Classic facial massage - description of the technique for prolonging youth

Cosmetic facial massage began to be actively used from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, thanks to the work of domestic doctors I.V. Zabludovsky, A.I. Poselova, N.V. Sletova and others. The massage techniques, and most importantly, the direction of the massage movements of all specialists were almost identical - along the flow of lymph. Thus, any massage, including the traditionally used classical technique, has a certain draining effect on the lymphatic system, that is, it promotes the outflow of lymph from the periphery to the center.

Facial massage is a necessary part of cosmetic skin care. This is a method of mechanical and reflex effects on organs and tissues. The method is based on mechanical movements, usually from the hands of a massage therapist. Manual massage is the most subtle, effective and popular procedure. No device can still reproduce the feeling of relaxation and calm that the skillful hands of a massage therapist bring.

During massage, receptors in the skin and muscles are irritated, impulses are transmitted along the nerves to the central nervous system, causing responses. In addition, during massage, highly active substances are formed in the skin, which, in combination with protein breakdown products, affect various organs, including the nervous and cardiovascular systems, blood supply to tissues and their nutrition are improved, blood flow through the veins is increased, and lymphatic drainage is improved. , the secretory activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. The massage mechanically cleanses the skin, freeing it from excess secretions of the glands and horny cells of the epidermis, due to which the skin becomes more elastic and the complexion improves. Due to increased blood flow in the muscles, the amount of glycogen increases and carbon dioxide is removed to a greater extent. That is, massage helps the skin breathe, and thereby counteracts blood stagnation, strengthens tissue and muscles, and keeps the skin smooth, young and elastic longer.

Research has proven that facial massage, performed using certain techniques, prevents skin aging. It has been established that when exposed to cosmetic massage, the general condition of the body improves: blood pressure decreases, pulse rate decreases. After the massage, skin temperature and heat radiation increase. The cosmetic hygienic massage procedure lasts 20 minutes.

You can do a massage yourself, but it is more effective and reliable to use the services of a cosmetologist. It will do both better and more competently, because many factors play a big role in facial massage: correct movements, the type and condition of your skin, the product used in the massage and the duration of the session. Depending on the type of massage and skin type, the master will select the right cosmetic product. If the skin is oily, use a massage emulsion or gel (with water). For dry skin, use herbal oil with an antiseptic effect, emulsion, slippery cream. Any preparation is suitable for normal skin.

What is cosmetic facial massage

Facial massage is the most powerful means of transformation, which no cosmetics or invasive cosmetology can compare with.

By working on the face with our hands, we literally bring out the beauty from within. We get to the blood, lymph, blood vessels, muscles, skin, adipose tissue and at the same time do not resort to any dangerous injections, scalpels, or threads. In general, we do everything to ensure that the body works the way nature intended.

Everything inside us must flow, nourish, breathe, contract, renew, get rid of toxins, and nothing should interfere with this. And on the face too.

Unfortunately, with age and due to negative external factors, such obstacles appear and the natural mechanisms in the body slow down. And only facial massage can safely remove blocks and speed up what should work faster.

Massage can stop and even reduce age. The gap between visual and biological age can reach 5, 10, 20 years and even more.

Since the main goal of facial massage is to look better, it is cosmetic in almost any form (and there are a lot of massage techniques).

In addition, massage can also be therapeutic. It is prescribed for skin diseases (acne, oily seborrhea, hyperkeratosis), as well as for neuralgia. But this procedure also has a cosmetic effect: a cured skin disease is transformed skin.

Preparation and features of the event

During the consultation and examination of the skin, the cosmetologist determines which facial massage is suitable in a particular case. It is important to exclude the presence of acute conditions that are a contraindication to the use of lymphatic drainage techniques. On the eve of the procedure, it is prohibited to drink strong alcoholic drinks. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or within several hours after eating. It is necessary to avoid overeating on the day of using the technique and for several hours after it. Food should be light, not containing excess fats and simple carbohydrates. It is prohibited to apply cream or other cosmetics to the skin.

During the session, the cosmetologist uses his hands or a device to superficially knead the skin, moving in a certain direction to activate the outflow of fluid through the lymphatic vessels. Each procedure lasts on average 20-40 minutes. For several days after using the lymphatic drainage massage technique, it is forbidden to eat excessively salty and spicy foods, which retain fluid in the body.

