How to do LPG facial massage: advantages of the technique and results

The shape of your face can be adjusted using the services of beauty salons. To do this, they have a certain supply of methods that allow you to get rid of cosmetic defects in the form of, for example, swelling. The skin can be rejuvenated thanks to a procedure such as lpg facial massage. It is based on the use of vacuum to knead the skin and fat folds. This type of mechanical action can be used for both the body and the face, and the same apparatus is used for these procedures, but the attachments change.

What does "LPG" stand for?

The development of such a massage was carried out by the Frenchman Louis-Paul Guitey - it was his initials that were used in the name of the procedure. This man was in a car accident, which turned his whole life upside down, depriving him of the ability to move normally. His injury forced him to do various exercises and massage sessions every day, so one day the idea came to his mind to develop a device that could help the body get back in order after injuries of various types. Now this development is used to correct stretch marks, “orange peels” and improve the health of facial skin.

Previously, this type of massage was used to restore the body.

Features of this procedure

This method is called differently - liftmassage, cosmechanics, endermolift. During the procedure, a vacuum-pinch action occurs on the skin, reaching its deep layers. Even deeper tissues can be treated.

As already mentioned, the procedure was developed in France by a man who, due to an accident, could not move normally for a long time. The patient did not like the way the specialists handled their duties during the massage process, so he had to independently invent a device for these manipulations. Over time, it was called LPG.

At first, the device for LPG massage was intended to be used in the rehabilitation of people after certain traumatic injuries - for example, to smooth out scars after operations. The resulting effect is many times greater than that obtained with manual massage techniques. In addition, the results last longer. Over time, LPG began to be used to improve skin health, increase its elasticity, smooth cellulite and correct stretch marks. It is advisable to use LPG massage to remove excess fat. Thus, the scope of use of the device is quite wide.

LPG massage is often used to eliminate cellulite

This cosmetic procedure will allow you to correct the shape of your face thanks to the effects of a vacuum and a roller. The impact occurs with several manipulas intended for the face or body. For example, a facial device is designed to draw in an area of ​​skin and subcutaneous fat using a vacuum. Retraction frequency is from 4 to 16 per second.

This service is provided by many cosmetology clinics. The manipulation device is configured to operate automatically, which is suitable for a specific client (this is chosen by the cosmetologist). The procedure allows you to correct facial skin imperfections. Any impact does not cause pain.

This massage does not cause pain


If the skin has undergone age-related changes, applying lift massage will be a very useful type of hardware cosmetology. It can correct skin imperfections already caused by aging and become a means of preventing them.

It is used if:

  1. Deep wrinkled folds have formed on the skin - it doesn’t matter whether they are facial or age-related;
  2. The oval of the face has undergone undesirable changes;
  3. The skin has become loose;
  4. There is a threat of obesity or a double chin;
  5. The skin of the face became swollen, bags formed in the eye area, the skin acquired an unhealthy shade;
  6. There are bruises, scars and cicatrices on the skin.

Benefits and results of LPG massage

This procedure has been subjected to a large number of clinical trials to win the love of specialists around the globe. Research has revealed the advantages of such manipulations in comparison with similar procedures that are carried out manually.

  1. The volume of subcutaneous fat is reduced by almost half, and this process continues even after the end of the course of procedures.
  2. The skin becomes denser by about 50%.
  3. Quite a noticeable lifting effect.
  4. The amount of collagen increases, and the fiber structure is regenerated.

After several sessions of this massage, a lifting effect becomes noticeable.

It has been experimentally established that one procedure is enough to notice such important results:

  • the flow of arterial blood increases, enriching tissues with oxygen;
  • the outflow of venous blood is normalized, cleansing the body of unnecessary substances;
  • lymph flows out more.

In modern cosmetology, this procedure is the only way to influence facial skin using specialized devices, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed in an authoritative certification system for medical technologies and inventions. The popularity of this massage in the beauty industry is quite high.

This procedure is safe and extremely popular.

