Textile allergy. Interview with Dr. S. Pleska, expert of the German Association of Allergy and Asthma Specialists

What is the fabric made of?

The composition of artificial matter includes synthetic fibers, which irritate the mucous membranes and skin.
The most common types of threads used when sewing synthetic clothing:

polyester is an elastic and soft, but not hygroscopic material; acetate is a fiber reproduced from cellulose acetate, pliable, capable of maintaining its shape for a long time; elastane is a flexible and resistant material that can, after stretching, take on its original presentation; acrylic is one of the products of the oil industry; durable and resistant, but poorly permeable to air and highly electrified; Lycra is a strong, dense and at the same time very elastic fiber; widely used in the production of products that fit tightly to the body; viscose is an artificial material whose properties are as close as possible to the properties of natural fabrics; It is made from wood cellulose and has good hygroscopicity.

The moderate use of each of these fabrics in the production of clothing is completely justified. And allergies to synthetics most often arise not from the materials themselves, but from chemical products that are actively used for dyeing, fixing color, increasing wear resistance, protecting against moths and other treatments.

Composition of modern synthetic fabrics

Synthetic fabrics began to be produced on an industrial scale in the 30s of the last century.

The widespread replacement of natural materials with artificial ones was and still is explained by the fact that the production of synthetics is several times cheaper.

At the same time, synthetic fabrics currently used have several advantages over natural ones, they are:

  • More durable;
  • More stable when in contact with aggressive environments;
  • Easier.

Macromolecules of synthetic fiber are obtained from low molecular weight compounds. Innovative technologies make it possible to produce fabric with predetermined characteristics.

Currently, dozens of synthetic materials are used in the production of clothing. They are often mixed in a certain ratio with linen, cotton, and wool.

Synthetic fabrics could completely replace natural ones in their qualities if they did not have negative properties.

An allergy to clothing made from artificial materials occurs due to the fact that such fabrics do not conduct air well, this disrupts gas exchange, and all conditions are created on the surface of the skin that contribute to the development of allergic reactions.

In addition to the structure of synthetics, the chemicals used in the fabric production process are also the culprits of allergies.

Allergens may be contained in dyes and products used to make materials smooth and wrinkle-resistant.

The higher the percentage of synthetic threads in the fabrics, the higher the likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

Common synthetic fibers

It's no secret that today it is almost impossible to buy clothes made entirely from natural fabrics. And this is understandable: synthetic fabrics are durable, lightweight and easy to care for. Clothes made from them wear well and retain their shape and color well. The cost of such items is significantly lower than that of clothing made from natural fabrics.

Such advantages make synthetics very popular, but only until allergies appear. Popular synthetic fabrics to which allergies most often occur:

  • fleece is a synthetic knitwear made from polyester and used for sewing insulated clothing;
  • taslan is an innovative fabric, in some cases it has a breathable structure;
  • lavsan is an affordable fabric, which is a type of polyester and is produced during oil refining;
  • perlon - artificial silk;
  • Meryl is a lightweight but durable material, very pleasant to the body;
  • Velsoft is an ultra-thin new synthetic material called new generation synthetics (microfiber).

Before purchasing fabrics or items, allergy sufferers should make sure that they do not contain synthetic fibers. They come in several types:

  • polyurethane (spandex, elastane);
  • carbon chain – containing carbon atoms;
  • polyester (lavsan, vikron);
  • polyamide (nylon, nylon).

Heterochain – containing carbon atoms and other elements:

  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • polyolefin;
  • polyacrylonitrile (cashmilon, acrylic, orlon);
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

Several factors can trigger the body’s negative reaction to synthetic material. It happens that the root cause of allergies is not artificial clothing, but the person himself. But first things first. And so, the causes of allergic rashes.


The artificial fabric itself acts as an irritant due to its low hygroscopicity, which contributes to moisture retention.

When a person sweats, synthetic fabric not only retains droplets of liquid in the fibers, but also does not allow the material to “breathe”, and the necessary natural air exchange does not occur. Moisture does not have the opportunity to evaporate. And due to the excess salt in the waste released from the sweat glands, irritation only intensifies.

Photo: Rubbing with a cloth in the armpit area

The body can also react to lint, barbed threads, wool, and seams. Intense friction gives rise to inflammation of the skin, leading to redness of the affected areas and itching.

When, after removing a synthetic product, the skin calms down and such manifestations do not bother you, this is a sign of an allergy to the fabric.


If everything is in order with hygroscopicity and other features of matter, but the symptoms, nevertheless, continue to bother you, the reason for this must be sought deeper.

Namely, in the chemical composition that was used in processing the fabric in order to improve the quality and presentation:

all kinds of dyes that sometimes color the water so intensely when washing a product; chemicals that, if accepted standards are not followed, give off a pungent odor of oil.

All this can lead a person with sensitive skin to a serious allergic reaction, including poisoning and irreversible consequences. Therefore, before wearing synthetics, the product must be washed thoroughly.

If after removing clothes and hygiene procedures the symptoms of irritation subside, you will have to get rid of synthetic items.


