Useful tips and tricks on how to properly use a facial scrub

Scrub reduces acne

Facial scrubs also help reduce scars, scars and dark spots left on the skin after acne. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely get rid of the effects of acne, but they will become lighter because the scrub promotes the skin’s natural resurfacing process.

Massage your face with gentle movements to avoid damaging your skin

Features of application: how often can it be used, how to apply correctly

To the question of how often you can do a facial scrub, we will answer: it is recommended to apply the scrub no more than 1-2 times a week , and if problems appear on the skin, avoid such additional care altogether.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed, after steaming your face to open the pores as much as possible (for example, while taking a bath).

Apply with smooth massage movements to the face, excluding the area around the eyes and lips, from the nose to the earlobes, on the forehead from the middle to the temples and on the chin.

The scrub should be left for 3-5 minutes for the beneficial substances to be absorbed. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

What to apply on your face after scrub? Additional care also includes the use of masks.

Should the scrub or face mask be applied first? For the mask to be beneficial, it should be applied immediately after cleansing of rough particles. After using the scrub, apply a nourishing mask .

If the procedures are reversed, the result will be less useful.

Don't forget about daily cream care : even after using two additional care items, you need to apply a moisturizer.

Myths and facts about facial scrubs

Myth : Scrubbing damages your skin.

Fact : Scrubbing is not synonymous with damaging your skin unless you use it incorrectly and press too hard during application. Massaging movements should be light, do not forget, this is your skin, and you are together with it forever.

Myth : Scrubs can cure acne.

Fact : No, facial scrub will not help get rid of acne. Quite the contrary, if you rub the damaged areas too vigorously, it can cause skin irritation and a burning sensation. However, a facial scrub can prevent acne if you remove dead skin cells promptly.

Myth : It's normal to feel a tingling sensation while washing your face.

Fact : If your scrub contains ingredients like mint or menthol, you may experience a slight cooling and tingling sensation. Otherwise, such sensations indicate that the ingredients included in the cosmetic product are not suitable for your skin.

A facial scrub will help you look fresh and rested.

What is

The cosmetic composition includes abrasive particles (natural or synthetic). They look like fine salt or sand.

The product has the consistency of a gel or cream . When choosing a cosmetic product, choose the one that suits your skin type.

It is not recommended to use body products on the face.

Facial cleansing should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week , taking into account the condition and type of skin.

The scrub can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or made independently at home.

The following tools are intended for:

  • deep cleansing of pores;
  • renewal of the upper layer - the epidermis;
  • removal of dead cells;
  • giving smoothness and shine;
  • smoothing out fine wrinkles (with regular use).

The result of such cleansing is similar to the effect of peeling. Each woman chooses the type of cleaning at her own discretion.

Differences between these two procedures:

  1. The consistency of the peeling has a more liquid base. The grains it contains are smaller, so the grinding of the epidermis is softer.
  2. The scrub is applied with smooth movements, which gives a massage effect, and the peeling must be applied and rinsed off.
  3. Peeling additionally includes the reduction of age spots, scar removal, resurfacing, etc.

What is the difference between scrub and peeling:

Types of scrubs: how to choose the right one


Sugar scrubs are good for sensitive, normal and dry skin. This is due to the fact that sugar granules are more rounded than, for example, salt granules. Sugar itself is a natural humectant, so it retains moisture and nourishes the skin with it. In addition, sugar is a natural source of alpha hydroxy acid, which allows it to break down layers of dead skin, smooth its surface, speed up rehydration processes, which ultimately keeps the skin hydrated.


Salt scrubs are the most effective exfoliant for oily skin and acne-prone areas. This is due to the fact that salt rids the skin of excess fat and has natural antiseptic properties, thereby helping to destroy bacteria. And the sulfate and magnesium contained in salt scrubs remove toxins and reduce inflammation. Salt scrubs are made of more granular particles, so they are good for use on the feet and elbows.


Being a natural stimulant, coffee helps fight cellulite. In addition, it accelerates cell regeneration, improves skin tone and texture. Caffeine can tighten skin and reduce inflammation, and its aromatic properties are considered therapeutic. Back in 2008, Seoul scientists came to the conclusion that the smell of coffee can reduce stress levels.


In addition to the exfoliating effect, the various combinations of herbs in the scrubs soothe, invigorate, heal, tighten and detoxify the skin. Milder plant-based products, consisting of dried, crushed herbs, act as an abrasive, the effect of which is enhanced by a base of salt or sugar. As a rule, herbal scrubs are considered more gentle on the body.

