Medical cosmetology / Viral skin diseases

  • Viral skin diseases: causes, classification
  • Herpes
  • Shingles (herpes zoster)
  • Warts
  • Condylomas
  • Molluscum contagiosum

Vulgar or simple (ordinary) warts are caused by the human papillomavirus-2 (HSV-2), which selectively affects the epidermis. Vulgar warts on the hands make up 70% of all warts and are localized benign hyperplasia of the epidermis.

Infection with warts occurs through contact—by contact with the affected skin. The penetration of the virus is facilitated by minor injuries, leading to disruption of the integrity of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, dry skin, acrocyanosis, hyperhidrosis, and a decrease in the pH of the water-lipid mantle.

Routes of infection with human papillomavirus, which causes the development of warts

The virus can reach a healthy person through direct contact - a handshake, for example, or through infected objects: toys, handrails on public transport. Two to three hours of virus life in the external environment is enough for someone to become infected with warts: the infection is quite common.

Cosmetic defect is the main complaint of patients with warts. There is usually no pain. Moreover, many medical procedures, such as cryodestruction, cause more suffering than the warts themselves.

Clinical picture of warts

Externally, warts are dense nodules with a diameter of 1 to 10 mm (sometimes more), round or polycyclic in shape. Their surface is covered with cracks, horny layers, and vegetations. The color of warts often does not differ from the healthy skin surrounding them, but under a magnifying glass you can see black-brown dots, which are capillaries filled with blood clots.

The rash can be represented by either one element or multiple, randomly located isolated nodules. After a wart is removed, new ones (daughter ones) may appear around it, arranged in a circle. Warts are localized in easily injured areas: hands, fingers, knees. Localization of warts on the fingers and palms leads to changes in the skin pattern. In this situation, the recovery of fingerprints is a sign of recovery.

There are several types of warts.

Common warts

Dense, dry, limited, painless keratinized elevations with an uneven villous surface, the size of a pinhead to a pea. They can merge to form large plaques. Most often located on the hands.

Plantar warts

They are a type of common warts - they appear in places where shoe pressure is applied, especially in those who sweat a lot. Very dense, keratinized, gray-dirty plantar warts are characterized by severe pain that prevents walking; sometimes cause temporary disability.

Flat or juvenile warts

They usually occur in children and young people. They look like round or irregularly shaped flat nodules that are located on the back of the hands, as well as on the skin of the face. The appearance of flat warts is promoted by skin irritation (they often occur along the course of scratches, cuts, etc.).

Basic methods for removing warts

The two most commonly used methods for removing warts are cryotherapy and removal using a radio wave scalpel. If cryotherapy is performed, warts that appear on the patient's skin are treated with liquid nitrogen, a substance that allows objects to be cooled to very low temperatures. Namely, up to -187 degrees. After such a strong freezing of the wart, a characteristic bubble forms in its place after some time. Soon it opens, a wound forms in its place, which heals within 2-3 weeks, then a scar forms in this place. This method of removing warts is almost painless (there is only mild discomfort). The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to control the depth of removal, and therefore the remaining scar may be quite large or the wart may not be completely removed.

Removal using a “radio wave scalpel” involves exposing the wart to radio wave energy. This method is effective and safe. It allows you to accurately control the depth and size of the impact.

How to properly use celandine for warts? Is it possible to remove warts with celandine?

There is probably no person who has not encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as a wart in his life.

Warts can and should be treated , because they not only spoil the appearance, but can also be extremely dangerous.

At the moment, there are many ways to get rid of this trouble, ranging from traditional medicine methods to surgical intervention.

The most popular, safe and simple remedy for getting rid of warts in folk medicine is celandine .

What is celandine?

Many have heard about this miracle plant, but not everyone knows what it is and how it can be useful.

Let's figure it out. At its core, celandine is a weed that can be found in any summer cottage or garden.