Hardware vacuum facial skin massage

Hardware vacuum massage is carried out using special vacuum equipment equipped with nozzles, inside of which air pressure alternates. The technique is suitable for patients with sensitive skin. Professional vacuum equipment allows you to control the suction force, so the risk of injury and side effects is minimized. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist will select the optimal regimen to achieve maximum effect.

Stages of anti-aging therapy:

  1. Makeup removal and cleansing the skin of impurities and sebum.
  2. Applying a massage cream or gel, which facilitates the sliding of massage bowls over the surface of the face.
  3. Treatment of the skin with vacuum cans, carefully moving them along massage lines.
  4. Applying a soothing cream or mask.

The duration of the procedure is 10 – 15 minutes. After the first session, regeneration processes are launched, blood and lymph circulation is activated, metabolism in soft tissues is improved, and local immunity is increased.

Features of rejuvenation using LPG therapy

Of course, the event should be held in specialized clinics. Specialists will carefully examine you, answer all your questions, and help you understand the nuances of the procedure. Although some people still buy a special LPG device with a roller and vacuum, which allows them to do massage at home, so as not to spend money on the services of a cosmetologist.

The frequency and duration of procedures are prescribed by a cosmetologist. If a woman is over fifty and has wrinkled and sagging skin, she needs from 15 to 25 events. If you just need to prevent skin aging or the problems are not so significant, ten repetitions of the massage will be enough. Usually one or maximum two procedures per week are enough.

The number of sessions depends on the condition of the facial skin

Note! One session takes approximately half an hour.

When five or six repetitions of the massage have been completed, the so-called “critical period” may occur, which not everyone can cope with. The skin is deprived of almost all water, sags, and forms folds. Naturally, the appearance is quite unpleasant. But if you continue the procedures, you will be able to notice pleasant improvements.

The sensations during the procedure are related to the pain threshold and the operating mode of the device.

When performing a massage, you should slightly raise your head.

The person may experience mild discomfort during the procedure

Make-up is prohibited for several hours after the procedure.

Important! To prevent the effect from disappearing, experts advise doing two or three massages every six months to maintain skin condition.

Remember: if you want to carry out procedures with an LPG machine yourself at home, you need to have some skills. If you choose the wrong operating mode or use the wrong attachment, you may suffer from bruising. So you need to learn how to work with the device, consult with cosmetologists. If you are afraid that you might make a mistake, it is better to visit a cosmetology clinic.

You need to learn how to use such a device before starting procedures at home.

Important! Before the massage, be sure to drink two glasses of clean water, since the procedure affects the removal of moisture from the skin.

Indications for the procedure

Fibroblasts are cells that affect the youth of our skin, making it firm and elastic. From the age of 25, the production of collagen and elastin decreases because the cells do not work as actively as before.

The skin of the face is quite delicate, and in response to a lack of these substances, it becomes wrinkled, sags, and its color becomes unhealthy. The procedure we are considering is precisely designed to activate these cells, giving the skin a youthful appearance.

This procedure can be done at any age

Note! This massage can be done at any age.

Types of lifting massage

  • Metabolic
    is aimed at combating metabolic disorders at the cellular level. The disorder occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the intervening tissues. These tissues are very difficult to influence during a regular massage. And the metabolic one is aimed at deep study. During the procedure, a deep local kneading technique is used, which stimulates microcirculation processes, thereby improving cell nutrition and oxygen supply. This type slows down the aging process, improves lymph flow, removes toxins and relaxes muscles.
  • Spanish
    . This type is quite popular. With the right technique, you can achieve a gorgeous lifting effect, tighten the facial muscles, improve the functioning of skin cells, as well as increase its elasticity and restore a youthful appearance. The procedure itself consists of more than a hundred movements that are performed by all parts of the arms, including the elbows. This is the difficulty, since it is quite difficult to perform this procedure on your own.
  • Italian
    . This simple massage technique is aimed at activating lymphatic drainage and stimulating the muscular framework of the face, neck and décolleté. It is performed like this: in order to create pressure and simplify the process of removing toxins, the head is lowered and the procedure begins. This technique is especially recommended for people who are concerned about bags under the eyes and sagging skin.


