Human papillomavirus in men: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment


The human papillomavirus in men may not manifest itself in any way for many years after infection. This feature of the pathogen makes it dangerous, since a person does not know about his carriage, but at the same time spreads the disease. The virus is a DNA virus that parasitizes epithelial cells, disrupting their division cycle. Uncontrolled proliferation contributes to the formation of growths.

To date, science has identified more than 100 types of papillomavirus. A feature of the pathogen is the provocation of oncological processes, therefore all HPVs are divided into two groups:

  • strains with a high risk of oncogenic complications;
  • strains with a low risk of oncogenic complications.

The first group causes damage to the genital organs and promotes the formation of condylomas in the anogenital area. Growths are observed not only in the groin, but also on the penis. The second group provokes the formation of warts over the entire surface of the body.

Drug treatment of HPV at the Private Practice clinic

To treat human papillomavirus infection, doctors at our Private Practice clinic prescribe complex therapy. Medications reduce the concentration of the virus in tissues and strengthen the body’s immunity. Medicines eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve a person’s well-being.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous to your health. Drugs for the treatment of HPV in women and men should be selected by a dermatovenerologist.

Antiviral tablets

Lavomax has a combined effect. This medicine suppresses the virus, stops its reproduction and stimulates the immune system. Take one tablet containing 125 grams of active ingredient, once a day, every other day. Do not reduce the interval between taking the medicine so as not to harm your health. The treatment course includes twenty tablets.

Isoprinosine is a universal drug. Prescribed to combat tumors on the skin, larynx, and genitals. This medicine suppresses the activity of the virus and stimulates the development of immunity. The dosage regimen is prescribed individually. The treatment regimen may include taking six to eight tablets per day. The course lasts from five days to several months.

Lykopid strengthens the body's defense against infections. Activates hereditary immunity, helps form an acquired immune response. Take one tablet (10 mg) once a day (half an hour before meals). The treatment course lasts from ten days.

Gepon is an immunomodulator. The drug activates the body's immune responses. Has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Take one tablet (10 mg) per day. The duration of treatment depends on the individual response to the drug.

Unfortunately, all of the listed tablet drugs have very low effectiveness for the treatment of HPV. We have observed in many cases where patients undergoing treatment for human papillomavirus infection only with tablets experienced an increase in papillomas and condylomas while taking these medications.

Vaginal suppositories

Suppositories (candles) are prescribed by gynecologists at our clinic for the treatment of the vagina and cervix. Medicines for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection in women:

  • Genferon. Double action drug. It contains interferon, which suppresses the development of the virus. Candles eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease: pain and burning. For treatment, administer two suppositories per day: morning and evening. The treatment course lasts ten days;
  • Viferon. Combined candles. Inhibits the reproduction of the virus, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, stimulates the immune system. Use suppositories twice a day, morning and evening, for five days.

Intramuscular injections

To treat papillomavirus, a dermatovenerologist may prescribe intramuscular injections. A popular injection drug is Ferrovir. 5 milliliters of medication should be administered twice a day. Duration of treatment course: two weeks.

Cycloferon is used for both intramuscular and intravenous administration using a special technique. Enhances the production of interferon in virus-affected and immune cells, which prevents its active reproduction.

Intravenous injections

The most effective drugs are administered intravenously in drip courses. Typically, polyoxidonium, panavir, and cycloferon are used, which suppress viral replication by activating the appropriate antiviral defense mechanisms.

The courses of treatment are long and combine well with general intravenous ozone therapy.

Cytostatic drugs

To combat skin defects, cytostatics and coagulants are used. These are topical medications. They do not suppress the development of the virus, but eliminate the external symptoms of infection. They are prescribed as an element of complex therapy. Medicinal substances are contained in a solution that is applied to the skin.

Podophyllin. It removes genital warts well. Burns through the cells of skin formations, causing necrosis. The solution is applied to the condyloma twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours. The duration of the treatment course is three days. The drug should not come into contact with healthy skin.

