Antifungal agent FUNDIZOL - reviews

Fundizol cream for external use 30g


salicylic acid, potassium iodide, zinc oxide, methyl and propyl esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid, celandine herb extract, oak bark extract

pharmachologic effect

Fundizol cream is an effective remedy for fungal infections of the nails, fungal and bacterial lesions of the skin, and “ingrown nails”. Softens and removes the damaged part of the nail plate and the superficial affected layer of the epidermis damaged by the fungus. Softens the skin of the feet, heals skin cracks. Eliminates unpleasant foot odor. Does not cause skin irritation. “Dries out” skin rashes. Prevents excessive foot sweating.


  • An effective remedy for fungal infections of nails and skin, pustular rashes.
  • Prevents sweating
  • Fundizol eliminates unpleasant odor,
  • Nourishes and softens the skin.
  • Eliminates obvious rashes and has a protective effect, preventing infection with fungal and bacterial infections (visiting public places, swimming pools, beaches, pedicure rooms, gyms, baths, saunas, solariums)
  • Relieves swelling, itching and pain from insect bites and acne.


Individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

1. Daily skin treatment. Twice a day, Fundizol cream is applied in a thin layer to the skin of the feet (hands), between the toes and healthy nails. Such treatment is necessary even in the absence of visible skin changes (dryness, rashes, peeling, itching, cracks, unpleasant foot odor, excessive sweating of the feet, rough skin, etc.). This is due to the fact that with fungal infection of the nails, the skin is also hidden or clearly affected. If this is not done, the nail plate that grows after removal will become infected again from the skin.

2. Treatment of the affected nail plate. On fungus-affected nails and under the nail plates, Fundizol cream is applied 2 times a day in a thick layer, covered with compress paper to the size of the nail and fixed with an adhesive plaster for 4-6 hours (possibly longer). You should not use a rubber fingertip or a plastic bag for fixation, to avoid diaper rash and skin irritation. Within a week, the damaged part of the nail plate begins to soften and peel off. The peeling part of the nail must be trimmed and filed with a nail file. Detachment of the nail plate may not be noticeable outwardly, but is discovered when the nail is trimmed.

After complete removal of the affected nail or affected part (an average of 4-8 weeks), the use of applications can be stopped, continuing daily treatment of nails and adjacent skin with Fundizol cream until a healthy nail plate grows. If all affected areas of the nail plate can be removed faster than 4 weeks (for example, with an atrophic form of the lesion), treatment of the skin of the feet or hands, applications to the nails should be continued for at least 3 weeks. After this, you need to throw away used socks, stockings, gloves, and slippers. They are more contaminated with fungal spores. Existing methods of disinfecting shoes, clothes, and linen using antiseptic solutions, while destroying live mushrooms, as a rule, do not kill their spores. In this connection, the treatment of things with which the patient has been in contact should be repeated at intervals of a month.

3. Prevention of fungal infection. In the future, until the nails grow back, to prevent fungal infection from shoes, clothes, underwear (socks, stockings), carpets, floors, upholstered furniture, etc., we recommend daily preventive treatment of nails with Fundizol cream. Subsequently, after the nails grow back, we recommend treating your nails 1-2 times a week. After visiting public places (beach, swimming pool, shower, sauna, bathhouse, gym, etc.), we recommend treating the skin of the feet and nails with Fundizol cream.

Special instructions

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Release form

Cream for external use

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25C.


→ Home → University → University in the media → Ointments alone cannot cure nail fungus

The head of the department of skin and venereal diseases of BSMU, associate professor Valentin Gavriilovich PANKRATOV, answered questions from Komsomolskaya Pravda readers on a “direct line”

— Dear Valentin Gavriilovich, I have several questions for you. Fungi affected my toenails about twenty years ago. At first they did not cause any concern, but over time the immunity weakened, the fungus spread to the fingernails, and then, as I understood, allergy problems arose due to the fungus. I realized that I needed treatment. And I would like to ask how effective are the medications that are widely advertised, and how much do they destroy the liver and disrupt its functions?

- Both terbinafines (exifin, lamisil) and intraconazole are generally quite well tolerated drugs because they have minimal effects on liver function. At the same time, they have a high degree of fungicidal activity, i.e. are able to stop the proliferation of pathogenic fungi in lesions and even lyse them.

“And the doctor told me that if you want to plant your liver, you can take them.”

