Which concealer should you use if your skin is prone to acne?

What is concealer and why is it needed? This is a product with which it is possible to disguise all irregularities, flaws and damage to the skin of the face. Its action is similar to that of a corrector. The only difference is that the consistency of the product is more delicate. At the same time, the concealer adheres tightly to the skin, making it smooth and velvety, almost perfect.

This product is indispensable in the cosmetic bag of a modern woman. After all, in the frantic pace of life, it is very difficult to look good, especially to have perfect skin. In such a situation, concealer will hide the bruises that appear due to lack of sleep. It will also make pimples or capillary mesh protruding to the surface invisible.

Creating an even complexion is already half the success of makeup. Ideal skin is what will be appreciated first.

Concealers come in different colors. Each of them can hide imperfections of a certain skin type. After all, mixing two colors gives a completely different third. Knowing on what principle the concealer palette is designed and what to use for what, you can achieve great success in creating the ideal complexion tone.

To understand how concealer works, remember your drawing lessons. You've probably been told that by mixing colors you can achieve not only the appearance of new shades, but also other colors. Yellow and blue made green, and red and blue made purple. Makeup artists have taken note of this and have been actively using it for a very long time.

Photo from the site: MakeupLine.ru

How to keep your skin healthy

1. Drink plenty of water.

You've probably heard more than once about the importance of drinking plenty of clean water every day. But we will repeat this too. Water helps remove toxins from the body, increases energy levels and provides much-needed hydration. Thanks to this, the skin glows with health.

2. Get enough sleep.

When you sleep, your skin repairs itself. With insomnia, many people have an unhealthy complexion.

3. Protect your skin from the sun.

This is one of the main measures to protect the skin from premature aging and cancer. Sunscreen will help in this case. SPF indicator – minimum 15.

4. Moisturize.

Moisturizers help maintain the necessary level of moisture in the skin and restore it.

5. Do not use wet wipes frequently.

Of course, this is one of the best ways to quickly cleanse your skin, but wipes should not completely replace regular washing or using a cleansing gel.

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6. Exfoliate regularly.

This procedure helps remove dead skin cells.

7. Remove makeup.

Wearing makeup for longer than expected accelerates the growth of bacteria, which clog pores and cause acne and even infections.

Existing types of funds

Once again, it is worth noting that the best solution is to determine what causes acne and begin treatment. Moreover, it is very advisable to contact a dermatologist who will help you select medications and prescribe a treatment regimen.

But now we are considering a situation where we need to quickly get rid of rashes. In this case, you can hide acne or pimples using methods such as:

  • use of dermatocosmetological preparations;
  • camouflage using decorative cosmetics;
  • use of professional makeup.

Traditional recipes can also help solve the problem.

The most popular option is to hide imperfections with makeup. For this purpose, special corrective products (correctors and concealers), foundation creams, and powder are used.


The sebaceous glands located in the skin produce sebum. Sometimes dead cells and oil can block the hair follicle, causing inflammation and a pimple.

If a person suffers from acne, it means that his sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of sebum. Acne usually appears on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders.

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Corrective agents with therapeutic effect

Therapeutic cosmetics have a complex effect, treat rashes and make them invisible. These products include the following components:

  • having anti-inflammatory effects;
  • whitening;
  • matting;
  • antioxidants;
  • regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands and sebum production;
  • vitamins;
  • UV filters.

Among the most popular remedies that help fight rashes are the following:

  • zinc ointment;
  • "Baziron";
  • "Zinerit";
  • syntomycin ointment.


Therapeutic products can be used on any part of the face (forehead, cheeks, chin). The exception is particularly sensitive skin around the eyes, but in fairness it should be noted that acne appears much less frequently there.

Makeup and acne

Until recently, all makeup products on the cosmetic market were heavy and oil-based. Such products only blocked the pores and led to the development of acne.

Today, every woman has the opportunity to do makeup using water-based, oil-free products that do not clog pores. And no matter what type of beauty products you use, it's important to remove your makeup properly with a gentle cleanser.

How to quickly cover up a pimple: expert advice

It would seem that we are doing everything right: cleansing the skin, toning and moisturizing, but nevertheless, the worst uninvited guest still comes out of nowhere.
We're talking about acne now. Although concealer or foundation cannot eliminate the cause of breakouts, they can certainly help visually camouflage them. While pimples come in all shapes and sizes, there are plenty of versatile beauty hacks that can cleverly hide them. We collected advice from makeup artists. How to choose a concealer

Makeup artist Mally Roncal, founder of Mally Beauty, says concealer should have a thick consistency—almost like putty. This kind of product can usually be found in a jar (it is not a stick, it does not have a liquid texture). Use a small eyeliner brush to cover the inflamed area around the pimple.

Apply it as precisely as possible. You can even use a magnifying mirror. There is no need to cover the entire area around the pimple, otherwise you will only draw attention to it. After application, lightly powder it with a fluffy brush, advises the expert.

