Sugar peeling at home: recipes and application features

Sugar peeling for the face, hair and body is a great way to cleanse the skin and give it a blooming appearance. Due to its simplicity, this procedure, popular in beauty salons, can easily be performed at home. Granulated sugar removes particles of dead skin, while other components moisturize and nourish it, giving it a healthy appearance. The effect is noticeable after several sessions. Sugar peeling is suitable not only for the care of the scalp, but also for the entire body. It can be carried out even on the delicate lip area.

Sweets are not always harmful: the benefits of sugar for the skin

Granulated sugar, like salt, is called white death. Many articles have been written on the harm that sweets cause to the human body. But cosmetologists have turned the properties of sugar to their advantage. Products based on this product save you from a variety of problems. Getting rid of acne, eliminating fat deposits in the arms and legs, removing corns on the heels, cleansing pores - sugar scrubs can do it all. This is a hypoallergenic substance, so both women and men of any age can use products based on it.

Cosmetic companies offer a wide selection of sweet products. Matrix Biolage Sugar Shine Scrub from Biloage can help you exfoliate your hair at home. For the body, you can buy “Papaya and Tamarillo” from the Polish company Farmona.

In salons, along with deep, salicylic and enzyme peels, glycolic peeling is carried out. The main raw material for glycolic acid is sugar cane, so this procedure is conventionally referred to as sugar peeling. After it, the skin texture is evened out and the complexion improves.

Contraindications for the use of sugar

Sugar scrub is universal and useful for the face of most women, but it cannot always be used.

  • Scrubbing cannot be done if there are rashes and wounds. Abrasive particles can disturb them, and bacteria can get inside. Then the infection will spread further.
  • When choosing additional ingredients, it is necessary to take into account existing allergic reactions, for example, to honey or essential oils.
  • Another contraindication is the close location of capillaries. If they are damaged, unwanted spider veins may appear.
  • It is not recommended to use a sugar scrub for women whose skin is too thin. Even such careful care can damage the epidermis.

Sugar scrub makes home facial care simple and accessible to every woman. Its beneficial properties solve several cosmetic problems at once. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly and choose the most suitable one from the existing recipes.

Delicious Homemade Sugar Recipes for Skin

Cosmetics and procedures are not cheap. Fortunately, sugar peeling is easy to do at home. The scrub consists of simple ingredients, any girl can make it herself.

Each skin type has its own recipes. Of course, you don't have to follow them verbatim. You can and should experiment with the ingredients, creating a scrub that suits your own body.

To make a scrub, you will need cane or other granulated sugar (preferably with small grains of sand) and a nutritional base, which is usually olive or other vegetable oil.

The finished homemade scrub must be used immediately, otherwise the grains of sand will melt and will not have the desired effect.

Sweet cranberry scrub

The recipe includes two tablespoons of oatmeal, 100 grams of sugar, half a cup of cranberries and a quarter cup of vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients to a homogeneous paste-like substance. To make the task easier, you can use a blender. Apply to face and body with gentle circular movements.

Cream with sugar for sensitive skin

This recipe requires face cream and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. If the skin is very sensitive, the amount of sugar can be reduced. Apply the product to your face and massage gently for a couple of minutes. Rinse with warm water and soothe the skin with moisturizer.

Honey mask for mature skin

Take two or three tablespoons of warm oatmeal, mix with a teaspoon of honey until smooth. Add a teaspoon of sugar and immediately apply to your face with massaging movements. Wash off after ten minutes.

Soap based products

Soap can also serve as a base. The advantage of such tools is their interesting appearance: from simple cubes and balls to complex shapes.

In this video you can see the process of creating a soap-based scrub:

A selection of cleansing facial scrubs at home

Before choosing the ingredients for the mixture, you need to know your skin type. Any type of scrub is suitable for the normal type. For oily skin, you can add yogurt or sour cream to the mixture. Thick scrubs are more suitable for dry skin.

Honey and sugar scrub

It is suitable for any skin type, especially good for aging skin. Granulated sugar dissolves in the honey composition and gently removes dead layers. And honey has an anti-inflammatory effect and fights blackheads.

Mix sugar and honey in equal volumes. Apply the mixture to the surface of the face with light massaging movements.

You can find out more about the recipe in the video.

