Swelling of the eyes after crying. Why they appear and how to get rid of them

Often in the morning a person does not look aesthetically pleasing enough; for example, the eyelids may swell. There is nothing terrible about this, but the appearance suffers considerably, especially if this happened to a representative of the fair sex. At the same time, men often experience discomfort when their eyes are swollen after sleep, since others may joke about the large amount of alcohol they drank or a stormy night. To know how to deal with this problem, you need to understand the main causes of this condition.

First actions

After intense crying in the morning or in the evening, the eyes become noticeably swollen. Swelling occurs in varying degrees, does not cause trouble and does not cause other signs, but any woman will be horrified when she sees her reflection in the mirror.

Fresh air will help quickly remove puffiness under the eyes. If this is not possible, open the window and breathe for a couple of minutes, taking deep breaths.

Then wash with cool water. Do three procedures with a 15-minute break. A contrast shower will help a lot.

After such first aid, beauty will be restored, and it will be unnoticeable that the girl was crying.


  • Regular hand washing. Many people have a habit of rubbing their eyes, so it is better to eliminate the risk of infection on the surface of the cornea in advance.
  • Wearing sunglasses in sunny weather. They will protect the mucous membrane from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Using computer glasses. They relieve eye strain when working at a computer.
  • Regular warm-up. Improves eye well-being and helps them relax.
  • Minimal contact with allergens.

Cold method

Cold blocks swelling and inflammation by reducing the sensitivity of nerve receptors. It constricts blood vessels, causing swelling to go away. Wrap ice cubes in a cotton towel and apply to the area under the eyes for 30 seconds.

Then the skin is allowed to warm up and applied again. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation until the swelling goes away completely.

Instead of ice, frozen fruits, vegetables or meat will help. Only all products must be wrapped in cloth.

If there is nothing frozen in the refrigerator, not even ice, place a metal spoon, previously moistened with water, in the freezer. After freezing, apply to the eyes.

Procedures to relieve swelling after crying

The following can help with swelling of the face after crying:

  1. Steam bath with infusion of birch leaves and chamomile flowers . You need to hold your face over the steam for 5-10 minutes; for greater effectiveness, you can throw a towel over your head. When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to follow safety rules so as not to get burned.
  2. Washing with decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants : peppermint, linden, thyme, chamomile. You can also make herbal ice from these medicinal plants, which should be used to wipe your face.
  3. Contrast washing , which copes well with facial swelling, can be replaced with compresses - alternately apply warm and cold cotton pads moistened with water or a solution based on medicinal herbs to the eyelids.
  4. Massage with ice cubes (from ordinary or mineral water, solutions of medicinal plants) or warm tea bags, which are alternately applied to the eyelids (5-6 times), leaving for several minutes.

Compresses for swelling

Using simple home remedies will help you get your face in order. Correct Application:

  • Tea is the simplest and no less effective remedy that is used at home. Prepare the drink and leave the tea bags to cool. When they become slightly warm, apply to closed eyelids. You can freeze the bags, this will improve their effect and relieve swelling faster.
  • Cut the cucumbers into slices. To freeze. Cut one plate in half. Wrap the cucumber in thin gauze and place it on the area under the eyes. It is recommended to keep the compress for no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Mix cucumber and lemon juice in equal quantities. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to swollen eyelids under the eyes. Do not put a compress on your eyes; lemon juice causes severe burning and irritation if it gets on the mucous membrane.
  • Parsley and sour cream help reduce puffiness under the eyes. 1 tsp. parsley mixed with 2 tsp. store-bought sour cream. The mixture is applied to closed eyelids, you can cover the area a little more. Keep the compress for 20 minutes, then wash off with cool water.
  • Potatoes are used similarly to cucumbers. Cut into circles and cool slightly in the refrigerator. Then apply to the entire eye area.
  • Egg white will not only restore clarity, beauty and shine to tear-stained eyes, it will also tighten the skin. If your face is swollen from crying, this is the best remedy. Separate the white from the yolk and spread it over the eyelid with a brush or fingers. After 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. The frozen protein slightly tightens the skin; at this time it is not recommended to perform eye exercises.

Causes of allergies

There are, in fact, as many allergens as there are substances and compounds known to man. In other words, the cause of an allergic reaction on the eyeball (conjunctiva) and the skin around the eyes can be anything: plant pollen, any food, household chemicals, animal hair, bird down and feathers, house dust (infested with microscopic mites), insect bites, hygiene and cosmetic products, medicines, sweat, saliva or hair of other people, etc., etc. At the same time, to this day the etiopathogenetic mechanism, which in one person “triggers” an individual violent (in some cases catastrophic) reaction to any substance, has not been thoroughly clarified, while the body of another person remains completely indifferent to the same substance. However, the role of congenital predisposition, as well as the cumulative (cumulative) nature of the allergenic effect, has been reliably established.

Pharmacy products

Medicines will help you cope with red and swollen eyes. This does not mean that they can be used after every tantrum with tears. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor.

Taking medications puts a strain on other organs and systems of the body. They have side effects and contraindications.