If the inflammation is difficult to disguise with concealer or it is in an “inconvenient” place (on the chin, neck or on the tip of the nose), then take black eyeliner and turn it into a mole.

When I first met my husband, I had a mole like this, and a month later he asked me where my mole had gone,

- she says.

If the pimple is inflamed

If the pimple is cystic, then you first need to relieve the inflammation. Start with a cold compress (an ice cube will relieve pain and reduce the size of the inflammation). It may seem counterintuitive, but stay away from heavy coverage and use a combination of tinted moisturizer and lightweight concealer instead.

You don't need to completely cover it up. In bright light it will still be noticeable. Go for a smoky eye and no one will look at your pimple, says Autumn Moultrie, a makeup artist who has worked with Gabrielle Union and Kerry Washington.

If the pimple is already dry

Ugh. Thanks to overuse of acne products, the inflammation now looks like it has dandruff. According to Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist in New York City, the first step should be hydration. If that doesn't work, you can gently (key word) remove the dry skin before applying makeup.

I usually dampen the flaky skin with a warm, damp towel and then use tweezers sterilized with alcohol. To keep your skin looking fresh, use a moisturizer or mist with essential oils, the expert advises.

How to cover up blackheads

Makeup artists recommend applying several thin layers of products of different textures. First, a liquid or cream foundation, then, if additional coverage is needed, then a concealer of the same shade (patching movements), and only then loose powder.

What to do if your skin is oily

Then you should stay away from oil-based cosmetics.

Use oil-free foundation, concealer and moisturizer. Yes, you shouldn’t forget about hydration. After each use of the brush, wipe it with alcohol. You don't want to introduce even more bacteria, experts say.

If the pimple is red

It is important to choose not only the right shade of foundation, but also the correct concealer.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is using concealer that is the wrong color. If it is too light and the pimple is quite large, then such a product will not blend evenly with the skin, says the makeup artist.

If the pimple is still visible, I apply a little more concealer using a liner brush. It sounds like there are too many layers. But the key to masking any inflammation is patience. If you think you can cover it with one swipe of a brush, you're wrong, says Mally Roncal.

For very red pimples, use a green primer or green concealer. Apply yellow concealer on top and blend thoroughly in the area next to healthy skin. Apply a little powder on top to set your makeup.

MAC makeup artist Diana Tsoi advises choosing dense products based on texture:

If the pimple is red, then I use the Studio Fix Conceal and Correct Palette. 6 shades allow you to hide redness and pigmentation, evening out the tone. For an emergency, I use Pro Longwear Paint Pots cream eyeshadow in two shades. It all depends on the skin tone: if it is light, then one shade of Painterly is suitable, if the skin color is dark and darker, then I add an additional shade of Groundwork.

Cream shadows can be used as a base (base for shadows) - the product is fixed on the skin, and thanks to this it will hide unevenness for a long time. You can use powder on top of this product, applying it with a light pressing motion (and it is better to apply it with a sponge).

But MAC makeup artist Grisha Razin does not agree with his colleague. He is confident that, contrary to popular belief, you should not try to mask imperfections with a thick tone, applying it all over your face.

The use of green corrector is also irrelevant today. To create perfect skin, just apply a thin foundation according to your skin type. Then, without blending, apply concealer (medium to high coverage, with a yellowish tint to correct the red pigment of the inflamed area) onto problem areas and leave on the skin for a couple of minutes, the expert recommends.

This way, the concealer will fix better and provide denser coverage, and so that the difference in texture is not noticeable, the boundaries of application must be shaded with a small fluffy brush. For more textured imperfections, you can use another technique and disguise the pimple as a mole or freckle; in this case, just put a small dot on top of the concealer with a natural brown pencil.

Don't forget about skin care

Official Stellary makeup artist Elena Bazhenova reminds that the most important thing in the fight against skin imperfections is to use care, treat them and not apply too much makeup on top. Even if you manage to successfully disguise a pimple, this is not an option; it needs to be treated.

There are some strict no's to covering up acne. If it is a very fresh pimple or an open one, do not apply makeup under any circumstances. Do not use dirty brushes and be sure to wash those accessories that come into contact with the inflamed area. Do not use too much cosmetics: this will only make the pimple more noticeable. Do not use a concealer that is too light: it will only highlight the pimple, making it visually more noticeable and more voluminous, notes the makeup artist.

Masking depending on the type of pimple

If these are whiteheads, then use a dry, dense (not liquid) concealer that matches your skin tone or is slightly darker (but not lighter). With a thin brush, apply it to the pimple itself and the red area around it, being careful not to touch healthy skin; then gently tap the concealer with a clean finger and help it settle.

Correct makeup

Makeup artist Olga Eliseeva advises that when masking a pimple, do not forget about the rest of the face and start with foundation so that subsequent correction of imperfections does not become a “separate island” on the face.

After the skin tone is evened out, we move on to masking the inflammation itself: since this is inflammation and the local skin temperature is increased, it is necessary to choose sustainable products.

