What types of cosmetics are there? Types, names and rules of use

A huge number of varieties of cosmetics are sold in the world. And manufacturers never cease to amaze, constantly replenishing store shelves with new products. Every woman strives to be beautiful and well-groomed, which means it is necessary to choose cosmetics wisely.

All products on the market can be divided into 2 categories:

  • care;
  • decorative.

The first type is intended for skin and hair care, helps eliminate various dermatological problems, as well as maintain youthful and beautiful skin. Skincare cosmetics are presented in versions for the body, face, hair, nails, and can be produced in series for women, men, and children.

Decorative cosmetics are intended to correct appearance. These are foundations, mascara, lipsticks, shadows, pencils, blush, nail polishes, etc. With the help of properly selected decorative cosmetics, you can advantageously emphasize the advantages of your appearance and hide its shortcomings.

For comprehensive and complete care, women use cosmetics of both caring and decorative types. The main thing is to choose the right means.

Natural and manufactured cosmetics

It's no secret that homemade cosmetics are of great importance for women's beauty. Its advantages are that it does not require serious financial costs, and is also made mainly from natural ingredients: fruits, vegetables, plants and animal products. And despite the fact that store shelves are full of factory-produced cosmetics, natural masks do not lose their position. However, such cosmetics also have disadvantages. These include the short-term effect of action and the time required for its production.

Factory-made cosmetics are divided into two types: mass consumption and professional.

Professional cosmetics are what cosmetologists and makeup artists use in their practice. Its main difference from the mass version is that it is made from more expensive and effective components, and is also enriched with minerals and vitamins. Which of course implies a high cost of the product.

Mass-produced cosmetics, as you might guess from the name, are designed for middle-class consumers. It may contain substances that have a detrimental effect on the health and skin of the face. Its advantages are low price and huge range.

Types of care products

By type, products are divided into: moisturizing, toning, exfoliating, cleansing.

Let's look at each type separately.


Considered mandatory. Usually these are day and night creams, respectively, we apply them in the morning and evening.


Dirt cannot be washed off with ordinary water. This is why we wash our hands with soap. It is too aggressive for the face, so for this delicate skin we use more delicate cleansers: milk, gel, foam.


These include tonics, lotions and serums, which are not considered a mandatory skincare step. But they enhance the effect of nourishing creams.


They are needed to help the skin get rid of dead cells, the self-regulation of which slows down with age. These are rolls, scrubs, gommages, as well as professional peelings - medium and deep, which can only be performed by a cosmetologist. He will also tell you which type of peeling is suitable for you (and whether it is suitable at all).

Using gentle homemade exfoliators, you can tone the dermis and restore its radiance and healthy color.
As a rule, either a peeling roll or a scrub is used - no more than once a week. There are several types of care products

Skincare and decorative cosmetics

All cosmetics can be divided into two main groups: decorative and skincare.

What types of facial cosmetics are there to help take care of your skin?

This category includes all those products that are responsible for cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing. There are also cosmetics with medicinal properties that help get rid of rashes and other imperfections. Skin care cosmetics include scrubs, mousses, facial washes, milks and lotions, creams and masks.

What types of decorative cosmetics are there? After facial care, you can start makeup. Everything that comes after cleansing and moisturizing procedures can be considered decorative cosmetics. This includes: foundation, corrector, powder, eye shadow, blush, lipstick, cosmetic pencil, etc.

What to look for when choosing body cosmetics

Body care begins with... no, not at all with a raid on a beauty store. First, decide what exactly your skin is missing and take into account the trio of most important selection criteria: skin type, area of ​​application and composition.

Skin type


First of all, it is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “dryness” and “dehydration”.

  • Dryness is a constant property of the skin, its type. Dry skin lacks, first of all, nutrition that will compensate for the lack of its own lipids.
  • Dehydration is a temporary skin condition. Dehydrated skin needs hydration.

Any type of skin can be dehydrated. At the same time, normal skin becomes more dry, dry skin becomes dull and flakes, and oily skin begins to shine even more (to compensate for the lack of moisture, the sebaceous glands secrete more sebum).