Often, the manifestation of allergies should not be blamed on synthetics, but on the person himself. Having watched enough “useful” programs about the inevitable harm of artificial matter, people develop a subconscious fear of irritation.

Many people have serious phobias regarding skin rashes in the form of red dots, blisters and small swellings. Self-hypnosis does serious things.

This may seem fantastic to some, but often even relatively harmless synthetic clothing can cause severe allergies in especially impressionable people.

To understand whether this is truly a reaction to the fabric or just a psychological mania, contact a competent specialist for examinations and tests for skin sensitivity to synthetics.


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Hypoallergenic pillow: choosing the right one

The material is in direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes, and the level of permeability for filler particles and dust depends on its porosity. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right type of fabric - even though the pillow is covered with a pillowcase from the bedding set. It is better to give preference:

  1. Cotton.
  2. Silk.
  3. Satin.
  4. Microfiber.

For the top pillowcase, you can purchase any natural or synthetic fabric without wool or latex in the composition. It is better if it is without a picture; however, since many people prefer colored bedding, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the dyes: they should not be toxic and remain on the skin after sleep.

In addition, there are special thick covers for people prone to allergic reactions - they are worn under the pillowcase and create a barrier between the filling components and the environment. However, they are needed only in cases where it is not possible to replace a pillow made of down, feathers, or accumulated dust.

How to eliminate unpleasant symptoms

If you still cannot avoid an allergic reaction, first of all you need to limit contact with the irritant - change your allergenic bedding to a safe set.

Take a warm shower and treat the affected areas with special non-hormonal ointments. They moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation, and help eliminate dryness and redness. This will reduce the intensity of itching and the manifestation of other skin symptoms. Modern antihistamines will help cope with allergic rhinitis, cough, and conjunctivitis.


But it happens the other way around - a person does not see allergies point-blank, not to mention manias and phobias. It’s just that an allergy to artificial clothing does not always manifest itself as severe itching and profuse dermatitis.

Sometimes these can be rare spots that itch slightly.

Occasionally a person sneezes, perceiving this as dust getting on the nasal mucous membranes or a minor cold. Everything would be fine, but if diagnosed untimely, the disease can develop from a temporary stage into a chronic one.

How to identify clothing allergies

To independently diagnose the body’s negative reaction to clothing, it is enough to check and compare how the skin responds to contact with synthetic fabric.

Particular attention should be paid to hypersensitive areas of the body (neck, stomach, knees, wrists).

Do you feel tingling, itching, discomfort, does your skin turn red and become blotchy? In this case, there is only one way out - the complete exclusion of synthetics from the wardrobe.

If it's brand new, try washing the item thoroughly and check your skin's reaction again. When the body reacts equally sharply to all things made of artificial fibers, this is a sign of a mechanical factor.

Photo: Severe itching

Allergies to certain items of clothing are typical due to chemical irritation. This means that such tissue was treated with a substance (or several at once), upon contact with which the skin finds itself in conditions unnatural for normal functioning.


Completely eliminate the possibility of contact with the tissue that provoked the hypersensitivity reaction. This way you will protect yourself from a recurrence of allergies. If dyes or harmful chemical additives cause unpleasant symptoms, do not use synthetic, brightly colored textiles.

After purchasing a new set, do not rush to immediately decorate your bed with it. First, wash it using hypoallergenic powder, gel, conditioner (it is better to use products for caring for children's clothes). Rinse at least twice and iron thoroughly.

If you suffer from unpleasant symptoms of an allergy to bed linen, you should choose your bed “outfit” with special attention. After all, good, sound sleep and the health of the whole body should always be a priority.

What to do if you are allergic to fabric

What to do if synthetics, as it turns out, are an unacceptable material for the skin? How to correctly approach the treatment of allergies in an infant? And what to do if the disease manifests itself during pregnancy?


Clothes for a newborn baby should, in principle, not contain artificial fibers, since the baby's skin is incredibly sensitive. And the reaction to chemicals and rough material can be too unpredictable, from rashes to anaphylactic shock.

First of all, you need to get rid of synthetic products.

Why not check every artificial slider for a negative reaction? If it turns out that your baby is susceptible to synthetics, from now on look in stores only for things made from natural fibers.

Be sure to contact a specialist who will give valuable recommendations and prescribe treatment that is most appropriate for the child’s age and condition.

A child's wardrobe should consist entirely of things that are safe for health. Avoid too bright, saturated shades - this is a sign of an excessive amount of dyes. An atypical and unpleasant pungent odor should also be a reason for suspicion.

Read how to protect yourself from

allergies to tattooing

Can you be allergic to seeds? How to identify it and how to treat it? Read here.

During pregnancy

While a woman is preparing for the birth of a child, she needs to take care not only of her health. If the expectant mother is allergic to synthetic fabrics, it is better to be especially prudent during pregnancy.

First you need to eliminate the cause that causes the negative reaction.

This means that for all 9 months, clothing adjacent to the body (underwear, shirts, turtlenecks) should not contain synthetics.

