Fruit peeling for the face: features and effectiveness

From this article you will learn:

  • What acids are used for peeling?
  • What is a fruit peeling for the face?
  • Who is recommended for fruit peeling for face and body?
  • How many fruit peeling procedures are needed to achieve results?
  • Types of acid-fruit peeling
  • Possible side effects when using fruit peeling
  • How to carry out fruit peeling in a beauty salon
  • Skin care after fruit chemical peeling
  • Frequently asked questions about fruit peeling
  • Carrying out fruit peeling for the face at home
  • Recipes for homemade fruit peeling for the face
  • What kind of fruit peeling can you buy at the pharmacy?
  • Precautions when carrying out fruit peeling at home

The skin regeneration procedure, which involves fruit peeling, is one of the most popular in beauty salons. The fruit acids used gently exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, impart freshness, even out the tone and stimulate renewal. Regular implementation of the procedure allows you to achieve visible results.

Another advantage of fruit peeling is its versatility. It is equally effective for both mature and young skin. If you have not yet discovered the wonders of renewal with fruit peeling, be sure to read our article to the end.

What acids are used for peeling?

  • Glycolic

Sugar cane and green grapes are rich in this acid. The substance has a very low molecular weight, which means that it can easily penetrate the dermis and cause a response. This AHA acid is most in demand in cosmetology. It is usually used alone or in combination with other fruit and non-fruit acids.

The action of glycolic acid occurs at the level of the epidermis. The substance activates the production of collagen protein, which affects the structure of the skin tissue. That is why the glycolic variety is called remodeling peeling.

  • Dairy

This acid is produced by Lactobacillus bacteria. Lactic acid is found in sour milk, apples, grapes, tomatoes, blueberries and some other berries. In addition, it is included in the natural moisturizing factor (NUF). This acid has a slight exfoliating and moisturizing effect. It is recommended for use on sensitive and dry skin.

  • Almond

This acid is obtained from sweet almond grains. It has a mild effect. Mandelic acid can be purchased for professional fruit peeling of the face. In addition, it is included in home cosmetics used for regular care.

  • Apple

It is found in large quantities in apples and tomatoes. It is often used to lightly exfoliate epidermal cells.

  • Wine (tartar)

This acid is present in grapes, wine, and oranges. The substance exfoliates, whitens and moisturizes.

  • Lemon

Found in lemons and other citrus fruits, as well as pineapples. This acid is the heaviest of all fruits. The main quality for which it is valued is its whitening effect (especially in combination with tartaric acid). In addition, citric acid is endowed with antioxidant properties.

  • Phytic

Contained in cereals (rice husks, quinoa). Has a mild exfoliating effect.

All-season intensive care products ARAVIA Professional

The ARAVIA Professional line includes all-season peels for both salon use (for example, ANY-Time Control peeling gel or Carbonic Peel Program carbon peeling complex) and for home use.

Let's take a closer look at peelings that can be used independently at any time of the year:

  • peeling with lactic acid Lactica Exfoliate 10% not only deeply cleanses, but also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes and brightens the skin. The product copes with the imperfections of sensitive, dry skin and problematic oily skin. Peeling promotes renewal of epidermal cells, improves microcirculation, stimulates the formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycans;

Peeling ARAVIA Professional with lactic acid

  • regenerating peeling with azelaic acid Regenerating Azelaic has an intense antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The product, due to the content of azelaic acid and a complex of AHA acids, reduces sebum production, moisturizes the skin, eliminates hyperkeratosis, and reduces the severity of age spots. Peeling effectively copes with oily skin problems, but can be used for any type;

Regenerating peeling ARAVIA Professional with azelaic acid

  • enzyme peeling Papaya Enzyme Peel cleanses the skin of impurities and sebum, reduces the severity of pigmentation, has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, and fights hyperkeratosis. The product can be used for any skin type, including sensitive skin with signs of rosacea.

Enzyme peeling ARAVIA Professional

What is a fruit peeling for the face?

Not long ago it was noticed that fruit acids have beneficial properties. They began to be used in various branches of medicine. But only after a considerable period of time did fruit acids begin to be used in cosmetology.

Another abbreviated name for these elements – AHA acids – is derived from the full “alphahydroxy acid”. These substances help:

  • make facial skin lighter;
  • remove excess pigmentation;
  • even out complexion.

If you use fruit acids, you can eliminate many skin problems. Scientists have proven that AHA acids can prevent the appearance of natural signs of skin aging. Such signs primarily include wrinkles and loss of tone.