The main disadvantages of oily and problem skin are increased greasiness, enlarged pores and a tendency to inflammation. The risk zone is the face, chest, shoulders and back. The problem is so widespread that in Western dermatology there is even a special term for acne on the back - bacne (from the English back - back).

  • Caring for oily and problematic skin begins with exfoliation. A body scrub or gommage will help remove dead cells and prevent clogging of the sebaceous glands. Just do not use them during inflammation, so as not to aggravate the situation!
  • For cleansing, it is better to use not soap (it is known to dry out the skin), but an oil-free shower gel.
  • Remember to moisturize your skin, but use oil-free products with a light melting texture.
  • Be sure to include cosmetics with anti-inflammatory and mattifying ingredients in your body care beauty ritual: white clay, salicylic acid, zinc.


Sensitive skin is skin that reacts sharply to external and internal factors. She easily blushes and gets irritated, flakes, suffers from a feeling of tightness after bathing and is extremely picky about the composition of body care cosmetics: it must be hypoallergenic, without fragrances and parabens.

For gentle exfoliation, products with fruit acids are suitable (abrasive particles can damage sensitive skin), and for moisturizing and nourishing - products with soothing ingredients. For example, aloe or allantoin.


Do you have normal skin? Congratulations, you've hit the jackpot! To care for it, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and do not forget about regular moisturizing and gentle exfoliation 1-2 times a week.

Application area

  • Hands. While carefully caring for our facial skin, we often forget that it is our hands that are the first to reveal our age. The skin here is regularly exposed to detergents, frost and tap water, which is known to dry out. To protect your handles and keep them beautiful for a long time, follow a few rules:
      Wear rubber gloves when doing housework.
  • Use hand creams regularly. They are moisturizing, protective, nourishing, anti-aging and restorative.
  • Don't forget about protection from the sun and frost.
  • Legs. There are three main rules in foot skin care:
      Look for products with ingredients that stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow - in other words, they help prevent swelling.
  • The skin on the ankles and legs contains few sebaceous glands: it is prone to dryness and flaking, so it constantly needs hydration and nutrition.
  • Take care of your feet: baths, regular exfoliation, oils and creams with a cooling effect will help maintain a feeling of lightness and moisture.
  • Neckline. Women's skin in the décolleté area needs not only hydration and nutrition, but also constant tone support. Use cosmetics with a lifting effect containing collagen, vitamins and antioxidants. These can be creams, serums, lotions, etc.
  • Stomach. The skin of the abdomen is susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks, and pregnancy is far from the only reason. If the skin in this area suffers from dryness, microcracks may appear on it, which over time will be filled with connective tissue - these are stretch marks. To avoid them, use products that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
  • Hips and buttocks. Here's the main news of the day: cellulite is inherited and is largely determined by genetic factors. What to do? Don’t give up and provide the “dangerous” areas with proper care: peeling, anti-cellulite creams, contrast showers, massage, wraps. It is important to maintain an active lifestyle, eat right and stay hydrated.

For composition

Of course, it’s impossible to list all the useful components, and a list as long as an ancient Greek manuscript is not very interesting to read. Therefore, we have compiled our personal TOP components that can (and should!) be contained in body care cosmetics.

  • Oils (shea, argan, almond, sunflower, macadamia, rose) - nourish, save from dryness and flaking.
  • Vitamins A, E, C are antioxidants.
  • Fruit acids – provide gentle exfoliation.
  • Caffeine – has a drainage effect and enhances microcirculation.
  • Hyaluronic acid – moisturizes.
  • Aloe – prevents dehydration, softens and soothes the skin.
  • Glycerin – has a moisturizing effect and prevents moisture from evaporating.
  • Seaweed extract – stimulates collagen production, restores elasticity to the skin.
  • Squalane – restores the hydrolipid barrier of the skin.

What are the different skin types?

Every woman knows that it is not enough to just buy a cream, but you need to choose it correctly for your skin type. There are several types of it:

  • fat;
  • normal;
  • combined;
  • dry;
  • fading;
  • problematic.