Nutritious recipe with kiwi

Thanks to the addition of kiwi, a storehouse of vitamin E in large quantities, the face becomes elastic and firm. It helps get rid of greasy shine and smooth out fine wrinkles.

To prepare this scrub you will need sugar, kiwi and rich sour cream. Before adding kiwi, you need to peel and mash it. You can add poppy seeds to sweet fruit puree.

Apply the sugar scrub in a circular motion, gently patting with your fingertips.

Olive oil scrub for dry skin

This recipe is great for use in winter as it helps moisturize the skin and protect it from damage. Olive oil is a completely natural product, rich in antioxidants, the so-called elixirs of youth.

You can add salt to this scrub. Sea salt must first be crushed.


Sugar-coffee scrub is hypoallergenic, safe for all skin types. Coffee helps remove toxins, refreshes and rejuvenates. The aroma of this cosmetic product will captivate you from the first minutes.

Before preparing coffee, you need to grind it in a coffee grinder. Both brewed and simply ground coffee will do.

Lemon and sugar

A scrub with lemon juice will brighten your face and restore fat balance. You cannot keep it for a long time, as lemon acid can upset the natural balance and lead to the appearance of age spots on the face. To prevent this, lemon juice is also diluted in water.

When applying a sugar scrub, special attention is paid to problem areas.

Details can be seen in the video.

Homemade ginger scrub

Ginger tones the epidermal cells, and the face takes on a younger and refreshed appearance.

For this sugar recipe, it is not the powder that is used, but the ginger root itself. It needs to be finely chopped and mixed with other ingredients.

You can add essential oil. You don't need a lot, 5 drops are enough.

Eggs and sugar

Eggs are most often added to cosmetics. The white and yolk are separated - the first is chosen for oily and normal skin, and the second - for dry.

The best effect can be achieved with simultaneous scrubbing and facial massage. This way it will receive nutrition, hydration and cleansing.

How to peel with sugar before and after sugaring

Any procedure has its own subtleties, compliance with which will help achieve the best effect. Sugar peeling before and after sugaring will improve skin tone, improve its appearance and reduce discomfort from the procedure.

Peeling before sugaring

Before you start waxing, you need to prepare. The procedure is much more effective if carried out on damp and clean skin, so it is better to take a shower or bath before starting.

Before sugaring, the skin is cleansed with sugar or coffee scrub, which tones it. If you take care of your body correctly, the pain from hair removal will decrease.

Peeling after sugaring

Any girl knows that after hair removal there can be unpleasant consequences in the form of ingrown hairs. To prevent this from happening, immediately after sugaring you need to cleanse the skin with a scrub. Such careful care is required, first of all, when removing hair from the delicate bikini area or mustache from the upper lip.

Apply the product to the body in the morning or evening. After use, it is better to take care of your body and not go outside for several hours.

Cosmetologists recommend applying moisturizer or body milk to the areas treated with scrub. If this is not done, the skin dries and peels.

In what cases is ultrasonic facial cleansing prohibited?

  • pregnancy (any period);
  • oncological diseases;
  • flammable processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to the procedure, the pores are cleaned, they become less noticeable, and skin respiration is significantly improved. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. The recommended number of procedures to achieve maximum results is 4-8 sessions over 1.5-2 weeks. Every day our face is exposed to wind, sun, frost, dust, etc., which leads to clogged pores and poor skin breathing, loss of elasticity, pimples and blemishes.

Mechanical cleansing is a method of removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis and excess sebaceous glands. The procedure helps remove dirt, dead cells, sebum and restore freshness.

Answers on questions

Can sugar peeling be used to combat cellulite?

Can. There are recipes for anti-cellulite sugar products. In addition to sugar and a softening base, the composition should include spices to warm the skin and improve blood flow. Ginger, cinnamon or nutmeg are suitable for this. You will also need lemon or grapefruit essential oils. To get rid of stretch marks, lemon balm is added to the composition. Sessions are held twice a week.

Will sugar harm your skin? I think it's too hard and might scratch her.

The scrub always contains an emollient, such as various oils or sour cream. They protect the skin from damage. And when applied, the sugar begins to melt almost immediately. But if you are afraid of scratching, you can grind it in a coffee grinder.

I have a combination skin type. Which recipe is right for me?

