Pseudoscabies or pseudosarcoptosis: don’t relax!

Pseudoscabies (or false scabies) is defined in medicine by the term pseudosarcoptosis. This is a cutaneous parasitic dermatosis, the development of which is provoked by small mites of the genus Sarcoptes scabiei species S. s. canis, S. s. suis, S. s. bubulus, S. s. equi, S. s. dromedarii and others that actively colonize the skin of animals (rats, dogs, rabbits, pigs, cats, horses, goats and sheep, cows, buffaloes, camels) and birds (chickens, turkeys, pigeons). Today we will talk about the causes of such “pseudo” scabies in humans, its signs, symptoms and alternative treatment for pseudosarcoptosis.

Features of the disease

Features characteristic of the clinical development of the pathology.

  1. No hidden incubation period.
  2. The causative agents of pseudosarcoptosis can only be mite larvae, and not females, as in other forms of scabies.
  3. The larvae of scabies do not gnaw passages under the stratum corneum, as with other types of scabies, but only bite, leaving a microscopic lacerated wound.
  4. There is intense itching caused by toxins in the saliva of the larvae.
  5. The lesion mainly affects not the bends of the joints and keratinized areas, but open areas that come into contact with the skin and hair of animals.
  6. Pseudoscabies is not transmitted through larvae from an infected person to a healthy person. Pseudosarcoptosis develops only when tick larvae are transmitted from an animal. This happens when caring for pets, cattle, while hunting moose, wolves, deer, foxes and hares. But most often people (especially children) become infected from dogs.
  7. Self-healing is possible when the cause of the disease, the tick, is eliminated.

Pseudosarcoptosis (pseudoscabies) in humans (photo)

Scheme for local treatment of demodicosis of eyelids and eyelashes

The course of therapy for this disease is long (1-3 months, sometimes longer, it all depends on the patient’s susceptibility to treatment). In this case, several stages are noted, at each of which different drugs are used.

Zinc-ichthyol ointment

Treatment of demodex begins at the initial stage of development of the disease. The drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, the product disinfects, has an astringent effect, and also dries out wet spots.

Eye drops with pilocarpine

Eyelash mites are eliminated thanks to this drug. The active ingredient is pilocarpine hydrochloride. The drug belongs to the group of cholinomimetics. Main properties: reduction of intraocular pressure, spasm of accommodation. The drug is recommended for microcirculation, nerve damage, abscesses.

Pilocarpine drops.

Eye drops Blepharogel

To get rid of eye demodex, treatment begins with the use of this drug. Blepharogel effectively eliminates the symptoms and cause of inflammation. It is used to treat eyelash mites, as well as other diseases, but it is also used for prevention purposes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis of the eyelids with the addition of diphenhydramine and zinc sulfate)

Drops Natural Tear, Hyphenate

The first of the drugs is used to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is important if eyelash mites contribute to dryness. Hyphenosis is characterized by a similar effect. The drug provides protection of the mucous membrane from irritation due to disruption of the production of tear secretion

Magnetotherapy, Darsonval device (electric current therapy)

The main functions of the Darsonval device for developing demodicosis in humans:

  • improvement of skin condition;
  • skin regeneration (starting this process);
  • helps reduce swelling;
  • helps get rid of acne.

The operating principle is based on the impact of high-frequency pulsed current on soft tissue. Magnetic therapy provides slightly different results. At the same time, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized. The method helps relieve signs of inflammation and alleviates discomfort when demodex is activated on the eyelashes.

Darsonval device

Gel Stop Demodex with metronidazole for eyelash mites

In addition to the antimicrobial substance, the composition includes chamomile extract, which provides a calming effect. Additionally, peppermint extract is used; this component helps reduce the intensity of painful sensations.

Antibiotic drops (Levomycin, Tetracycline, Tobrex) - according to a doctor’s prescription

Antibacterial drugs are often prescribed due to secondary infection. Effective remedies:

  • Levomycetin (drops, tablets) – acts locally and systemically, which depends on the form of the drug; the active component is chloramphenicol;
  • Tetracycline (ointment, tablets) – contains the active ingredient of the same name;
  • Tobrex (drops): the active component is tobramycin, it is an antibiotic, has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, which ensures the high effectiveness of the product.

Antibiotic drops Levomitsin


After completing the course of therapy, you need to make sure that demodex on the eyelashes is no longer active. To do this, you need to contact your doctor again in order to receive a referral for analysis of biomaterial collected from the affected areas of the skin.