- No it is not true. These drugs are not superhepatoxic, i.e. dangerous for the liver.

- But the treatment does not last a week or even a month.

— Yes, when taking systemic antimycotics, treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. The older a person is, the longer he has to undergo treatment. Here is the order: for people under the age of 45-50, toenails grow in 3.5-4 months, on the hands - in 2.5-3 months. And with each next ten years, add another month to the treatment. Those. If a person is 80 years old, then his healthy nail will grow in 7-8 months. If you are concerned about the liver, then you can support it with hepatoprotectors, which will increase its resistance to pathological influences and various damages. In this capacity, you can use Legalon, Karsil, Essentiale Forte, Liv 52, and multivitamin complexes. But in principle this is not necessary if the liver does not bother you.

— Tell me, doctor, which method of treating fungal diseases on the nails is the most effective?

— The most effective is combination treatment. Today, onychomycosis (what you call nail fungus) is treated with systemic medications that the patient takes orally, but to speed up the process there are also hardware cleaning, plasters, and varnishes that are applied to the nails. Onychomycosis is curable in almost 100% of cases. All you need is time, money, the desire to heal and diligence.

— Why is fungus dangerous, besides aesthetic problems?

— Mycoses on the nails are a source of allergies, which creates other problems in the body. Pathogenic fungi can cause a variety of changes in the immune system.

- Then we will treat. Thank you.

- Doctor, hello. Tell me how to treat foot fungus?

“It’s not that difficult with modern tools available.” Today we have a large selection of both system therapy and local treatment. Is it only your skin that is affected?

- Yes, the skin between the fingers.

- In this case, you can limit yourself to creams, ointments or lotions. Among the most effective are terbinafine preparations. But in general it is better to visit a doctor and consult with him. No doctor has yet learned how to treat over the phone.

— I served in the army and got a fungus. How can I find out what is the best way to treat it, otherwise it’s already scary to look at my nails.

- If the nails are affected, systemic therapy cannot be avoided. I would advise you to go to a medical and veterinary dispensary, undergo a mycological examination and get a fungal culture to find out the causative agent of the disease. Each type of mushroom has its own key antimycotic drug that works best. If it is candida, then fluconazole will work best; if trichophyton is red, then drugs from the terbinafine and itraconazole group will work better. So see your doctor. But there will be no problems with the medicine - if only there was money.

- Are you hosting the reception?

— Yes, every Tuesday at the city dermatovenerological dispensary on Prilukskaya, 46a, room 33, on a first-come, first-served basis from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. In addition to me, professors N.Z. Yagovdik, L.G. Barabanov and other associate professors of the department of skin and venereal diseases of the medical university consult on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the skin and venereal dispensary. No one will refuse you admission, come. We do not charge money for consultations.

— Good afternoon, my name is Sergei Leonidovich, I am 49 years old. I have fungus on my nails. They say the most effective remedy is terbinafine. But I know that it is very expensive.

— If you have nail damage from trichophyton red, then indeed, the most effective drug is terbinafine. There are several preparations of terbinafine. They are identical in action, but different in price. You are probably using the most expensive one. But if one tablet of Lamisil, according to Pharmaservice, costs 5 thousand rubles, a tablet of Terbizil costs 3.5 thousand, then a tablet of Exifina costs just over 2 thousand rubles. You can also be successfully treated with itraconazole (orungal), a tablet of which costs 4,500 rubles.

— How long does it take to be treated?

- At your age, at least 3-4 months.

- Thank you.

— They are bothering me from the Mogilev region.

- All attention.

— Please help me get rid of fungus on my nails and peeling on my heels. I smeared my feet with different ointments for three months - almost no effect. Tell me honestly, is it possible to get rid of this infection?

— Ointments alone cannot cure nail fungus. Both systemic and local therapy are needed. If you are treated only with systemic agents, i.e. take pills - I give an 86-88% guarantee that you will be cured. If you add local treatment, i.e. plasters, varnishes or mechanical (hardware) nail cleaning, then there is a 98-100% guarantee that you will be cured.

“My friends are scaring me that I’ll have to have my nails removed.”

- Today, removing the nail is the last measure we resort to. The maximum that can happen in particularly advanced cases is to remove the affected part of the nail. But believe me, it is absolutely painless.

