to organize an almost professional massage salon at home. It is very easy to work with the device; it takes good care of the skin of the face and body. The overall dimensions of the product are small. Skin tone improves literally after the first use, pores become narrower, and minor skin problems disappear. The set includes only one nozzle, the operating speed is also the same.

This model runs on a built-in lithium-ion battery and comes with a charger. This device is also capable of performing massage, photophoresis, and peeling. The weight of the product is only 300 grams. The body is made of plastic, has an anti-slip coating, and the design is ergonomic, so the device is quite easy to hold even in wet hands.


  • Cleanses the skin gently, but very efficiently;
  • Pores are reduced at the cellular level, and this is noticeable visually;
  • Manages to effectively cope with swelling and fine wrinkles;
  • Using the device is not associated with painful sensations.

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  • Suitable for all skin types, but the best effect is expressed in people with oily skin;
  • The battery takes a long time to charge.

Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S

Gezatone Superlifting m356

The latest generation product, which was designed specifically to provide full-fledged cosmetic procedures directly at home. The device is equipped with detailed instructions, translated into understandable Russian, it is suitable for people regardless of skin type, and it fights age-related changes well. There are several operating modes here - micromassage, galvanization, light therapy and vibration massage. There is also light radiation in the blue spectrum, which can penetrate the skin to a depth of about 0.5 mm. This effect is perfect for skin prone to allergic reactions or with increased oil content.

The device easily fights acne and tightens pores. There is also red spectrum radiation, which penetrates the skin to a depth of 10 mm. The skin warms up well, which ensures improved microcirculation, collagen begins to be produced more intensely, and the skin renews itself faster. As a result, small wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and large ones become almost invisible.


  • Perfect for all skin types;
  • Fights well against age-related changes;
  • Many modes of operation and principles of influence.


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  • Not suitable for pregnant women, as well as for people with acute infectious diseases.

Gezatone Superlifting m356

US Medica Delight

The design is equipped with a single attachment that has different types of effects on the skin - it rejuvenates, helps fight cellulite, and prevents acne. The effect is based on microcurrent tissue stimulation, radiofrequency lifting and light therapy. Pigmentation becomes less pronounced, even the deepest wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic, and its natural shine returns.

There are as many as six operating modes. The skin warms up well to a considerable depth. If you apply nourishing creams or other compositions to the skin before using the device, this will help the nutritional compositions quickly penetrate the skin cells and saturate them. The device comes in a plastic case with an anti-slip coating, so it will not slip even from wet hands. The device runs on a built-in battery, which lasts approximately 50-60 minutes of continuous operation. One full charge is enough for three to four full uses. There is a fairly large liquid crystal display on which all the information necessary for users will be displayed. There is also an automatic shut-off timer - it lasts a maximum of 10 minutes.


  • Combines a large number of different functions;
  • Fights cellulite well;
  • Suitable for all skin types.


  • The effect appears after about two to three weeks of regular use of the product.

US Medica Delight

ReadySkin neoSkin

The development of Korean scientists is based on the use of the beneficial effects of light therapy on the human body. LED therapy can help you get rid of major skin problems, including aging and acne treatment. Thanks to light waves, the pores of the facial skin temporarily open; the beneficial components of cosmetic products penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, activating the processes of rejuvenation, nutrition and hydration. The product supports the function of electrical muscle stimulation; under the influence of current, the muscles contract equivalent to face-building exercises, which eliminates aging skin, nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the lips and forms a clear facial contour.

In addition, the device helps cleanse the epidermis of dust and pollution from the environment and removes makeup residues. Using galvanic currents and a special disinfectant lotion, comedones are destroyed and removed from the pores without effort.


  • Unique light therapy technology;
  • Safe to use, no recovery required after procedures;
  • Improved complexion.


  • Not found.