The main thing is not to overdo it

Yet too much makeup can only make things worse. The main culprit is powder, which will give the pimple even more texture and make it more visible.

Features of makeup for acne

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If you suffer from acne, makeup can really help. Some beauty products can even help get rid of acne, while some simply cover it up.

The right makeup will allow you to:

  • tone the skin, reduce redness and improve appearance;
  • mask acne partially or even completely;
  • improve your overall emotional mood.

Concealing acne without makeup

In extreme cases, you can cope without makeup. Folk recipes will help hide acne, for example:

  • tea tree oil (effectively dries, reduces inflammation, relieves redness);
  • lotions with calendula decoction;
  • dye-free toothpaste containing zinc, fluoride or triclosan;
  • aspirin (the tablet is crushed, mixed with a few drops of warm water to form a paste and applied to the pimple);
  • streptocide (powder is mixed with water, the mixture is applied to the pimple and left for half an hour);
  • Mix lemon and aloe juices in equal parts, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and apply to the pimple.

Perhaps not all of the proposed recipes will quickly get rid of acne, but they will definitely make them less noticeable.


For many women, applying concealer is an integral part of their daily makeup routine. It is used to brighten dark areas, disguise inflamed areas and even out skin tone.

However, if your concealer glides on unevenly, imperfections and imperfections can only become more noticeable.

What color to cover pimples with?

When choosing the color of a product to disguise acne, you should focus on the color of your skin in the area where the rash is localized. Red pimples can be covered with a green corrector, which neutralizes the redness. Be sure to apply foundation on top.

If only foundation is used for correction, then it is correct to choose the shade as close as possible to the skin tone. Some people prefer to choose a tone that is a little lighter. This option is also acceptable, the main thing is that the difference is practically invisible. But a darker product will not only not help disguise the rashes, but, on the contrary, will highlight them more strongly.

Covering up pimples

How to choose a concealer

This product is chosen taking into account the skin type and any problems that exist with it. For example, if you have dry skin, you should not buy a concealer stick, it will only emphasize the dryness.

For the area under the eyes, choose a shade that is only 1-2 shades lighter than natural, so as not to get white circles. For your face, you should purchase a concealer whose color matches your skin color.

In addition, most brands offer additional concealers that can be combined with the main one.

Different Types of Concealers

1. Liquid concealer.

It is best suited for normal, combination, oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin. This is the most universal remedy. It suits almost everyone, with the exception of girls with excessively dry skin. It is easy to apply.

In addition, for people with acne, this product can be a real salvation - it does not clog pores. This concealer is also good for those ladies whose skin is no longer so smooth - the lighter texture helps it not to wrinkle.

2. Concealer stick.

Best suited for normal, dry and sensitive skin. Has a semi-solid texture. For those whose skin is oily or combination, it is better to avoid using this product, as it clogs the pores more.

3. Cream concealer.

Suitable for normal, dry, combination or sensitive skin. Good for application in the eye area. One of the best products for hiding dark circles underneath. You can apply with your finger, sponge or applicator. However, creamy formulations are more prone to bunching into wrinkles.

How is concealer different from face corrector?

How is concealer different from face corrector? (photo: @kkwbeauty) Zakhar Grinov, independent makeup artist: “Many people often confuse concealer and corrector, and some often consider these words to be synonymous, but they are mistaken. The facial concealer contains more caring components; it has a light, translucent texture that merges with the foundation, covering skin imperfections. Therefore, concealer comes not only in a flesh tone, but also in green, yellow, lilac and other colors.

Concealer Touche Eclat High Cover Yves Saint Laurent

3 065 ₽

Armani Beauty Power Fabric Concealer

2 850 ₽

Teint Couture Everwear Givenchy Concealer

2 910 ₽
The corrector has a denser texture and is recommended to be applied locally to hide inflammation and post-acne. The color palette of the corrector contains only beige shades. And sometimes the concealer dries out the skin.”

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How to apply concealer

After applying moisturizer, wait about 10 minutes. Apply concealer to any dark areas or blemishes with a clean finger or sponge and blend gently.

Then you definitely need to use powder to maintain the result as long as possible. To disguise dark circles under the eyes, it is recommended to use a concealer with reflective particles.

The preparatory stage of acne camouflage

To hide acne on your face at home, you must first prepare your skin. Preparation involves thorough cleansing. It is necessary to remove remnants of makeup, dirt and, if possible, degrease the skin. To do this, wash your face using a regular product (cleansing gel, foam), after which the skin must be wiped with tonic. The next equally important stage is hydration. To do this, apply a little light moisturizer.

There are several features of preparation, depending on what stage the pimple is at:

  • If it is inflamed, then you need to reduce the inflammation. For this, it is best to use ice cubes (the effectiveness will be much higher if you use a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs).
  • If the pimple has already dried out, you need to carefully remove the dry skin with disinfected tweezers. You can pre-moisten the flaky skin with a damp, warm cloth.
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