For a mixed type, cosmetologists advise including freshly squeezed lemon juice, cottage cheese, sour cream, and oatmeal in the product.

What are the benefits of sugar scrubs?

Scrubs promote deep cleansing of the skin.
They remove dead skin cells and help fight flaking. This effect is achieved thanks to the abrasive particles in their composition. Sugar is a natural remedy widely used for making peelings at home. Its soft grains with smooth edges are gentle on the skin. After the procedure, the epidermis is renewed and smoothed, the face looks healthy and fresh. Beneficial properties of sugar scrubs for the face:

  • moisturize,
  • removes oily shine,
  • tighten pores
  • do not dry out the skin,
  • fight pimples,
  • do not cause allergic reactions,
  • Suitable for all skin types.

Cosmetic miracle

A homemade sugar face mask will differ from all other cosmetic products of this kind in its effect on the skin. This is due to the unusual structure and chemical composition of this unique substance. It does not contain the usual vitamins and microelements, but its other components are no less active, penetrating deep into the epidermis:

  • rhamnose monosaccharide is needed for the rapid restoration of damaged elastic fibers, which results in very effective tightening and smoothing of the skin, smoothing out shallow wrinkles - as a result, you get the same lifting effect that many beauty salons promise for fabulous sums;
  • glycolic acid helps retain moisture in cells, effectively exfoliates impurities of any kind, actively synthesizes collagen and elastin fibers, strengthens the immune system and the upper protective layer of the epidermis;
  • the monosaccharide dihydroxyacetone improves the complexion, giving it a light bronze tint, similar to a beautiful tan: it is also able to disguise unwanted pigment spots;
  • Tensins in sugar allow you to use masks made from it to improve the condition of oily, greasy skin.

This is the wonderful effect a sugar face mask has on the skin. In addition, grains of this amazing product, with their sharp edges, can literally snatch various types of impurities from the pores. Therefore, such products will also serve as a scrub. How to cook them yourself at home?

Softening composition

It is possible to prepare the simplest moisturizing and nourishing sugar scrub using cosmetic oil. Depending on individual preferences, you can use olive, almond, coconut, grape seed, jojoba adding just a few drops:

  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. finely ground coffee;
  • 8 drops of any oil.

Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous structure. This composition is suitable for dry and sensitive skin, helping to nourish and permanently moisturize the problem surface. This scrub protects against dryness by forming a thin protective film.

You should not use baby oil or unrefined sunflower oil, which can clog pores.

Cooking secrets

Any homemade face masks with sugar can be prepared within 5-10 minutes - quick and easy. If this is your first time using this product for cosmetic purposes, it is better to first familiarize yourself with a number of useful recommendations. They will help you avoid annoying mistakes, save your nerves and speed up the cooking process.

  1. To prepare homemade cosmetic masks, you cannot use refined sugar - only sand. And the point here is not only that one substance is in pieces and will have to be crushed, while the other is more convenient, in powder. The point is in the production method: refined sugar is less useful.
  2. The finer the sugar, the better it will be.
  3. If you only have coarse sugar in the kitchen, you can always grind it manually in a mortar. Otherwise, it may injure the skin.
  4. There is no need to achieve complete dissolution of sugar in the mask. It will be even better if the grains, even small ones, remain. They have a cleansing and scrubbing effect.
  5. Sugar often acts as a powerful allergen. Therefore, be sure to conduct a test check, even if you eat it without any fear. External use may cause an allergic reaction. To avoid waking up the next morning with facial swelling and an unpleasant rash, lubricate your wrist with the prepared sugar mask for a short time. In just a couple of hours it will show you how your skin will react to this cosmetic miracle.
  6. Before applying the mixture to the face, it is recommended to steam the skin using a herbal steam bath, and then further cleanse it with a scrub. This will allow the active substances to penetrate deeper into the epidermis more intensively.
  7. The sugar mask is rubbed in with massaging movements, as when applying a scrub (read the link for how to use it correctly).
  8. Action time is from 10 to 30 minutes.
  9. For oily and problem skin, procedures can be done twice a week; in other cases, once will be enough.
  10. The course involves 10-12 procedures, then you need to take a break for two weeks.

Once you are convinced of the simplicity of making sugar masks, there is only one step left - choosing a recipe. This must be taken very seriously, since the effect of sugar on the skin will depend on the auxiliary ingredients.

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