Camphor alcohol is an antiseptic and analgesic

Camphor alcohol is made from camphor and 70% ethyl alcohol. The drug is intended for external use and is classified as a local irritant. It is used to improve blood circulation in tissues. Thanks to its pronounced antiseptic and analgesic properties, comfortable alcohol allows you to fight inflammation and pain that occurs during the development of various diseases of the joints and muscles.

What is camphor alcohol for acne?

Camphor alcohol is a solution with a plant composition. The medicinal drug has been used in medicine and cosmetology for quite a long time. In the process of its production, camphor is taken as a basis - a component of organic origin. The solution is widely used not only in specialized medical institutions, but also at home. The product is a colorless liquid with a pungent but not pungent odor. The medicine is sold freely, but it must be used in doses, little by little, and only when such a prescription is made by a doctor. It is the specialist who must examine the patient and make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of camphor alcohol.

Camphor alcohol



Registration number: Р N003092/01

Trade name: Camphor alcohol.

International nonproprietary or generic name: Camphor.

Dosage form: Alcohol solution for external use.

Composition per 100 ml: Active substance:

  • Camphor (synthetic camphor) 2 g or 10 g


  • Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 70% up to 100 ml

Description: Transparent, colorless liquid with a characteristic camphor odor. Pharmacotherapeutic group: local anesthetic of natural origin.

ATX code: M02AX10

Pharmacological action: A drug of natural origin, it has a local irritant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Stimulates sensitive nerve endings, reflexively improves trophism of organs and tissues.

Pharmacokinetics: When applied to the surface of the skin, it is partially absorbed and undergoes oxidation. Oxidation products combine with glucuronic acid and are excreted by the kidneys. Part of the camphor is excreted unchanged by the lungs and bile.

Indications: Myalgia, myositis, arthralgia, sciatica, prevention of bedsores.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, damage to the integrity of the skin or inflammatory skin diseases at the site of intended application (including dermatitis, eczema), pregnancy, lactation, childhood (due to lack of data).

Directions for use: Externally. Myalgia, myositis, arthralgia, sciatica: applied to the skin over the affected area 2 - 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 7 - 10 days.

Prevention of bedsores: Treat the skin 2 - 3 times a day.

Side effects: Allergic reactions (urticaria), skin irritation, headache, dizziness.

Overdose: Symptoms: Excitement, tachycardia, convulsions.

Treatment: Symptomatic.

Release form: Alcohol solution for external use 2%, 10%. 40 ml in orange glass bottles, sealed with polymer stoppers and screw caps. Each bottle with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard pack. It is allowed to pack bottles with an equal number of instructions for medical use in a group package. 4 kg, 8 kg in polyethylene canisters; 18 kg in polyethylene canisters or glass bottles (for hospitals).

Storage conditions: Protected from light at a temperature of 15 to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

Composition and properties of camphor alcohol

The composition of the remedy contains 20 mg of pure camphor per 1 ml of purified water. The solution is valuable in the medical environment because it provides a wide range of positive effects on the inflamed area of ​​the skin and performs the following functions:

• Eliminates pathogenic microflora from the wound. • Has slight analgesic properties. • Relieves inflammation at the local level. • Heals the wound. • Warms the painful area of ​​the skin.

In addition to camphor, the medicinal solution contains 70% ethyl alcohol - this concentration is sufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect without causing a burn to the skin, as is the case with the use of its 96% analogue. When combined with camphor, alcohol causes a local irritant effect on the nerve fibers running in the epithelium. This allows you to reduce sensitivity in the inflamed area, accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes, which will promote rapid healing. Camphor alcohol, applied externally, is partially absorbed by the blood, then it is oxidized and excreted. The organs of the respiratory or digestive system are not affected.


Indications for the use of camphor alcohol are diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of joints and muscle tissue. The drug allows you to stabilize the condition in the following pathologies:

  • Sciatica. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is always accompanied by burning pain in the back and decreased muscle strength
  • Myositis. Inflammation of skeletal muscles is characterized by acute and muted pain. The chronic form is accompanied by weakening of muscles and limited movement.
  • Joint pain. They are a common symptom of musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Myalgia. It is characterized by muscle pain of varying intensity. Provoking causes are often stress and nervous tension.
  • Arthritis. The inflammatory disease is accompanied by pain with any movement. Additionally, skin redness and hyperemia are observed in the area of ​​the damaged joint.
  • Radiculitis. The disease develops when the nerve roots in the intervertebral foramina become inflamed. This leads to severe, debilitating lower back pain.

Camphor alcohol helps with itchy skin. The distracting effect of the drug can reduce discomfort during the treatment process. External use of the product is indicated for bedsores that occur on the skin during prolonged immobilization. After treating damaged areas, it is possible to increase blood circulation and improve oxygen supply to tissues.

