Vinegar in cosmetics: six reasons to include it in your care


January 4, 2020

text: My Handbook

If you were friends with Scarlett Johansson, she would give you some useful advice. But not acting. These would be skin care recommendations. It turns out that the actress is well versed in beauty issues and constantly reads literature on this topic.

First, Scarlett would advise using natural remedies rather than harsh synthetic products “that your dermatologist may prescribe.” Secondly, it would make you look at apple cider vinegar differently. In an interview with ELLE UK, she says: “If you have skin problems or suffer from breakouts, vinegar really does heal. It smells a little, but it will be really effective in those cases when you are not sleeping with your boyfriend.”

That interview was recorded back in 2013, but time proves that Scarlett was right. Today, vinegar, a well-known friend of the stomach and intestines, is one of the latest trends in the beauty industry. Apples contain pectin, a natural thickener that improves digestion. But we know six reasons why your face will also appreciate natural apple cider vinegar. When used correctly, it can become a faithful companion for absolutely any skin, including problem skin. And that's why.

Exfoliates dead cells

“Since time immemorial, natural beauty followers have considered vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, to be the best way to combat everything from dandruff to age spots,” says Imelda Burke, author and founder of natural beauty store Content Beauty. “The modern beauty industry remembered this universal ingredient, and it ended up in face toners.”

No surprise: malic acid is similar in composition to an alpha hydroxy acid (or AHA). These are natural biological substances that are found in sour milk, old wine and sugar cane. They weaken the connections between the scales of the epidermis, which facilitates the process of their separation. Thus, malic acid gently exfoliates the top layer of skin, giving the face freshness and radiance.


Apple cider vinegar contains amino acids as well as vitamins A, P, C, E and B and has excellent whitening properties. When used externally, it gently lightens the skin (keep in mind if you intend to get rid of pigmentation and freckles), and also accelerates the healing of wounds and scars, saturates cells with oxygen, smoothes out fine wrinkles and gives the skin elasticity.

Chemical composition of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar owes its original quality to its chemical composition. Product contains:

  • vitamins of group B (1, 2, 6), A, C, E;
  • malic, citric, oxalic and lactic acids;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, silicon, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, sulfur;
  • enzymes.

Apple cider vinegar has a pronounced anti-aging effect. It is thanks to such unique qualities that the product received the name “magic elixir”.

To achieve an effective effect, you should have a clear understanding of how to properly use vinegar on your face. Do not forget that this product is an acid, so its use requires some caution.

Eliminates inflammation

Doctor of Medical Sciences, famous dermatologist Joshua Zeichner notes that apple cider vinegar is also an excellent remedy for fighting acne. On the one hand, it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, on the other, it destroys bacteria that cause acne. And if you mix apple cider vinegar with baking soda and water in a ratio of 1:3, and then add a few drops of essential eucalyptus, lemon or tea tree, you will get an effective scrub that reduces breakouts, eliminates blackheads and tightens pores.

Who can't and why

Despite the large number of beneficial properties of apple cider vinegar for the skin, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Excessively dry, dehydrated or irritated skin. In this case, the acid will be too aggressive an environment, which will only worsen the situation.
  • Open wounds, herpes, purulent lesions. In this case, using the product will cause very great discomfort (burning, itching, pain).
  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Vinegar can change the quality and taste of milk. And also affect the health of the unborn baby.

Takes care of hair

Thanks to its rich content of vitamins and fruit acids, apple cider vinegar is a natural alternative to hair conditioner. It tames unruly curls, covering the scales, making them soft and silky. Ideal for those with oily hair, as well as those who suffer from dandruff. This is again because vinegar regulates the natural pH of the scalp and sebum production. Masks with vinegar help accelerate hair growth, and regular rinsing with it gives it a luxurious shine.

Can be prepared at home

It is worth noting that natural unrefined apple cider vinegar, which is less common on sale than pasteurized, has the greatest value. However, this product is easy to prepare at home. To do this, take apples (at the rate of 1 liter of juice), 100 grams of sugar, 100 ml of water and a pinch of yeast. All ingredients are mixed in a glass container, and then you need to put a rubber glove on it to block the access of oxygen.

Next, the container needs to be placed in a dark place for two to three weeks to eventually get ordinary cider. After this, the glove, swollen with carbon dioxide, must be removed, cover the container with a clean piece of gauze and leave for another 2-3 days. This is how cider turns into homemade, unrefined vinegar. Now you can pour it into a clean bottle, close the lid and use it to care for your face and hair.

It is important to remember that apple cider vinegar should never be applied to the skin in its pure form. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 to avoid irritation and burns. Also, vinegar is not used simultaneously with other acids and retinoids. If you have overly sensitive skin, you should first do a patch test on the skin behind your ear or wrist.

Purposes of use

Apple cider vinegar does not treat just one problem, but several at once. Therefore, it helps to cope with various skin problems.

Age-related changes

With age, pigment spots, wrinkles appear, and the skin becomes less elastic. Vinegar helps restore cell structure, regenerates and restores them. Thanks to this, age-related problems reflected on the face are smoothed out, and the skin becomes fresher. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate them using this method.

Pimples and blackheads

Pimples and blackheads are most often observed in teenagers. But sometimes the problem persists into adulthood. If the cause is not related to hormonal levels, then apple cider vinegar will help cope with it. It cleanses pores, removes harmful substances and toxins. As a result, acne is not only removed, but also does not reappear.

Spots and scars

Active cell regeneration, which begins after using malic acid, eliminates age spots and scars. This result will be achieved only if you do the rubbing regularly and without skipping.

Acid is only effective if it is of natural origin

Rubbing the skin can be replaced with a face mask with vinegar, find out how to do it correctly.