Before carrying out this procedure, you should definitely ask your doctor if you can do it. The specialist will carefully examine those areas of the skin that need massage. The conducted surveys make it possible to identify general and special prohibitions on the use of this hardware procedure. As a matter of fact, the prohibitions are similar to those imposed during manual types of massage.

You should consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Local contraindications.

  1. Skin injuries. If you also influence it mechanically, you can aggravate the problems and delay regeneration.
  2. Various skin diseases, acne, herpes in the active phase. The procedure affects lymph and blood circulation, as a result of which pathogens spread throughout the body.
  3. Inflammatory processes in lymph nodes and blood vessels. Cellulitis, abscesses, osteomyelitis.
  4. Tumors on the face: hemangiomas, lipomas, and so on. Massage can influence tumor cells in such a way that they begin to divide more rapidly.
  5. Bright vascular network.

    If there is a bright vascular network, this massage is not performed

  6. Vitiligo. Metabolism is activated, which causes the problem to grow.
  7. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. If such a problem is in an acute stage, pain will likely be felt. But when the acute phase is over, you can perform a massage.
  8. Excessive hair growth. The procedure affects blood circulation, causing it to increase. Because of this, hair grows even more actively.

If a person has acne, LPG massage is contraindicated

Other prohibitions.

  1. Epilepsy.
  2. Problems with blood clotting.
  3. High pressure.
  4. Diseases that cause high fever.
  5. High pressure.
  6. The period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding.

If you have problems with blood clotting, the procedure is not performed.

How to prepare the skin for a lifting massage

And although many people say that facial massage can be performed at any time, even when you just have a free minute, this is not true. The procedure must be approached consciously and thoroughly prepared.

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin. To do this, take special products like washing gel or milk. Afterwards, wipe your face with toner.
  2. Some people prefer to make a hot herbal compress or simply steam their face before the procedure. This improves blood circulation, and the massage has a better effect on the skin and muscles.
  3. Never massage on dry skin, otherwise it will stretch. Before the procedure, apply cream or squalane. This is sugar cane oil, which through massage will even more effectively nourish the skin with the necessary elements. See how to apply it more effectively
    • If you prefer creams, then choose one that will definitely provide a good gliding effect.
    • For dry skin, take a nourishing cream to restore the lipid barrier. If it contains natural oils and extracts, it will be absolutely wonderful.

  4. But for oily skin, a cream without oils and fats is needed.
  5. Aging skin requires special attention, so it is recommended to choose creams with amino acids, proteins, retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids.

Massage with LPG machine

The hardware used is considered advanced in the field of cosmetology. A modern LPG massage device was invented based on the features of the basic one.

Modernization and improvement of the classic LPG device took place in Israel. The effect allows you to correct sagging, sagging skin, smooth out stretch marks and wrinkles. The undoubted advantage of the devices is the fairly quick implementation of the procedure and excellent effectiveness.

The LPG massage device is constantly being modernized

Note! Many other methods of hardware cosmetology will allow you to notice any result after several repetitions of the procedure, and an advanced LPG device will provide visible results after a single session.

The advantage of a massage device is that a person does not suffer from pain or bruises. To do this, they use special attachments that act more gently than others. In addition, the device itself allows you to set a gentle program that will not harm the skin.

You can set the settings for each specific client

What types of LPG massage are there?

There are several types of this massage. Each of them is designed to correct the client’s skin imperfections, and they all have their own nuances.

LPG massage with lifting effect

Skin lifting can be done in different ways, and one of the methods is LPG massage. The skin is subjected exclusively to mechanical stress, and it regenerates spontaneously, without the addition of additional substances such as fillers or surgical intervention. In other words, the procedure affects exactly the cause of problems, and not only removes their manifestations. The skin becomes healthier as the work of specialized cells is stimulated.

Thanks to this procedure, you can achieve a lifting effect on the skin of the face and neck.

The desired youthful effect can be achieved quite quickly:

  • beautiful facial contours are formed, cheeks and chin are lifted;
  • Age-related skin sagging is removed and “gravitational ptosis” is corrected;
  • Excess fat in the cheeks and chin area is perfectly removed;
  • excess moisture is removed, swelling disappears;
  • the skin becomes more elastic.

