Facial scrub at home - 11 best recipes

The most pleasant moments are those that you spend taking care of yourself. And if you are wondering where to start your self-care ritual, it is recommended to start with cleansing.

You're already looking at the shelf with fragrant facial gels, but don't rush - lotions and cleansers only wash away surface impurities. And if you want your skin to be squeaky clean, every pore freed from dirt, and the dead layer of epidermis to make room for a new one, then a scrub will help you. The scrubbing procedure is truly magical; your skin becomes renewed and perfectly smooth.

Store shelves are full of scrubs in a variety of designs, but there is a more effective and useful remedy - a homemade scrub. Firstly, homemade remedies are very economical because most of the ingredients are already available in the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. Secondly, homemade scrubs are safe, and you always know what exactly you have applied to your skin.

In this article:

Scrubs that give your skin radianceScrubs for sunburnScrubs for oily and inflammation-prone skinScrubs for exfoliating and brightening the skinHow to use a scrub correctly?Homemade scrubs: FAQ

Homemade facial scrubs recipes

Facial scrubs are easy to make at home! It is enough to take a food product with abrasive particles. Fine salt, flour, coffee, soda will do just fine. Just massage your face with it adding a little water. A decoction of herbs is also suitable:

  • daisies
  • calendula
  • sage
  • mint

They are used to pre-moisten the face or wash after the procedure to narrow the pores.

How to exfoliate at home?

  1. Cleanse your face of makeup
  2. Wash your face with very warm water several times or hold your face over the steam for a couple of minutes.
  3. Immediately apply your chosen product, pre-mixed or neat.
  4. Massage problem areas for 1-2 minutes
  5. Rinse it off
  6. Apply moisturizer if necessary

Below are some homemade facial scrub recipes. Choose yours and enjoy the effect of natural cosmetics prepared yourself!

Beneficial features

Facial scrubs can be found in women much more often than for the body. Well, in vain. You can make an effective peeling and cleanse the skin of the body using natural homemade products or ready-made ones, which are so common on the cosmetics market. From such procedures you can get silky and soft skin and help your body cleanse itself of toxins through unblocked pores.

Thanks to the use of scrubs, the following goals are also achieved:

  • reduction of cellulite in the initial stages;
  • imparting firmness and elasticity;
  • reduction of stretch marks;
  • removal of sebum, dirt, skin cells that have already died or become keratinized.

Scrubs are usually done at the beginning of such procedures: wraps, masks, massage. After a good cleansing of the skin before such procedures, their effect is enhanced and the effect occurs faster. Special brushes, mittens, and shower heads help with scrubbing.

Homemade coffee scrub

A facial scrub is made from ground coffee or grounds. In the first case, the particles will be harder. Select the degree of grinding according to your preferences. Small and hard particles are suitable for oily and problematic skin. For those who are sensitive, it is recommended to use already used coffee grounds. Apply to a moistened face. For dry skin, first add a spoonful of milk, cream or grape seed oil to your coffee. Massage your face for 1-2 minutes, rinse with water.

More coffee face scrub recipes here

General recommendations for use

You can't exfoliate your skin every day . He must recover. This requires 7-10 days for dry skin, 5-7 for normal skin, and 2-3 days for oily and combination skin.

Sometimes after using scrubs, peeling on the face increases, especially with a combination type. The reason is insufficient moisture of the epidermis.

Therefore, you should not give up scrubs. You can solve the problem like this :

  • complete refusal for 30 days from nourishing creams and masks;
  • intensively moisturize your face with cream in the morning and evening, after cleansing;
  • use thermal water during the day. It can be sprayed over makeup.

For dehydrated epidermis, the scrub can be used once every 5 days.

The use of nourishing cosmetic products is resumed a month later, after the skin is completely saturated with moisture.

Face masks-scrubs at home

Face scrub masks are effective and pleasant. They allow the skin to receive nourishment along with cleansing. It is important to select the necessary ingredients aimed only at cleansing and/or moisturizing too. Save recipes:

Cleansing facial mask-scrub at home

  • clay, ground coffee, tea tree essential oil

You will need 1 tbsp. clay. Mix it with water. Add the same amount of coffee. More water if it's too thick. Add 10 drops of ether. Mix and apply in a thick layer. Leave for 5 minutes, then massage and rinse immediately.

Read more about acne clay

About tea tree essential oil for acne

Honey scrub mask

We have nourishing and tonic properties. We help with comprehensive care for aging skin.

  • honey, coffee

We take them in approximately equal proportions. You can add a little water if it is too thick. You need liquid flower honey. Before use, be sure to do a sensitivity test. Place a small amount of honey on the crook of your elbow. Assess the reaction within 30 minutes. If there is no redness, rash or itching, the risk of an allergy is minimal.