It is very important to understand what type of skin you have. After all, incorrectly selected care can cause serious harm to the skin and aggravate the problems that were originally planned to be dealt with.


Perhaps one of the most important stages in care, on which the general condition of the pores depends. If you do not want to get acne, pimples and closed comedones, we recommend paying attention to the following products.

Biosource Daily Exfoliating Gelée, Biotherm

A luxury product that has a light exfoliating effect. By removing dead skin cells from the epidermis, it opens oxygen to the pores, thereby preventing their clogging.

Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay

An excellent pharmacy option that provides not just a care, but a healing effect. It can combat even persistent acne, restoring beauty and radiance to the skin. Can be used on a regular basis.

Gel foam “Basic care” with grape extract, Garnier

Grape seed oil is actively used in cosmetology, helping to saturate skin cells with essential substances and microelements. In foaming products, it provides a more comprehensive cleansing, which is carried out without microtrauma or damage.

L'Oreal Paris Youth Code

An excellent budget product that can give odds to many luxury options. Suitable for even the most delicate and demanding skin. The key advantage is the completely hypoallergenic composition.

Blanc Cleansing Oil: chroma, Shu Uemura

Oil products are gaining increasing popularity. Gently treating the skin surface, they do not cause injury and do not disturb the pH level. This product perfectly fights signs of fatigue, restores natural radiance, and corrects dull complexion.

Aveeno Ultra-Calming Foaming Cleanser

A real find for those with sensitive epidermis that easily becomes imbalanced. Prevents the formation of peeling, normalizes water balance, preventing the feeling of dryness or tightness.

How to determine your skin type on your face?

In order to determine your type, you will need a clean, transparent glass. Apply it to your face and roll it over its surface, and then look at the result. If you have dry skin, the glass will remain almost clean. With the normal type, there will be marks on the glass, but not very obvious. If you have an oily type, greasy stains will remain on the glass. If you have combination skin, the result of touching the glass will be different on your forehead and cheeks. Problem skin includes the dermis with inflammation and other obvious imperfections. Fading is characteristic of women over forty years old.

Full list

For good, correct and beautiful face makeup, you should have everything you need. Pay special attention to proper lighting. Your makeup should not look like a mask. Naturalness is always in fashion. It is necessary to provide artificial lighting for these purposes, and the light should not be bright. It is with the right lighting that you can achieve the perfect result.

To create high-quality makeup, you will need a large mirror. It should be clean and not distort the reflection. It is worth pulling your hair back so that it does not interfere with your manipulations. You can do this with a headband or regular white tape.

How to choose the right skin care

Having decided on your skin type, you can go to the store. Today, almost all cosmetics retail outlets have consultants who help you make the right choice. But if there is no such person, then you can handle it yourself by carefully studying the labels.

For oily skin types, choose skincare products with a light texture. It should not clog pores and increase the secretion of sebum on the face. The ideal products for such skin would be emulsions with a slightly drying effect. Instead of washing gel, it is better to choose a light foam.

Normal skin also requires proper care. Choose moisturizing masks, nourishing creams and soft scrubs to cleanse dead skin particles.

For those with dry skin, we can recommend cosmetics with enhanced hydration. Because it is this type that is subject to the fastest aging. In order for wrinkles to appear as late as possible, she needs constant nutrition and saturation. The most important condition for choosing dry skin care should be the absence of alcohol. Because it is he who is the main enemy of this skin type.

A lot can be written about what kind of cosmetics there are for problematic and aging skin. But you should still give preference to professional cosmetic lines. After all, only such care can bring real improvements, get rid of rashes and smooth out wrinkles.

Before using creams, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin and then pat your face dry with a paper towel. Then apply a few drops of cream to your fingertips and spread the product over your face.

How to buy a quality product?

Remember that all products should be purchased only from trusted stores in order to protect yourself from counterfeits (which can even be life-threatening!). All skincare cosmetics can be purchased at the ParisNail multi-brand store, because we provide the best conditions:

• all products are certified, and we guarantee their originality and quality, since • we work with suppliers directly; • we have many options for delivery and payment terms; • we deliver orders all over the world!

