Baziron AS: treatment of pimples and acne

From this article you will learn:

  • Baziron AC gel for acne – composition analysis,
  • instructions for use,
  • reviews of Baziron AS from dermatologists.

Baziron AS is an antimicrobial drug in the form of a gel for external use, which is intended for the treatment of acne (papulopustular form of acne). The active component of the drug is a bactericidal component such as “benzene peroxide”, which effectively affects the bacteria involved in the formation of acne. These include primarily the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) and Streptococcus epidermidis.

Reviews from dermatologists about the drug Baziron for acne indicate that this drug is the gold standard for acne treatment. To date, there are no strains of P. acnes or S. epidermidis bacteria that are resistant to benzoyl peroxide, but you should understand that acne cannot be treated with benzoyl peroxide alone. And we will always combine the drug Baziron with topical retinoids (Klenzit or Differin), and sometimes also with antibiotics.

Photos of Baziron AS gel packaging –

The Baziron AS® trademark belongs to a pharmaceutical company (Switzerland), but production is located in Italy. There are 3 versions of the release form - gel with a concentration of benzoyl peroxide of 2.5, 5.0 and 10%. The drug is available over-the-counter and can also be used in patients over 12 years of age.

How much does Baziron AS cost in pharmacies, analogues:

For Baziron AS, the price in pharmacies will average from 800 rubles (per tube of 40 g). It should be noted that all forms of release cost almost the same - regardless of the concentration of benzoyl peroxide. The price is for 2022. This drug has no cheap analogues in Russia, or indeed any direct analogues. Cheaper, you can only buy cleansers with benzoyl peroxide, but this is not very effective and is more suitable for prevention than treatment.

However, there are several combination preparations also for external use, which also contain benzoyl peroxide. This, for example, is the drug “Indoxyl” (Great Britain) - it contains a combination of benzoyl peroxide 5% and the antibiotic clindamycin 1% (it costs 800 rubles per 25 g tube). And the drug Effezel (France) - it contains benzoyl peroxide 2.5% in combination with the retinoid adapalene 0.1%. This drug is already significantly more expensive than Baziron - the price for it will be at least 1,300 rubles (for a 30 g tube).

Indications for use of the drug Baziron:

According to the instructions, it has only 1 indication for use:

  • acne.

But the fact is that the indications in the official instructions for use are written incorrectly. The fact is that the term acne can imply the presence of only non-inflammatory elements - acne vulgaris (comedones). Such non-inflammatory elements do not require the use of antimicrobial agents, but are treated only with topical retinoids (Differin, Klenzit) or drugs with azelaic acid (Skinoren, Azelac).

Preparations with benzoyl peroxide are used when there are inflammatory elements (acne). The latter can be either in the form of pustules with pus, or papules without pus. Therefore, the correct indication for the use of Baziron should be “Papulopustular acne of mild, moderate or severe degree.”

Baziron AS: instructions for use, composition

Pharmacological action of the drug Baziron AS:

  • Antimicrobial effect - benzoyl peroxide has a pronounced bactericidal effect against all known strains of bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and Streptococcus epidermidis, which play a large role in the development of inflammation and the appearance of inflammatory elements - papules and pustules (i.e. acne).
  • Keratolytic effect - the drug dissolves intercellular cement in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and, accordingly, facilitates the desquamation of cells of the stratum corneum. This helps to expand the mouths of the follicles and facilitates the release of fatty secretions (sebum) from them to the surface of the skin.
  • Reduces oily skin - according to the instructions for use, the drug suppresses the function of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing oily skin.
    Reviews on Baziron AC indicate that skin oiliness actually decreases slightly, but why this happens is actually a debatable question. On the one hand, there is no clear evidence in the scientific literature that benzoyl peroxide directly affects the sebocytes of the sebaceous glands, suppressing the hypersecretion of sebum. However, on the other hand, among the auxiliary components of the drug there are substances that simply neutralize the fatty acids themselves on the surface of the skin. And most likely, the reduction in fat content may be associated with this. In addition, drugs with benzoyl peroxide are almost always prescribed only in combination with topical retinoids, which in turn tend to suppress hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Reduces the content of free fatty acids - this effect is again associated with the antimicrobial activity of the drug.
    The fact is that normally the secretion of the sebaceous glands does not contain free fatty acids (it contains only triglycerides). But when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are colonized by the bacteria P.acnes, the enzymes of these bacteria begin to break down triglycerides into monoglycerides (free fatty acids). As a result, the amount of the latter increases to 20% of the total volume of lipids produced by the sebaceous glands. Free fatty acids are comedogenic, i.e. they promote the formation of fat plugs (comedones) in the follicles. In addition, they change the process of keratinization - not only in the epidermis on the surface of the skin, but also in the depths of the hair follicles. In addition, free fatty acids have so-called “chemotaxis,” which means that they cause the migration of neutrophils to the follicles. In turn, the migration of neutrophils already leads to the formation of papules and pustules (pimples).

