Body peeling at home: rules, best recipes

Body peeling (another name is ekfoliation) is the exfoliation of dead cells that prevent the penetration of beneficial substances from care products into the deeper layers of the skin. If you regularly exfoliate your skin correctly, it will always be smooth and silky, without rashes, wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, and age spots. That is, the procedure prevents age-related changes. It is carried out in almost every salon and at home.

The cleansing procedure improves skin condition, slows down the aging process, and eliminates age-related changes at the initial stage.

Main tasks of peeling:

  • Cleansing of dead cells, dust, dirt, excess fat.
  • Improvement for free access of oxygen and nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Lifting effect - mechanical action activates elastane and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
  • Toning – improving blood circulation.
  • Prevention of signs of aging - lightening of age spots, elimination of sagging, cellulite, reduction of wrinkles, inflammatory processes (pimples, acne, rashes).
  • Preparing the body for the rapid absorption of creams, milk, emulsion, lotion, and other cosmetics.
  • You can visually assess the effectiveness of the cleansing procedure immediately after the first use.

But if the skin has age spots, stretch marks, scars, advanced cellulite, then the effect will gradually accumulate. The results will be assessed after the full course of procedures.

There are 9 types of peeling depending on the type and 3 types depending on the depth of exposure.

Among them, only 2 types are suitable for home use - acidic and mechanical (scrubbing), and in terms of depth of influence - superficial and intermediate, but in no case deep, which requires very strict adherence to the recipe, and most importantly - a correctly developed concentration of active substances .

Body peeling is carried out in accordance with certain rules. The mixture for the procedure is quite accessible; each of us can prepare it at home, buying everything we need or even using improvised means.

Benefits of sugar scrub for body

There are many recipes for sweet cosmetics. What is their benefit? Why is sugar body scrub so popular? The fact is that the product contains a large number of useful substances:

  • Glycolic acid has a tonic effect, it stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin elastic and taut.
  • Monosaccharides have a restorative effect, stimulate tissue regeneration, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes radiant, facial tone improves, and they also contribute to a more even tan.
  • Tenzins tighten sagging skin, strengthen it from the inside, and have drainage properties.

In addition, if you make a sugar scrub with your own hands, you can add many other useful substances to it, for example, natural or essential oils (coconut, shea, etc.), coffee, etc. At home you can make a product based on that sugar , which is on hand: white, cane and brown. They all have beneficial properties.

Fantasy at home is not limited by anything. However, brown sugar is still preferable because it gently cleanses the skin. But if he is not at home, then it does not matter. You can use another one or buy it. Scrubs made from any type of sugar have an equally wide spectrum of action, they:

  • fight skin flaking;
  • cleanse oily skin;
  • soften the skin;
  • cleanse pores and remove impurities from them;
  • help in the fight against cellulite;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • nourish the skin;
  • have a massage effect;
  • can be used instead of washcloths and pumice, because they are rough and have an abrasive structure;
  • heals the skin;
  • remove various contaminants;
  • even out complexion, help get rid of uneven tanning, reduce the severity of pigmentation;
  • remove inflammation, fight pimples;
  • help avoid ingrown hairs after depilation and hair removal.

If you add, for example, oils or coffee, the spectrum of action will expand.

For whom is body peeling especially relevant?

Body peeling is a pleasant and useful procedure in all respects. Everyone should do it with a certain frequency. But there are certain groups of healthy people who should definitely think about exfoliating their skin:

  1. Brave sun lovers , your skin is more likely to acquire a beautiful bronze hue if you take care of its timely regeneration. The fact is that the tan will go on better and more evenly after peeling. It is necessary, however, to remember that the interval between this procedure and sunbathing should be at least a week.
  2. Heroic “sideliners” on all kinds of diets ! To avoid getting flabby and sagging skin instead of lost kilograms, you need to use scrubs daily.
  3. Ladies of Balzac age, peeling will help your body maintain its attractive shape. After all, elastic skin is the best corset for your figure.
  4. Young mothers! You also want to quickly restore the ideal proportions of your body and get rid of stretch marks. Body exfoliation will help you with this. But remember that during lactation you can only perform gentle scrubbing.