Goals of cosmetic facial massage

A cosmetic facial massage can have different purposes, which will determine the techniques used. But there are three main directions:

  1. Improve the overall condition of the skin: achieve a healthy and radiant color, increase tone, even out the relief.
    Women with dull, tired skin with reduced turgor need this. This is a problem without age, it can also affect young girls.
  2. Eliminate cosmetic defects: acne and traces of it, scars, peeling, oily sheen, etc.
    Women need this:
    • with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands,
    • with very dry and sensitive skin,

  3. with a tendency to rashes,
  4. who have suffered skin diseases and facial injuries.
  5. Prevent and eliminate age-related changes: wrinkles, sagging skin, ptosis (drooping) of tissues, discoloration (pigment spots).
    Since the signs of aging affect each of us, anti-aging facial massage is necessary for everyone, regardless of age. And the sooner you start doing it, the stronger the preventive effect will be.

Efficiency of the technique

Classic facial massage, despite the simplicity of its execution, has a pronounced hygienic, restorative, and rejuvenating effect. Regular implementation of procedures allows you to:

  • prevent and eliminate the appearance of small, facial wrinkles;
  • achieve improved quality of integument (smoothness, elasticity, color);
  • eliminate puffiness, dark circles, spots;
  • even out the skin structure (get rid of blackheads, acne, scars).

As a result of massage sessions, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve. This has a combination of cosmetic and health-improving effects. Nutrition and oxygen supply to tissues improves. The skin acquires elasticity, “glow”, and a healthy glow is visible.

The contours of the face become clearer, the features more expressive. Double chin, jowls, and drooping eyelids are eliminated. The eyes become more open, the lips acquire additional volume. Cosmetics (cream, oil) used during the massage process provide skin care.

The procedures are indicated to obtain a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The sessions are called a real alternative to expensive rejuvenation programs and plastic surgeries. It is recommended to resort to procedures from 25–30 years of age as a preventive measure against age-related changes.

Note! Additionally, a classic massage will help you relax, relieve tension, and minimize depression. Sessions are indicated for general recovery of the body after suffering from various diseases.

Types of cosmetic facial massage

Depending on the tasks and methods for solving them, there are several types of cosmetic facial massage.

  1. Classical

    This massage is performed using a smooth, enveloping technique. The main techniques are stroking and rubbing. A rich cream or oil is first applied to the skin to ensure easy gliding of the hands.

    The impact is only on superficial soft tissues (dermis and subcutaneous fat), and the muscles are minimally worked.

  2. Myofascial

    Myofascial massage is a different, deeper level of tissue development. It targets the fascia that covers the muscles.

    Fascia is a connective tissue membrane, a kind of sheath for muscles. The transfer of force from muscle to muscle and the stability of tissue shape depend on it. When fascia ceases to be flexible and elastic and turns into tangled, clumped fibers, this negatively affects the function of muscles and skin and, accordingly, its appearance.

    To restore mobility to the fascia, firm pressure and fairly strong movements are used during the massage. The pressure increases from session to session. The skin needs to be pinched and twisted, although such classic techniques as kneading, rubbing, and smoothing remain. Particular attention is paid to the aponeurosis of the head: it needs to be stirred up so that it stops pulling the facial muscles along with it.

    The skin is processed dry for maximum close contact with the hands. Movements are performed along muscle fibers.

  3. Plastic

    Plastic massage is also called sculpting. This procedure is offered by cosmetologists as a replacement for contouring (filler injections). Indications: loose and aging skin.

    Movements are performed with strength and pressure. Pressing, vibration, fixing actions predominate. The skin, subcutaneous fat, and muscles are worked out.

  4. Lymphatic drainage

    Stagnation of lymph is the cause of swelling, bags under the eyes, loose skin, increased wrinkles, jowls, nasolabial lips, and extra chins.

    To make a puffy face look graceful, special lymphatic drainage techniques are needed.

    The task of lymphatic drainage facial massage is to restore the movement of lymph along its entire path from the smallest capillaries in the skin to the neck veins, through which our “living water” flows into the bloodstream.

    To do this, you need to knead your face along the lines of lymph flow and work out the paths along which fluid flows down, including the lymph nodes near the ears, under the jaw, and in the area of ​​the collarbones.

  5. Pinch

    The main techniques of pinch massage are rhythmic pinching, as well as pressing and tapping. The procedure is prescribed mainly to eliminate cosmetic defects: acne marks, scars, scars. It activates skin regeneration, due to which the relief is evened out and the complexion improves.

    Do you want to do a facial massage yourself, but don’t know what you need?

    A universal option is a course of self-massage, which affects at a deep level and solves the widest possible range of problems: strengthens the skin, restores the functioning of muscles and fascia, has a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, and erases defects. This will help solve current skin problems and delay skin aging.