- Hello, Doctor. I have this problem. My sister's husband infected his sister with a fungus. I often vacation there with my grandson and am very afraid of getting infected.

- It is enough to follow basic hygiene rules - and the fungus will not touch you. All family members must have individual slippers, shoes, and towels. Before taking a bath or shower, if someone was there before you, it is not enough to simply rinse the bath - you must wash it with detergents.

— Is it necessary to use antifungal creams for prevention?

- No one can oblige you, but it would be nice.

- Another question. When I wash dishes with detergent, something like an allergy appears between my fingers.

“Most likely, these are candidal lesions of the interdigital folds, the so-called “housewives’ disease.” This is a fungal disease, for the treatment of which today there is a wide choice of medicines. You can use terbinafine creams (trade names of the drugs - exifin, lamisil), fluconazole. In terms of effectiveness, all terbinafine drugs are almost equal; choose the one that is affordable for you.

— Tell me, how can I find out if I have a fungus or not?

- What are the symptoms?

“I have these cups that have formed on my feet, they are peeling.

- Yes, it looks like mycosis. I would advise you, before it’s too late and the fungus has spread to your nails, to use antifungal creams. Better yet, consult a doctor, he will clarify the diagnosis and select the optimal drug for you.

— And one more question, if I may. My mom's heels are always cracking. How can this be cured?

— Most likely, the skin of your mother’s feet was infected with the fungus red trichophyton. She may need to resort to systemic therapy with terbinafine or itraconazole. Let him consult with a dermatovenerologist.

- Good afternoon. I would like to know what is the best way to treat ear fungus?

— I would recommend that you work systemically: take tablets inside and use ointments externally against this background. Your doctor will best tell you which pills to take in person, but as for ointments, I can recommend exifin. But it is better to use ointments together with tablets.

— Valentin Gavriilovich, my son has been taking exifin for three months, but his nails still look unsightly.

- And you go for an examination, and the doctor will tell you if there is a result. Terbinafine preparations, one of which is exifin, are quite effective antimycotics. The peculiarity of their action is that they quickly accumulate in the nail bed and nail plate and displace the fungus. I think your son is growing a healthy nail at a low rate and has not cleaned the affected part of the nail plate, which is masking this growth. You need to clean your nails.

“We didn’t think about that.” Thank you.

— Doctor, we have been cured of the fungus. I won’t remember how much money was spent. Now I'm worried about how to avoid getting infected again. What should we do with the shoes that most likely caused the infection?

- You are absolutely right in being afraid of getting infected again, especially if you use the same shoes. Fungal spores persist for months. You should treat your shoes with formaldehyde or vinegar. Formaldehyde is sold in pharmacies, and I think every housewife has vinegar. This is done like this: put on rubber gloves, take a piece of cotton wool, soak it in the solution, wipe the inside of the shoes, put it in a plastic bag, tie it with a tampon soaked in formaldehyde, and put it in a warm place for a day or two so that evaporation occurs. You will get a kind of steam-formalin chamber at home. After 24-48 hours, the fungus will only be an unpleasant memory.

- Thank you. Natalia KRIVETS Komsomolskaya Pravda , September 3, 2013


Antifungal agent FUNDIZOL - reviews


Nail fungus is a rather unpleasant thing. It can be easily picked up, but sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of it.

After unsuccessful treatment with one rather expensive advertised remedy, I decided to try something “simpler” and cheaper. I decided on Fundizol cream. I rubbed it into the affected nails twice a day for three weeks. And the fungus disappeared! Now I use Fundizol as a prophylactic before and after visiting places where I can become infected with the fungus again.

In addition, Fundizol cream has an excellent softening effect: after it, the heels become like those of a baby.


I don’t think that Fundizol can be considered an effective remedy for fungus. He is weak and cannot heal on his own. When I had a fungus, I was treated under the supervision of a doctor, they prescribed me several medications, and I used Fundizol as a supplement. means. If other medications worked against the root of the problem, then this cream helped cope with its manifestations: dryness, cracks and peeling. The cream is greasy, absorbs in ten minutes, leaving the skin without a film, clean. You need to apply a thin layer, then it will be absorbed faster and will last longer. The more often you smear, the better, I tried to smear 3-4 times a day, fortunately, I was not working at that time. In less than a month I saw results: the fungus was still being treated, and the skin on the heels and between the toes became smooth and soft, as it should be. Now I continue to periodically buy Fundizol, already for prevention. I rub it on my feet after visits to the pool or manicurist. It copes well with this task; the fungus has not bothered me for over a year now. The composition of the cream is safe, it itself is not expensive, within a hundred rubles, you can afford frequent use, without consequences for your wallet or health.