It belongs to the poppy family.
It blooms from June to September and is easily recognized by its yellow flowers. If you break the stem of the plant, yellow-orange juice will flow out of it. Attention! Celandine juice is very poisonous! Be sure to follow basic safety rules!

Is it possible to remove warts with celandine?

If celandine is so poisonous, then the question may reasonably arise: is it possible to use celandine for warts ?

In folk medicine, celandine has been used as a remedy for warts for a very long time. It is used in the form of juice, oil, tinctures and compresses.

If you doubt whether you can use celandine to remove warts, then you should be in vain.

After all, this plant contains about two dozen substances that kill many viruses, including the papilloma virus, which is the source of warts.

For such a unique ability, the miracle weed received another name - “warthog”.

I fell in love with celandine and modern medicine. Now in the pharmacy you can find medicines with an extract of this plant. Thanks to this, treatment of warts with celandine has become simple and accessible.

How does celandine remove warts?

How effective is it in comparison with similar products and in comparison with the “SuperClean” product? How to use celandine for warts? Let's try to answer these questions.

The medicine is not the celandine itself, but the juice of its stem .
It poisons the wart cells, as a result of which they die. Important! Using celandine in large doses can cause chemical burns and scars on the skin!
If you do not have the opportunity to get natural celandine, then you should use products from the pharmacy . Read the ingredients carefully. You should not buy medications that contain alkali, alkaline substances or acids. They can seriously harm the skin.

A city dweller can use a remedy called “Mountain Celandine”.

The medicine is created from the essential oil of this herb, which grows near Lake Baikal.

The drug is no less effective than natural celandine in removing warts and eliminating the source of the disease. In addition, it contains herbal extracts that soothe the skin.

Perhaps “Mountain Celandine” is the most useful and safe medicine against warts.

Not so long ago, a drug called “Super Clean” gained popularity. They loved it for its low price (only 20-30 rubles) and high efficiency.

But, unfortunately, the drug is not natural and has absolutely nothing to do with the miracle herb.
It contains sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and water. Therefore, it should be used with caution. Important! Do not under any circumstances use SuperClean on delicate areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, décolleté and genitals. Even in small doses, this remedy for warts, celandine, can leave burns.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of celandine for a healthy person. On healthy skin, celandine extract does not leave burns.

But people suffering from epilepsy, asthma, and diseases of the central nervous system should refrain from this method of removing warts. It is strictly forbidden to use celandine for pregnant and lactating women and small children.

Where can I buy?

Alas, you can only collect natural celandine yourself. In the pharmacy there are preparations containing celandine extract or juice, the price of which does not exceed one hundred rubles.

Instructions for use

Celandine can be used in several ways .
The simplest, safest and most effective is to apply the juice of the miracle herb directly to the wart itself. You need to cut the stem directly at the root and burn the warts with celandine four times a day until it completely disappears.

If there is no constant access to celandine, then you can use a tincture based on it . To do this, cut the plant, rinse it with plain water, and fill the glass container 2/3 full with it.

After which you need to fill the raw material with alcohol with a concentration of 70%. The dishes are tightly closed and sent to a dark place for three weeks. After the infusion is ready, it is filtered and applied to the wart several times a day.

also make compresses . Moisten a piece of gauze and apply to the growth for twenty minutes. Repeat the procedure every day until the wart completely disappears.

The ointment based on the miracle herb is especially good .
Take celandine juice and mix it with petroleum jelly or glycerin in a 4:1 ratio. This mixture must be stored in the refrigerator. Attention! Under no circumstances should you take celandine internally. It can not only cause poisoning, but also be fatal!

Results of use

Removing warts with celandine must be done extremely carefully.

If used incorrectly, the product can cause severe burns , wounds take a long time to heal, and noticeable scars may remain.

Many people are scared that the warts turn black after celandine. But do not be afraid, this is just a process of tissue death of formations. If your wart turns black, then cauterization has given its results and you are on the right path to getting rid of it.