Who is recommended for fruit peeling for face and body?

Cosmetologists advise doing fruit peeling for people who have the following problems:

  • the skin is peeling;
  • there is an oily sheen on the skin;
  • the presence of acne and acne was noted;
  • the skin has an uneven color;
  • the skin has become loose;
  • the appearance of small facial wrinkles was noted;
  • the contour of the face has become unclear;
  • skin looks dull;
  • Scars and grooves often form;
  • there are signs of hyperkeratosis and too rough skin;
  • pigment spots are visible on the skin.

After just a few procedures, the result will become noticeable. And all thanks to the fact that fruit acids provide an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredients enter under the upper layer of the dermis into the skin, destroying germs and infections that cause rashes to appear on the face.

Fruit peeling can be performed by women of any age with different skin types.

Teenagers are recommended to use this procedure to get rid of acne and acne scars.

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Cosmetologists advise older patients to do fruit peeling in order to delay the appearance of signs of aging, as well as to eliminate excessive pigmentation on the skin.

It is important to know: if the skin is oily, then the cleansing procedure with fruit acids is performed at least 2 times a week. For normal and dry skin, once for 7 days is enough.

Cosmetologists do not recommend performing fruit peeling in the summer, since the acid, the effect of which is enhanced by sunlight, literally burns the skin. As a result, the effect can be exactly the opposite - the aging of the skin accelerates, freckles and age spots begin to appear in large numbers.

What age is fruit peeling intended for?

Fruit peeling can be used by people with any skin type, regardless of age (both teenagers and the elderly). But it should be taken into account that young people need testimony to carry it out, and there is not always a need to perform it on an ongoing basis. For people over 35 years old, it is a kind of preparatory stage before the start of more serious manipulations.

Most often, representatives of the age category 25–35 years resort to the fruit peeling procedure. Since the range is quite wide (just as the needs and problems of the skin differ), the compositions used by cosmetologists also differ. Peeling may include one or several acids at once, in addition, their proportions change. At home it is more difficult to choose the right composition, so it is still worth going to a salon.

How many fruit peeling procedures are needed to achieve results?

As a rule, the fruit peeling procedure (pictured above) is prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient’s complaints about the condition of the facial skin.

In some cases, you may need only one session rather than a course, which is an undoubted advantage of peeling using fruit acid.

Below is a table with a classification of all possible skin problems and the number of sessions that need to be performed (depending on the client’s age).

The number of manipulations may vary depending on the patient’s age and the individual characteristics of his skin.

  • Types of acid-fruit peeling

The depth of effect of fruit peeling is affected by the acid concentration and pH of the peeling solution. Moreover, the lower the pH (the more acidic the solution), the more intense the effect of the acid.

  • Superficial fruit peeling

For superficial fruit peeling, glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric or citric acid is used. This procedure can be done at home. As a rule, superficial fruit peeling is useful for the following problems:

  • aging skin;
  • some forms of acne;
  • excessive pigmentation.

The procedure helps smooth the skin and accelerate regeneration processes in epidermal cells. As a result of this peeling, the skin acquires a healthy appearance.

Superficial fruit peeling cannot be done if you have:

  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • damage to the epidermis.
  • Medium fruit peeling

It must be kept in mind that this type of peeling must be performed by an experienced cosmetologist. The result obtained after this procedure is more noticeable compared to the effect of superficial peeling.

Medium fruit peeling is effective for:

  • natural aging of the skin;
  • presence of scars;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • excessive pigmentation.

Cosmetologists advise regularly using this type of peeling after 35 years. It is not recommended to do it in summer. Fruit peeling can be performed not only on the face, but also in the décolleté, neck, and thighs.

The procedure is contraindicated for:

  • herpes;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Redness after a medium fruit peel can last for a week.

  • Deep fruit peeling

This type of peeling is carried out only in a specialized salon, because this procedure is dermatosurgical.

It is usually used if there are problems:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • deep wrinkles or noticeable scars;
  • pigmentation.

Deep fruit peeling is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of damage and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Important! This procedure can only be performed with the permission of a doctor. The skin will recover over several months.


According to Olga Degtyareva, chemical peeling with acids is a universal procedure that is suitable for any skin, young and old. And in each case it will help in solving current problems.

In adolescence, it will help get rid of seborrhea - increased oiliness, give the face a matte appearance, reduce rashes and smooth out the consequences of post-acne. During the procedure, the acid dissolves the contents of the pores - “dark spots” on the face, making the skin look well-groomed and less bothered by the appearance of imperfections.

