Ylang-ylang essential oil: properties and use for face, nails, body and massage, reviews

Ylang-ylang flowers
Dear time of day!

Today we will study the properties and uses of ylang-ylang essential oil, or rather where and what it is used for and how it affects our emotional state.

The history of the use of essential oils goes back to ancient times. Scientists cannot say exactly when exactly people learned to extract valuable aromatic oil from plants. But it is known for sure that at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, aromatic oils were already used in Ancient Egypt. From Egypt and the countries of the East, the love for aromatic compositions gradually spread throughout the world. Oil compositions have been used for centuries to maintain beauty and youth, strengthen physical and emotional well-being.

What is ylang ylang

Ylang-ylang tree
Ylang-ylang oil is known to almost every woman. Its subtle, rich, sweet scent combines notes of jasmine, orchid, and neroli. But with such popularity, few people know when and where it appeared, and from what parts of the plant it is obtained.

In fact, ylang-ylang, or cananga odorata, is an evergreen tree that grows on only a few islands in the world. It can be found on the hot islands of Sumatra, Java, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

The name ylang-ylang itself translates as “flower of flowers.” Such a poetic name could arise from a single glance at the tree - its large bright yellow flowers are collected in large fragrant clusters. For a long time, oil was obtained from the flowers of wild trees. In this way, only a small amount of a valuable product was obtained. However, after the cananga began to be bred on farms, the situation changed. The cultivated tree was more resistant to pests and diseases. As a result, the quantity and quality of the resulting oil has changed for the better.

The flowers of the ylang-ylang tree play a huge role in the culture of different peoples. So, for example, in the Philippines they are used to create beautiful garlands, so beloved by numerous tourists. and in Indonesia, during the wedding ceremony, kananga flowers were scattered on the newlyweds’ bed - it is believed that this gives them strength, helps them relax and increases desire. And in Asia, flowers are used to cleanse the house of negativity and evil spirits.

Medicinal properties

Fragrant tree oil, another name for Ylang-ylang, relieves children from nightmares.

It is also widely used in medicine:

  • It is a sedative for the nervous system,
  • Restores strength, saves from irritability.
  • Returns memory.
  • Treats depression.
  • In combination with other remedies, it treats encephalomyelitis, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
  • Lowers blood pressure, excessive muscle tone.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Relieves cough and runny nose.
  • Helps against infections and mouth ulcers.
  • Eliminates loss of appetite and bloating.
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Indicated in the treatment of boils, carbuncles and even scabies.
  • Normalizes breathing and heart rate.

Composition and beneficial properties of ylang ylang oil

The benefits of ylang-ylang oil are due to its extremely rich composition. It contains vitamins B and E, such acids as benzoic, valeric, and formic.

The oil also contains a lot of useful substances - safrole, nerol, terpineol, phytol, nerolidol, geraniol and others. It is this rich composition that largely explains the numerical therapeutic and bioenergetic properties of the oil.

The scope of application of this product is unusually wide. So, it is used:

  • in cosmetology – improves the appearance, moisturizes and heals the skin, combats dullness and sagging; gives volume to hair and emphasizes its color, strengthens and prevents hair loss; helps care for nails, strengthens them, softens cuticles;
  • to improve emotional state – helps cope with anxiety; increases self-confidence and self-esteem; helps get rid of sleep disturbances; strengthens emotional state, helps overcome depression; regulates mood;
  • as an aphrodisiac – provides strong desire;
  • in everyday life - useful for cleansing the house of negative energy.

From this it becomes clear that ylang-ylang oil is actually a valuable product that can significantly improve a person’s condition.

The disadvantage of the oil is its rich smell. Its excess can cause nausea and headaches. Therefore, it should be used in mixture with other natural oils, such as lemon or mint. Also, the product can cause an allergic reaction, so before use you need to do a test on the crook of your elbow.

