Human papillomavirus in men: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

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Condylomas (genital warts) are a type of viral wart, which is a papillary growth on the skin or mucous membrane. Genital warts in men are localized in the intimate area and often go unnoticed. The height above the skin is 0.2 cm, externally they have a flesh-colored or grayish color. Benign formations of small size, which are found on the penis, scrotum and around the anus.

Treatment of condylomas in men should begin immediately after detection. We invite you to make an appointment with urologists. We guarantee complete confidentiality. Doctors specialize in the treatment of viral infections of the intimate areas. KDS Clinic performs removal of condylomas in men using the Surgitron device.

Symptoms of condylomas

Single neoplasms are difficult to detect and there is no pain syndrome. Condylomas do not bother the patient and do not affect the quality of sexual life. Formations are detected by touch or upon examination.

Papillomas in the urethra in men, around the head of the penis, around the anus and on the scrotum are common places for growths to occur. HPV is found in warm, moist places, so the folds of the genitals and anus are likely places where growths are found.

If the disease is not treated, it will progress, eventually the papillomas will grow together, protrude more above the surface of the skin, and the appearance will resemble cauliflower.

Fused papillomas affect a large area on the genitals, and then the symptoms of the disease become obvious:

  1. Pain during sexual intercourse. Growths on the head of the penis interfere with penetration and cause discomfort to partners.
  2. Itching, redness of the affected area, irritation. During friction, the growths become injured, bleed and itch.
  3. Difficulty urinating. Those papillomas that have grown in the urethra will interfere with normal urination.

If a man develops condylomas on the head of the penis, this is the first sign that the human papillomavirus (HPV) has entered the body.

You can get infected in several ways:

  • sexual intercourse – this includes vaginal, oral or anal intercourse. When healthy mucous membranes come into contact with infected genitals, infection occurs;
  • at home, 20% of those infected caught the virus due to insufficient hand hygiene, sharing personal hygiene items (washcloth, toilet rim, underwear, towels);

The absence of tumors on a man’s genitals does not mean that the person has not become a carrier of the HPV virus. If a person has a strong immune system and leads a healthy lifestyle, the body resists the virus, stopping the progression of the disease.

Decreased immunity often causes growths to appear. There are factors that negatively affect the body's immune system:

  • recurrent colds;
  • hypothermia;
  • unbalanced, meager, monotonous nutrition;
  • regular neuroses, stress, overwork, lack of sleep;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;

Doctors recommend regular examinations to ensure the absence of the virus, and that the man’s sexual partner also be examined.

Reasons for appearance

The table below describes the causes of genital papilloma in men:


Sexual route:Papillomaviruses enter the body through microcracks in the skin or mucous membranes during sexual contact with an infected partner. If a man’s immunity is weakened, neoplasms will appear 1-3 months after sexual intercourse. Barrier contraception reduces the risk of infection, but does not eliminate it 100%.
Household way: Viral agents can remain active for some time while outside the human body. Infection can occur through clothing and hygiene items. There is a risk of transmitting the virus if a sick person and a healthy person use the same bath towel or washcloth. If papillomatosis is detected in one of your family members, precautions must be taken.
From mother to child: During childbirth, the baby can become infected from an infected mother. To eliminate this possibility, a woman diagnosed with HPV is recommended to give birth by cesarean section.

Preparing for treatment

Before starting treatment for papilloma, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the man’s groin under magnification, makes a diagnosis, and studies tests.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis:

  1. Oral interview with a venereologist, taking an anamnesis.
  2. If the head of the penis, urethra or urethra is affected, consultation with a urologist is indicated.
  3. You need to be tested for HPV using the PCR method (scraping from the genitals), for AIDS, HIV and syphilis.
  4. Examination of the anus by a proctologist.
  5. Getting tested for STDs.

After all the tests are ready, the doctor will select the appropriate method for treating and removing papillomas for the man. Tumors can be removed only if the man does not have infectious or viral diseases in the acute stage.


Which doctor should I contact : a urologist, dermatovenerologist.

Papillomas are easily identified by their appearance, but to distinguish them, for example, from pearly papules around the head, a magnifying device is used - a dermatoscope. The doctor scrapes the epithelium of the genitourinary organs to determine the type of virus using PCR. It is also important to determine the concentration of the virus in the blood and perform an immunogram. If the concentration is low, then treatment is not carried out.