In adulthood, the procedure improves the condition of the skin, promotes its renewal and helps get rid of small expression wrinkles. She cannot cope with large ones, but even after a single procedure there is a pronounced lifting effect.

“Superficial chemical peeling can be considered as a procedure on the eve of a release,” Olga Degtyareva clarifies. — After exposure to acids, the skin instantly tightens, and the very next day the lifting effect is visible to the naked eye. Therefore, if you want to prepare for an event and look especially good, you can do a superficial fruit peel the day before and instantly transform your skin.”

Possible side effects when using fruit peeling

Most clients tolerate the procedure without problems. Almost no one has any painful reactions from the body (except for a slight burning sensation of the skin).

But it should still be noted that in some cases side effects may occur. In addition, judging by customer reviews, there are some among them who have experienced negative consequences.

The main side effects are an allergic skin reaction to any element of the solution or a minor burn. These phenomena are infrequent and in most cases occur due to the incorrect dosage of the drug, its inconsistency with the skin type, and the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist.

Negative consequences can be avoided if you strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations and properly care for your skin during the rehabilitation period.

How to carry out fruit peeling in a beauty salon

Fruit peeling using professional preparations with a high concentration of acid is carried out exclusively in specialized salons. The more active component in the peeling, the more effective the procedure. Only a professional will select the required amount of fruit acid, focusing on your skin type and the specifics of your problem.

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In addition, the entire process must be carried out under strict control and in compliance with a clear sequence. If you do not adhere to the necessary requirements, undesirable consequences will arise that will affect the client’s health.

  1. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist prepares the skin: using gel or foam, removes makeup and thoroughly cleanses the pores of impurities.
  2. The face is covered with the main peeling composition (in the form of a gel), which depends on the client’s skin type. The substance is left on the face for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with clean water.
  3. The last step is to treat the skin with a toner and apply an acid neutralizer. Additionally, you can apply a soothing mask to your face.

Important! Immediately after peeling, do not expose the skin to direct sunlight.

Before going outside after the fruit peeling procedure, you need to apply a cream containing UV filters to prevent sunburn.

What affects the effectiveness of fruit peeling?

The effectiveness of a fruit peel depends on several factors, including the frequency of application, the concentration of the formulations used and the time of exposure. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Frequency.

We have already noted that peelings with fruit acids are done in courses. The frequency of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist. It is influenced by the age and condition of the skin, as well as the result obtained after the first session.

A full course usually consists of 7–15 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10–14 days. For minor problems or preventive peeling with fruit acids, fewer sessions may be needed:

  1. For persons under 25 years of age, with problem skin, comedones and blackheads, one or two procedures per month are required;
  2. For persons 25–30 years old, if the purpose of peeling is to prevent early aging, manipulations are performed two to three times a year;
  3. Persons aged 30–45 years are recommended to complete the full course, which consists of 4–6 sessions, after which preventive measures should be carried out every 1–1.5 months;
  4. For mature skin in people over 45 years of age, fruit peels are suitable as a preparatory step before deep cleansing or plastic surgery.
  • Concentration and exposure time.

The choice of concentration and composition of the fruit peeling product is selected by a specialist depending on the skin type and the depth of the problem. The intensity of the impact directly depends on the visibility of defects and the age of the client.

Note that the higher the concentration of the acid component of the product, the longer the subsequent rehabilitation period, the more difficult its course, the higher the requirements for the client’s health and the skill of the cosmetologist.

At home, you should not use drugs with an acid concentration exceeding 15%, since if used incorrectly, you can get chemical burns and complications.

  • The duration of exposure to fruit peeling is selected individually by the cosmetologist and depends on the type and condition of the skin.

Exposure to acid for too long can be harmful to the client's health. For this reason, fruit peeling should be done by specialists who have extensive experience in performing such cosmetic procedures.

Skin care after fruit chemical peeling

Skin that has undergone a peeling procedure needs careful care. What is necessary?

  • Apply products with UV filters (creams) to your face.
  • Do not go to the bathhouse or sauna for 1 month.
  • Do not use scrubs or clean your face mechanically.
  • Do not sunbathe in a solarium or under the sun.
  • Do not use film masks for 2 months.
  • Do not use alcohol-containing solutions for 1 month.

In the first 7 days, avoid junk food.

Frequently asked questions about fruit peeling

What is the price of fruit peeling?

