Girl with a flower
Causes of boils in the intimate area in men and women - treatment with folk remedies and medicines
No one is immune from the appearance of boils. They can appear on any part of the body. Not
What problems does salicylic facial lotion combat and which ones are the best?
I bought SaliZink salicylic lotion with zinc and sulfur at the end of that year.
We erase wrinkles from the face with nicotinic acid
TOP 15 homemade masks with nicotinic acid for the face
Nicotinic acid is a truly wonderful product for the beauty of your skin, which is very easy to use.
Oven baked onions - a simple recipe
The benefits of baked onions for drawing out pus: how to use
Home Vegetables Oven-baked onions are a super simple side dish with flavor,
Treatment of Furuncle (boil), carbuncle
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops due to exposure
Breast lipoma: what is it?
Lipoma localized on the shoulder: features and methods of elimination
Breast lipoma is a mobile seal in the capsule, which mainly consists of adipose tissue.
Consequences of laser hair removal: is there a health hazard?
From this article you will learn: What is laser hair removal Stages and number of laser sessions
Nervous rash - localization
Nervous rash in adults and children: photos and treatment
Itching of the skin is a certain need to scratch the skin. The need to constantly scratch the skin may
Dermatomycosis: types, photos and principles of treatment
Causes of dermatomycosis Speaking about the etiology of the disease, it is important to take into account that the pathogens are the most
Lever's bullous pemphigoid
Pemphigus in children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Types of pemphigus People distinguish between true pemphigus (pemphigus) and other blisters on the skin. True
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