Of course, body peeling recommendations are not limited to the four listed categories. There are many more not only cosmetic, but also medical indications, such as the presence of scar tissue, hyperpigmentation, severe acne, post-acne and others.


You've learned how to make bases, now you can start diversifying them. The essence of these recipes is that body peeling not only has a cleansing effect, but also expands its functionality and affects the epidermis in a nourishing, moisturizing and toning manner.

  • Scrub No. 1 (with cucumber). Add grated cucumber, a spoonful of oatmeal and a couple of drops of aromatic essential oil to the salt base; it is better to give preference to rose.
  • Scrub No. 2 (with rice). Grind the rice using a coffee grinder and add it to the coffee base. You can dilute the mixture with sour cream, yogurt or milk.
  • Scrub No. 3 (with cranberries). Add a little chopped almonds, a little oatmeal and mashed cranberries to the sugar base. You can add orange oil for flavor.

You can add beneficial or aromatic substances to any base; combine them according to your taste and discretion to create a procedure in the best SPA traditions. Weekly body exfoliation will ensure that you always look luxurious, young and beautiful.

Who should not undergo body peeling?

Any, even the most useful procedure has its contraindications, and peeling is no exception. But it is still worth noting that prohibitions on it for certain diseases relate primarily to chemical and hardware types. Among the diseases for which peeling is not indicated are:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • dermatitis of various origins in the acute stage;
  • skin infections.

In addition, contraindications for peelings are allergies, pregnancy and lactation, and children under 14 years of age.

As you can see, our dear readers, there are not so many prohibitions. Among the many types and means of peeling, you can always choose the procedures that suit you. Please consult a cosmetologist first.

Contraindications and precautions

Peeling is useful for many; women and girls who care about their beauty make it an integral part of body care. But before you begin cleansing procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with the precautions and contraindications.

Body peeling cannot be performed if:

  • there are unhealed wounds on the skin, fungus, herpetic rashes;
  • you are menstruating (restrictions apply to the thighs, abdomen, buttocks);
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding (applies to salon procedures);
  • you have a cold;
  • there are serious disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system or cancer (applies to medium and deep peeling).

Allergy sufferers should first consult with a cosmetologist regarding safe methods of skin cleansing.

Another possible limitation is age. Although the procedure is not recommended for those under 18 years of age, the question of the rationality of its implementation in adolescents should be decided with a specialist.

Body exfoliation is an important part of self-care. Regularly cleansing the skin and stimulating its renewal can significantly delay unpleasant age-related changes.

But in this matter it is important not to overdo it and use only procedures that suit you.

Author: Yana Semich, especially for

Simple homemade recipes

Currently, many cosmetic recipes made from sugar have been invented. They can be runny, crumbly, or hard as soap. Coffee is often added at home. Some home remedies, by the way, are made from a soap base. The result is a scrub soap.

Sugar products are used at home for regular washing, for cleansing procedures, for baths, for fighting cellulite, and in many other cases.

The simplest scrub that you can make at home consists of sugar and water mixed in equal proportions. This product is used for the face.

Another simple recipe for home use is an olive scrub. You need to mix sugar (50 g) and 4 tsp. olive oil. The product is ready.

Basic Basics

The scrub you will use to exfoliate your body is very simple to prepare. There are several ways to get it, and starting from this base, you can experiment by adding various ingredients according to the recipes.

  • Base No. 1 (coffee) . Brew natural instant coffee, your goal is to get enough grounds to process the body. Combine the strained grounds with shower gel or oil.
  • Base No. 2 (salt). Mix sea salt (medium-sized) with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Base No. 3 (sugar). Dissolve sugar and salt, add honey if desired.
  • Base No. 4 (walnut). Combine ground nuts or almonds with butter or yogurt.
  • Base No. 5 (with seeds). You need to finely crush the apricot bones, then mix them with oil or liquid soap.
  • Base No. 6 (oat). Grind the oatmeal flakes and combine with oil or shower gel. You can also use corn grits.