Important! It is worth noting that the procedure has an effect not only directly on the problem area, but also on the entire body. After such a massage, clients say that they feel relaxed and their emotional background improves.

After the procedure, you can continue to lead your normal lifestyle.

The massage does not provide for a further recovery period, and you also do not need to limit yourself in anything, you can return to your usual way of life.

LPG anti-wrinkle technology

This procedure is recommended for people of all ages to smooth out wrinkles. Massage prevents any changes in the structure of the skin associated with age, and also tightens it well.

With LPG massage you can get rid of wrinkles

The procedure device can cope with the following types of wrinkles.

  1. Superficial, similar to a small mesh. In large quantities, they give the skin a parchment structure. They are usually formed due to a lack of moisture in the skin.
  2. Medium-deep, touching the middle layer of facial skin. Their formation comes from ignored superficial wrinkles. Collagen fibers are damaged by free radicals, and the formation of “youth cells” is inhibited.
  3. Deep, formed with the participation of subcutaneous fat. They are characteristic of natural folds of the skin, for example, in the nasolabial triangle.

Note! If you complete a full course of massage, it is quite possible to completely “erase” surface wrinkles. The number of medium-deep and deep wrinkles is reduced by approximately thirty percent. They become less deep (20%) and not so long (15%).

Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of deep wrinkles in one course of procedures, but you can “erase” superficial ones

In addition, the LPG massage device has a positive effect on the facial muscles and normalizes the blood supply to the tissues. This is very important to prevent the occurrence of gravity wrinkles. Fibroblasts begin to work intensively, producing collagen and elastin. It is worth remembering that a person also develops dynamic wrinkles - a consequence of natural facial expressions. So you need to choose the right method and intensity of the massager - any mistake can worsen the current situation.

LPG equipment in the fight against sagging skin

This skin is not elastic enough and lacks tone. In cosmetology, this problem is called “atonic skin.” The skin is wrinkled, saggy, dry and unhealthy in color. Typically, sagging is affected by decreased tone of the facial muscles, aging processes, genetic predisposition, various diseases, and constant stress.

Using this technique you can make your skin less sagging.

Typically, such a skin deficiency appears around the age of forty, when a lack of elastin and collagen in the body is noted, so it is best to start courses of preventive massage after 25 years. Remember: it is better to prevent any skin imperfections than to try to correct them later.

Note! If you have problems with skin tone, the procedure can reduce the area of ​​the problem area by about 20%.

The skin requires some time to restore its previous properties. Do not be discouraged if, after visiting a cosmetologist once, you do not notice any positive changes - any problems can be solved if you influence them systematically.

You'll have to wait to see significant results.

LPG technology to get rid of acne marks

Post-acne is the result of acne. The skin becomes pathologically thickened and scars appear on it. The color of problem areas may even change. The pores also expand, and a network of blood vessels under the skin is formed. Of course, this spoils a person's appearance.

Such skin cannot be restored - it needs to be renewed. No amount of superficial, smoothing or exfoliating peels will save you. That is, you will have to help the skin renew itself to its previous state.

Using LPG massage you can get rid of acne marks

LPG massage is a great way to solve this problem. Thanks to it, skin renewal processes are activated, the work of “youth cells” is stimulated, which synthesize collagen and elastin - important participants in the process we need.

Collagen is the main factor in skin youth, as it affects its elasticity, firmness, density and turgor. If you regularly use a special device on problem areas, you can do a good job of removing the marks left from acne.

It is worth carrying out the procedure regularly to obtain a lasting effect.