Baziron: composition and release form

The main active ingredient is the component “benzoyl peroxide”. There are 3 forms of the drug: the gel can have a concentration of benzoyl peroxide of 2.5%, 5% or 10% (each form is available in 40 g tubes). Externally, the gel has a uniform white color and is easily applied in a thin layer.

Gel composition (in terms of 100 g):

Active substance – benzoyl peroxide (anhydrous) → in 2.5% Baziron AS – 2.5 g, → in 5.0% Baziron AS – 5.0 g, → in 10.0% Baziron AS – 10.0 g.
Excipients: methacrylic acid copolymer 2.0 g, glycerol 4.0 g, poloxamer-182 – 0.2 g, carbomer-940 – 0.8 g, disodium edetate 0.1 g, sodium docusate 0.05 g, propylene glycol 4.0 g, colloidal silicon dioxide 0.021 g, sodium hydroxide - up to pH 5.1-5.5, purified water - up to 100 g.

→ Baziron AS official instructions (PDF)

What concentration of gel to choose -

For Baziron AS, the instructions for use do not contain detailed information about what concentration of gel is preferable to use. However, clinical studies have shown that the drug is approximately equally effective at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 10%. But at the same time, skin irritation (contact dermatitis) will be more pronounced, the higher the concentration you use. Therefore, you should not immediately start even with 5.0% concentration.

If you are going to use a drug with benzoyl peroxide, then we recommend starting with a 2.5% gel. This will allow the skin to get used to this component. But in case of repeated courses of therapy, you can safely use 5.0% gel. As for the gel with 10% benzoyl peroxide, in fact it is only present in the instructions and is not sold in pharmacies. This concentration will cause very severe contact dermatitis.

How to apply the drug and how long the course of treatment lasts -

The drug is intended for external use only.
According to the instructions for use, the gel should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 or 2 times a day (morning and evening) with light massaging movements. First you need to cleanse the skin with mild detergents and dry it well. The course of treatment is 3 months. The effect of using the drug is usually noticeable within 4 weeks from the start of use. However, in no case should you stop using the drug at this point. To get a lasting effect for a long period of time, you need to complete a full 3-month course of treatment. At the same time, if you managed to achieve the disappearance of acne much earlier than this period, then at some point you can start using the drug only once a day.

Important: but the instructions for Baziron AS are one thing, and international protocols for the treatment of acne (papulopustular acne) are completely different. The instructions are compiled in such a cunning way that a person who decides to self-medicate gets the impression that to treat acne, monotherapy with only one drug, Baziron AS, is sufficient. But this is not at all true, and below we will talk about international acne treatment protocols, which are also used in Russia.


1. In what form can benzoyl peroxide (BP) be purchased?

In Russia, it is sold in pharmacies only in the form of a gel - Baziron 5%; in Ukraine you can find Ugresol 10% lotion.

2. What degree is it suitable for?

As a rule, the product is used for any severity of acne. If you have a mild degree, then you should use this remedy locally on the lesions (pointwise), since the remedy is quite aggressive. For moderate and severe acne, as a rule, it is prescribed to the entire affected area, or locally, but in combination with another drug.

3. What do the letters AC at the end of the drug name mean?

AC is a hydrophilic ointment base called an acrylic copolymer - it makes it possible to absorb the drug more quickly, which increases its therapeutic effect. The advantages of AS are that the drug has:

  • high bioavailability, penetration into skin cells,
  • can be easily washed off with water, thereby removing it from the application site,
  • dries quickly without leaving stains,
  • the ability to absorb sebum, thereby controlling its amount.

B. also contains glycerin, which is designed to soften the aggressive effects of BP, but, as a rule, its amount is negligible, which does not cope with this task.

4. Why is Benzoyl Peroxide so good?

BP is much more effective than any other antibiotics special for the treatment of acne, since it produces oxygen, in the presence of which acne cannot grow, and they never develop immunity.

5. What side effects may there be?

Most often, B. causes peeling from moderate to very strong; hyperemia, redness, swelling, dryness; allergic reaction, in this case the drug should be abandoned. B. can also discolor hair, be careful.