Our choice

Ayuna The Facial Polishing Concentrate

This innovative water-based concentrate from luxury Spanish brand Ayuna visually transforms the skin, improving its health and appearance. Gently cleanses and transforms your appearance, as if you were visiting a cosmetologist every day. Contains colloidal acids (succinic and glutamic), which renew cells, gently remove dead epidermis and slow down the aging process. Helps balance skin microbiota and restores skin's natural radiance. The motto of the toner is clear skin in 60 seconds!

How to use

Twice a week, apply the product to cleansed, dry skin, including the neck and décolleté. The toner is available in two formulas: more concentrated (High) and soft (Low) for different skin types. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with Low - a more gentle option. After use, do not neglect sunscreen.


Jane Scrivner Skinfoliate Exfoliating Essence

A unique and powerful organic facial exfoliant. It is an explosive mixture of fat-dissolving AHA and BHA acids: there is pineapple, burdock, and blueberries, as well as orange, lemon, white willow and organic apple cider vinegar. With regular use, it gently polishes the skin, regulates the acid balance and creates an invisible protective film.

How to use

You should start with once or twice a week and gradually work your way up to daily use. It is recommended to apply using a cotton pad or a reusable cotton applicator. Wipe cleansed skin with a damp cloth, avoiding the area around the eyes, and then apply moisturizer or serum.


Heritage Store Rosewater Vinegar Facial Toner

A very simple yet effective facial toner with apple cider vinegar and rose essential oil for smooth and bright skin. Use on the face and scalp to soothe, balance, cleanse and cool the skin. A true all-rounder.

How to use

Apply to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. Spray onto hair for a smoothing effect.


Bio-fermented essence Amly Meadow Dew

Essence is an important step in skin care, which greatly enhances the effect of other products. For example, this product from British brand Amly is formulated using botanical extracts, floral waters, cold-pressed oils and highly concentrated bioactives to achieve a bright and healthy complexion. Biofermented apple cider vinegar nourishes the skin, slows down the appearance of wrinkles and stimulates microcirculation. In addition, the essence has active anti-aging ingredients such as rose quartz (soothes the skin and smoothes wrinkles) and copper peptides (helps collagen synthesis).

How to use

This is a day care, so it is recommended to use in the morning. Squeeze 3-4 drops into the palm of your hand and apply to skin with gentle pressing movements until completely absorbed. Next, use your usual care.


Biofermented nectar Amly Nocturnal Nectar

Another Amly product with bio-fermented apple cider vinegar, but this time intended for evening care. The composition also includes such excellent ingredients as honey (regenerates tissue, cleanses and moisturizes), green tea (protects against free radicals), snow algae (strengthens cellular protection and restores). Valerian root will set you up for relaxation and promote healthy sleep.

How to use

Use in the evening for complete skin regeneration. Squeeze 3-4 drops into the palm of your hand and apply to skin with gentle pressing movements until completely absorbed. Next, use your usual care. For maximum effect, best used together with Meadow Dew Day Essence.


Gallinée Prebiotic Face Vinegar

According to the manufacturer, this product is “a tonic, only much better.” The product is simply called “vinegar for the face,” but its formula is still more complex than its regular table counterpart. This one from Gallinée restores acid-base balance, unclogs pores and restores complexion. Enriched with the new prebiotic Actibiome, the toner soothes irritated skin, fights breakouts and prevents their further occurrence. Also contains antioxidant-rich hibiscus vinegar to stimulate cell turnover and protect skin.

How to use

Using a cotton pad, apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté in the morning and evening. Suitable for sensitive skin.


Josh Rosebrook Cacao Antioxidant Mask

While free radicals destroy skin cells and speed up the appearance of anti-aging products on your bathroom shelf, antioxidants are actively fighting them. The anti-aging mask from the green brand Josh Rosebrook, popular among Hollywood stars, is based on organic cocoa, which enhances cell regeneration and smoothes out scars. In addition, it stimulates blood circulation, brightens the skin and promotes natural collagen production. The mask also contains moisturizing marula and baobab oils, beetroot and calendula extracts, which reduce redness and pigmentation.

How to use

Apply the mask quickly and evenly to your face. You can keep it on your face for up to 45 minutes, periodically sprinkling your face with toner so that the mask does not dry out on your face and does not draw moisture from the skin. Then you need to rinse off the product and apply your usual care. Immediately after the procedure, the skin may turn slightly red. This is normal and indicates increased blood circulation.


Smoothing shampoo Phillip Adam Shampoo Apple Cider Vinegar

This shampoo's intensely smoothing formula harnesses the power of apple cider vinegar to instantly smooth strands and impart healthy shine. Removes styling residue, balances the natural pH of the scalp, plus smells nice of green apple. Hair becomes healthy and silky smooth.

How to use

Apply a small amount to the scalp, massage and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.



The skin of the face is very delicate. Therefore, in order to avoid errors in the process of using this treatment method, it is better to familiarize yourself with the answers to frequently asked questions in advance.

Is it possible to smear every day?

Yes, some toners, masks and lotions are intended for daily use.

Is it possible to use pure vinegar for wiping?

No, it is prohibited to wipe your face with pure vinegar.

What happens if you use vinegar-based products frequently?

If you use vinegar solution too often on healthy skin unnecessarily, it can lead to peeling and irritation.

Is it possible to make a remedy using acetic acid instead of vinegar?

Can. But in this case, the acid must be added in a very small amount so that it does not cause a burn on the surface of the skin.

You can use store-bought apple cider vinegar.

Yes, you can. But in this case, pay attention to the composition and manufacturer in order to purchase natural acid and not its synthetic derivatives. It’s better to make apple cider vinegar yourself.

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