Areas of application and effectiveness of use

Wide range of applications of ylang-ylang oil

Thanks to its persistent, refined aroma, and the presence of more than 10 active biological components, including antibacterial ones, the scope of application of this oil allows it to be used for:

  • normalization of emotional and mental state (relieves anxiety, stress, irritation, fatigue, normalizes sleep, increases libido and sensuality);
  • respiratory system (when performing inhalations, lotions, rubbing);
  • normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels (stabilizes blood pressure, alleviates tachycardia, arrhythmia, ischemia);
  • muscles and inflamed joints (eliminates spasms, cramps, pain);
  • all kinds of massage actions;
  • healing of postoperative scars (due to active regeneration and renewal of the cellular layer);
  • enrichment of cosmetic preparations and masks (rejuvenates, tightens, increases elasticity, improves skin turgor, strengthens tan, strengthens and restores nails, hair, regulates sebum secretion, relieves acne, eczema);
  • gynecological diseases, normalization of the menstrual cycle in women, alleviation of menopause;
  • aromatization and disinfection of premises from germs, viruses and unpleasant odors;
  • taking baths, renewing the entire skin, activating blood circulation;
  • relief from epilepsy and diabetes;
  • preparation of long-lasting perfumes and aromatic compositions;
  • antiseptic treatment of skin after insect bites.

How to choose the right ylang ylang essential oil

Today, the difficulty of choosing an essential oil is significantly complicated by the abundance of offers on the market. Of course, you want to buy a quality product. But how to choose from such an abundance?

There are several tips that you can use to buy ylang-idang oil that is actually of high quality:

  • Manufacturer . The oil packaging must contain information about the manufacturing company. You can read information about it - whether it has its own plantations, how the oil is produced. It would be useful to look at the reviews - this will give a certain understanding of whether you should trust this manufacturer;
  • Price . The process of producing ylang-ylang oil is quite labor-intensive and expensive. Therefore, you should not choose cheap oil - it is most likely a synthetic fake that does not have true properties. Focus on a higher price - this way you are more likely to buy a quality product;
  • Package . According to generally accepted standards, any essential oil should be in a dark glass container (not allowing sunlight to pass through). A dispenser is required. And a little trick - manufacturers do not bottle natural essential oil into containers larger than 15 ml;
  • Compound . Be sure to watch it. Manufacturers often sell not a pure product, but an oil mixture. At the same time, it contains only a small amount of ylang-ylang oil, and most of it is the base (coconut, almond oil). Such a product cannot be called bad, but you will not get the desired effect from it.

Even these few simple rules will help you find really high-quality oil.

Production method and varieties

Oil is obtained from amazingly delicate exotic flowers in two ways - by water distillation followed by evaporation or directly by steam distillation.

Depending on the duration of the process, four types of finished product are distinguished:

  • the first fraction is obtained after an hour, its yield is 0.3% - this is the “Extra” grade ;
  • after three hours they receive the first grade ( grade I );
  • second and third grade - after five to eight hours of distillation.

The third grade is suitable only for cheap products and household chemicals, while con is considered the most valuable for perfumery and cosmetology.

When purchasing, pay attention to the grade, because the price of lower quality oil should not be the same as that of the “extra” grade.

The packaging must indicate the Latin name of the plant - Cananga Odorata .

Foreign names of oil: Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (English), Huile essentielle d'Ylang-Ylang (French)

Rules for storing ylang ylang oil

A lot depends on how the oil is stored. You need to follow these rules:

  • Storage temperature – from -5°С to +25°С. Overheating or hypothermia is undesirable - this negatively affects the properties of the product. Oil can be stored both in the refrigerator and indoors;
  • Lack of sunlight. The rays hitting the oil contribute to the breakdown of some of its components. That is why the oil is purged in a darkened container - and it is not recommended to pour it into another;
  • Tightly closed container. Air access promotes oxidation, as a result of which less useful elements may appear in the oil.

To protect from sun rays, a dark glass bottle is ideal.

If you store ylang-ylang oil taking into account such simple requirements, then it will delight you with its valuable properties for a long time.