Stages of pseudosarcoptosis

Since the incubation stage for pseudoscabies is practically absent, the initial manifestations in the form of itching are observed immediately after the bite or in the interval from 5–10 minutes to 2–5 hours, very rarely – 2 days. This depends on the degree of the body’s reaction to the painful stimulus and allergen (larval saliva).

An itching larva that gets on human skin bites off a piece of skin, causing inflammation and redness in response with the further formation of a papule. We will talk about the causes of infection (appearance) of such scabies-pseudosarcoptosis below.

This video will tell you about the stages and symptoms of different types of scabies, including pseudosarcoptosis:

What is sarcoptic mange

The causative agents of sarcoptic mange are mites Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis or scabies. These are small arthropods measuring 0.2 - 0.5 mm in size that live and reproduce in the thickness of the epidermis. Parasites feed on lymph and skin particles, gnawing out tunnels with ventilation outlets to the surface with their mouth appendages.

The biological cycle of Sarcoptes canis lasts from 15 to 19 days and goes through 5 stages of development: egg, larva, protonymph, teleonymph, imago.

Sexually mature females live 1.5 months. Moving through the tunnel, they lay 2–6 eggs at a time, up to 60 throughout the entire period. Males live in the epidermis for up to 1 month, and die after mating.

On the surface of the skin, Sarcoptes canis moves at a speed of 3 cm/min, in the epidermis - 2.5 mm per day. Over the course of its entire life, the itch gnaws a canal about 6 cm long.

In the external environment, the scabies mite lives for 6 days, at a favorable temperature of 10 - 15℃ and high humidity - up to 3 weeks. The eggs remain viable for up to a month. At temperatures below 0℃ and above 21℃, parasites quickly die. The video shows a magnified scabies mite.

Dogs often suffer from scabies, regardless of season, gender, age and breed. Animals are affected only by teleonymphs and sexually mature females. The source of infection is sick dogs and common care items - bedding, combs, towels. It is less common to catch a tick in a room where an infected dog has been.


The main causative factor can be called unprotected skin during constant touching of the skin and fur of tick-infected animals during cleaning, feeding, dressage and insufficient hygiene after contact with them.

The primary source of infection is only a domestic or wild animal, on which the itches parasitize, multiplying, eating the scabies passages under the skin and causing severe foci of inflammation in the form of redness and rashes.

In the case of false scabies, the larvae penetrate into the hair follicles on the open arms and legs of a person and under the horny scales, where their partial metamorphosis occurs. The larvae do not reach maturity, are not able to stay on the skin for a long time and therefore die quickly. They also cannot gnaw passages or reproduce like females, but they do bite off pieces from human skin. Ragged round wounds are extremely painful, take a long time to heal and cause severe irritation in the form of itching and inflammation around the bite.

Pseudo-scabies is especially often observed in livestock breeders, grooms, cowboys, acquiring the characteristics of an occupational disease, as well as in children who spend a long time on farms, ranches, and nature reserves.

Next, we will look at the symptoms of pruritic scabies.

Symptoms and treatment of hyperkinetic dyskinesia

Signs of hyperkinetic dyskinesia are sudden attacks of colic in the right side, lasting no more than 20 minutes. The hyperkinetic form of the disease is also characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • thinness;
  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia;
  • fatigue.

Treatment of dyskinesia in adults is necessary depending on the type of disease - hyper- or hypodyskinesia. For hypertonicity of the gallbladder, drugs that reduce it are used - antispasmodics (Drotaverine, No-Shpa, Papaverine), as well as sedatives and restoratives. Nifedipine is used to reduce muscle tone and the sphincter of Oddi (responsible for the release of bile).

The consumption of fats and irritating foods is limited. Choleretic and bile production stimulating agents are not used for hypertonicity.

Treatment of hyperkinetic type JVP in children involves taking drugs that strengthen the nervous system and reduce excitability, as well as to relieve pain and spasms. The dosage of drugs for children is less than for adults, it is determined by the doctor. Herbal infusions are useful for the nervous system - ginseng, eleutherococcus.


There are no scabies in pseudosarcoptosis. The main symptoms of false scabies are:

  1. Severe itching that begins not in the evening, as happens with ordinary scabies, but immediately after a person is bitten by a mite larva.
  2. Rapid manifestation at the site of the bite of papules (bubbles), vesicles (nodules), large hyperemic blisters, crusts with a bloody surface in places of scratching. The size of single rashes is usually larger than with typical scabies.
  3. All skin manifestations are concentrated, as a rule, in areas that have touched the fur or skin of animals (or bird feathers).
  4. A noticeable degree of inflammation at the site of the bite, which is the body’s immune reaction to the secretions of the glands of tick larvae, their saliva (allergens) and to painful damage.

