Removal of skin tumors - frequently asked questions

Features of the procedure

Removal of plantar warts using a laser or radio wave method is carried out under local anesthesia. Taking into account the average area of ​​the wart, a fairly decent amount of painkiller is injected.

Usually the doctor manages to remove all plantar warts in one session. However, if there are a lot of them and they are large, then you can reach the limit on the administration of painkillers. Then the removal is completed at the next session.

On the soles of the feet, the healing time is always long. From a month or more. The soles are too far from the heart, so relatively little blood comes there. When there are chronic diseases of the blood vessels of the legs, such as atherosclerosis of the arteries or varicose veins, the healing time is even longer.

It is necessary to make an appointment in advance and determine the number of plantar warts to be removed so that sufficient time is allocated for you.

Home remedies for cryotherapy warts with root

Today, it is possible to pull out a wart by its roots not only with the help of classical interventions.

But also with the help of products intended for cryotherapy at home.

These products can be purchased at any pharmacy.

For example, can be used:

  • CryoPharma, produced in the form of a spray
  • MaxiVart, which has a similar release option
  • Wartner Cryo, produced in aerosol form

Cryotherapy home remedies are designed to combat warts whose roots are shallow.

With their help, as in a hospital setting, it becomes possible to destroy pathological cells and viral particles and prevent further growth of the tumor.

Naturally, cosmetic defects are also removed.

Using home cryotherapy products is easy.

All that is necessary is to apply the product several times a day to the problem area using a special applicator.

As in the case of celandine and garlic extract, it is worth ensuring that healthy skin is injured to a minimum extent.

It is important to remember that liquid nitrogen can cause serious burns, and therefore drugs must be used with caution.

Cryodestruction at home is an opportunity to avoid visiting a beauty salon.

The method is suitable not only for ordinary people, but also for small children and pregnant women.

However, when it comes to children, it is necessary to ensure that the baby uses the applicator correctly and does not harm himself.

Doctors draw patients' attention to the fact that home cryotherapy does not always have a positive effect.

If cauterization has been going on for a long time and the wart still hasn’t fallen off, you should visit a dermatologist.

Preparation and process

How to prepare for the procedure

In the area of ​​the sole, the injection of the painkiller itself is painful until the painkiller takes effect. It is advisable to take a pain-relieving capsule or tablet half an hour or an hour in advance (in consultation with your doctor) in order to reduce the sensations from the first injection. An hour before the procedure, it is also better to drink 40 drops of motherwort tincture. You should choose loose shoes so that after removing plantar warts, they do not put pressure on fresh wounds. The foot may increase slightly in size due to swelling caused by the administration of painkillers.

Process description

During the removal of plantar warts, the doctor uses a laser or radio wave knife to destroy those layers of the epidermis that are affected. It also captures some healthy skin around to destroy the viruses that live there hidden. It is important to clearly determine the boundaries and depth of the plantar wart so that there are no parts of it that recur.

What to do after deletion

After removing a plantar wart, the wound should be treated with solutions or ointments prescribed by the doctor. Antiseptics and antibiotics are usually prescribed to avoid infectious complications. It is possible to use antiviral ointments and creams to combat human papillomaviruses. As well as ointments that accelerate healing. You must be patient; the healing process in the sole area is long. The wound may be quite painful when walking, and a week or two after removal it may begin to bleed (newly formed granulation tissue is easily injured during the healing process). For pain, you can take painkillers from the NSAID class orally (analgin, diclofenac, ketonal and others) or use them in the form of creams and ointments.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are popular among patients, but doctors disapprove of them.

There is nothing surprising about this.

With the help of traditional methods, in most cases it is possible to get rid of only the outer part of the formation.

The inner part remains in its place.

And naturally leads to the re-formation of the defect as soon as the opportunity arises.

If you need to get rid of a wart from the roots, you should not rely only on folk remedies.

However, with their help you can increase the effectiveness of professional techniques and home remedies for cryotherapy.