How to obtain the product

There are certain traditions for obtaining ylang-ylang oil. Flowers are collected only at dawn in summer. Per liter of liquid takes from 50 to 100 kg of flowers. The older the tree, the less oil you can get.

The ether is obtained by steam distillation. After the 1st stage of steam treatment, the highest grade oil is collected. Distillation is continued and an hour later a 1st grade concentrate is obtained. After another 3 hours there is a liquid of the 2nd grade, and after 5-6 hours of exposure to steam the etherol of the lowest grade is 3rd grade.

The highest grade product is included in the most famous and expensive perfumes, for example, Chanel No. 5. Category 3 oil is used as a fragrance for soaps and lotions.

Side effects of essential oil

Side effects from aromatherapy are rare, but still possible. They are associated primarily with overdose and improper use of ether. The use of ylangylang oil may cause severe headaches and nausea in some people. This is due to the fact that the oil helps lower blood pressure. Accordingly, in hypotensive patients and pregnant women, its use will cause a deterioration in well-being.

In people prone to allergies, ylang-ylang can cause excessive lacrimation, nasal congestion, and a sore throat. When applied to the skin (even in diluted form), a rash may appear.


Pay attention to the quality of the product if you want to get good results from its use. The growing popularity of ylang-ylang results in a considerable number of counterfeits of this essential oil appearing on the market. Buy a natural and truly effective drug only from reliable manufacturers.

Be careful: ylang-ylang ester is extremely active

Ylang-ylang ester is very active, especially when in direct contact with the scalp. The product should be used with caution or even completely abandoned in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • under the age of 12;
  • with unstable blood pressure;
  • if you suspect cancer.

Be sure to do a preliminary test to make sure that ylang-ylang does not cause you an allergy. To do this, it is enough to place one drop of ether on the inner bend of your elbow in the evening - if there is no redness on the skin by morning, you can use the oil.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

A distinctive feature of ylang-ylang oil is its ability to affect almost all areas of human life. And it has a special impact on the psycho-emotional state. Many people call this oil the best antidepressant - it can instantly improve your emotional state.

The oil causes a slight pleasant excitement - a person feels an emotional uplift. At the same time, the oil has one important feature - it helps to improve your mood not for a short period of time. The effect, supported by significant changes (for the better) in a person’s self-esteem, has been observed for a long time. That is why aromatherapy using this oil is recommended for prolonged depression.

Another property that can also change the emotional state is the restoration of normal sleep patterns. These two factors are closely related. Without quality sleep, a person feels depressed, and at the same time, it is changes in emotions that can cause insomnia. Ylang-ylang helps to cope with both problems.

How to use ylang ylang oil

Ylang-ylang oil is one of the oldest beauty secrets. It has been used as a cosmetic product for a very long time. And such demand is well deserved. You can use the oil for hair (both restoration and strengthening), face and body skin (moisturizing, nourishing, relieving inflammation), and for nails (growth, strengthening). It will also improve your mood and relieve fatigue.

Let's look at each area of ​​use in more detail.

Ylang ylang oil for face

Ylang-ylang oil is an indispensable product for facial skin. Its advantage is that it is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or skin type.

This product can have an active moisturizing effect, restore proper fat secretion, relieve mild inflammatory processes, tighten pores and eliminate fine wrinkles.

When planning to use ylang-ylang oil for the skin, you need to keep in mind that it cannot be applied in its pure form. It would be correct to add a few drops of the product to a jar of cream or face mask.

If desired, you can make a special oil mixture. To do this, take a base oil (olive, peach, grape seed, wheat germ) and add 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang to it.

Enrichment of cosmetics

For this purpose, essential oil is used at the rate of 5-8 drops per 10 g of cosmetic base - cream, lotion, shampoo, mask, etc.

Against dry skin

In addition to the enriched cream, you can use rubbing (4-6 drops per 10 ml of base oil) and bandages. These procedures contribute not only to nutrition, but also to skin regeneration and rejuvenation.