    An effective set of facial self-massage techniques was developed by Anna Melnikova (MelAnnett), a beauty trainer to whom millions of women have already entrusted their beauty.

    Scroll on and read about her basic marathon “Boldly NOT”. Perhaps this is what you are looking for.

How to do self-massage at home

Would you like to try some rejuvenating self-massage techniques right now? We have prepared a selection of exercises from MelAnnett that are designed to solve various problems. Start by working on the areas that concern you the most.

TOP 10 anti-aging massage techniques from MelAnnett:

  1. Express facial skin lifting
  2. Elimination of eyebrow creases
  3. Elimination of wrinkles on the forehead
  4. Fighting bags under the eyes and crow's feet
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds with tongue massage
  6. Raising the upper eyelids and opening the gaze
  7. Raising the corners of the mouth
  8. Fights wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to lips
  9. Elimination of excess chins
  10. Giving the nose a neat and well-defined shape

Benefits of cosmetic facial massage

A well-executed, deep cosmetic facial massage works on several levels:

  • activates blood supply and delivery of nutrients to cells, accelerates metabolism,
  • promotes skin strengthening, regeneration, production of healthy collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, melanin, etc.,
  • restores healthy muscle tone, relieves muscle spasticity, restores their natural length and elasticity,
  • loosens stiff fascia,
  • enhances lymphatic drainage, dispersing stagnant tissue fluid and “raising barriers” on the path of lymph,
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands,
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body (along with lymph).

Thanks to this multi-level effect, the skin looks better, signs of age disappear, and defects are removed. You are re-sculpting your face.

Effect of the procedure

As a result, you get a radiant, beautiful, youthful face.

  • The color became healthy and even, hyperpigmentation was reduced.
  • The turgor and tone of the skin have increased, sagging has been eliminated, and the relief has been leveled.
  • Wrinkles, folds and creases were smoothed out.
  • The cheeks were tightened, the jowls and nasolabial folds were gone.
  • The oval became clear, the double chin “resolved”.
  • The swelling, bags under the eyes, and puffiness are gone.
  • Cheekbones are outlined.
  • Eyebrows, eyelids, and corners of lips rose.
  • Ptosis (drooping) of tissues has decreased.
  • Lips have become fuller.
  • The nose has acquired a neat appearance, there is no pecking tip and a rough shape.
  • The skin is moderately moisturized, there is no peeling or oily sheen.
  • The rashes have decreased.
  • Acne marks, scars, scars have been erased.

Classic massage technique according to Akhabadze

It is not difficult to learn how to perform classic massage according to Akhabadze. The author of the technique offers a simple but effective scheme of actions. The following is carried out sequentially:

  1. Use soft stroking movements to “wash your face.” The palms are smoothly moved from the center to the periphery.
  2. Moves to the neck. Stroking is done from the sides of the ear to the collarbone, back - from the sternum to the midline of the chin.
  3. Palms stroke the forehead. Move from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.
  4. The thumbs are placed on the bridge of the nose, the rest of the hand is placed on the chin. Work a line along the nasolabial fold. The movement is stopped at the border of the lower jaw. Rubbing is used.
  5. Hold the skin in the ear area with your hand, and with the other draw a circle clockwise in the mouth area, touching the location of the nasolabial folds.
  6. Draw a line from the wings of the nose to the temples, touching the cheekbones. They are warming up the zone.
  7. An “infinity” sign is drawn in the eye area. The stroke begins from the outer corner of the eye towards the eyebrow. With your free hand, hold the skin on your temple.
  8. The eyelids are worked with vibration movements.
  9. Vibration is used to work the face away from the center of the forehead, the wings of the nose, the corners of the lips, and the center of the chin.

Important! Exercises are repeated 3–5 times for prevention and maintenance of results. The intensive course involves 5–7 repetitions.

Facial massage according to Akhabadze.

Indications for use

Any woman should take care of her face with self-massage, and she should start as early as possible. Ideally, from the age of 20. The sooner you start, the longer your youth will last.

Self-massage of the face should become mandatory from the age of 30, when the skin becomes mature and the aging mechanisms begin. This procedure is as integral a part of life as brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

There is no upper age limit. Massage will have an effect at any age.

Harm of cosmetic facial massage

If cosmetic facial massage is done correctly, it cannot cause harm. This is an absolutely safe procedure. The anti-effect is possible only if the rules are violated, namely:

  1. When massage technique is not followed
    , massage lines, directions of lymph flow, and location of muscle fibers are not taken into account.

    Here are examples of errors.

    • I rubbed the skin against the massage lines - it stretched.
    • She massaged the enlarged lymph nodes - it caused fluid stagnation, the face became swollen and puffy.