In addition, ParisNail is also a licensed manicure school with famous teachers. Our graduates today are highly paid masters in demand in the most famous salons.

If you want to learn everything about the art of manicure and not just follow trends, but also create them, then come to our manicure courses!

Collecting a cosmetic bag

After the skincare process is completed, you can start applying makeup. In this matter, you can listen to what famous makeup artists say. They talk about what kind of cosmetics there are and about the list of essentials. According to some makeup gurus, every lady's makeup bag should have:

  • foundation;
  • concealer;
  • powder;
  • blush;
  • Mascara;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • neutral gloss or lipstick;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • set of brushes.

However, few people limit themselves only to these means. And the beauty bags of the fair sex are replenished with all sorts of highlighters, bases, limited lines of cosmetics and more. But is it worth chasing quantity or focusing on quality? This is a personal matter for everyone.

What cosmetics will you need?

At first glance, you don't need much for everyday makeup. But if you delve into the details, on the contrary, one cosmetic bag may simply not be enough. In order not to go to extremes and collect a basic set of makeup cosmetics that will really be useful, we have prepared this list for our readers. Go!

Corrective foundation

The product acts as a base for makeup and is selected individually. You can choose a colorless base that tightens pores, or purchase a corrective base with a mattifying effect and added pearlescent shine. The product evens out the tone, masks imperfections - lumpy spots, pimples, rashes, oily sheen. It can be produced in the form of a cream, gel or pink balls that dissolve on the surface of the skin. One such jar will be enough, the main thing is to choose the one that suits your skin type.


The next thing that is used when applying makeup is foundation, which creates the effect of freshness and shine and helps even out the tone. If the composition contains collagen, the skin is saturated with moisture at the cellular level and moisturized. The task for a girl is to choose the right shade so that her makeup looks natural. Try applying the tester to the side of your palm. But the best way to choose a foundation is to experiment and remember the number of the shade that suits you. Typically, a basic set of cosmetics for daily makeup includes two of these jars - one is taken 1-2 shades darker for the summer, when the skin tans.


The purpose of a highlighter is to highlight areas that need emphasis using glitter. This trick also allows you to create volume and contrast. The product is available dry (resembles eye shadow) or creamy (the container resembles lip gloss). You need to choose a highlighter that is lighter than your skin tone. The product is applied to the cheekbones, in the area under the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose and lip ridge. You don’t have to stop at just one here if you want to choose highlighters with different shades.

Everything for expressive eyes

If you are collecting a basic makeup kit, the list of eye and eyebrow products can be one of the largest. You will need these things:

  • eyebrow and eye pencils;
  • eyeliner (several colors possible);
  • eyeshadow palette and base for them;
  • gel for eyebrows;
  • mascara (also suitable for eyebrows);
  • concealer.

You can experiment with shadows, choosing shades for new makeup ideas. But the basic colors will be flesh, gray, brown and black.


The purpose of the powder is to fix all the elements of makeup so that they last longer and do not smudge. Choose a product that matches your skin tone. You can purchase a loose version or powder in the form of balls. Mineral powder is a more expensive product, but helps avoid allergies. When purchasing, make sure the lid is tight, otherwise the contents of the jar will spill all over your cosmetic bag.


What should be in every girl's makeup bag? One of these products is blush. A good solution would be to purchase several shades on one palette at once: you can experiment with colors by mixing them. In general, you need to follow the rule: darker shades for sculpting, pinkish ones for the apples of the cheeks. This will highlight your cheekbones and give your face freshness.

Everything for lips

Another area for which it is difficult to choose just one: you can change the color of lipstick or gloss every day, mix tones. Here's what you'll need here:

  • lip pencils;
  • lipsticks;
  • glitter.

Three basic shades of lipstick - light pink, wine and your natural color. You can mix them together and create new solutions.

Selecting a foundation

The success of any makeup is the right shade of foundation. A small deviation from the natural color of the skin - and the whole make-up will go down the drain. But what kind of cosmetics are there for tinting the face and how to choose it?