Scrub recipes for cellulite

Anti-cellulite sugar mixtures are simple to prepare. There are many recipes for making them.

  1. Mix 300 g of sugar with 0.5 tbsp. liquid soap, you can use shower gel. Pour in ¼ tbsp. carrier oil, such as olive or coconut, to moisturize the skin. You can use the product in the bath or shower. The remainder of the mixture should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  2. Mix 100 g of sugar with 50 g of black clay and 1 tbsp. l. honey Add grapefruit essential oil to the resulting mixture, 5-8 drops will be enough. Rub the product onto the body and massage for a while. Particular attention should be paid to areas affected by cellulite.
  3. Coffee peeling. Brew 80 g of coffee in 75-100 ml of boiling water, add 0.5 tbsp. sugar and 15 ml of base oil. Olive is good. The coffee product has a short shelf life, only 4 days, so it is advisable to use it at once.

Soap scrub for cleansing

Soapy sugar scrub is very popular. There are many recipes for its preparation. As a rule, soap base is used at home. But you can take a piece of soap you have at home and rub it on a grater.

  • Melt 100 g of soap base in a water bath or in the microwave; it is not advisable for it to boil.
  • Add 15 ml of base oil to the soap base: shea, olive, coconut, palm or any other oil of your choice. If desired, you can add a drop of essential oil to give the product a pleasant smell and additional beneficial properties. For example, tea or rose tree extract works well.
  • The base and additives must be thoroughly mixed so that all ingredients are evenly distributed.
  • Sugar is added last - 200 - 300 g. Now you need to mix everything again.

The result is a paste-like product. It needs to be placed in a mold and allowed to harden. In a few hours the base will harden and the product will be ready. After hardening, you can roll the soap pieces in sugar, then the cleansing scrub will resemble a piece of marmalade.

Sugar scrub with lime and coffee

Coconut lime scrub is easy to make at home. To do this, add 200 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. to 50 g (1/4 tbsp.) of coconut oil. l. grated coconut meat and a few drops of lime oil. The contents of the cup are thoroughly mixed. The coconut-lime treatment is used a couple of times a week in the shower. It perfectly tones and evens out the skin, making it soft and silky.

Coffee scrub can also be made at home. To prepare it, you need to mix freshly ground coffee, cane sugar, vanilla extract and olive oil in a ratio of 3:3:1:3. Pour orange essential oil into the product. You can grind the coffee coarser or finer, at your discretion. Coffee scrub goes well with body wraps. You cannot replace freshly ground coffee with instant coffee! It’s better to take your time and buy it specifically for scrubs.

Acid peeling

Acid peeling is the most effective and easy-to-use method to maintain ideal skin condition. This type of exfoliation uses lactic, tartaric, citric, malic, glycolic, and salicylic acids. Corrosive reagents provoke skin renewal within 14 days after the procedure.

We suggest making orange body peeling at home. Orange is rich in vitamins A and D, microelements beneficial for the skin (iron, copper). Acid peeling with orange is an excellent biostimulating anti-aging product.

You will need:

  • Solid baby soap - 1/3 of the bar should be grated on a fine grater;
  • Peel of 1 orange (it needs to be well dried and ground in a coffee grinder) – 2 tablespoons;
  • Unflavored sea salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Glycerin – 1 tablespoon;
  • Walnut oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Orange oil – 15 drops;
  • Lemon juice – half a teaspoon;
  • Water - a couple of spoons.

Place the soap in a water bath and add a few tablespoons of water. Once the soap has melted, add the remaining ingredients, starting with the orange peel. The oils must first be mixed and then added to the composition.

Mix everything thoroughly and take a warm shower. Then, without wiping, apply the composition to the body in a circular motion, massage for about 5 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes. Waiting around without touching anything won't be very interesting, so stock up on a magazine or do a facial at the same time. Then rinse off with warm water and finish with a contrast shower. Apply caring milk to your skin if you feel tightness.