Solcoderm. Used to remove benign tumors. This is a powerful drug. We do not recommend using it without medical supervision. To remove papilloma, warts or condyloma, it is enough to apply it once. The skin lesion will become necrotic and darken, and then fall off.


HPV is not treated with antibiotics. They act on bacteria, not viruses. Antibiotics are prescribed if diagnostic results reveal concomitant diseases (for example, bacterial vaginosis).

Symptoms of the disease

Answering the question of how the human papillomavirus manifests itself in men, it should be noted that very often it is asymptomatic. The formation of growths is promoted by immunodeficiency conditions, stressful situations or hypothermia of the body. Doctors recommend seeking medical help if you experience the following symptoms.

  • Genital condylomas. Formations on the skin that resemble cauliflower inflorescences are flesh-colored and can be located singly or in groups.
  • Flat condylomas. Concentric formations that do not rise above the mucosa. They have a high cancer risk and therefore require a biopsy.
  • Tissue dysplasia or disruption of their structure. The condition is dangerous due to the appearance of atypical cells and the development of oncological pathology.

Diagnosis of infection at the Private Practice clinic

Several tests are required to make a diagnosis of HPV. Analyzes in our modern laboratory are done quickly using highly accurate methods. You will find out the result on the day of the smear test.

Polymerase chain reaction

PCR determines the presence or absence of viral DNA in a biomaterial. For analysis, a smear is taken from the mucous membranes and directly from the neoplasms themselves, papillomas, condylomas and erosions. The location of the smear depends on the location of the skin tumors. PCR identifies the types of viral strains in the body. The cost of analysis starts from 300 rubles.

Cytological analysis. PAP diagnostics

Papanicolaou test - examination of a smear under a microscope. A smear is taken from the affected area and applied in a thin layer to laboratory glass. The preparation is stained to improve the visibility of cells.

Examining the drug under a microscope, the diagnostician pays attention to the size and shape of the cells. Cytological examination reveals the presence of atypical cells, dysplasia, and malignant mutations. The detected virus is assigned a Pap class.

Colposcopy in women

Examination and examination of the cervix. The procedure is performed in a gynecological chair. For diagnosis, the cervix is ​​stained with safe Lugol's solution. If it is affected by a virus, the area with infected cells is different in color. After a positive colposcopy, a biopsy is performed. It is necessary to clarify the degree of oncogenicity of the virus. A survey colposcopy in our clinic is included in the cost of an appointment with a gynecologist.


A biopsy is used to accurately determine the cellular composition of tissue. This is a reliable method for diagnosing cancer. A biopsy is prescribed when the doctor suspects that malignant degeneration of epithelial tissue has already begun. The cost of diagnostics starts from 1500 rubles.

Methods of infection

  • Sexual, with vaginal or anal contact.
  • Vertical, a newborn can be infected through a woman's birth canal.
  • Self-infection, by transferring infection from one part of the body to another.
  • A household contact virus, the virus remains active on hygiene items; it can be picked up in gyms and swimming pools.
  • Contact, infection occurs through damaged skin or mucous membranes.

HPV prevention methods

For the development of the disease, it is enough for several small viruses to enter the body. Prevention methods will help prevent infection or recurrence of the disease:

  1. Use barrier contraception during sexual intercourse.
  2. Avoid public swimming pools, baths, saunas.
  3. Strengthen the body's immune system.
  4. Avoid stress and nervous overload.
  5. Dress warmly and avoid hypothermia.

We advise women to undergo a gynecological examination and tests for infections at least once a year. This will help maintain the health of the reproductive system.

Establishing diagnosis

Before treating human papillomavirus in men, the pathology must be confirmed by laboratory tests. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe the following tests:

  • urethroscopy;
  • urethral smear;
  • PCR;
  • biopsy of growths.

Since condylomas have an oncological risk, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. Timely treatment allows you to stop the disease and minimize its consequences.