Having tried a lot of antifungal drugs to treat a fungus on one of my toenails, I decided to try the budget cream Fundizol in order to use this product to remove my affected nail. Fundizol is sold in a pharmacy, it costs more than a budget (in comparison with other antifungal drugs) from 70 to 100 rubles per 30 ml of product.

Read the instructions for Fundizol cream:

The cream itself is very dense, thick, yellowish-white in color, has a smell, by the way, not particularly unpleasant; during storage, liquid may appear inside the bottle.

You need to apply Fundizol to the affected nail 2 times a day in a thick layer, then cover it with compress paper (according to the instructions), I covered it either with cling film or parchment, then sealed it with an adhesive plaster and walked with this application for 8 hours.

The process of treatment with Fundizol, I must say, is quite troublesome, and the first time I approached it carelessly, I applied only once a day at night, sometimes I walked less than the allotted time, missed applications and when, as a result of such treatment, there was no effect from the drug ( my nail absolutely didn’t want to come off), in general I wasn’t particularly surprised.

Later, I decided to approach Fundizol treatment more seriously, bought another package and began to apply it daily, however, only at night (there was no way for me to bother with these applications in the morning), but EVERY evening without skipping. As a result of such regular treatment, I managed to remove a small part of the nail, but the process was VERY slow, the nail came off in tiny pieces, I, to be honest, was hoping for a faster effect.

However, I found Fundizol to have one remarkable property! I treat all my nails and feet with it once every one or two days. Firstly, this is an excellent foot care product that softens the skin of the feet no worse than any specialized cream. Secondly, Fundizol provides prevention of fungal infection of the skin of the feet and nails. At the moment, the fungus from my affected nail has not spread to the neighboring nails, and I consider this to be the merit of Fundizol!

I decided to leave my affected nail alone for now and treat all my feet and nails with Fundizol (fortunately, the price is more than affordable and such treatment will not put a significant dent in my pocket).

This cream, by the way, is very economical, spreads perfectly over the skin and one package lasts a long time! A small drop of Fundizol (the size of a pea) is enough to treat all the nails and the foot on one foot!

I recommend taking a closer look at Fundizol both for caring for the skin of the feet and for the prevention of fungal infection (after visiting a sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse), but it turned out to be not very effective in removing the nail plate affected by fungus.

Elena Kuntseva

I don’t often write reviews, but here I really decided to leave my response to this problem. My fungus started on one nail (it became very itchy) some time ago. At first I didn’t even understand what it was, but then pretty soon the nail began to thicken and peel, and then changed color. And then I really started to panic that it was a fungus. I started trying completely different remedies, but absolutely nothing helped. This list, which also included iodine and soda, could go on for a long time. I suffered with this for three and a half months. Already desperate, I completely accidentally came across the product fundizol and decided to buy it at the pharmacy. I started using it for a long time, about two and a half months. And my old diseased nail fell off and a completely new healthy nail grew in its place! After that, I smeared it for prevention for another month. I still can’t believe that I cured the fungus. And now my advice to those who are faced with this big problem, because fundizol alone will not help in this scourge, and so:

1) wash your feet every day with soap - hygiene comes first - naturally change your socks

2) apply iodine once every three days (I did this in the morning), you should not abuse it; you will burn the entire nail and the skin around it, then you will suffer even more

3) take fluconazole (I took 3 tablets during the entire treatment)

4) a mandatory diet, which includes a list of products: sugar, sweets, alcohol and various fats, of course mushrooms, yogurt and kefir are prohibited. Without this diet, no matter how many medications you take, they will not help you

5) and of course fundizol, I smeared it 1-2 times a day, in the evenings and wrapped it with a band-aid for several hours

6) try to keep your feet open at least once a day (I didn’t always succeed) because closed shoes create an excellent environment for the spread of infection

7) general support of the body’s immunity, because at some point the body itself begins to fight the infection

Here are the main tips that helped me cure fungus, and I decided to share this with those who also encountered this problem. I wish you great patience in the fight against this scourge, which is simply impossible to cure. I wish you all good health.