  2. If I didn’t cleanse my skin before the massage, I spread bacteria all over my face, which caused acne and other rashes to appear.
  3. When contraindications are ignored.
    If you perform a massage if there are contraindications, inflammation, skin diseases, vascular problems, neuralgia, etc. may worsen.

Unpleasant consequences of cosmetic facial massage

If you do a facial massage correctly, it will not cause any discomfort. It may be a little painful if the muscles are in severe spasm, but thanks to regular exercise this will quickly pass (by the way, working with vacuum cans is also not very comfortable at first, but then you get used to it, but that’s another topic).

On the contrary, self-massage of the face gives a lot of positive impressions. You feel warmth rushing to your face. It may seem that certain areas seem to be moving, the skin is stretching - this is when blood begins to actively flow to them, and the muscles begin to readjust to normal function.

Moreover, facial massage lifts your mood, calms your psyche, and improves your overall well-being.

Can bruises, hematomas, discomfort, or pain appear after the procedure? Only if the technique was broken.

It is extremely rare, but still there are allergic reactions to creams and oils that were applied before the massage (if it is performed using the classical technique or with vacuum cans).

If you use cosmetics before the procedure, they must be tested and safe. We advise you to give preference to Beauty365 natural cosmetics: hydrosols, oils, squalane, balm. All of them are 100% made from plant materials and are gentle on the skin. Go to and choose.

Contraindications and precautions

Can everyone do self-facial massage? Not everyone, but there are few restrictions.

The procedure is contraindicated if there are local skin problems in the acute stage: acne, rosacea, abrasions, injuries, burns, bites, herpes, eczema.

Local vascular disorders are also limiting: rosacea, fragile blood vessels.

In case of damage to the facial nerve and other neurology, it is better to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a therapeutic massage.

General health matters too. You should refrain from self-massage in the following cases:

  • elevated temperature,
  • severe hypertension,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • severe inflammatory processes,
  • oncology,
  • blood diseases,
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

A cosmetic facial massage is the best procedure that a salon can offer you. It is in tune with the natural processes that occur in your body, and does not create artificial stimulation, does not invade the tissues with a foreign agent, and does not break your physiology. In general, this is not Botox, not fillers, not threads, not surgeries, not laser, not currents, and this is a huge plus of massage.

The disadvantages of getting a massage in a salon are that it is expensive and inconvenient. You need to go somewhere, find time, rearrange your schedule. Can you afford it? Great.

But think about this one more thing. Salon facial massage will not give a pronounced and long-term result. For changes to be obvious and lasting, massage needs to be done every day, so it should become a healthy habit for life.

Even if you wanted to, you won’t be able to go to the salon every day, month after month, year after year. All that the cosmetologist will offer you is a course of several procedures, which you can undergo 2-3 times a year. Moreover, a salon facial massage will not include the elimination of other underlying physiological causes that lead to aging.

Therefore, the most effective and convenient option is self-massage, and in combination with other rejuvenating techniques and work on posture (scroll below and read the details).

Submit your application

A beautiful, toned oval face, healthy glow, excellent skin tone is the dream of every woman. No home care procedure can replace a professional facial massage. A variety of techniques allows you to choose the optimal solution for any skin type and get amazing results in a short time.

Why does the skin on your face actually age?

The skin of the face is subject to chrono- and photoaging, but in fact, folds, wrinkles and swelling also appear on it due to age-related changes in the skull, muscles, and blood vessels. Over time, the skull becomes deformed and decreases in volume; weakened and insufficiently elastic muscles are no longer able to grasp it as before. In places where the facial muscles sag, the skin also sags.

On the other hand, the muscles of the forehead and neck are often hypertonic, that is, too tense due to a sedentary lifestyle. Overstrained neck muscles disrupt blood flow to the skin of the face - the cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. The venous and lymph flow is disrupted - swelling appears on the face, it becomes puffy, the oval “floats”, and a double chin is formed.

Wrinkles and folds on the forehead often occur due to hypertonicity of the forehead muscles

What are the benefits of massage?

It's never too late to rebuild muscles. At any age, through regular training, they can be made dense and elastic, and the muscles of the face are no exception. This can be done with the help of “passive gymnastics” - a massage that will relax tense muscles and restore tone to weakened ones.

Massage has a complex effect:

  • tightens the oval of the face;
  • smoothes or reduces the appearance of folds and wrinkles;
  • improves blood circulation, and with it the flow of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells;
  • improves complexion and skin turgor;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • eliminates swelling and has a lifting effect;
  • relieves nervous tension and other effects of stress.