Mask for problem skin

If you are prone to rashes, light oils (for example, jojoba) are used as base oils. Add 2 drops of ylang-ylang and lemon essential oil to a teaspoon of base oil, leave on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse generously with cool water.

Salt peeling for oily skin

The procedure is suitable for those with oily skin with clogged pores, but without severe inflammation.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • grape seed oil;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil.

Soak sea salt in base oil and add 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to a cotton pad and gently scrub the skin. Apply once a week. Exfoliation will help clear pores and prepare your skin for further moisturizers.

Rejuvenating mask

This mask helps smooth out fine wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.


  • 1 tbsp. l. olive or peach oil;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Apply the mask generously for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to use ylang ylang essential oil for hair

Asian women use ylang-ylang oil as their main hair care product - and the result is known throughout the world. And the most amazing thing is that to get such a result you need to make only minimal effort. Namely, just add a few drops of oil to the shampoo. A hair mask or conditioner that you use regularly. This will be enough - and the result will be noticeable soon.

Ylang-ylang can not only improve the overall condition of hair - it also helps cope with hair loss and provokes rapid growth. To achieve this effect, you can take coconut oil (2-3 tablespoons will be enough), add 10 drops of ylang-ylang to it and apply to the hair roots. Next – a few minutes of scalp massage. This stimulates blood circulation and helps the oil to be absorbed faster. After this, you can put on a shower cap and go about your business. The longer the exposure to the oil, the better. Therefore, it is best to leave it overnight.

In addition to enriching shampoos and conditioners, aromatherapy combing also benefits your hair. Apply a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to a comb made of natural materials (the easiest way is to use wood) and comb your hair. The effect is noticeable after 2–3 weeks.

Use for nail and cuticle care

Ylang-ylang essential oil eliminates brittleness and splitting of nails, smoothes them and nourishes the cuticle, promotes recovery after extensions and the use of gel polishes.

Since the oil has a moisturizing effect on the skin, it is correct to use it as a cuticle care product. Just 2-3 drops added to hand cream will help those who suffer from excessive dry skin near the nail.

Massage of nails on hands and feet


  • base oil (almond, apricot) – 1 tsp;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil – 5 drops.

Mode of application:

Heat the base oil in a water bath, then add ylang-ylang oil and mix well. Apply the mixture to each nail and massage for up to 5 minutes. Do not rinse, just wipe your fingers with a cloth.

Application for eyebrows and eyelashes

The use of ylang-ylang oil in combination with base oil (almond, coconut, grape seed) will help activate the growth of new hairs, enhance their pigmentation and prevent hair loss.

To do this, the mixture is applied to the eyebrows and eyelash line for 10–15 minutes, then washed off with warm water or removed with a napkin. This mask should not be left on overnight as it can cause irritation if it gets into your eyes.

Massage with ylang ylang oil

Using ylang-ylang oil as a massage product has beneficial effects. First of all, the condition of the skin improves, dryness and flaking, so familiar to almost all of us, disappear. To achieve this effect, just add 5-7 drops of ylang-ylang to the base massage oil.

A general massage with the addition of 4-7 drops of ylang-ylang oil per 10 ml of base oil (for example, shea butter or grape seed) will have a relaxing effect and can help with reduced sexual activity. By adding a few drops of ylang-ylang oil to your base massage oil, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite.

In addition, during the massage you will enjoy the smell of the oil, which means there will be an additional effect on your emotional state.

Ylang ylang oil as an aphrodisiac

Since ancient times, ylang-ylang has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac.
Fresh flowers in the room helped to spend an unforgettable night full of passion. In Asia, flowers were additionally soaked in coconut milk - this remedy was considered useful for those who suffered from a lack of desire for intimacy. Of course, fresh enough flowers are not possible for many. That's why you can take oil. A few drops in an aroma lamp or diffuser will not only refresh and fill the room with aroma - they will fill your thoughts and bodies with desire.