Today there are no problems with the assortment of foundations in stores, unlike the times of the Soviet Union, when all women had the same “Ballet” foundation in their cosmetic bags. Women can safely choose from dozens, or even hundreds of creams and emulsions.

Why is it important to be able to read cream labels?

So, you came to the store. There are dozens, even hundreds of jars in front of you. A consultant comes up and strongly advises you to choose this one. You agree, buy the product, bring it home, start using it and... don’t see any effect! And this is even in the best case! At worst, inflammation, redness, and acne appear on the face. It's a shame. What to do? Go to the store and select the next product at random or on the advice of the seller (who may be competent)? Agree, this is financially and energetically expensive!

Therefore, you need to be aware of the needs of your skin and be able to read the ingredients on labels - what if the ingredients of the cream include a substance to which you are allergic?

Tips from makeup artists on how to choose foundation

Here are some recommendations on how to choose a complexion tone:

  • First of all, you need to know your skin type. Because the choice will directly depend on him. For oily and combination skin, choose mattifying products. For dry skin - a light foundation with a moisturizing effect. For problematic skin, give preference to foundation creams with a light texture and good coverage.
  • The ideal foundation should be a tone lighter than your complexion. Otherwise, you will get a “mask effect” in which your face will be darker than your neck and décolleté. This is a fairly common mistake among women.
  • When choosing a shade, apply foundation to your cheek. Let the cream absorb and evaluate the result.

  • If the product does not blend well and applies unevenly, then leave it in the store without hesitation. Otherwise, the everyday process of makeup will become hard labor.
  • For daily use, it is better to give preference to light BB creams. They combine a moisturizer and a tone-evening agent. For evening events, choose durable, dense textures that can hide all imperfections.

If you don’t know which brand of foundation to choose, then stick to the proven names of cosmetics, which are available in most stores: Loreal, Maybelline, Sephora, Max Factor, Bourjois.

Step-by-step instructions for perfect makeup

It just seems like it’s impossible to do perfect makeup without the help of a specialist. You can easily apply the necessary products quickly and effectively. To do this, you just need a little patience, practice, and quality accessories and cosmetics. For a modern stylish look, all the details should be worked out. It’s worth figuring out how to put on makeup correctly:

  • First you need to prepare the dermis. Be sure to clean it of other cosmetics and dirt. This is usually done using special tools.
  • Now it’s time to combine the foundation and makeup base. Carry out the process on the back of your hand. Apply the cosmetic product to the dermis of the face. Everything needs to be done in a thin layer. If there is excess, the face will look like a mask. If you notice that the selected foundation does not match the natural color of your skin, you need to apply the cosmetic to your neck and décolleté. It is worth noting that professional makeup artists do this in all cases.
  • Now take a thin brush and cover your eyelids with concealer. Do this under the eyes and also on top. Now set everything with powder.
  • Then take an eyebrow pencil and highlight the hairs with light strokes.
  • To make your look more alluring, highlight the inner corners of your eyes, as well as the area under your eyebrows, using light powder. It is its matte texture that will look more natural when compared with shadows.
  • Use a medium range of powder - apply it to your eyelids. Use bronzer to highlight your eyes along the crease of your eyelid. Gently blend the cosmetic product. Add darker shadows to the outer corner of the eye - focusing on your color type, preferences and desires.
  • Take an eyeliner and carefully highlight your upper eyelid. The product should be applied in short strokes. If it didn’t work out the first time, the line came out crooked, then simply correct the errors with dark shadows and blend the eyeliner.
  • Now you can apply mascara. It's worth doing this in the end. Go to the roots, take your time. Let each layer dry a little. Then you can move on to another.
  • Highlight the contours of your face with bronzer. Apply this product to your temples, under your cheekbones and the corners of your jaw.
  • Add accents with blush. Lighten your forehead, cheeks, chin, and apply peach blush to your cheekbones.
  • The final step will be coloring the lips. This can be done using a flesh pencil. Shape your lips according to the contour. Apply gloss on top (using a brush) or use lipstick.