About honey face masks


  • protein, fine salt

We have tightening and cleansing properties. For one protein you will need 1 tbsp. salt. Apply for 5-7 minutes, then massage for another couple of minutes.

About protein for the face

After such procedures, it is recommended to wipe your face with a pore-tightening toner. By the way, timely moisturizing is important to eliminate blackheads.

About how to get rid of blackheads

How to choose?

Finding the best scrub for use is not easy. The difficulty is that different skin types perceive the product differently. For example, one woman enjoyed using an anti-cellulite product and achieved results, while another found it ineffective.

So, why do you need a scrub? This must be understood immediately before buying it or making it yourself.

  • Anti-cellulite . It is better to choose ones based on large abrasive particles that do not melt in a short time (like sugar, salt). It is also worth choosing products that contain warming ingredients (products from guam, Organic Kitchen, Letual, fito cosmetics, eco laboratories).
  • Cleansing . All scrubs that have small particles in their composition and additional functions (moisturizing, nutrition) are suitable. These are products from dolce milk, clarins, payot, Letual H2O.
  • Rejuvenating . The optimal product with small particles and components that contribute to skin rejuvenation - coenzymes, collagen, elastane (anti-kodali products).
  • For a bath or sauna . The line of products for visiting such places is distinguished by a high content of essential oils (mixit scrubs, Athena diy).

Having delicate and sensitive skin, choose small particles for cleansing and additional components that moisturize and restore. You can include natural Spivak products in your handmade scrubs.

Cleansing facial scrub at home

In fact, all scrubs are cleansing. Essential oils, lemon juice, clay and soda work especially well. Use one of the following.

  • clay, mint essential oil, salt

Mix a teaspoon of clay and salt, dilute with 3-4 tablespoons of water. Take 3-5 drops of ether. The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Instead of salt, sugar, oatmeal, and rice flour are also suitable. To make the particles scratch less, grind them in a coffee grinder.

Read more about facial clay

  • lemon, bran

Pour a teaspoon of bran in half with mixed water and lemon juice in the same amount. Massage the required areas for a couple of minutes. We wash it off. Be sure to apply a soothing composition. Be careful, lemon can cause irritation and is not suitable for open wounds. The scrub has a whitening effect, deeply cleanses and tones.

About face masks with lemon

Advantages and disadvantages

Polishing scrub has many advantages:

  • Delicate impact. The abrasive particles have a mild effect and therefore do not damage delicate skin.
  • Versatility. The product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and problem skin.
  • Complex impact. The product removes many skin problems, improving its overall condition.
  • Cumulative effect. With constant use of the polishing scrub, the effect will become more noticeable each time.
  • The time required to use the product. The facial scrub procedure will only take you a couple of minutes.

However, there are some disadvantages:

  • The product does not remove large peelings. It can only cope with small and local areas of dryness.
  • May cause skin damage if used frequently.

Soft facial scrub at home

A soft facial scrub at home is prepared from oatmeal or coffee grounds. These are the most delicate particles with smooth edges. Pay attention to the cooking process.

  • oatmeal, geranium essential oil

Pour boiling water over a spoonful of oatmeal for cooking for 10 minutes. After swelling, add ether and almond oil as desired. It turns out to be a very soft moisturizing scrub. Also suitable as a mask. Smooth out wrinkles. If you don’t like whole flakes, you can pre-grind them to the desired size.

About oatmeal for the face

  • coffee grounds, milk

The grounds are suitable from a Turkish coffee pot or coffee machine. They have the same properties. Add a teaspoon of milk or cream to a tablespoon. The mixture gives a cleansing and moisturizing effect and is suitable for sensitive, dry and aging skin.


Scrubs have enough positive qualities, but such products cannot be used by everyone. First of all, the scrub has a mechanical effect on the skin. Therefore, there are contraindications that you should be wary of before you start using them:

  • skin diseases (no matter what stage they are at);
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • allergic rashes on the body or individual intolerance to the components that make up the scrub;
  • minor scratches, cuts and other damage to the skin;
  • very thin skin, rosacea, vascular network, etc.

Such skin conditions require other cleansing methods or the selection of scrubs that will be as gentle as possible. You should use any of the scrubs carefully during pregnancy, as the skin during this period can become especially sensitive and receptive.

Composition of the product

One of the advantages of making homemade scarab is the ability to use any available ingredients available in the house. Natural ingredients are often used by many companies in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

The following are used as exfoliating agents:

  • coffee beans;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • cereals;
  • semolina;
  • sugar;
  • rice;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • ground apricot, grape seeds;
  • coconut flakes.

Acids are often added to the product. To do this, use the zest of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. All ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder or blender and mixed with the base.