Body peeling can be prepared literally from what you can find in the refrigerator. Such exfoliants benefit from the guaranteed absence of preservatives and dyes.

Dry skin
  • Egg yolk
  • Mayonnaise
  • Fruit puree
Cellulite, spider veinsCoffee grounds
Stress, tense musclesSea salt
Sensitive skinOatmeal
Freckles, pigmentationRice ground in a coffee grinder

Salt peeling

Salt helps remove toxins from the body, increases blood circulation, accelerating the process of lipolysis. Doing this body peeling at home is as easy as shelling pears. Prepare:

  1. Finely ground sea salt without fragrances - half a glass;
  2. Yogurt - half a glass;
  3. Cedar oil - a few drops.

If the recipe contains salt and oil, you need to mix these 2 ingredients first, and then add the rest.

Apply the composition to a body heated with warm water, massage for 1 minute and leave until the salt dissolves or for 10 minutes. Remove the composition with warm water and apply generously with caring milk or body cream.

Salt peeling rules:

  • The composition is applied only to a damp body;
  • The procedure should be stopped if pain occurs;
  • Salt body peeling should be applied immediately after preparation so that the salt does not dissolve, but also performs a scrubbing function;
  • Wash it off without using gel or soap;
  • Do not use the product if there are abrasions or other open lesions on the skin;
  • The procedure should be repeated no more than once every 10 days;
  • Use salt products with extreme caution on dry and mature skin.

Of course, it is better to use sea salt. But if you really don’t want to go to the store, then you can do a cookery one, most importantly – small ones.

Criterias of choice

The product is selected according to skin type . Oily skin requires larger abrasive particles and a more aggressive action to tighten pores and dry out.

For dry type, the product should have a creamy texture and act delicately.

It is important to read the ingredients on the product label. For skin prone to allergic reactions, a hypoallergenic composition is needed.

Finished products with aggressive abrasive particles (walnut shells, corals) can injure and scratch the body during intense massage; it is important to take this into account when choosing a product.

Universal peeling - based on sea salt , it polishes the body surface well, tones, and is suitable for all skin types.

Hot coffee peeling

Coffee is an excellent antioxidant containing linoleic, organic and fruit acids, a whole range of useful microelements (iron, magnesium, potassium), alkaloids, caffeine, which means it is very suitable for peeling procedures at home. The product increases metabolism due to its superficial, but very effective and intense effect.

In our case, natural coffee (not cake) of very fine grinding is suitable. Take:

  • Ground coffee – 100 grams;
  • Cinnamon – 25 grams (5 teaspoons);
  • Red pepper tincture – 25 milliliters, if you have very light and thin skin – 10 milliliters;
  • Olive oil – 10 teaspoons;
  • Hot water – 75 milliliters.

Steam the coffee with water (do not overdo it, the slurry should be thick), add the rest of the ingredients.

Coffee body peeling should be done every other day, massaging the skin for 5-7 minutes. Complete 10-15 procedures.

The product helps get rid of cellulite and forms the lipid barrier of the skin. Instead of regular coffee, you can grind green beans every time.

Which is better?

When choosing among a variety of products, remember that the best peeling is the one that is ideal for a specific body. When choosing a recipe, you need to be guided by the characteristics of your skin and your goal. For example, badyaga is popular for whitening and removing age spots, and chocolate will help get rid of cellulite.

If there are serious skin defects, home cleansing will most likely be ineffective. In this case, it is better to seek help from a salon or visit a dermatologist.

Selecting a washcloth to cleanse your skin

In fact, you can get rid of dead cells simply by using the right washcloth. Cosmetic companies have already begun to produce special hard sponges in the shape of mittens - for example, Kessa or FixPrice. Such a washcloth should be made of natural material and rough.

Tomato home peeling

The product improves skin color, it is actively cleansed and renewed very quickly.