Types of vacuum facial skin massage

Depending on the technique used, the apparatus and attachments used, the following types of vacuum massage are distinguished:

  • Classic can. It can be kinetic or dynamic. In the first case, the skin is treated with a special gel, after which the massage therapist applies the cup and carefully, trying not to injure it, moves it along the massage lines. During a static massage, the skin is pre-treated with gel, after which a jar is placed on the problem area, which remains in place. After 5 - 7 seconds, the vacuum is released, then the skin is sucked again. In this way, a limited problem area is processed 4–6 times, and only then the can is moved to another location.
  • Laser-vacuum. A vacuum facial massage is performed using a device equipped with an attachment that generates low-frequency cold laser radiation. First, the treated skin is sucked into a jar, after which it is exposed to laser radiation. After a course of therapy, collagen production is activated, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are enhanced, swelling and inflammation disappear, metabolism is normalized, and local immunity is increased..
  • Vacuum roller. Manipulations are performed using a vacuum attachment equipped with rollers or a roller. This attachment works like a jar. First, the skin is sucked into the flask, after which it is treated with a massage roller. This procedure enhances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminates facial and deep age wrinkles, restores skin elasticity and tone, has a lifting effect, evens out color and microrelief.
  • Hardware vacuum. It is carried out using a special device equipped with attachments for treating the skin. The device is equipped with useful modes, such as adjusting the suction strength. Therefore, the risk of skin injury is minimized.

Cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic will select the most effective type of massage, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, skin type, and the severity of cosmetic and aesthetic problems. Clients who contact us are always satisfied with the quality of service and results.

Preparation for the procedure

There is no need to prepare specially for a massage. Usually it is advised to drink two glasses of clean water, and also remove makeup and cleanse the skin of excess oil.

The massage should take place on clean and dry skin. Although sometimes the cosmetologist applies special products to enhance the effect of the massage. The client lies down on a bed or chair facing the ceiling; it is necessary to slightly raise his head. Each area of ​​the face is treated by a specialist for up to fifteen minutes. If the skin is too problematic, it may take longer.

You don’t have to do any special preparation for the procedure.

Note! After the procedure, minor swelling and redness may occur. There is no need to worry - this is a completely adequate skin reaction. These phenomena disappear either after a few hours or after a few days - it all depends on individual characteristics.

You may notice changes in your skin immediately or over time. After the first massage, the result lasts for a couple of days. To maintain it for a long time, a course of procedures consisting of at least ten repetitions of LPG massage is required.

Most often, two massages are performed per week. The duration of exposure and its methods are related to the existing skin deficiency and its severity. An important factor is the person’s age and skin type.

Usually two procedures are performed per week

Note! When you complete the full course of massage, the results will last for about a year.

There is no need to take care of your face after a massage. You can use your usual skincare products, go to the gym, sunbathe - in general, live the way you are used to.

Vacuum facial massage in cosmetology

A vacuum massage session in a cosmetologist’s office can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Consultation. Before starting the procedure, the doctor will conduct an initial examination, assess the general condition of the skin and its needs, and decide on the type of massage. If necessary, the doctor will give a referral for a comprehensive diagnostic examination, the results of which will help exclude or confirm contraindications.
  2. Skin preparation. Before starting a cupping massage, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of decorative cosmetics, removes any remaining dirt, dust, grease, then treats the surface with a special gel or oil that ensures easy suction and sliding of the vacuum flask.
  3. Direct execution of the procedure. Depending on what type of massage the specialist has chosen, manipulations are carried out with cups or a special apparatus equipped with attachments. The cosmetologist carefully moves the flasks from one area to another so as not to damage the skin and blood vessels located in the upper layers of the skin.
  4. Care after manipulation. At the end of the procedure, the doctor removes the remaining gel or oil, then treats the skin with a nourishing cream. Also, after the massage, the cosmetologist may suggest applying a soothing mask that triggers regeneration processes,

Customer reviews about the procedure

Natalya, Moscow

“I really tried a lot of different cosmetic procedures. What I liked most was the LPG technology. The quick effect is pleasing - the face has become toned, the oval has become more beautiful. And it didn’t take many procedures! Of course, I will repeat this massage so that the results last for a long time. By the way, I do LPG massage in other areas to firm up the skin and get rid of cellulite. And in this case the method is no less effective.”

There are more positive reviews about this procedure than negative ones

Maria, St. Petersburg

“I did the LPG massage on the advice of a cosmetologist. I don't have any wrinkles yet, but lack of sleep has significantly worsened the appearance of my face. The massage really saved my skin, as even one procedure was enough for an excellent result. Of course, I will go through the entire course of procedures, I want to see a brighter result. I advise you to try this method, just consult a specialist first.”