Nuts, grains, fiber and seeds

The most common exfoliants for these products are oatmeal, berry fiber, peanut seeds and shells, and other plant-based substances. They cleanse the skin, renew it, remove the stratum corneum, exfoliate and do not leave mechanical damage. The main active ingredients of such scrubs are acids: citric, tartaric, salicylic, lactic, malic and glycolic. They dissolve the upper layers of the dermis and rejuvenate the skin. Scrubs with this composition are great for treating dry or damaged skin.


The most common combination of combined scrubs are those made from salt and sugar. They contain hydrating raw sugar and mineral-rich rock salt, are free of harmful microbeads and are made with natural and organic ingredients.


After applying the product, care for the epidermis is carried out using the following means:

  • various masks, including herbal ones;
  • nourishing and moisturizing serums;
  • skin oils;
  • creams.

After cleansing, the skin more readily absorbs beneficial substances and is saturated with them, so after scrubbing, professionals recommend using at least one of the above products.

Important! After the procedure, under no circumstances should you apply substances containing acid-containing products to your face, otherwise the development of inflammation and irritation is guaranteed.

Who should use the scrub?

Scrubbing is necessary for everyone, without exception, for regular skin cleansing. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to injure the epidermis.

Indications for using salt scrub:

  1. Age – after 30 years (in order to increase elasticity).
  2. Skin type – oily (to open pores, remove shine, smooth out wrinkles and increase elasticity).
  3. Skin type – dry (to combat itching, redness and flaking).

Exfoliation will be beneficial only if there are no contraindications to the procedure. The scrub is not recommended for damaged skin on the face, acne, inflamed pimples, etc. An absolute contraindication is rosacea, allergic reactions, a feeling of dryness and tightness.

If you have rosacea, warts, inflammatory acne or herpes, the skin condition will worsen after scrubbing. If you have any skin concerns, it is recommended that you first consult with a dermatologist to determine which skin care regimen is most appropriate.

Is it possible to use a scrub after professional peeling?

The cosmetic procedure is carried out in salons and clinics. Its purpose is to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, activate cell function, renew, and rejuvenate. There are superficial, medium, and deep peelings. The first type is practically no different from regular scrubbing. Repeating the procedure after a short period of time is inappropriate and harmful to the condition of the skin. Medium and especially deep peeling is an aggressive procedure that significantly injures the skin. You can use the scrub after the skin is completely restored.

When not to use a body scrub

You will have to abandon this method of cleansing the skin if:

  • the presence of open wounds;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • rashes and inflammations;
  • individual intolerance.

Be careful when applying scrubs to delicate skin. To check for allergies to components, apply a few drops to the elbow. If after 8 minutes no redness appears, then there are no prohibitions on use.

Body scrubs can be purchased at cosmetics stores or made yourself. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition. The components must be useful and harmless.



TOP 5 best scrubs for scalp

For soft and light hair: Kérastase Chronologiste Soin Gommage

The aromatic amber-colored gel consistency does not contain coarse abrasive particles and delicately removes dead skin cells, styling product residues and impurities. Kerastase Chronologiste Rinse-Out Pre-Shampoo contains a unique component - abyssin, synthesized by microorganisms living in the volcanic depths of the Pacific Ocean. Abyssin provides intensive detoxification and regeneration of the epidermis. A cocktail of argan oils, camellia, amla and corn kernels reduces the volume of hair, gives it softness and shine, and combats dry scalp.

Anti-dandruff: Pharmaceris H-Stimupeel Trichology Cleansing Pee

This find from the Polish brand of pharmaceutical cosmetics Pharmaceris is suitable not only for women, but also for men suffering from dandruff, thinning and hair loss. The product has undergone clinical studies under the supervision of dermatologists and trichologists. The combination of the enzyme papain and apricot kernel cake effectively cleanses the scalp of excess sebum and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Piroctone olamine fights bacteria and fungi that cause dandruff. Urea saturates cells with moisture, and caffeine strengthens hair roots and prevents hair loss.

For hair loss: Vis Plantis Basil Element Anti Hair Loss Cleansing Scrub

Specialists from the Polish brand Vis Plantis know that one of the causes of hair loss is a malnutrition of the hair follicles caused by an excess of keratinized particles and residues of cosmetic products. Glycolic acid in Basil Element Anti Hair Loss Cleansing Scrub normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and fights the symptoms of oily seboria. Basil and passionflower extracts moisturize the scalp, strengthen follicles and stimulate curl growth. Their anti-inflammatory effect copes with itching and irritation, helping to forget about discomfort.