Essential oil is used to harmonize sexual relationships. You can take a bath with it or do a light aroma massage - the exotic smell and calming effect will help you relax.

It is important to follow the instructions for diluting the essential oil to avoid burns or skin irritation.

Aromatherapy with ylang ylang oil

Aromatherapy is considered one of the oldest ways to get rid of various ailments. The use of ylang-ylang aroma oil helps, first of all, to cope with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The light scent of ylang-ylang in the room is calming and invigorating at the same time. But such cheerfulness is rather an emotional uplift - a person begins to feel additional strength in himself that helps him overcome many difficulties.

How to use the oil? First of all, it can be added to an aroma lamp. Just 2-3 drops are enough (per 15 m2 of room). Exceeding this dose may cause a stronger odor, causing headaches.

Another way is to add a small amount of oil to the water while taking a bath.

Emotional impact

Using incense sticks or an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang oil relieves anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. But you can add in small quantities. To enhance the effect, you can also use compositions with the addition of citrus oils and lavender.

Ylang-ylang oil has a relaxing effect, relieves anxiety and tension

For nervous conditions, the following methods are suitable:

  1. Cold inhalations. The most common way to carry them out is to use an aroma lamp. Add 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil to the bowl per 15 square meters of room area. You can purchase an aroma medallion for this.
  2. Aroma baths. Dissolve 4–7 drops of oil in water. The procedure time should not be more than 15 minutes. If you want to soak in the bath longer, you should reduce the oil concentration.

Bioenergetic impact

Oil added to the aroma lamp helps relieve tension and cleanse the room. Peoples living in the Philippines and Madagascar believed that ylang-ylang oil helps cleanse the house of negative energy, and even drive away evil spirits from it.

Use of ylang ylang oil in perfumery

The intoxicating delicate aroma of ylang-ylang is distinguished by a special, incomparable sweetness. And of course, this could not go unnoticed by perfumers. The most famous manufacturers create unique fragrances based specifically on ylang-ylang.

Ylang ylang scent

The smell of ylang-ylang is unique - it has a slight cloying, sweetness. There are slight notes of similarity to the aroma of jasmine - this is explained by the fact that the plants are distant “relatives”. It is believed that the scent of the cananga is revealed most clearly at dawn - that is why the flowers of the tree are collected exclusively at this time.

What does ylang ylang combine with?

Using oil for any purpose requires understanding what it can be combined with and what it should not be combined with. Indeed, depending on the composition of the composition, you can get a variety of effects. It should be noted that the compatibility of ylang-ylang is quite low. Of course, the oil is quite compatible with base oils, such as coconut or almond oil. Consider a combination with the most common oils:

  • Goes well with bergamot oil and citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemon, tangerine);
  • Average combination (some properties may be lost/weakened) – geranium or lemon balm oil;
  • Doesn't go well with rose and sandalwood.

Therefore, if you want to get a certain effect, you must take into account the combination. Otherwise, the result may differ significantly from the desired one.

The most famous perfumes with the aroma of ylang ylang

Kananga has long been used by leading perfumers as a main ingredient. Perfume with magical notes of ylang-ylang is known throughout the world. The most popular are:

  • Chanel 5 is a legendary fragrance that would lose its appeal without the delicate sweetness of ylang-ylang;
  • Jeans – Roccobarocco
  • Private Collection – Amber Ylang Ylang Estee Lauder
  • Aqua Allegoria Passiflora –Guerlain
  • Tiziana Terenzi Vele
  • Nuit Noor – Elie Saab
  • Chloe – Chloe
  • Prive Bleu Turquoise – Giorgio Armani
  • Velvet Love – Dolce & Gabbana

Of course, this list is far from complete. Various combinations with ylang-ylang make it possible to create new, unique scents.

