Honey for the face: benefits and uses at home

Humanity has been using the healing properties of honey for over eight thousand years. Scientists have found images of honey procedures on ancient Egyptian and ancient frescoes. Centuries have passed, but honey is still included in modern cosmetic products. Research has proven its benefits for the skin of the face and body. Homemade face masks with honey have a moisturizing, cleansing, antibacterial and antioxidant effect.

What to expect from sweet “medicine”

Those beauties who do not suffer from allergies to bee products are incredibly lucky. After all, with the help of honey you can achieve the following results:

  • get rid of small wrinkles, rejuvenate and tighten the skin, toning and moisturizing it;
  • carry out effective treatment and restoration of problem skin;
  • moisturize and restore dry;
  • normalize sebum production and stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of oily skin;
  • maintain a healthy appearance by affecting the deep layers of the epidermis and stimulating the production of your own collagen and elastin.

Honey, thanks to its rich microbiological composition, can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis, stimulate blood circulation, accelerate cell regeneration and moisturize the skin at the cellular level.

Why is it needed?

  • To nourish facial skin cells;
  • Stimulation of recovery processes;
  • For gentle and effective care for aging skin;
  • Better cleansing of pores;
  • Restoring natural complexion;
  • Moisturizing dry epithelium and normalizing water-fat levels;
  • Preventing early withering of the cover;
  • Combat dehydration;
  • Protection from negative environmental influences.

Natural honey perfectly heals wounds, small cuts and abrasions.

Indications and contraindications

In order to use honey for cosmetic purposes, you need to know what problems you can get rid of with its help. Homemade products will be an excellent alternative to store-bought ones:

  • Problem skin with blackheads and acne.
  • Oily, prone to acne.
  • Dry, prone to flaking and cracking
  • Combined – for preventive purposes.
  • Normal – for toning, moisturizing and gentle care.

Almost every person can use honey in its pure form for skin care and treatment. The active components of the “sweet elixir of youth” will help you cope with many problems at home.

But there are some contraindications, since honey is a fairly strong allergen and can cause unpleasant consequences in some people. These include:

  • First of all, an allergy to bee products. These can be skin manifestations and asthmatic attacks. Up to anaphylactic shock. People prone to this type of manifestation should avoid cosmetics that contain honey and other bee products.
  • Open wounds, scratches on the treated surface.
  • Skin diseases in the acute stage.
  • Purulent pimples in an inflamed state.

There are few contraindications to the use of honey cosmetics at home. But still they exist. Please pay attention to these precautions to ensure that you do not achieve the opposite of what you expected.


Honey is a unique product that can independently eliminate many problems on the skin, but using it in a cream in combination with other active ingredients can enhance the effect.

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  • Salicylic acid exhibits excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Milk proteins are a very popular component that perfectly complements honey. This combination of products provides the necessary care. Many of us in childhood, and even now, drank warm milk with honey when we had colds. This magical combination also works great on the skin;
  • Olive oil nourishes, eliminates flaking of dry skin, creates a light lifting effect;
  • Aloe is another natural substance that works great. Aloe allows you to have an antiseptic effect and dry out the problematic surface;
  • Hyaluronic acid is a moisturizing component;
  • Other beekeeping products - wax, propolis, etc. go well with honey;
  • Other natural ingredients of plant or animal origin, as well as seafood, go well with the main component of honey products.

Honey massage

Massage techniques are very diverse. Using honey as an active component for massage is an excellent solution for removing blackheads, lifting the contours of the face and double chin, and removing fatty deposits on the cheeks.

Using honey in its pure form, you can perform a deep facial scrub, similar to mechanical peeling.

A honey massage of problem areas on the body will help get rid of the appearance of cellulite, improve blood circulation and improve the overall health of the skin.

To carry out such a massage at home, you need to do the following manipulations:

  • Cleanse your facial skin of decorative cosmetics using your usual makeup remover. Rub with a tonic and let it calm down a little after the preliminary procedures.
  • Apply honey heated in a water bath in an even layer. (You need to heat it up to body temperature and only in enamel containers to avoid contact with metal and prevent the product from oxidizing).
  • Leave the honey on the face (if necessary - chin, neck and décolleté) for a quarter of an hour. Let the active ingredients absorb.
  • Then apply the pads of your fingers to the skin and tear them off the surface with a sharp movement. In this way, treat the entire surface covered with honey.

The honey will begin to foam and roll into white “peas” under your fingers. This is normal - the pores of your face are cleansed of unnecessary substances and dead skin cells are removed.