The base for nourishing and moisturizing the skin may consist of:

  • olive, almond, coconut oils;
  • kefir, cream; yogurt, milk,
  • honey;
  • shower gel.

The ingredients used to make a homemade cleanser are quite affordable. The proportions of the components are selected depending on the quantity and consistency of the scrub.


  1. Scrubbing is a procedure that should be performed regularly when caring for your facial skin.
  2. The frequency of deep cleansing should not be exceeded, as this may lead to thinning of the dermis.
  3. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “scrub” and “peeling”: the first means exfoliation of the dead layer with coarse particles, the second means dissolution by chemical means.
  4. Removing the top layer with dead cells cleanses the pores, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, refreshes, prevents early aging, and is necessary for the penetration of vitamin and mineral compounds into the deep layer.
  5. It is necessary not only for women, but also for men to cleanse the epidermis of the face: excessive production of sebum by the glands leads to clogged pores.
  6. Scrubbing can be done using homemade products or purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain, taking into account gender, age, and typical type of dermis.

Indications for use

There are specific indications for which it is recommended to use the product:

  • Uneven microrelief of the dermis.
  • Pigmentation, post-acne.
  • Large and clogged pores, blackheads.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, decreased elasticity and tone.
  • Peeling.

If you notice that cosmetics apply unevenly on your face, roll off during the day and remain bald spots, pay attention to its high-quality cleansing, one of the ways of which is to use a polishing scrub.

However, keep in mind that to significantly improve the condition of the epidermis, you need to use the polishing scrub many times - only after 3-5 uses you will notice a dramatic difference.

Features of the effect on the skin

A soda scrub for face and body with soda and salt combines many positive properties for the skin. The two substances complement each other, working in several directions at once.

  • Maximum cleansing. Mechanical interaction with the skin occurs at a deep level. The smallest crystals touch the epidermis, disrupt the top layer and penetrate the pores.
  • Natural antiseptic. Salt and soda together fight bacteria and germs, which are the primary cause of problem skin.
  • Relieving inflammation. The substances dry the skin, block harmful processes and relieve redness.
  • Tissue regeneration. The process of formation of new cells is stimulated and normalized.
  • Increase in the level of resistant factor. The skin's ability to withstand various harmful external influences improves. An effective protective layer is formed.

The benefits of salt

A simple salt scrub for the face can gently care for the skin. It provides the necessary substances, increases tone and removes excess fluid. The normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is also restored and dead cells are eliminated.

Salt can not only cleanse the skin, but also provide necessary nutrition and effective care.

  • Beneficial regeneration. When salt comes into contact with the surface of the skin, it immediately penetrates inside. Active interaction with cells begins to ensure restoration processes.
  • Oxygen enrichment. After cleaning, the old part of the epithelium is removed, due to which the new layer is enriched with oxygen. If the dermis and hypodermis take it from the blood, then the upper layer is saturated thanks to the environment.
  • Elasticity support. Through nutrition with vitamins and microelements, the skin becomes beautiful and smooth again, and minor defects disappear.
  • Fighting bacteria. Chlorine and iodine disinfect the epidermis, blocking the occurrence of inflammation, pimples and blackheads.
  • Impact on internal processes. Sea salt actively participates in subcutaneous metabolic processes and, if necessary, activates them.

For cosmetic procedures, it is better to give preference to sea salt. It has a richer chemical composition, and minerals and trace elements are absorbed several times better by the epidermis.

The role of soda

Facial scrub using baking soda is used to thoroughly cleanse the skin. The influence of this substance is revealed through the characteristics of its chemical composition.

  • Sodium. Enhances the effectiveness of all other substances. With its help, cleaning and formation of new cells occurs faster.
  • A compound of hydrogen and oxygen. The water in baking soda has a softening property. It is thanks to its influence that waste and toxins are removed, and the cells themselves receive additional stimulation for normal life.
  • Coal. It acts as the basis for the entire process of interaction with the skin. Penetrates deeply into pores to ensure high-quality cleansing of blackheads. Coal restores the full functioning of the sebaceous glands, which blocks the occurrence of oily sheen, rashes and inflammation. Ash heals minor cracks and damage. The recovery process is quick and painless.

Can I exfoliate with a body wash?

Experts do not recommend using body product to scrub your face. They explain this by saying that abrasive substances in body products are larger in size and can cause harm when applied to the face. Therefore, you need to use the product for its intended purpose, if the instructions say that it is for the body, then it is for the body and not for any other places.

Timely and proper care of the epidermis allows you to keep it beautiful and healthy for a long time. In this case, the products must fully correspond to the type of skin, otherwise the result may not please you and you will have to seek help from a specialist.

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