Diuretics will help against teary eyes:

  • Amiloride;
  • Furosemide;
  • Veroshpiron;
  • Trifas.

Relief, Proctoniz and Lyoton will help remove bags under the eyes. You should not get carried away with these creams and ointments. Use when absolutely necessary and after consulting a doctor.

When the conjunctiva is red, drops are used. Suitable vasoconstrictors:

  • Visine;
  • Brizolin;
  • Galazolin.

Use any pharmaceutical products as prescribed by the doctor. Self-use leads to negative consequences.

Eye drops from the pharmacy remove reddened whites of the eyes

First, let’s figure out how the whites of the eyes turn red in general. This occurs due to the expansion of the vessels that supply the eye with blood. When we cry, our tear glands work overtime. And while the tears are flowing, you need to produce even more fluid. To do this, a certain signal is triggered in the brain - it dilates the blood vessels of the eyes so that more blood comes to them. And with it a new liquid will be added: blood consists of 55% plasma, and plasma is 90% water and 10% proteins!

The red whites of the eyes can be removed only by a product that targets the blood vessels. A group of such drugs are called decongestants, or vasoconstrictors. They can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription and dropped into the eyes to narrow blood vessels and remove redness from the whites. It is also useful in case of a runny nose - decongestants constrict blood vessels and remove snot.

  • Eye drops “Visin Classic”, 327 rubles - a representative of vasoconstrictors for relieving swelling and redness.
  • Eye drops "VizOptic", 307 rubles - analogue of "Vizin". The active ingredient is the same, just a different manufacturer.

The drug is sold without a prescription, but be careful - vasoconstrictors have contraindications. They can be viewed in the Vidal online medicine directory. For example, if you have high blood pressure, angle-closure glaucoma or diabetes, then you cannot use these drops. Consult your doctor before purchasing drops if you see your diagnosis in the instructions.

Massage and gymnastics

Special exercises help restore the water-salt balance. Doctors recommend massage if there are no inflammatory or infectious processes, skin wounds or pain. It is done with your fingertips.

Lightly pressing on the skin, pass from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer. The same is repeated with the lower moving skin, but in the opposite direction, that is, the movement is circular.

The technique is repeated several times. Cannot be used for longer than 10 minutes. If the swelling does not go away, take a break and repeat.

Gymnastics for the eyes helps restore the outflow of fluid. Rotating clockwise, blinking quickly for 15 seconds, and squeezing your eyelids tightly will help restore beauty to your eyes.

Do each exercise at least 4-5 times in a row.


During the consultation, the doctor examines the patient’s complaints and collects his medical history and conducts a physical examination. He selects diagnostic methods to determine why the eyelids and area around the eyes itch. These include:

  • Clinical blood test
  • Allergy tests
  • Microscopic analysis of eyelashes
  • Bacteriological analysis of eyelid scrapings

If the cause of itching lies in a systemic disease, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures. They will help you find out why your eyes itch and how to eliminate the risk of recurrence of symptoms.

How to prepare in advance and relieve swelling even faster

There are several things you shouldn’t do so that the swelling goes away quickly in the morning. After crying:

  • do not rub your eyes;
  • goes to bed immediately;
  • eat salty or spicy foods.

In order not to disturb the water-salt balance, you need to sleep half-sitting. This helps improve the drainage of fluid from the eyes.

It is necessary to take the first measures immediately. Washing your face with cold water will help reduce puffiness in the morning. It is not recommended to drink water if you are very thirsty - you can, but not much.

In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to get up immediately and not lie down again. Then use creams or home remedies to eliminate any remaining puffiness above and below the eyes.

Washing away the effects of tears

After the crying is over, you should wash your face using cold water, gradually moving on to a contrast wash. Wash in 3 approaches after 10 minutes, without touching the soap. This will cool and invigorate, and improve blood circulation, soothing teary eyes and removing redness.

If there is no place to wash your face, carefully apply a handkerchief or napkin soaked in cold water to your eyes for 10 seconds at a time. After 5-7 minutes. the procedure is repeated.

Learning to cry correctly

Well, one last piece of advice. If you can’t avoid tears, and this usually happens. Still cry wisely. After all, crying is the enemy of beauty.

Throw your head back

In this case, tears will flow through the outer corners and cause less damage, especially if the eyes are wearing makeup or, especially, eyelash extensions.

Put your face down

In the case when it seems stupid to someone to cry with their chin thrown back, then lower your head down on the contrary. Then the tears will flow down the eyelashes and irritate the eyes less.

Don't rub your eyelids

It is better to gently blot the liquid from the eyes with a handkerchief.

Some girls on the forums give another good advice:

It also happens that you have to take pictures after crying. And the eyes are swollen, roaring, the eyelids are peeling, there is redness all around. A woman absolutely cannot appear in this form in a photo. In this case, Photoshop helps a lot. It will quickly make your eyes look radiant and remove traces of swelling.

Tears are an inevitable part of life. That's why we're human, to cry from time to time. It’s better when it happens out of joy, but in any case, it’s an ingenious natural mechanism that protects us from having our emotional fuses fail.

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