6. Method of administration and dose?

B. is used externally (avoid contact with the eyes, lips and mouth), cleanse thoroughly with a cleanser, let the skin dry, and only then apply locally/spot on comedones 1-2 times a day. If you are using it on the entire affected surface of the skin, then apply a small amount of BP to cleansed, dried skin and gently rub in, patting or smearing it over the face until absorbed.

Avoid anything that may irritate your skin (such as abrasive soaps and scrubs, products containing alcohol, medicated cosmetics, sunlight and UV lamps). It may take 4-6 weeks for treatment effects to become visible. If acne does not go away after this time, consult a dermatologist.

7. Is it possible to continue using B. for a long time? What does this mean? Will it be addictive?

B. produces oxygen, in the presence of which acne cannot grow, so they never develop immunity to PD.

Baziron: reviews of dermatologists about the drug

As we said above, reviews of Baziron AS from dermatologists allow us to deservedly classify this drug as the gold standard for the treatment of acne.
But, only as part of complex therapy! International protocols for the treatment of acne are well described in the most famous textbook on dermatology - Fitzpatrick's Dermatology (we use the 8th edition). What does this textbook tell us? 1) We have already said that acne can be of 2 types. Firstly, these are papules (without pus inside), and secondly, they are pustules with pus. A patient may have both types of acne well expressed at the same time, or one type may dominate the other. And this is very important for us, because... When prescribing a treatment regimen, we will take into account what type of inflammatory elements dominates in the patient.

2) If the patient is dominated by papules, then we will prescribe him the drug Baziron AS once a day (in the morning) + one of the topical retinoids based on adapalene. For example, it could be Differin or Clenzit (optional). Topical retinoids are also used externally once a day, but at night (

3) If the patient has pustules with pus, then this is a clear indication for using not only the combination of “benzoyl peroxide + topical retinoid”, but also adding an antibiotic. For mild to moderate severity, the antibiotic is prescribed externally; for severe acne, it is prescribed orally. Thus, for mild to moderate severity, we must use a combination of drugs. And here there are many possible combinations of different drugs.

For example, we can still use the drug Baziron AS 1 time a day (in the morning) + the drug Klenzit-S in the evening (it contains the retinoid adapalene + the antibiotic clindamycin). Another option may involve the use not of Baziron, but of combination drugs where benzoyl peroxide is combined with antibiotics or retinoids. Examples of combination drugs for acne treatment:

  • Indoxyl (UK) – benzoyl peroxide 5% + clindamycin 1%.
  • Effezel (France) – benzoyl peroxide 2.5% + retinoid adapalene 0.1%.

Those. we can, for example, use the combination drug Indoxyl once a day (in the morning), and in the evening use one of the topical retinoids (Differin or Clenzit - to choose from). Another option is that we can use the combined drug Effezel once a day (in the evening), but in the morning of that day we then have to use one of the antibiotic gels - it could be Dalatsin, Clindavit or others. As you can see: the abundance of different drugs gives us room for maneuver.

Important: But we want to assure you that acne treatment is not limited to just prescribing benzoyl peroxide, topical retinoids or antibiotics. Phototherapy, laser treatment, and in women, oral contraceptives to reduce the production of androgens can play a major role in treatment. You can read about all these methods using the links below.