ReadySkin neoSkin

ReadySkin Glory

A unique device has appeared on the market that combines a set of important and integral procedures for the face and body. It has already received many positive responses, both in terms of ease of use and the effect visible to the naked eye, which was noted by women of various age categories. The device easily copes with the elimination of the main problems with the appearance of facial skin: removal of the stratum corneum with ultrasound is the safest, non-traumatic method of skin cleansing that does not cause allergic reactions. Helps in the fight against blackheads by applying microcurrent, which “explodes” them, after which they safely leave your face. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates comedones and even gets rid of small scars.

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Another rare function for products of this type, which is present in the device, is a lifting massage, which, thanks to microcurrents, affects the muscles of the face and neck, thereby tightening the oval, removing sagging skin and jowls, smoothing out facial wrinkles. A pleasant bonus is working in relaxing massage mode. It is worth noting the affordable cost of the device.


  • The results of ultrasonic cleaning in combination with microcurrents and micromassage last for a long time.
  • Can be used with various cosmetics, as it is moisture-, acid- and oil-resistant.
  • It is lightweight - only 89 grams and has a large battery capacity - 600 mAh, which allows you to enjoy procedures without frequent recharging, getting a positive visual effect.


  • Contraindicated for skin with implants (gold threads, metal postoperative staples and others).


ReadySkin Glory


Photorejuvenation is the effect of pulsed light of a certain wavelength on the superficial and deep layers of the dermis. The vessels absorb light and heat up, transferring heat to surrounding tissues, as a result of which collagen production is activated.

The procedure takes 25-45 minutes, the number is determined by the cosmetologist at the first session. There are no painful sensations.

At the beginning of the session, a conductive gel is applied to the treatment area, and at the end, a restorative cream is applied.

The course of photorejuvenation does not lead to the formation of scars. The skin recovers very quickly - on average it takes 3 days. The effect of the course lasts for years.


Experts recommend starting photorejuvenation at the age of 30-35 years. There is no point in attending treatments too early. After 55 years, the effectiveness of light exposure becomes much lower; collagen is poorly stimulated by thermal exposure.

Microcurrent models


The microcurrent technology of the Japanese Olzorid-Lift massager uses a system of pulses with a frequency of 142-200 Hz, which corresponds to the physiology of the human body. This technology provides a soft, but at the same time deep effect. With regular use, cellular respiration is restored, microcirculation improves, due to which fine wrinkles and swelling go away, a healthy complexion returns, elasticity and firmness increase. The procedures should be carried out in courses (10 daily procedures for several minutes) several times a year. Users note that the effect lasts for quite a long time.


  1. 2 operating modes: vibration massage, heating;
  2. Compact size;
  3. Long lasting effect;
  4. Improves blood circulation;
  5. Relieves swelling, swelling;
  6. Lifting effect;
  7. Reduces wrinkles in half.


  1. There are contraindications;
  2. High price.

Bradex KZ 0142

Despite its apparent simplicity, this microcurrent massager can replace a whole range of salon procedures. Despite the fact that the device is equipped with only one nozzle and one operating speed, it provides the operation of as many as 4 modes: vibration massage, moisturizing, lifting, ionization. Due to microcurrent impulses penetrating deep into the epidermis, collagen production is stimulated, the elasticity of the skin increases, puffiness goes away and a healthy glow returns. Wrinkles are reduced.


  1. Increases collagen production;
  2. Saturates cells with ions;
  3. Intensely moisturizes;
  4. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles;
  5. One nozzle – 4 modes;
  6. Simple controls.


  1. There are contraindications;
  2. Slight tingling sensation on sensitive skin.


Problematic and tired skin has always caused inconvenience. And every age has its own needs, expectations and contraindications. The recommendations are aimed at choosing a suitable massager so that its use is comfortable, inexpensive and healthy:

Skin type Age Massager type
Young from 20 years old Mechanical and electric massage brushes, roller
Mature from 30 years old Mechanical and electric massage brushes, vacuum, ultrasonic, vibration, roller and universal
Anti aging care from 50+ Laser, ion and oxygen, pulsed, vibration, roller, universal (ionization+ultrasound+heating)
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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