Celandine juice or garlic pulp can be used.

  • Celandine juice

This remedy is the easiest to use in the practice of wart removal.

All you need is to lubricate the problem area with fresh plant juice several times a day.

Celandine juice contains substances that have a destructive effect on viral particles.

In addition to viral particles, pathological cells are also destroyed.

To definitely destroy the formation, it is necessary not just to lubricate the wart until it falls off.

But even after the outer part is rejected, continue treating the wound.

After all, it takes celandine some time to penetrate deep into the skin and destroy the root zone.

  • Garlic paste

This method of combating pathology is also simple if you have garlic in the house.

A slice of the plant is thoroughly crushed and then applied to the problem area.

Secure the paste to the defect using a regular bandage or adhesive plaster.

As in the case of celandine, the substances that make up garlic destroy viruses and the cells affected by them.

You should be careful when using celandine juice or garlic in therapy.

When substances contained in plants come into contact with healthy tissue, they can cause burns.

Especially if the impact on the same area is repeated many times.


In the case of laser removal of plantar warts, a special medical laser device is used that emits rays that are absorbed by water or blood in the tissues. Thanks to this specific absorption, water quickly evaporates from the tissues, they dry out with minimal blood loss. In case of removal of plantar warts using the radio wave method, appropriate devices (Surgitron or other brands) are used. In them, electromagnetic radiation with a very high frequency evenly and bloodlessly separates tissues without burning them.


What time of year is best to remove moles?

At any. Although there is a stereotype that it is impossible to remove moles in the summer. Why? Who decided this?

This is most likely due to the fact that with excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, hypopigmentation (lighter skin), hyperpigmentation (darker area) and hypertrophic scar (bulge) can develop at the extraction site.

But there are two ways to avoid these unpleasant things.

  1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for 2 months after removal.
  2. If step 1 cannot be completed for one reason or another, then when in the sun you need to coat the removal site with a thick layer of SPF 50 sunscreen.

Taking into account the above, you should plan a vacation two months after removing a mole.

After removing moles, you should not visit the solarium. Going to the solarium is generally enough

Can I sunbathe after mole removal?

2 months later.

Can I use cosmetics after surgery?

It is possible, but only when the crust falls off . During this period, I recommend using silicone-based gels to prevent scarring. In addition, any cosmetics can be applied on top of these preparations. Until the crust falls off, I think you should refrain from using cosmetics, since their effect on wound healing is unpredictable. I can recommend the same for cosmetic procedures for cleansing the face (peeling, using scrubs).

Are you allergic to local painkillers?

An important point that I always clarify at the appointment is whether the patient has allergic reactions to the drugs Ultracaine, Lidocaine, Novocaine. If you have been to the dentist at least once in your life and were given painkilling injections, most likely you have no reaction to Ultracaine.

What medications are best to take?

If you have high blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm Hg) and are taking any medications, it is better to do this before removal.

What medications should not be taken before removal?

Medicines that reduce blood viscosity (Thrombo Ass, Warfarin, Aspirin, Plavix, Xarelto, etc.). Taking them may increase the duration of the operation due to increased bleeding. However, it’s probably not worth giving them up.

Can moles be removed during menstruation?

Can. The stereotype that operations cannot be performed during menstruation came from “big” surgery. In the second half of the cycle, closer to the beginning of menstruation, blood viscosity decreases and this really needs to be taken into account when planning surgical interventions. Fortunately, in my practice there was no heavy bleeding after removal of moles using radio wave surgery. Bleeding is more likely when a mole is removed on the head and neck in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The same probability at the same time will be lower when removing a mole on the body and limbs.

Can I wet the mole removal site? Bathhouse? Pool? Gym?

I hear the echo again: “Do not wet the wound before removing the stitches, otherwise it will fester!”

Fortunately, the vast majority of benign skin tumors are located no deeper than 1–1.5 mm. When they are removed using radio wave surgery, dissection of the skin to its full depth, comparison of edges and sutures are not required.