If the crusts in the areas of scratching are covered with purulent contents, this means that microbes have penetrated into the areas of damage.


If you ignore the signs of pseudosarcoptosis, the following are possible:

  • infection in open areas of scratching and biting with the development of pyoderma (a common purulent skin disease);
  • transition from scabies to eczema;
  • the development of intense allergic reactions, both local - at the bite site (swelling, itching, pain), and general, up to suffocation in people with high sensitivity to insect toxins (extremely dangerous for children).


The severity of clinical symptoms in pseudosarcoptosis does not depend on the type of scabies that has migrated from an animal to a person. An accurate determination of the type of parasite is required in order not to confuse pseudoscabies with other skin pathologies and to determine the pathogen if a person communicates with several types of domestic animals.

In medicine, diagnoses indicating a specific carrier are common - cat scabies, pig scabies.

When determining the diagnosis, they rely on:

  • external manifestations, complaints of severe itching;
  • the fact of an outbreak of pseudoscabies in a certain area (epidemiological criterion);
  • results of examination of potentially infected persons with similar symptoms located in the epicenter of the epidemic;
  • manifestation of a group nature of itching and rashes in all persons who work or live in a certain place;
  • laboratory tests.

Since with pseudoscabies the larvae do not gnaw passages, scabies “traces” under the skin cannot be detected using the iodine staining method, as is done with a typical pathology. Usually they use a method of extracting the larva with a needle from the bite site or taking a scraping of the epidermis for further examination under a microscope. The diagnosis of pseudosarcoptosis is confirmed if a mite larva is found in the material, but no eggs, nymphs, females or empty egg shells are found.

Next, we’ll talk to you about how to treat pseudoscabies in humans.

The first signs of scabies: symptoms at an early stage of infection

The development of a typical type of disease, depending on the life cycle of the tick, can be divided into several stages. Each of them has a number of signs and characteristics. The first stages of scabies disease include:

  • Hidden (incubation).
  • Initial.

The incubation period for scabies lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, the female mite digs passages and lays larvae. The duration of the stage depends on the location of introduction, temperature, humidity, level of human hygiene and the age of the pest individual. As a rule, no symptoms of the disease are observed during this period.

Study the stage of development of scabies in the photo, where the mite and its subcutaneous paths are clearly depicted:

At the next stage, the active life of pests begins, which causes the appearance of the first symptoms. The main signs of scabies in humans, which occur first:

  • Rash.
  • Itching.
  • Mite passages in the epidermis.

The primary rash manifests itself as small erythematous papules, which can be scattered or multiple, confluent. Over time, papules can transform into a vesicular (vesicles), rarely bullous (pemphigoid) rash.

The severity of the rash is caused by an allergic reaction to waste products of the scabies mite. The first lesions appear in areas of the thinnest and most delicate skin.

Due to the fact that itchy skin can be caused not only by scabies, in this case, at the first symptoms and any manifestations described above, you need to consult a doctor and get tested for scabies, thereby making sure of its presence or absence.

When examined at the initial stage of scabies infection, scabies tracts are revealed, which are thin winding whitish-gray lines, slightly rising above the surface of the skin, located in the abdomen, interdigital folds, in the area of ​​the elbow joints, on the sides of the torso, thighs, buttocks; in women - on the mammary glands, in men - on the genitals.

If you find such a picture in yourself or your loved ones, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Signs of incognito scabies are:

  • Mild nocturnal skin itching.
  • Single scabies.
  • Nodules in the hair follicles.
  • Single red dots in the navel or chest area.
  • Barely noticeable dermatitis on the hands.

Treatment of pseudoscabies

If pseudosarcoptosis is not complicated by infection due to the introduction of streptococci and staphylococci into scratching areas, the disease subsides on its own. In case of severe spread of papular-vesicular rashes and particularly severe itching, use remedies usually used for scabies.

Preparations and methods

Antiscabiosis agents:

  1. Water-soap emulsion 20% (for children - 10%), which is applied to the scratching areas 4 times a day until there is an obvious absence of new bites and the symptoms subside.
  2. Benzyl benzoate in the form of ointment (20, 25%), emulsion (20%, for children - 10%). Skin treatment is carried out once, leaving the drug for 12 hours to eliminate all larvae.
  3. Aerosol Spregal, approved for children and pregnant women. In the case of pseudo-scabies, a single treatment is sufficient (to be guaranteed, twice) without rinsing for 12 hours.
  4. Permethrin (Medifox), Lindana preparations (recommended by parasitologists for infants) in the form of 1% lotion, 1 - 2% ointment, cream, shampoo, powder. Use once, leaving for 6 hours.