If the wart falls off and a red bump appears in its place, then you should sound the alarm. Incorrect treatment can cause the papilloma virus to spread throughout the body and lead to the appearance of new warts.

If the formation becomes inflamed and pain appears, you should not delay contacting a competent specialist in order to avoid the occurrence of new problems.

Under no circumstances should you pick warts yourself. This can be extremely dangerous!


When choosing a wart removal product in pharmacies, always carefully study the composition. After all, your health and attractiveness depend on the right medicine. We hope now you know exactly how to remove a wart with celandine . Follow the simple rules described in our article and be beautiful!

Watch the video: celandine and warts - removal at home

Removing warts using radio waves

1. A 1-2% solution of local anesthetic (for example, lidocaine) is injected into the area around the wart or under it.

2. Using a radio wave scalpel, the wart is excised within healthy skin.

Immediately after removal, a fairly deep wound is formed at the site of the wart (to the entire depth of the removed wart).

Cause of blackening after celandine

There are several disadvantages to treating growths with a medicinal plant. One of the most unpleasant things is the duration of therapy. Since the juice acts slowly, it is not possible to quickly get rid of the pathological formation. In addition, after lubricating the skin with grass juice, another strange phenomenon occurs, which frightens many patients. So, the growth darkens. But this is not considered a drawback, since a black wart on the body after celandine is an indicator of tissue necrosis.

Darkening or blackening of the nodules indicates the correct action of the fluid on the benign tumor. The advantage of this method is considered to be the absence of pain, because the plant juice does not sting.

Celandine is a natural remedy that is destructive to education.

Blackening of the wart indicates the healing process

After wart removal

Immediately after removing the wart, I apply a sterile napkin or a special sterile gel to the wound, and the patient goes home. At home, the patient takes care of the wound independently. Since the wart is removed quite deeply, it may take quite a long time for the wound to heal. 6-10 days after the wart removal procedure, a crust usually forms at the site of the wound. After the crust comes off, a small pink scar usually remains. After 3-4 months, the scar will begin to turn white.

After the final formation of the scar, usually after 6-12 months, it becomes almost invisible.

There are other methods for removing warts - experienced doctors will select the right method for treating warts at our Center for Medical Cosmetology.

Prevention of warts

• Strict adherence to personal hygiene rules.
After visiting public places, wash your hands with soap. • If wounds or cuts occur on the skin, treat them with an alcohol solution, iodine or brilliant green. • When working with cleaning products or skin-damaging factors, use gloves. • Wear shoes made of genuine leather or fabric, avoid wearing synthetic shoes, especially for children and adolescents. • Normalize your diet, eat foods rich in vitamins. Avoid stress, organize your life. • When in contact with a person who already has warts, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands often with soap, limit the use of shared objects. [/td]

What to do if the papilloma turns red

What should a patient do if the papilloma turns red? What could be causing the change in color and shape of the tumor?

Papillomas tend to spread on the skin and mucous membranes, and also change color, size and shape.

The skin tag may be initially red in nature.

This is due to the composition of the neoplasm tissue.

The presence of a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels in the body of the papilloma gives it a red color.

But, if the mole was initially flesh-colored, pink or brownish, and then became red and even increased in size, then this is a cause for concern.

Reasons for changes in tumors

Generally, benign tumors on the skin do not bring much discomfort to their owners.

An exception is when tumors are located on the face or on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

The problem arises when the papilloma becomes inflamed and reddened.

This happens for a number of reasons:

  • papilloma injury;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • treatment of neoplasms with chemical alkali-containing preparations;
  • suffered stress.


The inflammatory process in papilloma occurs due to the fact that an infection gets into the injured growth.

  • As a result of this process, the polyp can not only change shape and color, but also acquire an unpleasant odor.
  • In addition to these symptoms, burning, itching and soreness may occur.

If the papilloma is swollen, then this may be the beginning of malignant degeneration.

Photo: degeneration into melanoma

Why did the papilloma turn red?