Contraindications for camphor alcohol for acne

It is strictly contraindicated to apply camphor alcohol to tissues with damaged integrity. The condition of the damage (regardless of its nature) worsens. The drug causes irritation and contributes to additional pain. Using the solution for skin injuries prevents their healing and does not allow the tissues to naturally regenerate. Therefore, camphor alcohol can only be used to treat rashes without bloody or bloody discharge.

This type of solution should not be applied during pregnancy. Bearing a fetus is characterized by hormonal changes, as a result of which the skin becomes overly sensitive and vulnerable. There is a high risk of irritation.

It is not recommended to use camphor alcohol in any of the options (internal use, treatment, applying a compress) for some chronic diseases. Pathologies include eczema, dermatitis, the presence of a convulsive state or a high predisposition to it. The development of seizures is promoted by drugs from the analeptic group, so combining the use of these drugs with the use of camphor alcohol is contraindicated.

Is camphor alcohol a good treatment for acne?

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Yes! Camphor alcohol is mainly used in acne treatment to clear up pimples and prevent them. Here's how it helps:

  • Camphor oil, to which alcohol is added, is rich in antioxidants that prevent skin damage. Antioxidant activity also repairs damaged skin cells, bringing the skin back to life.
  • The oil helps relieve inflammation, swelling, and redness of the skin, which leads to a reduction in acne.
  • The product is also an excellent astringent, which when used on acne makes it an ideal skin medicine.
  • It helps tighten the pores, which in turn prevents them from becoming clogged. Camphor alcohol helps balance the oil production in the skin, helps control oil levels in oily skin and keeps acne under control.

Recipes for using camphor oil or alcohol for acne

Recipe No. 1

You will need:

  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp camphor alcohol
  • What should be done:
  • mix all ingredients;
  • wash your face with a special facial cleanser and dry it;
  • Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and massage it into problem areas on the skin;
  • Leave it for half an hour;
  • Afterwards, wash off the oil with warm water and cleanser.

How often to use?

Every day.

Why does this work?

Coconut oil has excellent antibacterial and penetrating properties. Combined with camphor oil, it penetrates into the skin, unclogs pores and dissolves dirt. This helps clear up acne.

Recipe No. 2

Camphor alcohol with various oils.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup castor oil;
  • 1/2 cup almond butter;
  • 1 tsp camphor alcohol;
  • bottle for storing product

Preparation time:

2 minutes.

Time of processing:

20 - 30 min.


  1. Wash your face using cleanser and dry it off.
  2. Take a teaspoon of the oil mixture and massage it into problem areas on the skin.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash off the mixture of oils with camphor alcohol with warm water and cleanser.

How often to apply?

Every day.

Why does this work?

Castor oil, when applied to the skin, is great for flushing out dirt and bacteria It boosts collagen production, helping to heal scars It also reduces existing acne pimples When combined with camphor and almond oil, it is an excellent acne treatment.

Features of using camphor alcohol for acne

To get rid of inflammatory elements on the skin, you only need to treat its surface with camphor alcohol at a 2% concentration. The action should be repeated twice a day - morning and evening. First, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin to remove any traces of cosmetics and impurities. If the purpose of using camphor alcohol is to prevent new rashes, the solution applied to a cotton pad should be wiped over the skin without using excessive force or pressure. The face should not be chafed or red. When the purpose of treatment with camphor is to eliminate existing acne, the surrounding tissue must be wiped, and the inflammatory element itself must be blotted with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. This will dry out the rash, after which the pimples will be able to come off on their own, and recovery will occur.


Camphor alcohol is a clear liquid based on plant matter. This is racemic camphor. In the process of preparing the medication, it is infused with 70% ethanol. The drug is packaged in dark glass bottles and can be purchased without a prescription at an affordable price.

When applied topically, camphor alcohol has an irritating effect. Against this background, tissue nutrition with oxygen and amino acids improves, which helps remove breakdown products and accelerate biochemical processes. In addition, when using the product, it is possible to improve the condition due to the distracting effect. In the complex treatment of various diseases of the joints and muscles, camphor alcohol can reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

Side effects

Although camphor alcohol is produced from raw materials of plant origin, this does not protect against the development of side effects. The reason for their appearance may be errors in storing the solution or its improper use. If the body rejects the applied drug, the following concerns:

• An allergic reaction that manifests itself on the skin. Irritation, redness, swelling, and severe itching occur.

• Episodes of headache, slight loss of coordination.

• Tachycardia. The heart rhythm becomes erratic, sometimes making it difficult to breathe due to intense heartbeat.

• Convulsions. Both short-term but intense muscle twitching and prolonged attacks can occur. To make you feel better, you need to take a position that reduces discomfort and the degree of pain.

• Psycho-emotional overexcitation, irritability. Deterioration in well-being, regardless of the nature and intensity of the manifestation, is always a reason to immediately seek medical help. Camphor alcohol is not addictive, but can cause excessive dryness of the skin. Therefore, its use should be alternated with applying a nourishing cream to the affected area to prevent the formation of microcracks.

Tags: acne

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