Non-infectious lesions on the penis: vascular and tumor changes - part 2

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Causes of appearance Features of neoplasms Why are papillomas dangerous? Treatment methods

Papillomas are condylomas - limited papillary growths of the skin and mucous membranes of an inflammatory nature - with sharp tips, or pointed.

What they look like: genital papillomas do not differ in color from the surrounding tissues. Light-colored, pointed condylomas on a thin stalk or flat ones appear on the foreskin; in the frenulum area of ​​the penis they can appear as small white pimples. Single formations can grow over time. When injured, they can bleed and become pigmented, changing the shade from pinkish-beige to light and dark brown. Temporary formation of crusts and small scales is possible on the surface.

Reasons for appearance

Genital papillomas are transmitted through sexual contact, be it oral, anal or vaginal, if the partner is infected. A prerequisite for the occurrence of this infection in the body is microtrauma, most often invisible to the eye (crack, abrasion on the skin or mucous membranes). Another reason is the weakening of the immune system and the activation of the virus in its carrier.

Some types of human papillomavirus (HPV) can also cause genital papillomas. Typically, the causative agents of the disease are HPV 6/11. One of the most obvious symptoms of HPV infection is genital papillomas.

In men, genital papillomas most often affect the foreskin and glans penis. At the same time, they can occur on the neck and body of the penis, on the scrotum, in the urethra and in the anal area. Quite rarely, these tumors affect the area around the mouth and throat of a person who has had sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

Pointed papillomas in men usually appear 1-3 months after sexual contact with an infected partner. In some cases, human papillomavirus infection can be suppressed by human antiviral immunity within 1-2 years (if re-infection does not occur). In practice, such cases are the exception, and for the vast majority of patients it is not possible to remove papillomas on their own.

Stages of the disease

Staging of penile cancer is carried out according to the international TNM classification, where T is a description of the primary tumor, N is the condition of regional lymph nodes, M is distant metastases.

0is – carcinoma in situ; a – non-invasive verrucous (warty) carcinoma without destructive infiltrative growth 0 – no palpable or visually enlarged inguinal lymph nodes0 – absence of distant metastases
I1 – invasion into subepithelial connective tissue0 – no palpable or visually enlarged inguinal lymph nodes0 – absence of distant metastases
II1-2 – invasion into subepithelial connective tissue; ingrowth into the corpus spongiosum with or without invasion of the urethra 1 – a mobile palpable enlarged inguinal lymph node is determined on one side0 – absence of distant metastases
2 – ingrowth into the corpus spongiosum with or without invasion of the urethra0-1 – there are no palpable or visually enlarged inguinal lymph nodes; palpable mobile palpable enlarged inguinal lymph node on one side 0 – absence of distant metastases
III1-3 – invasion into subepithelial connective tissue; ingrowth into the corpus spongiosum with or without invasion of the urethra; ingrowth into the corpus cavernosum with or without invasion of the urethra 2 – mobile palpable inguinal lymph nodes on both sides or multiple0 – absence of distant metastases
3 – ingrowth into the corpus cavernosum with or without invasion of the urethra0-2 – there are no palpable or visually enlarged inguinal lymph nodes; a mobile palpable enlarged inguinal lymph node is palpated on one side; mobile palpable inguinal lymph nodes on both sides or multiple 0 – absence of distant metastases
IV4 – tumor spread to other surrounding structures0 – no palpable or visually enlarged inguinal lymph nodes0 – absence of distant metastases
1-3 – invasion into subepithelial connective tissue; ingrowth into the corpus spongiosum with or without invasion of the urethra; ingrowth into the corpus cavernosum with or without invasion of the urethra 3 – fixed conglomerate of inguinal lymph nodes or enlarged pelvic lymph nodes on one side or both sides0 – absence of distant metastases
1 – there are distant metastases

For squamous cell carcinoma, the histopathological grade of differentiation (G) is also indicated:

  • Gx – insufficient data to assess histological differentiation;
  • G1 – well-differentiated tumor;
  • G2 – moderately differentiated tumor;
  • G3 – poorly differentiated or undifferentiated tumor.

Features of neoplasms on the genital organs

To prescribe the most effective treatment, papillomas must be distinguished from other neoplasms on the skin of the groin area: enlarged lymph nodes, manifestations of molluscum contagiosum and the herpes virus, abscesses in the infiltration stage, tumors and inguinal hernias. Only a specialist can accurately determine the nature of neoplasms on the genital organs. Any papillomas are a source of secondary self-infection: the virus can grow locally and spread throughout the body, causing the appearance of new formations on the skin and mucous membranes.