What are immunomodulators

Immunomodulatory agents include drugs of a chemical and biological nature that can modulate (inhibit or stimulate) immune responses. At the same time, the immunological effect of immunomodulators depends on the initial state of a person’s immunity: these drugs reduce high and increase low levels of immunity. This postulate especially applies to interferon preparations. Immunotherapy also includes treatment methods based on the use of immunotropic agents for diseases in the pathogenesis of which there are disorders affecting the immune system.

The main criterion for prescribing immunomodulators is the clinical picture of the disease (acute or chronic infectious-inflammatory process), which is accompanied by a decrease in immune parameters and is difficult to treat. In this case, immunomodulators play the role of the main assistant, which promotes effective therapy and relieves the manifestations of many diseases.

Since HPV infection is also a disease that is quite difficult to combat, and the outcome of treatment depends on the state of the immune system, various immunomodulators are widely used in the treatment of this infection.


When figuring out how to cure the papilloma virus in men, it is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the pathogen. Modern means can only stop the development of the process and remove the consequences of the pathogen’s activity.

There are general and local therapy. General assumes the following appointments:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulators.

Local treatment of human papillomavirus in men involves removing growths. This can be done using the following methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cauterization with chemicals;
  • thermal exposure by laser;
  • electrosurgical method.

The procedure to remove growths is either painless or performed under local anesthesia. Timely therapy can significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent HPV damage to large areas.

Treatment of HPV with folk remedies

Is it possible to cure HPV only with folk remedies? From the point of view of official medicine, it is impossible. Traditional recipes help strengthen the immune system and eliminate external symptoms of the disease. But they do not suppress the development of the virus, like medications.

Recipes for clear skin

Do not apply active ingredients with bare hands. Use gloves and cotton swabs to treat the affected area.

  • Lubricate the wart, papilloma, condyloma with 70% vinegar essence. Repeat the treatment two to three times a day. The tumor will become covered with a white crust and then fall off. Often there are complications in the form of deep non-healing ulcers.
  • Treat skin defects with iodine solution. Apply iodine twice daily for two weeks. During this time, the defect should dry out and fall off.
  • Grind the celandine and mix it with medical alcohol in a 2:1 ratio or buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy. Treat the defect three times a day. Celandine does not act immediately. The course of treatment can last up to three weeks.
  • Essential oils of sea buckthorn, thuja, and tea tree help cleanse the skin. They soften tumor cells, which promotes its death. Mix one of the listed oils with castor oil 1:1. Treat defects twice a day. The duration of the course is not limited.

Using folk remedies only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor, wait until the defect is completely necrotic. Do not tear off the tumor until it falls off on its own, otherwise you may provoke bleeding or introduce an infection into the wound. The active substance should burn the wart, papilloma, condyloma to the roots. Otherwise, the tumor may grow again in the same place.

Recipes to boost your immune system

Prepare or buy herbs: horsetail, nettle, plantain and lemon balm. If you harvest your own herbs, dry them and grind them into powder. For the recipe you will need a tablespoon of each herb. Mix the herbs in a saucepan and pour 200 ml of boiling water (about three glasses) over them. The decoction should be infused for three hours. Take the decoction for a week, 50 ml per day.

For the second recipe you will need two tablespoons of spruce or pine needles. Add 100 ml of water (about a glass and a quarter). Bring the mixture to a boil. When the water boils, reduce the heat. Keep the broth on low heat for half an hour. It needs to be insisted for the same amount of time. Drink two tablespoons of decoction three times a day. You should drink it for one to two weeks.

Attention! We do not recommend treatment with traditional methods without first consulting a doctor in order to avoid possible undesirable consequences.

Who is at higher risk of contracting the human papillomavirus?

HPV is a fairly common virus. The following groups of people are at high risk of infection:

  • those who started sexual activity early;
  • having multiple sexual partners;
  • practicing anal sex (due to a higher risk of trauma to the skin and mucous membranes);
  • having concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc.);
  • persons with weakened immune systems (after a serious illness, HIV-infected people, patients with diabetes mellitus, taking medications that suppress the immune system, etc.);
  • women who had abortions.
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