Take into account all the makeup tips - and very soon you will be able to achieve significant success. Be confident in your abilities and don't be afraid to experiment.

Now you know what is suitable for high-quality makeup. You should also be patient, because you won’t be able to achieve the perfect result the first time. At the same time, with regular training, you will still be able to quickly and efficiently create your unique image. Be sure to keep an eye on the funds, they must be of high quality.


A good mascara can highlight your eyes, emphasize their expressiveness and make your look more feminine. Read on to find out which cosmetics company has the best mascaras.

Regardless of what effect you want to achieve - eyelash lengthening or volume, first of all carefully study the composition of the mascara. It’s good if it contains one or more of these components: panthenol, keratin, lanolin, vitamins A, E, F. Such components are found in carcasses of the following brands: IsaDora, Loreal, Chanel.

You need to use mascara after applying eye shadow. And if you want to give your eyelashes extra length, then first apply a layer of powder on them, and only then mascara. After the first layer of mascara has dried, immediately apply the second. This will lengthen your eyelashes and make your look more charming.

Sculptors and bronzers

Sculptors and bronzers are contouring products that have brown undertones. However, they differ significantly in color, structure and application.

The sculptor has a deep cool brown, brown-gray or brown-olive shade, close to the color of the natural shadow on the face, depending on your color type. Bronzer usually imitates a tan. It has both warm brown and brown-peach undertones. That is why it must be selected and used especially carefully. If you don't have a strong tan, choose cooler or translucent bronzers, or vice versa, a warmer, less pigmented sculptor.

The sculptor must be applied under the cheekbone, this is where the shadow passes. In this part it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to create a thick layer of dirt. Also, do not forget to work on the sides of the forehead, giving a little volume to the face. Dry sculptor is applied only to a powdered face, but creamy sculptor can be applied after foundation.

Bronzer is applied to the prominent parts of the face, in the area between the cheekbones and cheeks, giving a translucent tan. Both the sculptor and the bronzer must be applied very lightly so as not to overdo it, thereby creating a natural shadow or tan.

Lipstick, gloss, tint: what to choose?

As a rule, makeup highlights one area of ​​the face and places emphasis on it. These could be eyes, eyebrows or lips. What types of lip cosmetics are there?

The simplest remedy that can instantly bring your lips into good condition is hygienic lipstick. With its help, you can not only make your lips moisturized and soft, but also visually make them more attractive. Therefore, not a single women's cosmetic bag is complete without hygienic lipstick.

If you want to highlight your lips and make them brighter, then use colored lipsticks. Today, matte finishes are considered incredibly fashionable. But they dry out your lips excessively. Therefore, a layer of hygienic lipstick is applied underneath them.

One of the latest innovations in the beauty world is lip tint. This invention came to us from Korea. Its essence lies in the content of a large amount of pigment. This bright liquid is applied to the lips and blended with quick hand movements. After which it is absorbed and dries. Due to this, the lips acquire color. The color saturation depends on how much tint you apply.

Glitter is a constant favorite among women. Their variety is so great that you can easily get lost in choosing the shade you need. But if you initially understand what effect you would like to achieve, the choice will narrow significantly. Choose glosses that contain healthy vitamins. And also products that are not felt on the lips and do not make them sticky.

What it is?

Decorative cosmetics are cosmetics that can be found in any woman’s purse. This is the kit you need to create makeup.

The history of the appearance of decorative cosmetics began several thousand years ago. The very first such means appeared in Ancient Egypt. At that time, beauties used improvised means for makeup:

  • black antimony paint to line the eyes;
  • the functions of blush were performed by crushed flowers;
  • The face was protected from the sun's rays with whitewash.

Gradually, cosmetics from Egypt spread to other countries, and then completely filled the world.

Now every woman has a standard set of cosmetics - lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, powder, blush. Before purchasing a new product, it is recommended to carefully study its composition. The health of the skin depends on each component in it. Not a single substance that makes up cosmetics should be harmful.