AllergistAnesthesiologist-resuscitatorVenereologistGastroenterologistHematologistGeneticGynecologistHomeopathDermatologistPediatric gynecologistPediatric neurologistPediatric urologistPediatric surgeonPediatric endocrinologistNutrologistImmunologistInfectious disease specialistCardiologistCosmetologistSpeech therapistElorologistMammologistMedical lawyerNarcologistNeurologistNeurosurgeon NephrologistNutriciologistOncologistOncourologistOrthopedist-traumatologistOphthalmologistPediatricianPlastic surgeonProctologistPsychiatristPsychologistPulmonologistRheumatologistRadiologistSexologist-AndrologistDentistTherapistTrichologistUrologistPharmacistPhytotherapistPhlebologistSurgeonEndocrinologist

Treatment of neoplasms

Treatment is carried out after a medical examination and consultation. If necessary, a biopsy and cytological analysis of their tissues is performed. The main principle of modern treatment of HPV infection is drug immunological therapy in combination with surgery performed by a urological surgeon. Thus, the effect on the virus in the body is not only through immunotherapy, but also through the method of physical damage to papillomas cells by radio wave evaporation during surgery. If there are signs of degeneration of the neoplasm, part of the papilloma tissue must be sent for histology to ensure the absence of oncogenic cells.

To remove papillomas on the penis, innovative surgical techniques are used (including removal using ultrasound or radio-knife). They provide rapid healing, do not cause tissue destruction, and are characterized by the absence of scars and purulent complications after surgery. The advantages of this treatment:

  • high efficiency;
  • painlessness;
  • rapid tissue healing;
  • bloodless operation;
  • absence of stitches and scab (rough burn surface).


Chemotherapy for penile cancer is used before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor, after surgery to prevent relapse, and in case of metastatic cancer. The drugs used are: capecitabine, mitomycin C, ifosfamide, paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin. Usually a combination of 2-3 drugs is used. Treatment is carried out in cycles: after each administration of the drug there is a break of several days. Cycles can last 3–4 weeks, the general course of treatment includes several cycles.

Find out the exact cost of treatment

About a penis with ears and other methods.

At the age of twelve I discovered the wonderful world of sex called Elena. She was thirteen, soon to be fourteen. She knew the theory and wanted to test it for herself. Since then, when I hear the words “cognitive dissonance,” I remember her blue eyes. She said incredible things. For example, the male pussy is so magically designed not only to draw patterns in the snow. I was shocked.

For three days I cowardly avoided. I had other life guidelines. She whispered exciting stories from the life of Cleopatra. On the fourth day, she asked directly whether I was her friend or what. So, saving a friend, I stepped onto the slippery path of intimate relationships.

The television of my childhood taught how to lie to Muller when meeting, and did not illuminate the mechanics of the vice in any way. And we felt the urge to get bogged down. The Kama Sutra has not yet been translated into Russian. And we didn’t know these three hundred incredibly comfortable poses, a gift from Indian gymnasts to Soviet pioneers. So we lay down on our side, covered ourselves with a blanket and got started.

Further it is unclear. She closed her eyes and smiled. She seemed to feel normal right away. But my one-eyed snake has not yet penetrated the hut of shy irises. As far as I knew him, he would not have been able to find his way without me. But I myself didn’t recognize anything about Lena, just by touch. In those distant years, I had difficulty understanding unlit women. What seemed like one thing under the blanket could be a knee in the light. Then she said again that it was a thrill. I thought “oh well.” I liked Lena as a person.

For a long time I believed that color, size and elasticity are not important, but our masculine charm is important. With this belief, I left big sex for eight long years. Then they took me away to guard my homeland.

In the barracks, educational debates take place at night. The topics are: 1. Which nationality women have the smallest things. 2. Where to press on a woman if she tries to bite off your cock. 3. How to disinfect an economy class prostitute using improvised means. 4. Ten ways to persuade a flight attendant married to the first pilot to give a blowjob. 5. How to make her jump on the wall with one wave of her tongue. 6. More ways to make her jump on the wall

As I understand it, the main thing in sex is for her to jump. By jumping, a woman makes it clear how much she likes you. They don't know any other way to say thank you. So goes the military theory of sex. If the wall remains unjumped, it’s a fiasco. (That’s when I realized Lena was lying to me!)

And although I didn’t ask, they told me a couple of surefire ways. I’ll retell part of it in case it’s useful to someone.