This massage should be done for no more than five minutes to avoid excessive stretching of the skin. This technique is also not recommended for aging and sagging skin.

The remaining honey should be washed off with slightly warm water. Treat the skin with a vasoconstrictor lotion. After a few minutes, apply a light nourishing or moisturizing cream, depending on your skin type.

This procedure should be carried out at home as needed, but not more often than once every two weeks. Reviews about honey massage are very flattering.

Good creams

“Red apple with honey” face cream

Main properties of the cream:

  • Increased skin immunity;
  • Relieving inflammation in certain areas;
  • Giving the perfect tone;
  • Nutrition and enrichment of cells with fluid;
  • Antioxidant properties;
  • Relaxation of facial muscles;
  • Aromatherapy.

Approximate price: 600 rub.

Health&Beauty face cream with honey and olive oil

Designed for regeneration, rejuvenation and cell renewal. The basis of this product is a formula that creates elastic and soft facial skin. The product allows you to improve the structure of the face and neck, give it a youthful appearance or prevent age-related changes.

Approximate price: 570 rub.

Bottega Verde face cream with honey

Creates an excellent effect thanks to the honey content. The product perfectly saturates cells with moisture and beneficial components, giving a young and healthy appearance. Honey, which contains a large amount of glucose, normalizes the moisture of the skin and maintains this effect for a long time.

Approximate price: 650 rub.

Avon Naturals “Milk and Honey” face cream

A well-known cosmetics manufacturer has in its collection this excellent product that allows you to moisturize the skin and restore fading cells. Honey has many beneficial properties, contains nutritional components necessary for the skin, and also perfectly nourishes the skin and softens it.

Approximate price: 36 rub.

Masks with honey for any skin type

With the help of such cosmetics prepared at home, it is excellent to clean, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Honey + milk

Mix 2 large spoons of honey with fermented milk products that you have on hand (cottage cheese, cream, kefir). The consistency should be creamy and soft.

Apply the composition to a cleansed face and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then remove with a soft cloth and wash with chamomile infusion. Do not wipe, just blot lightly with a towel and let dry naturally.

Honey and black bread

Take a slice of black bread, remove the crumb from it and soak it in warm milk to make a thick paste, the consistency of sour cream.

Add 2 tablespoons of liquid homemade honey (preferably linden or flower). Stir until smooth.

Cleanse your face and apply a mask to it. Leave to act for 25-30 minutes.

It is best to rinse off with chamomile or calendula infusion, warmed to body temperature.

How does honey work against wrinkles on the face?

The effect of honey is due to its beneficial components. The product is a real means to preserve youth and health.

Natural honey contains the following components:

  • water (15-25%);
  • carbohydrates;
  • trace elements and vitamins (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, manganese and many others);
  • vitamins (B, C);
  • protein;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes (lipase, catalase, amylase and invertase);
  • acids (lactic, citric, malic, gluconic, succinic, oleic and others);
  • alkaloids;
  • caffeine;
  • quinine;
  • morphine;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • antimicrobial compounds.

Thanks to such a valuable composition, honey has the ability to rejuvenate the skin. The effect of a honey mask is expressed in the following points:

  • activation of the metabolic process;
  • nourishing the skin with beneficial vitamins and minerals;
  • cleansing;
  • stimulation of blood flow;

The main cause of skin aging is loss of moisture. Honey is able to hold it, without making breathing difficult.

Vitamin “bomb”

Take the pulp of any fruit that you like best. It could be a banana, apple, melon, watermelon, apricot, peach, strawberry. It all depends on the season. It is better to take the fruit that grows in your area.

You need to take a few spoons of pulp and add a spoon of honey. Stir and apply to clean face. The duration of the mask is 15-30 minutes.

Rinse off with warm water. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can use an infusion of herbs.

In this composition, honey further activates the vitamin complexes of fruits and helps them penetrate deep into the epidermis.

Mask for oily skin

This mask can be made in two ways.

First way

  • Take the egg yolk and beat it into a foamy mass.
  • Heat the honey slightly in a water bath so that it can be easily applied.
  • Apply the components in layers, allowing each of them to dry a little. There should be a minimum of 6 layers - that is, three applications of each component.
  • Then let the mask dry completely on your face. This will take approximately 40-50 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm infusion of chamomile or calendula.

With the help of this maxi, you normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and degrease the surface of the skin. This is a kind of facial cleansing.

Second way

Mix beaten egg white, honey and a little oatmeal or starch (preferably cornstarch). Make the consistency creamy, a little like sour cream.

Apply to face and let dry completely. Rinse as indicated in the previous recipe.

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