During a facial massage, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness

6 questions about facial massage

No. 1. At what age can you do facial massage?

The procedure will be beneficial at any age. Up to 25 years - according to indications, for example, for swelling or excessive nervous tension. At the age of 25-30, the course is prescribed as a preventive measure for aging, and after 30, it is advisable to take it regularly, as part of anti-aging care.

No. 2. Are there any contraindications?

Massage should not be done if there are rashes or injuries on the face, such as herpes, an allergic reaction, abrasions or scratches. The procedure is also contraindicated for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology and a number of other serious health problems.

No. 3. How many procedures do you need to undergo to get results?

After a one-time procedure, the effect will last for 3-4 days. If you need to go on an important date or a meeting of classmates, this will be enough. To obtain a lasting result, you need a course of 10-15 sessions (2-3 times a week), and then maintenance procedures 1-2 times a month or repeating the whole course after a few months.

Facial massage is an excellent way to rejuvenate the skin before meeting classmates

No. 4. Does the number of sessions per course depend on age?

At 25-30 years old, it is enough to complete half the course - 5-7 procedures for preventive purposes. If you have already celebrated your fortieth birthday, a full course is required, as well as regular maintenance massages. The cosmetologist will recommend the optimal schedule on an individual basis.

#5: How long does a massage last?

The duration of the session depends on the massage technique. Sometimes the procedure takes only 10-20 minutes, in other cases – from an hour to an hour and a half. On average it is 30-45 minutes.

No. 6. Is it possible to do a facial massage yourself?

You can perform a facial massage yourself, but at home it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired effect. In cosmetology clinics, professional equipment and cosmetics are used for this. Specialists know which points can be pressed and which ones cannot, and they know how to influence the skin taking into account its characteristics.

Self-massage is more of a chore than a pleasure

Various facial massage techniques

There are various massage techniques - classic, plastic (myostimulating), therapeutic (pinch). They are universal, have a general effect on the lymphatic, circulatory, nervous and muscular systems. There are also specialized techniques created to solve specific problems, for example, lymphatic drainage massage to combat swelling and bags under the eyes, or muscular-structural massage to work the muscles of the face and neck.

  • Classic massage is stroking, kneading and rubbing. To enhance the effect, use special oils and creams.
  • Anti-aging – stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin, restores skin elasticity, relieves puffiness and improves texture.
  • Japanese - affects the skin, muscles and connective tissue more deeply. Returns clear contours to the oval, reduces the severity of wrinkles.

In progressive cosmetology clinics and offices, facial massage is also performed using other techniques:

  • According to the technique of Enrique Garcia.

In terms of technique, this Spanish massage is often compared to plastic surgery. It allows you to achieve deep muscle relaxation, relieves muscle tension, effectively fights expression wrinkles, and removes excess fluid. After the course, tissue elasticity is restored, and the body is healed on several levels.

Enrique Garcia's massage combines classical and European techniques. Despite such a complex effect, the procedure is almost painless, easy and pleasant.

  • Facial massage according to Akhabadze.

Massage using this technique is recommended to be carried out before cosmetic procedures in order to enhance their effect. With its help, it is possible to relieve muscle tension, rid tissues of excess fluid, improve microcirculation, increase tone and elasticity.

Classic facial massage is suitable for any skin type

The magical properties of facial massage were once appreciated by the ancient Egyptians. In Europe, a piece of suede fabric was used for this purpose, as well as other methods that were quite dangerous to health. Today, any girl or woman can undergo a massage course and quickly, comfortably get rid of wrinkles, return a healthy color to their face, and give themselves a great mood!

Preparing for a cosmetic facial massage

How to do facial massage yourself at home?

You don’t need any special conditions or devices for this, just your hands.

Before the procedure, you just need to cleanse your face of makeup and dirt, and nothing more. The most effective, deep massage should be done on dry skin, without any creams or oils - to enhance contact with the hands.

How do we cleanse our face? Gently, without drying out the skin. The best option is to wipe it with hydrosol. This natural herbal remedy will provide light hydration, enough for a massage.

Look for hydrosols of mint, sage, lavender Beauty365 on - these products have good reviews.

After the procedure, when all the necessary processes inside have been activated, nourish your face from the outside as well. For this, choose natural anti-aging cosmetics that contain healthy vitamins and acids.

Oils, squalane, and Beauty365 balm have excellent rejuvenating effects. Go to and read product descriptions. There are options for mature and dry skin (Beauty365 Coconut Oil), for pigmented skin that needs whitening (Beauty365 Camellia Sasanqua Oil), etc.

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