→ International acne treatment protocols → Acne treatment protocols



all posts by the author Girls, I need your advice.
I have problem skin, which I am currently treating with Baziron AS
It so happened that I recently had to take a break for several weeks, now I resumed the course again and was faced with the unexpected) When I first started the Baziron course, my skin was rather combination, but closer to normal, it didn’t get particularly oily, but it didn’t dry out either, although she was quite dehydrated. I used Baziron twice a day, morning and evening, on the affected area, which is my entire face. 40-60 minutes after applying Bazirona, she also used a moisturizer, at least once a day, but tried twice (in the morning, if she didn’t have time, she could neglect it, but only on condition that the skin did not experience dryness, tightness and discomfort). There were no problems, only peeling sometimes occurred near the lips, then I simply gave this area a “rest” for 2-3 days, during which time I smeared it with Boro+
and everything became wonderful again.
When I resumed the course (and by this time my skin had become more oily, after the summer and heat), I suddenly felt that my skin began to dry out very much from Baziron, it became very tight, it even hurt! However, it quickly became clear that the problem was not in Baziron itself, but in the care, even, rather, in the wash (I had Mary Kay Clarifying Cleanser for Acne-Prone Skin
, one could, of course, guess that the cleanser with salicylic acid will be overkill when using Baziron).
And in general, my facial care has recently become somewhat indistinct - it seems like there are a lot of products lying around, only they are all unsuccessful, some kind of “not sewn on a mare’s tail.” In general, I thought about something more organized, settled on several options and realized that I couldn’t choose one of them myself, I needed advice. I decided for myself that, first of all, I needed a washbasin and a tonic that matched it - so that it cleans well, but does not dry it out; day cream with SPF and protection from all sorts of harmful urban nastiness, plus it moisturizes well, but does not make it greasy or clog pores; a good moisturizing and softening cream for the night, so that it is not too greasy, again does not clog pores and is quickly absorbed. I read good reviews about Bioderma
, but I don’t know what is better to try,
Bioderma Sebium
Bioderma Sensibio DS
Interested in cleanser and micellar water. I would also take Bioderma Sebium Creme
Bioderma Sebium Hydra Creme
I couldn’t find any reviews about the second one, and from the description it’s not clear how they differ globally. I read about the first one that it can be a bit heavy, but has anyone tried the second one? I would also try Clinique
, as for the first, in Rive Gauche you can now buy a three-stage system to try, one or two, a set of miniatures for about 1000 rubles.
the Clinique Anti-Blemish
system is constantly sold there , for the same money.
What do you think is better to try? Of both systems, I am primarily interested in the wash and tonic. Which dries less and cleans better? Another product from Clinique
that interests me, as a day cream,
is Clinique City Block Sheer SPF 25
I've been wanting to try it for a long time, but I couldn't find it anywhere. And then suddenly I started to get it periodically, but now I’m not sure if it will provide me with enough hydration. And doesn't it clog pores? Or recommend something similar in properties (primarily SPF and protection from harmful environmental influences) from a middle market or pharmacy cosmetics, preferably within 800 rubles. From Lush,
the washes and toners are interesting: something gently exfoliating for every day (perhaps
? Or
Angels of the Night
?), a well-cleansing face soap so that it doesn’t dry out (
Nature’s Help
Coal Face
?) and toner (
Tea Tree
? But I'm afraid that it will still be very drying. Maybe
Living Water
? Or does it make sense to take both and alternate as needed?).
the Fresh Line cream for oily skin
as a night cream : I bought ten grams three days ago to try, in principle, I like it, but when the skin got very dry from the wash, it didn’t save me.
Now, after changing the washbasin, there seems to be enough hydration.
Or maybe try
Yogurt ? Is it absorbed well and does it moisturize enough? Doesn't it clog pores? In general, girls, I really ask you to help me decide, because the more I doubt, the more new options I have, which raises even greater doubts) Meanwhile, the skin requires attention. Share your experience, please)

Side effect of the drug -

When using the drug, local skin irritation is possible, which is normal. Frequent symptoms of irritation include flaking and dry skin, redness, and a burning sensation. More rare symptoms include skin soreness and contact dermatitis. Rarely, allergic contact dermatitis may occur, which will require discontinuation of the drug.

In order to prevent or reduce the symptoms of irritation, we recommend that you start using Baziron AS with a 2.5% concentration of benzoyl peroxide. If symptoms of irritation do occur, then within 1-2 weeks you can switch to a single use of the drug (once a day), then returning to use 2 times a day (of course, if this was initially necessary).

Important : Benzoyl peroxide increases skin sensitivity to the sun. This means that when using the drug during periods of high solar activity, hyperpigmentation of the skin in the areas where the drug is applied is highly likely. Therefore, you will need to use sun protection products - no less than SPF 50; face-shading glasses, a Panama hat or a cap will also be useful. Let us remind you that products with SPF must be non-comedogenic (not clog pores), otherwise we will get an exacerbation of acne.

A good product SPF 50 for acne (in the form of a suspension) –

Contraindications for use –

  • allergy to one of the components of the drug,
  • children's age up to 12 years.

Special instructions - the drug can only be applied to the skin (not to the mucous membrane and red border of the lips). In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, or mouth, rinse immediately with water. In addition, it is undesirable to use Baziron AC in parallel with products that have a drying, exfoliating effect, or alcohol-based products, because this will increase the irritant effect of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation –

The drug has extremely low absorption from the surface of the skin, due to which it practically does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect on the body. However, a large amount of breakdown products of benzoyl peroxide, namely benzoic acid, enters the body. No safety studies have been conducted during pregnancy and lactation. We hope that our article on the topic: Baziron AS price reviews was useful to you!


1. Textbook on dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 2. “Etiology, pathogenesis, classification and clinical picture of acne vulgaris” (Barinova A.N.), 3. “Acne from the position of evidence-based medicine” (Anisimova M. .Yu.), 4. “Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acne vulgaris” (Barinova A.N.).

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