Mash 3 ripe medium-sized tomatoes, add a few teaspoons of parsley juice or finely chopped herbs. Scrub your skin with a handful of sugar or crushed oatmeal (if your skin is thin and sensitive), mixed with a spoon of shower gel. Apply the tomato mixture to the skin for 10 minutes without rubbing. Remove with warm water. The procedure must be carried out once a week


  1. We never apply body peeling products to the face. You also need to be careful with the skin on your neck and décolleté.
  2. Be sure to do an allergy test before testing.

Purchased peelings for use at home are a fairly profitable and effective option; When using them, be sure to follow the instructions. But home remedies are a good alternative. They must be prepared and used with extreme caution to avoid burns. Only a specialist can determine the ideal acid concentration and depth of action for you, so do not use strong exfoliants at home without prior consultation.

Don't forget to set aside an hour of time at least once a week to take care of your body.

Safety precautions

When performing peeling, you must follow safety precautions.:

  • First, you need to understand whether you can peel or not. To do this, you need to find out whether you have allergic reactions to the peeling components.
  • Secondly, find out if there are wounds, burns, or fresh scars on the body. You can't peel with them either. If you have infectious diseases, acne, peeling should also be avoided.

The salon technicians know very well how to properly rub the composition into the skin so as not to cause a traumatic effect. If you are doing peeling at home for the first time, you need to do it with gentle massage movements so as not to hurt yourself.


You can find many different products on sale. Below is a list of popular peeling mixtures.

Black PearlFights oily shine, wrinkles, and tones the skin. Costs about 250-300 rubles.
Natura SibericaPeeling is great for cellulite. Costs about 300-350 rubles.
Organic ShopAdds elasticity to the skin. It is also used on the neck and décolleté. Its price is around 200 rubles.
Arabia OrganicIt has a chemical effect due to its inclusion in fruit acids. Rejuvenates, fights many problems. Its price is considerable: 1.2 thousand rubles.
Jurassic SpaFights “orange peel” and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You need to pay about 600 rubles for it.

Body peeling in the salon

In beauty salons you can do professional peeling of the face and body.

There are several options for salon body peeling, which differ from each other in their mechanism of action:

  1. Mechanical peeling is the simplest. Its essence is that the skin is massaged with special cosmetics that contain abrasive exfoliating particles, that is, it is a peeling massage.
  2. Chemical peeling involves the use of chemically active substances: acids, minerals, clay. This option is not used for the whole body, but only as a peeling of the face or décolleté, skin of the hands and neck area.
  3. Hardware peeling is one of the most modern types. The achievements of science and technology are used here: laser, ultrasound, vacuum techniques. This allows you to eliminate even significant skin defects. Typically, such techniques are used not for cosmetic, but for medicinal purposes as prescribed by a doctor, since they have a fairly aggressive effect.

Regarding the depth of peeling, the salon can provide any type: superficial, medium, and deep. Also, it is in the salon that you can find the necessary specialist - a cosmetologist. He will tell you what kind of peeling your skin needs.

Medium and deep are usually necessary for those who have some kind of skin problems: age-related aging, scars, excessive or uneven pigmentation. It helps in the fight against stretch marks, scars, and acne proneness.

Another advantage of salon peeling is that you can add other procedures beneficial to the body’s skin and ultimately fight problems such as cellulite and skin aging. It is even possible to contribute to the treatment of obesity.

In addition, after completing all the procedures, the cosmetologist can advise on the specifics of skin care, its current condition and how to improve it, and recommend proper post-peeling care.

Questions and answers

Will chemical peeling harm sensitive skin? Before starting the procedure, the specialist must conduct a test of the selected drugs. If the skin reacts poorly, becomes very red, or itches, the cosmetologist suggests less aggressive formulations.

Is there a danger of damaging the deep layers of the dermis with hardware peeling? There is no such risk. The devices are carefully cleaned, removing thin layers of keratinized particles. Our salon technicians have sufficient experience and qualifications, so mistakes are excluded.

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