1. The first method is dangerous. Take a knife in your right hand and a dick in your left. (Sorry, I ran out of synonyms). Cut what's in the left into four slices and don't let it grow together for a month. When erected, the tip will become three times larger and will look like a rose. This is both beautiful and unusual. And a great reason to say thank you while jumping. But you need to know when to stop. Sergeant Stepanov said that he cut one chuchmek into twelve slices, and then his misfortune did not fit into an enamel mug. We laughed. 2. Implantation of horsehair into the penis. Catch a live horse and tear out its hair. Wrap your pin. In a month, the hair will take root and it will be possible to cut it beautifully. Nothing can erase such a shaggy device from a woman’s memory. After meeting with him, the woman prepares breakfast herself and hurries back to bed. Shouts “more” and “hurry”! And of course, the entire wall is covered in traces of her jumps. 3. Sanya from Voronezh said, it’s better to carve a special ring for the penis, thread it with fishing line and it will be no worse. The main thing is not to lose the ring of omnipotence there in the cave. Otherwise it will turn out like with Gollum. Sanya assured that women also jump from the ring very well. We noticed that Sanya avoided suffering for love. He was looking for easy ways. His defeatist approach made us smile bitterly. Some men are incredibly selfish and are not ready to sacrifice anything for a woman's happiness. Because of people like Sanya, women think God knows what about us. 4. The best way, of course, is a dick with ears. Catch a mouse, take its ears and insert them into the slits on the penis. The slots should be prepared in advance using a screwdriver. You can't use a scalpel. A scalpel causes the ears to heal poorly and may even fall off at the moment of greatest passion. The men assured me that mouse ears were not rejected. They do not rot or deteriorate. And most importantly, women are completely powerless against such a pretty face. They may even kiss you when they go their separate ways. And they just don’t come off the walls, you guessed it. They really like everything small and velvety.

Dear girls. If you tell me ways to seduce men, I will be extremely grateful to you. I even love many of them. Yours forever Glory Se.

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Stupid pranks of men

The less we love a woman

the easier it is for her to like us.

Nobody listens to smart thoughts. Despite Pushkin’s brilliant statement in the epigraph, men do the vast majority of their deeds and affairs because of women. Of course, I mean men, and not... well, you understand what I mean. Just as women can be conditionally divided into two categories - “what a terrible fool” and “what a lovely fool”, so men do “disgusting nonsense” and “stupid pranks” because of women.

How to get rid of acne on penis

If the rash or individual pimples are white or light in color, not inflamed and less than 2 mm in diameter, and the thought of unprotected sexual intercourse is excluded, then, having discovered them, attention should be paid to careful hygiene. You can refuse sexual contact for a while, change your underwear in a timely manner, and use chamomile infusion for rinsing.

There are special pharmaceutical products for these purposes - they should be used, for example, calendula-based ointment, which is applied to sores.

How to get rid of white pimples on the penis: folk recipes:

  • Fresh celandine juice, which is added to the water before taking a bath, is good for acne. This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, but it cannot be used for ulcers, skin lesions, and acute forms of dermatological diseases.
  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice is used for small pustules. They wipe the affected areas several times a day.
  • Marigold and sage flowers taken in equal proportions are infused in boiling water for half an hour and used for rinsing. Carry out the procedure, preferably 5-6 times a day.
  • Compresses made from the leaves of agave, plantain and Kalanchoe can be used for infectious rashes. This is an effective, bactericidal agent against staphylococcus, streptococcus and other bacteria.
  • A special compress of mashed boiled potatoes, buckwheat honey, fresh yolk and medium-fat cream should be kept on the area with acne for about 15 minutes. After this, simply rinse with water at room temperature. This composition helps to quickly dry out the ulcers and reduce inflammation.
  • An infusion of fresh coltsfoot leaves helps against white comedones. Treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  • Inflamed pimples are also treated with decoctions of birch leaves, yarrow, and catnip. Itching and irritation are soothed by tea tree and lavender esters.

Medications for treating pimples on the genitals:

  • it is possible to remove comedones and papules with the help of pharmaceutical preparations; ordinary iodine tincture is quite effective; you just need to burn the pimple with it for 2-3 minutes;
  • Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment are suitable for compresses; they are applied in the evening to a clean and dried penis, secured and left until the morning;
  • If you treat the affected areas with peroxide, Spasatel, Levomekol or Zenerit ointment several times every day, you can quickly get rid of the rash.

If the disease is infectious, drugs that are active against specific pathogens are used:

  • for folliculitis, when the cause is inflammation of the hair follicle, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are used in the form of external creams and gels;
  • genital warts caused by the papilloma virus require the use of immunomodulators, such as Condilox, Aldara, sometimes cryodestruction and laser treatment are used;
  • herpes is treated with Acyclovir or Zovirax (ointments, tablets);
  • when the cause is an allergy, a special diet is prescribed, antihistamines are prescribed - Clarotodine, external agents Gioksizon, Fenistil.

All these drugs must be approved by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition and the degree of damage.

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