Agents that reduce inflammation and allergic components:

  • ointments Videstim, Fenistil-gel, Akriderm, Losterin;
  • if itching is severe, use antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs - Suprastin, Erius, Zodak, Tavegil.

Antibacterial medications - antibiotics in tablets (macrolide group) or ointments are used if pathogens have penetrated into the bite sites, and ulcers or crusts covered with pus appear on the damaged areas.

Traditional methods

Therapeutic recipes for home medicine, except for soap baths, are used only in adults in order to avoid unexpected allergy reactions in children.
But adult patients with a history of allergies should be extremely careful. Homemade recipes for getting rid of tick larvae:

  • soap baths 2 times a day for 5 – 10 minutes;
  • birch tar for applying a thin layer on combs (after 3 hours, wash off with warm water).
  • a mixture of sulfur in powder (1 part) and interior fat (4 parts) for lubricating rashes twice a day with itching twice a day.

Use anti-scab soap from a mixture of onion (1 piece), garlic (head) and laundry soap (1 bar). A bar of store-bought soap is rubbed and mixed with warm water, bringing it over the fire until the sour cream is smooth and thick. Grated onion and garlic are added to the mixture. When the mass has cooled, roll into balls, which are used as soap until the symptoms disappear completely.

Drugs for the treatment of adults purchased at a pharmacy

If demodicosis develops on the face of a woman, man or child, consider products for external use in the form of lotions, creams, ointments and gels.

Ichthyol ointment

When studying the question of how to treat demodicosis, this drug is one of the first to be considered. The active substance in the composition is ichthyol. Main properties:

  • pain reliever (acts locally);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • keratoplasty.

Ichthyol ointment

Permethrin ointment

If the subcutaneous mite is activated, the symptoms are eliminated with this drug; it contains an insecticide of the pyrethroid class. It is recommended to use it for scabies. However, treatment is also carried out for subcutaneous mites. The product is universal and can be prescribed by a doctor to children from 2 months of age.

Permethrin ointment

Sulfuric ointment

This is a highly concentrated preparation that will contain 33% of precipitated sulfur. Main properties: antimicrobial, antiparasitic. With the help of such a remedy you can be treated for scabies and various skin diseases (infectious).

The drug has antiseptic properties

Yam - healing ointment

If you are studying the question of how to cure demodicosis, you can use this drug. It contains birch tar, gum turpentine, sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc oxide. The product is positioned as a fungicidal-acaricidal ointment. You can purchase it at a veterinary pharmacy.

Antitoxic agent

Benzyl benzoate

The parasitic disease is treated with this drug, and quite successfully. The product contains the active component of the same name. For the treatment of subcutaneous mites in children, it is prescribed from 3 years of age.

The first assistant in the fight against the parasite

Gel Delex-acne

The product is used for acne and pimples; mites are destroyed due to the presence of sulfur and plant extracts in the composition. If a facial parasite has embedded itself in the skin, we can get rid of it with this drug due to its universal action. Basic properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • absorbable;
  • antibacterial;
  • drying.

Gel Delex-acne


When demodex appears, facial skin treatment is carried out with this product due to the composition: chamomile extract, olive oil, native glycans. This is a cosmetic cream and therefore should be used as an adjunct to therapy. It is designed to remove demodex.

Gel Demalan


Preventive measures required to comply:

  1. Avoid close contact with wild and stray animals
    . After contact, a thorough examination of exposed skin, washing with antibacterial soap, and changing underwear and clothing are necessary.
  2. Isolate an animal infected with scabies
    for treatment by a veterinarian and prevent re-infection with mite larvae.
  3. Regular veterinary examinations of pets
    , racehorses, and livestock to identify scabies mites.
  4. Treatment of premises
    and equipment with insecticidal agents such as Butox, Neostomazan.

Treatment of scabies - effective drugs

If you suspect scabies, you must contact a dermatologist - only a doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe an effective course of treatment. Home treatment for scabies without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.

In case of allergies, the use of antiparasitic drugs is fraught with aggravation of the allergic reaction. Insufficient self-treatment of scabies can lead to a relapse: after some time, the rash and itching will reappear.

Treatment of scabies is carried out at home with remedies prescribed by a dermatologist. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease.