Common components in decorative cosmetics and their properties:

  • lactic acid. Acts as an air conditioner;
  • silk proteins. Their task is to restore and maintain the optimal level of moisture in the skin;
  • magnesium and zinc. These two minerals help relieve irritation, cool, and soften the skin;
  • camphor essence has a calming effect;
  • parsol. Stabilizes the condition of skin cells, prevents their premature destruction;
  • hydroviton acts as an antiseptic component.

Children's cosmetics

Every mother once notices her daughter’s increased interest in her tubes of creams and lipsticks. Some allow the little ones to put on their lipstick once or twice, while others are categorically against such games. Today there are many children's cosmetics. It is harmless to delicate skin and allows little fashionistas to experiment with their appearance from an early age. What types of children's cosmetics are there?

If your girl shows an interest in nail polishes, but while you don’t see her, she paints her nails every now and then with felt-tip pens or paints, it’s time to buy her some baby polish. It looks exactly like nail polish that everyone is used to, but its composition is natural, just like cosmetics for girls. These varnishes are made from fruit resin. And in order to remove it from your nails, you only need soap and water.

Children's lipsticks and blush are also made from natural ingredients. Eye shadows contain much less pigment than adult ones. Your daughter will like this gift and will protect her from allergies.

Having learned about what types of facial cosmetics are available, as well as how to choose them, you can safely go to the store in search of the best products for your skin.

Shadows and pigments

If earlier we could see colored eye makeup exclusively on the catwalks, today it is actively gaining popularity in everyday combinations, thereby never ceasing to develop in its execution. In this regard, a huge number of shadows and pigments appear, having a wide variety of colors. However, it is important to remember that only a good base (in the form of an eyeshadow base, cream eyeshadow, soft pencil or kajal) will make your eye makeup bright and long-lasting. If before applying dry shadows you can completely limit yourself to a high-quality base, then with pigments, especially with glitters, you must not forget about the substrate so that the glitter does not fall off on your face.

Sun protection

Of course, we must not forget about the harmful effects of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. If you don't want to develop pigmentation, always use products with SPF protection.

Protective product for delicate skin, minimizing the negative effects of sun rays, Anthelios Shaka fluid, SPF 50+, La Roche-Posay

The unique innovative formula creates a lightweight, invisible coating that gently protects against aggressive environmental conditions. The key advantage is that it does not create a mask effect.

Transparent refreshing spray with aloe juice Ambre Solaire “Solar Water”, SPF 50, Garnier

An absolute must-have for the spring-summer period. It is considered ultra-resistant, and therefore can be used even during trips to the beach.

Anti-aging care

Of course, cosmetics should be selected in accordance with individual characteristics and parameters. Age is one of the key criteria that needs to be taken into account when purchasing personal care products.

Restorative and regenerating, eliminating significant age-related changes from Bioterm Blue Therapy Accelerated Cream

Surprisingly, even deep wrinkles, furrows and creases can be eliminated without professional cosmetic intervention. The main requirement is to choose the right care line. Bioterm is a proven brand that has won many awards and prizes. Its regenerating essence-cream literally “erases” years from the face, restoring youth and elasticity.

Lifting cream foam for the first half of the day Collagenist V-Lift, Helena Rubinstein

With age, the skin tends to lose elasticity and become more flabby and puffy. However, timely replenishment of collagen reserves can prevent the described phenomena. The product from Helena Rubinstein does an excellent job of achieving these goals.

“Reduce wrinkles and prolong youth” - Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Cream, SPF 30, Kiehl's

Even if your skin is still fresh and elastic, you should not forget about its care. Work proactively, preventing the formation of various defects and imperfections. Cream fluid from Kiehl's is an excellent helper in this matter.

Anti-aging day cream LiftActiv Collagen Specialist, Vichy

An excellent product, especially often recommended by cosmetologists. Among the main functions performed:

  • tightening the oval of the face;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • general toning.

As a rule, it begins to be applied after 25-30 years.

Intensively regenerating anti-aging cream, enriched with concentrated Redermic Retinol compounds, La Roche-Posay

Fine facial wrinkles and the first signs of photoaging are not the most aesthetic manifestations, which this product copes with without much difficulty. Results become visible after the first week of use.

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