Katerina, Sergiev Posad

“I still don’t understand what the point of LPG massage is. It seems that I did everything that the specialist told me, I completed the full course. And what happened? Yes, absolutely nothing. Of course, my face began to look healthy, but I didn’t see any dramatic changes. Probably not my method, because I saw the results of other people and read a lot of reviews. Perhaps I just don’t need this method of rejuvenation yet.”

Note! Often negative reviews about such a cosmetic procedure are probably associated with the use of low-quality equipment in cosmetic clinics.

What can you combine with LPG facial massage?

In order for the effect obtained from vacuum massage to last for a long time, it is combined with other techniques.

Can be used in parallel:

  • Mesotherapy procedure;
  • Therapy using the Beautytek method;
  • Regular massage.

The necessity of these additions is selected by the cosmetologist individually.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after LPG facial massage course No. 1

Photos before and after LPG facial massage course No. 2

Photos before and after LPG facial massage course No. 3

Photos before and after LPG facial massage course No. 4

Indications and contraindications

Recommendations for LPG facial massage
Liftmassage as a type of hardware cosmetology techniques is usually intended for skin that has undergone certain age-related changes. Since it is effective not only in eliminating the effects of aging, you can resort to the procedure to prevent such phenomena.


  • Deep wrinkles, both age-related and facial wrinkles.
  • Decreased skin tone, change in facial contour.
  • Loose skin.
  • Obesity, appearance of a double chin.
  • Swelling.
  • Unhealthy complexion, bags under the eyes.
  • Traces of hematomas, scars, scars.

Based on the results of many years of work, cosmetologists claim that LPG massage is the only alternative to surgery, with which it is possible to achieve a reduction in the area of ​​the skin area from 20 to 40%. Therefore, the effectiveness of endermolifting has been repeatedly confirmed for all of the above symptoms and is confirmed in each new cosmetology session.

In terms of compatibility with other LPG procedures, massage is well compatible, provided that cosmetic products are correctly selected. However, you need to keep in mind some exceptions. For example, you should not perform an LPG massage procedure after recently undergoing facial contouring. Since increased blood circulation after the procedure leads to accelerated resorption of the drug administered during plastic surgery.

However, there are a number of contraindications for the endermolifting procedure :

  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • High blood pressure, weak blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Respiratory diseases and infections.
  • Skin disorders: scratches, wounds, abrasions, rash.
  • Benign skin tumors, neoplasms: protruding moles, warts.
  • Skin diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal origin.

Separately, general contraindications :

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. A lightweight LPG massage technique called “venous insufficiency” has been developed especially for pregnant women. It has a mild effect and effectively relieves swelling. Other options are unacceptable during this period.
  • Period. Endermolifting increases blood circulation not only to the facial skin, but also affects the entire body. Therefore, resorting to the procedure on “these days” can significantly increase the abundance of discharge and provoke spasms.
  • Malignant tumors of any type and origin.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by fever.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Epilepsy and neurological diseases accompanied by seizures.
  • Endocrine diseases.

In any case, during a consultation with a specialist, it is necessary to disclose existing diseases in order to prevent adverse consequences.

Otherwise, the LPG massage procedure can be applied to both women and men of different ages and with different skin types.

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the average cost of the procedure in different cities of Russia. Let us clarify that it depends on the specifics of the clinic, the experience and qualifications of the doctor, the equipment used, and the duration of the session. We advise you not to go to clinics and centers where the cost of the procedure is too low - perhaps they do not use a real LPG massage device, but a fake one that will not be able to affect the skin as necessary. Because of this, at best, you will not see any results at all.

CityCost of one procedure (duration – 20 minutes)
Moscow2000 rub.
Saint Petersburg1700 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod1600 rub.
Novosibirsk1600 rub.
Vladivostok1200 rub.
Krasnodar1300 rub.
Rostov-on-Don1200 rub.
Sochi1800 rub.
Arkhangelsk1300 rub.
Permian1100 rub.
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