Popular anti-scabies drugs:

  • Sulfur ointment is practically not used due to the pungent odor and the need to apply to the skin for at least 5-7 days. Mazb is poorly absorbed and leaves greasy stains on linen (it contains Vaseline).
  • Benzyl benzoate is a white emulsion without a strong odor. For children, the recommended concentration is 10%, for adults - 20%. This is the cheapest remedy for scabies. The treatment is repeated after 4 days in the evenings, always after washing. The emulsion is rubbed into the entire body (50 ml is enough for 1 time), the drug is well absorbed. Benziobenzoate does not affect tick larvae, so re-treatment is required. You can shower 10-12 hours after the procedure.
  • Permethrin is a more expensive product but is highly effective. Another advantage of this product is the variety of release forms: spray, ointment, lotion. To treat scabies, 5% permethrin is used (not to be confused with less concentrated products for the treatment of lice). Be sure to read the instructions before use!
  • Spregal is the most expensive treatment option for scabies mites. The French preparation is odorless and does not leave marks on clothes. The can is enough for 3 treatments. You can't inhale! According to the instructions, Spregal also destroys tick larvae, however, to avoid relapse, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 3 days.
  • The Demyanovich method is used in the treatment of socially disadvantaged patients in skin and venereal disease clinics or dermatology departments. Treatment with a mixture of hydrochloric acid and sodium hyposulfate lasts more than 1 hour.

The prevailing opinion that clean people do not get scabies is fundamentally wrong. Frequent washing may only reduce the number of mites on the skin, but will not remove all of them.

Rules for treating scabies

When treating scabies, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. Treat all sick people in the family at the same time.
  2. Disinfection - boiling the laundry for 5-10 minutes, followed by ironing (you can steam it well with an iron). These measures can be replaced by either hanging the laundry on the balcony or packing it in a plastic bag for 5 days. All linen (from panties to bed linen and coats) and children's toys that come into contact with the patient are processed. Computer keyboards, door handles and other items should be wiped with disinfectants. Clothing and bed linen are changed again at the end of the course of treatment.
  3. Treatment with home remedies - a mixture of mustard oil and garlic, pure tar, etc. - is not recommended due to the lack of statistics on the effectiveness of these methods against scabies mites.


To completely cure scabies, strict adherence to the rules for using the antiparasitic agent is necessary. Relapse after treatment prescribed by a dermatologist is completely excluded. Re-infection is possible only if disinfection rules are not followed.

In the absence of timely treatment of scabies mites in children, glomerulonephritis and rheumatic heart pathology often develop against the background of streptococcal pyoderma.

Poor prognosis for Norwegian scabies. Its treatment rarely brings results; cases of death are often recorded due to large-scale intoxication of the body and disruption of the heart.

Prevention of scabies

To prevent the spread of scabies, a list of mandatory rules has been developed:

  • People who have been in contact with the patient are subjected to a single treatment.
  • Patients from the same focus (family, group in kindergarten) are treated simultaneously.
  • The scabies outbreak is quarantined for 7-10 days. Disinfection is required.


After isolation of the carrier animal and uncomplicated pseudoscabies (without infection or acute allergy), the prognosis is favorable.
In such cases, anti-scabiosis (anti-mite) therapy is not necessary - it is enough to take a soap bath and wash thoroughly with a washcloth, followed by treating the bite sites with antiseptics - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide. If itching, hyperemia, inflammation around the bites does not go away for several days or signs of pseudoscabies appear in other places, you should contact a parasitologist, infectious disease specialist or dermatologist to make an accurate diagnosis.

What ointments are used for scabies in humans: sulfuric acid, benzyl benzoate and others

Ointment for scabies "Benzyl benzoate" does not have a pungent odor and is an effective remedy in the fight against the pest. The only caveat in use is a burning sensation in the area of ​​application, but this is not a side effect, but rather indicates its effectiveness. The ointment is in the category of inexpensive medications with antiparasitic effects. Available in various concentrations (10%, 20%). Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age (10%). Regarding the question of which ointment for scabies is the most accessible and effective, doctors almost unanimously say: “Benzyl benzoate.” According to statistics, this is the most commonly prescribed drug against scabies mites.

Sulfur ointment, used for scabies, is also a fairly effective remedy, widely used to treat skin diseases. Completely safe even when applied to the skin of babies. It fights pests well and relieves itching. Main ingredients: sulfur, water and petroleum jelly. This is an inexpensive and effective remedy in the fight against ticks, but the disadvantage of the drug is its smell.

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