The price of a session is affected by the brand and manufacturer of the drug, the type of acid and the concentration of the substance. In addition, the cost of peeling depends on the class of the salon and the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist.

The course includes from 6 to 10 procedures, between which it is necessary to take a break of 7–10 days. The average price for one session is no more than 1,500 rubles, provided the procedure is performed in a regular cosmetology clinic. In large centers that use modern drugs and equipment, the price tag increases by several thousand rubles.

Is it possible to do fruit peeling at home?

You can also perform fruit peeling at home. The main thing when carrying out the procedure is to strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Is it possible to get rid of pronounced dark circles under the eyes with the help of professional fruit peeling?

You won't be able to get rid of this problem with peeling. This task can be achieved by contouring, mesotherapy, blepharoplasty or eyelid correction.

Acne left scars on the skin. Will professional fruit facial peeling help cope with them?

Even the best fruit peeling, unfortunately, will not be able to remove severe acne scars. TCA peeling and laser resurfacing solve the problem more effectively.

Does fruit peeling eliminate wrinkles in the eye area?

Fruit peeling, used for these areas of the face, helps improve the regeneration processes of epidermal cells. Moreover, in this case, only superficial peeling is acceptable. However, fruit acid is powerless for problems with wrinkles. Only Botox can cope with them.

Composition of acid peeling

Each acid affects the skin layers differently. The correct choice of active ingredients affects the results obtained.

  1. Fruit acid. It is one of the weakest. It is usually used when age-related changes are not yet very noticeable. Fruit acid can be used at home. The active ingredients are often grape, mangrove, cane or sugar acids. After peeling using these components, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.
  2. Mandelic acid. It is used for antibacterial treatment of the skin. It helps reduce the severity of scars after acne and acne.
  3. Salicylic acid. It is most often used for patients with dark skin, as well as with seborrhea or for people suffering from hyperpigmentation or acne.
  4. Lactic acid. Rejuvenates the skin, makes it softer and more tender.
  5. Retinoic acid. This active substance is usually used in cosmetic medical institutions. The acid has a pronounced effect. For different age categories, the optimal concentration of the substance for exposure is selected. The stage of a chemical burn depends on the degree of acid concentration.
  6. Glycolic acid. This substance is intended to cleanse the top layer of skin (epidermis). With the help of glycolic acid, you can remove rashes and pigmentation, get rid of dirt plugs and sebaceous deposits.

The clinic specialist selects the procedure scheme, the type and concentration of the active ingredients, as well as the exposure time individually for each patient.

Many people think that without peeling and crusting on the skin, there is no effect from the procedure. This is a misconception, since some peels do not cause such a skin reaction as peeling.

Carrying out fruit peeling for the face at home

Fruit peeling is suitable for home use. Professional cosmetics contain more AHA acids. This concentrated drug eliminates problems more effectively.

Those products that are sold in stores have a lower concentration of active substances than their counterparts in specialized salons.

Interesting fact: by undergoing one to three sessions of fruit peeling in a cosmetology salon, you can eliminate many facial skin problems.

Since specialized cosmetics contain a larger amount of AHA acids, there is a risk of side effects after their use.

Products for home use are less aggressive. However, to eliminate the problem, they must be used regularly. Homemade masks should not contain more than 25% fruit acid. It is recommended to apply the product in the evening, when the skin better perceives beneficial substances.

Benefits of using peeling for pigmentation

They accelerate the appearance of normally colored cells on the surface of the skin, thus speeding up the process of getting rid of pigmentation.

  • Accelerates cellular renewal and exfoliation
  • Allows you to quickly get rid of age spots
  • The correct composition suppresses excess activity of melanocytes (lightens problem areas of the skin)

The leading advantage of peelings is that there is no need to apply an exfoliating composition every day; it is enough to visit a cosmetologist once every 2 weeks. If it is not possible to visit a cosmetologist, you need to use home peeling products.

Recipes for homemade fruit peeling for the face

If it is not possible to purchase specialized products, you can make a product from available components. But you need to understand that you won’t be able to get the same effect as in the salon. Therefore, you should not hope for significant changes from home peeling.

  • Peeling with lemon

To prepare the composition you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil and rosehip oil.

All components must be taken in equal quantities. Pour the mixture into a container, put it on the fire and heat it up a little. Apply the warm mixture to your face. Wait about ten minutes and rinse with clean water.