Fungus is such an infection that ruins the lives of good people that it’s better not to mention it by nightfall. And the prices for antifungal drugs are so exorbitant, as if out of spite. Apparently, manufacturers understand when you have a fungus, and God forbid, you will give any money just to get rid of it.

Moving on to the topic. Somewhere I caught a fungus on the nails of my big toes, and even in the month of May, when you can take off closed shoes and sandals are already washed, polished and two pairs of new ones have already been bought.

The prospect of paying almost a thousand rubles for drops was already looming right under my nose, but at the pharmacy I caught my eye on fundizol, which cost only 90 rubles. “Some kind of bullshit,” I thought and went here to look at the reviews, oddly enough, the reviews turned out to be positive and I decided to take responsibility. I always have time to give a thousand, but here it’s such a gift of fate.

Although the instructions say to smear almost in the morning at lunch and in the evening, I followed it very poorly and smeared well if every evening, or even every other day.

Two weeks later I had a pedicure and discovered. that the situation has improved markedly! I was pleasantly surprised.

So I recommend everyone to try it!


I personally have not encountered this problem; my mother once picked up this infection in the pool. And her friend gave her this cream. And he really helped her. Firstly, it softens and removes the damaged part of the nail plate, secondly, it softens the skin of the feet, heals skin cracks, but also eliminates the unpleasant odor of the feet. Thanks to this effect, I even sometimes give it to my husband to smear against unpleasant foot odor. It can also be used as a prophylactic before going to the beach, pedicure room, gym, swimming pool and solarium. It is often used even for bites of various insects, because... it relieves itching and irritation well. And sometimes it is recommended for acne.



smells nice.


not effective.

After another trip to the pool, I discovered a fungus between my toes, bought this cream on the advice of a pharmacist at the pharmacy, promising that it was effective and also eliminated the unpleasant odor of foot sweat. I came home happy, well, I think now I’ll put it on and everything will be fine, I washed my feet thoroughly and put on the lotion. And it didn’t help, I used it for 2 weeks, did everything according to the instructions, applied a thick layer as expected 2-3 times a day. But the burning sensation still remained, and something like ulcers appeared between the fingers. The only good thing I want to say about this cream is that my feet really smell nice after it, it probably eliminates sweating after all. And the cream itself has a pleasant smell. But, unfortunately, it does not cure fungal diseases. So. that do not waste your money on this drug.



inexpensive, effective



Good day to all Otzovik readers! The antifungal cream Fundizol was recommended to me by a pharmacist friend at the pharmacy as an inexpensive remedy for preventing the appearance of fungus on the place on my leg where I removed the diseased nail. This product cost 98 rubles and I bought it. I also liked the composition of the drug. It contains plant components - oak bark and celandine herb extract. I have been smearing it on growing nails and on neighboring nails, as well as between the toes for the second month, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, until I find no signs of fungus, my nails are growing clean . I will recommend this remedy as a preventative - inexpensive and effective.



treats inflammation



I accidentally read reviews about Fundizol cream and decided to buy it because it is inexpensive (84 rubles) and the composition seems to be good. This cream is intended for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and nails, as well as for the treatment of pustular rashes. Since during my periods, or rather, in the period before them, small pustules often pop up either on the face or on the back. And this cream copes very well with inflammation! At the moment, this is perhaps the most effective remedy for fighting inflammation. The cream has a smell similar to Boro Plus cream, if anyone knows. The aroma is quite strong, but tolerable. The cream is very greasy and doesn’t spread well, but it’s convenient to apply precisely. The tube volume is 30 ml, so this cream lasts for a long time.

nina udodod




I wasn't looking

Good day, friends and guests of the review. I will share a review of the Fundizol cream for nails and skin. Many people suffer from damage to the nails and skin of their feet. There are so many different creams and ointments in the pharmacy chain, but not all of them help. The cream is packaged in a cardboard box. The cream helps eliminate cracks, corns, calluses on the feet, sweaty feet and prevents fungal infections. When caring for nails, it reduces their fragility and strengthens nails. The cream is not only for fungal diseases, but also comprehensive foot care. The tube contains 30 ml, the color of the cream itself is not white, but light cream. There are instructions for use, and the shelf life is 24 months, apply the cream 2 times a day. Which cream to take, everyone will choose for themselves. Health to everyone.

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