For a glossy shine: Biolage Sugar Shine Scrub

Biolage Sugar Scrub acts as a soft polish that adds shine and smoothness to dull and unruly hair. Glucose, which is part of sugar, closes hair scales and smoothes their surface. Calcium strengthens the structure of the strands, and sodium eliminates the problem of greasy plaque. Sucrose increases the volume of thin curls and makes combing easier. The undeniable advantage of this product is that it is suitable for colored hair.

Soothing dry and sensitive scalp: Vianek Soothing Scrub

Vianek Soothing Scalp Scrub, thanks to the content of salicylic acid, effectively dissolves the “glue” of excess sebum, dirt and keratinized particles, removing dandruff and seborrheic formations. Shea butter, coconut, sunflower, lemon, vitamins E and C saturate cells with moisture, normalize sebum production, and make strands smooth and elastic. The scrub strengthens the protective properties of hair and scalp, making them more resistant to negative external factors.

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Precautionary measures

When choosing a product, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  1. It is better to give preference to gel-based substances.
  2. No individual intolerance to ingredients.
  3. The scrub must be suitable for your skin type.
  4. The abrasive particles from its composition must have a smooth shape.
  5. The base contains moisturizing and nutrients.
  6. Natural components have a positive effect on the recovery process.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Using a facial scrub is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. When feeling tight.
  2. If irritation or itching occurs during the procedure.
  3. For various injuries and wounds on the face.
  4. For acne.
  5. For inflamed or sunburned facial skin.
  6. For allergies.
  7. For rosacea on the face.

If there is at least one contraindication from the list, you must wash the product off your face as quickly as possible and refuse to use it further.

Inflamed and damaged

With this type of epidermis, comedones and acne may well appear. The appearance of the face will be significantly affected, and their owner will experience pain. It is not recommended to use a scrub for this type of skin, as this will only lead to the spread of infection throughout the face.

Important! Some scrubs contain comedogenic components, which, when interacting with the epidermis, clog pores and contribute to even more breakouts on the face.

Sensitive and delicate

This skin has less protection, so it is more often exposed to various damages. Using a scrub for this skin type can lead to:

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  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • peeling.

The best option for cleansing sensitive and thin skin is gentle gommages. They have a more delicate effect on it and do not damage it during use.

Home Recipes

If you don’t yet know which facial scrub is best to choose, pay attention to homemade recipes, the preparation of which will be an interesting and useful activity.

Specific formulations have been developed for each skin type, the components of which are aimed at solving specific problems.

For normal skin

Even if there are no problems or abnormalities on the skin, it still needs cleaning, and a cleansing scrub will be the best tool in this matter.

We also recommend: Baking soda for face

  • To prepare the berry mix you will need cranberries, currants, strawberries and walnuts. Mash the berries and combine with a teaspoon of flour (wheat) and cream. Mix, spread evenly over your face, and wash with the heated herbal decoction after 15 minutes. Folk remedies have an incredible tonic and refreshing effect.
  • Grated orange peel makes an excellent cleanser. All you need is to add the same amount of ground almonds to a tablespoon of grated citrus mass and dilute with water. Apply for 5-7 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Divide the oatmeal into 2 parts (1 tablespoon each). Grind the first, grind the second to the state of flour. Dilute with olive oil and let sit for 15-20 minutes. When the oatmeal swells, spread it over your face, leaving it until completely absorbed. Oatmeal is a savior for sensitive skin, gently cleanses and does not injure it; the oil moisturizes and softens the epithelium.

For dry skin

  • To prepare this recipe, grate fresh carrots on a fine grater, add 30 g of semolina and 50 ml of warm milk. Mix until smooth and leave on your face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse.
  • A honey scrub with the addition of blue clay will have a mild moisturizing effect on dry epithelium. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. clay in water until a paste forms, add liquid honey. Treat your face for no more than 10 minutes.
  • A banana will help add moisture and youth to dry skin. Combine the aromatic pulp with 1 tbsp. l. honey, cream or sour cream. This good rejuvenating and nourishing product will quickly transform your skin.

For oily skin

  • The composition includes the juice of half a lemon and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​or ordinary kitchen salt (as abrasive particles). To ensure that the salt dissolves and does not injure the epithelium, let the composition brew for 15 minutes. You need to use the product extremely carefully, waiting until the crystals are completely dissolved. An excellent toning, antiseptic, drying and whitening scrub.
  • Baking soda will help cleanse clogged pores and dry out oily skin. You can add any fermented milk product, salt, lemon juice or cosmetic clay diluted with water to the base in a 1:1 ratio.
  • You can make a scrub for oily skin from coffee grounds with the addition of natural yogurt in equal proportions. Apply to face and massage for 5 minutes, then wash.
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