  • Peeling with orange

To prepare the mixture, you need to use:

  • crushed orange;
  • ground coffee beans;
  • flower honey

Take one tablespoon of each component and mix. Apply the product with massaging movements onto the skin of the face. Leave to act for 10 minutes, then rinse well with water.

  • Tropical peeling


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 pineapple;
  • 1 kiwi.

All fruits must be peeled and then chopped in a blender. Gently apply the resulting mass onto your face. Leave to absorb for 10 minutes. After this time, the mixture is washed off.

  • Apricot peeling mask

The fresh apricot fruits contained in the mask will help your skin acquire an even color and get rid of acne.

To prepare the peeling mixture you need:

  • 4 things. apricot (it is better to take fleshy fruits);
  • 1 tbsp. l. sleeping coffee (grounds);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

Grind the fruit to a paste. Add coffee grounds to the resulting mixture, and then honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask with massaging movements onto cleansed facial skin and leave for 10-12 minutes. Wash off with cold running water. After several procedures, the skin condition will noticeably improve.

  • Lemon-banana mask

During the autumn and winter periods, the skin must be cleansed, moisturized and nourished. Your facial skin will improve significantly if you use banana pulp and lemon juice to care for it.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tbsp);
  • 1 tbsp. l. fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt);
  • cane sugar (1 tbsp);
  • ½ banana.

Take a ceramic container and mash a banana in it. Pour lemon juice, fermented milk product into the resulting mass and add cane sugar. Mix all components thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply the mask evenly to the face. Leave for 5-6 minutes and then wash with cold water.

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After using this nourishing mask, the skin will become lighter and cleared of impurities.

  • Sweet “strawberry” for your skin

In autumn and winter, a strawberry mask is an excellent therapeutic product for the skin. To prepare it, you need to buy strawberries or use the ones you have in the freezer.

List of ingredients:

  • large strawberries (4 pcs.);
  • egg (1 pc.);
  • freshly brewed coffee (1 tbsp).

Mash the strawberries until mushy. For this purpose, you can use a regular fork. Add egg and coffee to the resulting mass. Mix the mixture thoroughly to form a homogeneous substance. Distribute the mask evenly over the face and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with cold running water.

The effect of the mask will be noticeable after the first use. You will see that your skin has cleared up. After a 30-day course of procedures, which are recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a week, the result will be visible - an even skin color. Strawberries contain malic acid, which improves regeneration processes, and coffee acts as a scrub.

  • Cleaning with kiwi

Kiwi fruits have a cleansing, toning and moisturizing effect. The kiwi peeling procedure improves skin turgor. In addition, after the session, all epidermal cells will be ready to absorb oxygen from the outside.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • ½ kiwi;
  • semolina (1 tbsp.);
  • banana (several circles);
  • vitamin A (1 capsule).

Kiwi fruits and banana should be placed in a container and rubbed well. Then add semolina and retinol to the mixture. It is necessary to cover all problem areas with a thick layer of the mixture. It is advisable to leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Fruit masks, which are made at home, are designed for one-time use, immediately after preparation. The peeling effect may not work if you place the mixture in the refrigerator.

Important: when using fruit peeling for the first time, you need to take a slightly smaller amount of ingredients than indicated in the recipe. Then you can gradually increase the dosage. This is necessary so that the skin gradually gets used to the effects of fruit acids.

Although there are many options for making fruit peeling for home use, cosmetologists still advise buying professional products.

What kind of fruit peeling can you buy at the pharmacy?

In addition to folk remedies, there are also pharmaceutical preparations that can also be used for home peeling procedures.