It is necessary to notify the doctor early on so that he can prescribe medications and give general recommendations for the safe wearing of synthetics.

Symptoms of the disease

The most common allergic manifestations to synthetic fabrics are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of allergic rhinitis;
  • difficulty breathing, up to suffocation;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • hyperemic rashes on the skin;
  • The child may develop contact dermatitis.

With complicated symptoms, anaphylactic shock may develop, accompanied by spasms, fainting and a drop in blood pressure.

Allergies in pregnant women

This type of allergy often occurs during pregnancy due to the weakened immunity of the expectant mother. If synthetics cause an allergic reaction, avoid synthetic underwear, as they, being close to the body, can provoke unwanted symptoms. Try to replace synthetic clothes with cotton ones. It should be pleasant to the touch and not cause allergic symptoms.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any allergies, since not all medications can be used for treatment during pregnancy. The doctor selects medications taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the duration of her pregnancy.


The success and rate of treatment of this type of non-food allergy depend on the stage of its development (temporary or chronic).

The first step towards getting rid of a disease is eliminating the causes.

That is, keeping the use of synthetics to a minimum, wearing only over natural fabrics, or completely eliminating the irritant. And how to treat further - with medications or folk remedies, everyone decides for himself.


Ideally, treatment is prescribed by an allergist or dermatology specialist.

And to combat allergies on your own, you need to arm yourself with antihistamines.

For example, Desloratadine or Loratadine help well with complex exacerbations of the disease. And the elimination of mild rashes can be entrusted to such drugs as Fenistil, Cetrin.

Folk remedies

Common herbs:

a frozen decoction of chamomile and mint will help quickly relieve irritation and eliminate severe itching; An infusion of bay leaves can be used as a bath or as a lotion. A decoction of the same composition helps no worse than an infusion; A decoction can also be prepared from a mixture of herbs and chamomile. Wipe the areas of skin affected by an allergic rash with the strained liquid.

Find out how it manifests itself

allergy to rice

What is an atopic allergy? Read here.

Can a baby be allergic to cheese, and how does it manifest itself? Read here.

Allergen identification

To understand that an allergy is caused by tissue and not by another allergen, it is important to know several characteristic features that distinguish it from other reactions.

  • Irritation appears only in areas in contact with the tissue.
  • If the allergen is bed linen, inflammation often appears in the morning.
  • Allergies begin to appear after wearing new clothes several times.
  • After changing underwear or removing clothes, the rash goes away.

To accurately determine the allergen, it is necessary to take an allergy test. At your local clinic or private laboratory.

Preventive measures

To prevent irritation from becoming chronic, it is necessary not only to successfully treat it, but also to prevent possible relapses. If you do not want to provoke new attacks of allergies to synthetic materials, give preference to cotton or linen items, as well as clothes made of silk.

First of all, this should be underwear and all products that have direct contact with the skin.

For washing, use only powders with a hypoallergenic composition.

An allergy to synthetics is not the most common type of negative reaction to an irritant. The symptoms of this disease are easily preventable and treatable, and provoking factors can be excluded at any time.

Choose clothes not only by beauty, but also by smell and color. Unnaturally saturated colors can cause an allergic reaction, as well as foreign odors.

Clothing made from synthetic fibers usually costs much less than natural items. Therefore, not everyone can afford to fill their entire wardrobe with cotton and silk outfits.

And I also want to wear bright clothes. To ensure that the variety in the closet does not lead to monotony in the body's reaction, replace at least the underwear that is adjacent to the body with natural material.

What is latex?

Latex is the processed sap of the rubber tree Hevea ( Hevea brasiliensis
) with the addition of a number of chemicals to impart the necessary properties. This milky sap flows out of a cut in the bark in the same way as milk flows out of the stems of dandelion, celandine and milkweed. Synthetic latex is made from synthetic rubber. The word "latex" is synonymous with "natural rubber".

Latex is found in many consumer products and medical materials, such as balloons, elastic bands, stockings, shoes, rubber boots, air mattresses, car and bicycle tires, rubber gloves, baby pacifiers, scuba suits, elastic clothing, anesthesia, drainage and infusion devices, bottle caps, inhalation masks and catheters and much more.

Special care is required when using latex in products such as condoms and cervical caps. In addition to problems with your sex life, a latex allergy can cause very serious reactions in your body. Durex offers Avanti condoms with a latex-free guarantee. Synthetic products, such as latex paint, do not contain natural rubber.

Allergies in children

More than 40% of children worldwide, according to WHO, are allergic to synthetics. From birth, modern children are surrounded by synthetic and polymer materials: bathing products, baths, pacifiers, toys - all this is made from synthetic materials. Parents should know that breastfed babies are much less susceptible to allergic reactions. It has been established that breast milk contains immune cells that protect the baby from adverse environmental influences. In addition, infants are less likely to get sick.

An allergy to synthetics in a child most often manifests itself in the form of rashes on the legs, so when diagnosing this part of the body, special attention should be paid.

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