I recommend that my patients refrain from water procedures for 24 hours after removal, but there is no connection with the risk of suppuration. After removal, I put a piece of hemostatic sponge on the wound - it is needed to prevent bleeding, which can occur during the first day.

It is convenient to use a silicone patch in a bathhouse, swimming pool or gym - more on that below.

Do you need to cover the mole removal site with a bandage?

There are so many doctors, so many opinions on this topic. However, there are studies that show that if wound healing occurs in a moist environment, the risk of scarring is minimal. Therefore, I recommend that my patients cover the extraction site with a band-aid until a crust appears. Once it forms, there is no need for a patch.

Can I have sex after removing moles on intimate places?

In my opinion, it is possible if you are not bothered by possible discomfort in the wound area and the likelihood of bleeding, which is higher the larger the size of the removed mole.

Can I drink alcohol after mole removal?

It's possible, but I'm for sobriety :)

After removing a mole, you can drink alcohol, but it is important to remember: alcohol is harmful

Should I take antibiotics after removal?

In most cases this is not required. The likelihood of suppuration when removed by radio wave surgery is very low. Not because the method is somehow magical, but because the type of wound is this.

However, when removing in the area of ​​fingers and toes, as well as on the scalp and when removing large formations, I sometimes prescribe a course of antibiotics for 5-7 days for prophylactic purposes.

Can you fly on an airplane?


Do MRI and other diagnostic procedures?


I want to remove a mole with a radio knife, but there is metal (prosthesis) in my body. Is it dangerous?

No, the presence of metal objects in the body is not a contraindication.

It is possible to remove moles with a radio knife even if there are metal prostheses in the body

Post-procedure care

For a quick and complete recovery, high-quality postoperative care is necessary.

  • The wound after surgery should not come into contact with water for at least 2-3 days.
  • Do not remove the crust that has formed (it will fall off on its own).
  • Treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  • Protect the manipulation site from injury.
  • Wounds and new skin formed must be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  • The surgical area should not be shaved or epilated until complete healing.

Benefits of removing warts using radio waves

I am often asked “What is the best method to remove? Which is safer? Where is the best cosmetic result?

. Lately I have refrained from comparing methods because... the same best method may give different results in the hands of different doctors. That is why I will not talk about the advantages of the abstract radio wave method, but about the advantages of my original method of radio wave removal of warts:

  • 100% safe removal.
    Radio wave surgery allows
    the entire wart to be preserved
    for histological examination. The study is carried out in a certified laboratory by experienced morphologists.
  • Removal in 1 visit,
    within a few minutes. Minimal damage to healthy tissue allows for the fastest possible healing. Re-inspection is not required or is optional. The wound is treated independently.
  • There are no restrictions
    on sports and water procedures after removal. Suppuration in the area of ​​operation is basically impossible.

Contraindications for laser removal

Laser procedures are not performed under the following conditions:

  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • HIV, MSID, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • severe damage to the heart and lungs;
  • organ failure;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • skin photosensitivity;
  • autoimmune systemic diseases;
  • inflammatory skin diseases, exacerbation of herpes infection.

If you need to diagnose or remove a wart, contact a medical professional. The operations are carried out at a high professional level using modern laser technology of the latest generation, which eliminates the risk of complications or relapse. Laser removal of warts is carried out at any convenient time on an outpatient basis, which will not affect your usual lifestyle. You can make an appointment by calling the center or leaving a request on the website.

Preparation for the procedure for removing tumors using the radio wave method

Before the procedure for removing tumors using radio waves, the patient undergoes a medical examination by a doctor. It determines whether the growths are benign or malignant. It also looks to see if the patient has any inflammation or irritation on the skin. The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is advisable to avoid tanning shortly before removing nevi.

To exclude an undesirable reaction to anesthesia, the patient undergoes drug reaction tests.

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