  • The drug "Bark". The product is positively assessed by many users. Their reviews say that after such peeling, skin defects are eliminated, pores are narrowed, and the oiliness of the skin is reduced. But this product is not recommended for use on sensitive skin.
  • Skinlite. A drug that makes the skin velvety and soft. It can be used by owners of any skin type.
  • Janssen Inspira M.F.A. The drug is a professional product. Therefore, it can be used by cosmetologists in a specialized salon. Helps smooth out facial unevenness and give the skin more softness and tenderness.
  • Revitalift "Laser x3" (L'Oréal Paris). A drug that actively fights skin aging and excessive pigmentation. It contains glycolic and fruit acids, which helps smooth out wrinkles.
  • Idealia (Vichy). It belongs to the group of homemade fruit peels and is available in lotion form. You need to apply it with a cotton pad, just like a toner. This fruit peeling for the face, which can be bought at the pharmacy, contains citric and glycolic acids (4% each), HEPES (5%). In addition, the product contains black tea enzyme, which has antioxidant properties, and blueberry extract.
  • Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight (SkinCeuticals). The cream contains glycolic (10%) and phytic acids. To improve the tolerability of the drug, the composition includes components with a soothing and moisturizing effect.
  • Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate (Kiehl's). A product containing a composition of fruit acids from plants such as quinoa, blueberries, citrus fruits, sugar maple and sugar cane. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, the drug gradually removes dead cells from the skin, thereby renewing it.
  • Visionnaire Crescendo (Lancôme). The peeling course consists of two stages: preparatory and main. The first is treatment with phytic and fruit acids. During the second stage, the skin is exposed to glycolic (10%) and salicylic acids. The effectiveness of this product is lower than that of a professional one. However, it's worth a try.
  • Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop (Lancôme). The composition contains glycolic acid and a cocktail of essential oil and active molecules of rose. If the words luxurious and chic are applicable to peeling, then they are talking about this product.
  • Re-Plasty High Definition Peel (Helena Rubinstein). This is a peeling serum with glycolic, phytic, and lactic acids. In addition, the drug contains vitamins A and E.

In the photo below you can see how effective fruit peeling is: before and after.

Precautions when carrying out fruit peeling at home

If you decide to perform fruit peeling at home, you need to follow some recommendations. The effect will depend on this.

  1. It is better to do the procedure in the evening (before bedtime). This will minimize the negative effects of UV rays on the skin.
  2. If you have sensitive skin, you should choose soft AHA acids: almond and lactic.
  3. After peeling, you should not use oil-based creams for care. They create a protective film that slows down cell regeneration.

Fruit peeling is an excellent skin remedy that can be used both at home and in a specialized salon.

There is a huge selection of ready-made drugs on sale. In addition, there are a variety of recipes for making yourself. Fruit peeling will help eliminate skin problems such as teenage acne, age-related changes and many others. To get the desired result, it is important to follow simple recommendations for skin care before and after manipulation.

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, and you will see for yourself!

Why do you need peeling?

Exfoliation, peeling, exfoliation is getting rid of dead cells of the surface, stratum corneum of the skin. Why remove it? To ensure that the skin is renewed and does not look dull. Peeling with fruit acids also solves a number of other problems.

How does fruit peeling work?

Fruit acids weaken the bonds between the cells of the stratum corneum and thus promote their removal, revealing clean, young skin. The skin, devoid of the “husk” of dead cells, looks fresh and radiant. As a result of controlled trauma to the skin, the process of its renewal begins. The basic principle of action of fruit (and any other) peeling is based on stimulating the self-healing of cells - they produce collagen and elastin more intensively, rushing to “fix” everything. For the same reason, young cells more actively produce natural moisturizing factor, which contributes to the healthy functioning of the skin. “Any peeling is perceived by the skin as trauma. And since there has been an injury and the skin is damaged, it is urgent to synthesize scaffold fibers and glycosaminoglycans of the dermis to restore the defect. This way, not only the surface layer of the epidermis is renewed, but also the deep layers of the dermis.”

Peeling with fruit acids is said to be the most gentle. But if you have thin, dry or sensitive skin, it is best to consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

When to use it

Fruit peeling has become a familiar skin care routine for many. Home exfoliation courses and significantly more effective peeling courses in a salon or clinic help in the following cases:

  • photoaging and wrinkles;
  • pigmentation;
  • post-acne, scars and scars (not too deep);
  • acne - beta hydroxy acids, such as salicylic acid, are used to combat this problem (but your doctor may also recommend fruit peeling).
  • dullness of the skin with hyperkeratosis (too thick stratum corneum of the skin).

The older we get, the more important tissue renewal is: with age, the natural cycle of differentiation and maturation of keratinocytes lengthens and instead of a month it is 50–60 days. It is necessary to exfoliate your skin, otherwise aging will only accelerate. Regeneration processes will slow down significantly, and the penetration of anti-aging care will be difficult.

What determines the effectiveness of fruit peeling?

The effectiveness of fruit peeling is related to the acid concentration. After a very superficial home peel, the pigment spot will become paler. And after a course of superficial peeling in the salon (with a higher concentration of acids), it may disappear completely.

Peels with fruit acids have become popular because the rehabilitation process after the procedure is usually not very long, and the effect - renewed and radiant skin - is noticeable almost immediately.

Skin renewed after peeling looks radiant, fresh, flawless.

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