Skin care

Skin care is quite simple, but the result exceeds all expectations:

  • The oil is suitable for all skin types, but most often it is recommended specifically for problematic, oily skin prone to various types of rashes.
  • The oil perfectly tightens pores, removes shine from the face, due to which the skin becomes matte and evens out.
  • Treats rashes, relieves various inflammations, relieves eczema and dermatitis.
  • When used on normal to dry facial skin, wrinkles noticeably disappear, the skin is moisturized and rejuvenated.
  • For sensitive skin, inflammation is relieved, itching and flaking disappear. The skin is moisturized and becomes soft and beautiful.
  • The oil is also useful to use after 40 years, it perfectly rejuvenates, gives firmness and elasticity, and refreshes the complexion.
  • It is recommended to lubricate the body with a solution of oil to consolidate the tan and to protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as for sunburn.

If you mix a couple of drops of essential oil with any base oil, you will get an excellent makeup remover. The mixture is applied in small portions to a cotton pad and wiped over the face and eyes. The discs need to be changed as they become dirty, until the face is completely clean.

The oil is also used in combination with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, celandine, and sage (six drops of ether per half glass of decoction will be quite enough). You should wipe your face with a self-prepared product in the morning and before bed.

You will notice how your skin quickly refreshes and tightens, fine wrinkles, inflammations, and so on disappear. In general, absolutely any masks prepared independently for the face, hands, or hair always need to add a couple of drops of ether, thus increasing the effect on the skin many times over. The price of oil is quite low, about 100-120 rubles, and it depends on the manufacturer.

The magical properties of ylang ylang oil

The magical properties of ylang-ylang can be explained by its influence on the emotional and physical state of a person. Thus, it is believed that with the help of oil you can attract the attention of the object of passion. This is partly true - after all, oil acts as an excellent aphrodisiac.

Oil helps to achieve harmony with oneself - and this will have a positive effect on communication with others. By using ylang ylang, you will see that people around you will soon change their attitude. Those who previously suffered from low self-esteem (and were able to overcome the problem) will become respected and appreciated.

Benefits for hair

Of course, the ether from ylang-ylang inflorescences has many beneficial properties. However, when used for hair, the following will be relevant:

  • Fighting acne, redness and other unpleasant formations that often occur on the root zone of the head.
  • Acceleration of hair growth. Phenols present in the ester accelerate blood circulation in tissues. In this regard, the supply of oxygen and beneficial components to the follicles is improved, due to which hair grows faster.
  • Strengthening the hair structure. A squeeze of ylang-ylang inflorescences “fills” the hair from the inside due to the presence of organic acids in its composition.
  • Recovery. Regular use of ether in hair care leads to “sealing” of split ends, as well as eliminating “frizz” of hair.
  • Elimination of excess secretion of the sebaceous glands. This property is due to the presence of alcohols in the ether. Thanks to getting rid of excessive oiliness in your hair, you will wash your hair less often.
  • Fight dandruff. Ylang-ylang ether works better than most pharmaceutical products against seborrhea. However, to achieve a lasting result you will have to work hard, since the natural product acts slower than its chemical counterparts. The property is due to the presence of monoterpenes in the product - alcohols that have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp.
  • Adding shine and thickness. Well-established nutrition of the follicle and strengthening of the hair structure cannot but affect the quality and appearance of the curls.
  • Protection. The organic acids included in the product form a thin film on the surface of the hair, which prevents the negative effects of aggressive environmental factors (wind, rain, sudden temperature changes, ultraviolet rays, etc.) on the strands.

Ylang ylang essential oil reviews

Olga Krankina, 22 years old, Syktyvkar

I finally discovered essential oils. I've heard about ylang-ylang oil for a long time, but never got around to it. I've been using it for my hair for a month now (I add it to shampoo and practice aromatherapy) and as a salt peeling for my oily skin. My hair actually became shinier and my pores were cleaned out!

Natalya Stoyanova, 27 years old, Mytishchi

The oil helped me with peeling nails, although before that I tried taking calcium and using various hardeners. Now I practice salt baths, and after them I rub in a mixture of ylang-ylang and almond oils. This really helps!

More reviews of oils here https://t.me/doterra_review

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