An immunogram is a blood test that allows you to assess the degree of decrease in the activity of the immune system. This is important for prescribing the correct treatment. The analysis reveals the number of immune complexes and immunoglobulins, and the composition of lymphocytes. Based on the volume of these blood components, you can determine the quality of immunity and select a drug to activate the missing link.

Indicators of a normal immunogram

Analysis is not cheap. At Helix it will cost 7,080 rubles. However, without it, the doctor should not prescribe immunostimulants, for example, Polyoxidonium. This group of drugs can provoke serious negative consequences in the form of an autoimmune reaction - if the immune system is not properly stimulated, it will begin to attack its own cells. Another side effect: if there is a cancerous tumor in the body, its growth will increase.

Treatment of papilloma virus in men

If a man has condylomas on the head of the penis, treatment is carried out in two directions:

  1. Remove growths.
  2. Conduct shock antiviral therapy.

None of them have any advantages, since the doctor prescribes treatment based on their examination data and the tests obtained. Often these treatments are complementary to each other.

Drug therapy complements the process of removing papillomas in men. With its help, the immune system is strengthened to avoid relapse, since removal of papillomas again brings the patient to the doctor with the same symptoms of the disease in 30% of cases.

The patient is prescribed immunostimulants: polyoxidonium, immunal, cycloferon, etc. These drugs are prescribed only by a therapist or urologist.

Removal methods

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There are several ways to get rid of emerging tumors:

  1. Laser removal. The papilloma is exposed to a laser beam, which completely burns out the growth. A crust forms at this site and falls off after a few weeks. The method is considered effective due to the absence of relapses. Removal is performed under anesthesia. In this case, there is no bleeding, no scars or scars are left.
  2. Cryodestruction. Papillomas are exposed to liquid nitrogen. It instantly freezes the desired area, the neoplasm on it is destroyed and dies. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to control the depth of cryodestruction. A crust also remains at the site of the removed papilloma, disappearing after some time.
  3. Radiosurgery. The principle of operation of this method is similar to laser removal. Radio waves do not leave scars, and the procedure is preceded by preliminary anesthesia using a special spray. Afterwards there are no complications, and the body recovers quickly.
  4. Electrocoagulation. The growth is exposed to an electric current, due to which the stalk is eliminated, after which the papilloma disappears. If necessary, superficial anesthesia may be used. The procedure takes a few minutes, is widespread and affordable. But this method can leave scars after healing.
  5. Surgical intervention. It is used in rare cases when the tumor becomes too large. It is done under anesthesia and is characterized by long healing and traumatization. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to preserve the removed growth for histological examination.

The price of each method depends on the complexity of the work, the size and number of papillomas to be removed. Approximate cost of procedures for removing one growth:

  • Surgical method - 1500 rubles;
  • Cryodestruction - 600 rubles;
  • Laser method - 1000 rubles;
  • Electrocoagulation – 500 rubles;
  • Radiosurgery - 2000 rubles.

Before choosing any method, consult your doctor. He will tell you what is best to use in your situation and tell you in detail how the procedure is carried out. Also, after removing the tumor, it is advisable to take the material for histology. This is necessary in order to determine whether the process of degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant ones has begun. This method will help detect early cell changes and prevent the spread of cancer.


If papillomas appear on the head of a man’s penis, then curing them will not be easy, and the removal procedure will be painful.

First of all, doctors recommend that a man avoid promiscuous sex and use barrier contraception.

With early prevention and a negative test for the virus, a healthy man is offered vaccination against HPV. If the virus is detected, but papillomas have not yet had time to manifest themselves, it is advised to strengthen the immune system in order to avoid their growth.

There are several ways to strengthen your immune system:

  1. Improve your diet, add a vitamin-mineral complex or foods enriched with beneficial microelements and substances.
  2. Exercise.

In winter and in the off-season, immunologists advise strengthening the immune system with vitamin complexes and antiviral drugs.


The main measures to prevent HPV infection are a monogamous relationship with a trusted partner and maintaining personal hygiene when visiting public places. Young people from 9 to 26 years old can get a vaccine that protects only against oncogenic types of the virus - Gardasil-4. The degree of protection is 97%. These vaccinations are most effective between the ages of 10 and 14 years. If the virus is already present, then vaccination is pointless. It should be noted that the drug provokes blood thickening, therefore it is contraindicated in persons with coagulation disorders and a tendency to thromboembolism.

An important protective measure is to strengthen the immune system, but not with drugs, but with a healthy lifestyle. Folk remedies to help: tincture of echinacea, ginseng, bee products.


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