If the papilloma is often injured due to rubbing underwear, shaving or ordinary scratching, it may become inflamed and reddened.

  • Taking hormonal drugs against a background of weakened immunity can also provoke not only changes in color and shape, but also papillomatosis, the widespread spread of papillomas throughout the skin.
  • Red papilloma appears even in newborns. The cause of the appearance of neoplasms in a child can be infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy.


Why is it dangerous?

Damage to the tumor can provoke its degeneration into a malignant form.

Depending on which strain of human papillomavirus is present in the blood, the oncogenicity of the tumor as a whole can be determined.

That is why it is so important to consult with a specialist in time and undergo all the necessary tests.

Should I delete it?

Under no circumstances should you remove skin tags yourself.

The consequences of such actions can be fatal: from blood poisoning to tumor malignancy.

Dermatologists usually recommend removing the papilloma, especially if it has increased in size.

The doctor chooses a specific removal method based on the clinical picture of the patient’s condition.

Video: “Papilloma virus - oral cancer”

What to do if you are injured

Every person who has so-called pedunculated warts should know the basic rules of first aid for trauma to skin growths.

If the papilloma has come off partially or completely and the wound is bleeding, then the following actions must be taken:

  1. treat your hands with an antiseptic solution;
  2. stop the bleeding by pressing a sterile bandage to the wound;
  3. prevent blood from getting on healthy skin;
  4. treat the wound with any antiseptic;
  5. cover the wound with a sterile plaster;
  6. Consult a healthcare professional for advice.

Photo: wart injury

The detached growth should be taken for histological analysis.

To do this, it is placed in a small sterile container or envelope.

If the tumor hurts, burns or itches, then this is also a serious reason to quickly contact an oncologist.


There are many examples when an injured papilloma darkened and fell off by itself.

But this is not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor.

In this case, the doctor will ask you to undergo a series of examinations and, if necessary, prescribe preventative treatment.

If the wart is swollen, the doctor will most likely use the most effective treatment method - removing the growth.


Drug treatment of papillomas includes complex therapy, which is aimed not only at removing external problems, but also at strengthening the immune system as a whole.

The use of cytotoxic drugs promotes the destruction of neoplasm cells and prevents their growth.

Interferon-based medications are also considered very effective external and internal agents in the fight against papillomas.

Is it possible to remove flat papillomas on the hands using folk remedies?

What is the best way to remove papillomas? Find out here.

These remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor.

If the growth is located on the mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals or in the groin, then self-treatment can cause very serious damage to the skin.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers many options for treating warts based on herbal ingredients.


Celandine is considered a very effective remedy.

During the period from May to June, the juice of this plant is used to smear papillomas, excluding the skin areas around them.

Many people confirm the effectiveness of this method after one of the patients burned a papilloma with celandine, the mole darkened and then dried up.

  • The fact that the wart has turned black indicates tissue necrosis.
  • If the wart swells after celandine, then most likely an infection has entered it and provoked an inflammatory process.

In this case, you should stop treatment with celandine and consult a doctor.

Photo: cauterization of tumors with celandine juice


  • In the cold season, you can use crushed rowan berries, which it is advisable to collect after the first frost and grind into pulp.
  • This composition is applied to the papillomas and fixed with a plaster.

If a mole does not disappear after treatment with traditional methods, begins to twitch or changes, also immediately consult a doctor.

  • Be sure to tell your doctor about independent treatment methods.
  • Refrain from unconventional methods of removal if papillomas have affected the borders of the lips or other mucous membranes.

How to remove

Modern highly effective methods for removing papillomas are non-invasive methods that, simultaneously with excision of the growth, sterilize the wound and ensure rapid healing.

Photo: cryodestruction of plantar tumors

These include:

  • removal by radio wave;
  • laser method;
  • electrocoagulation.

Cryodestruction or removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is also a popular method of getting rid of skin tumors.

Less common and longer lasting is the method of removing papillomas using keratolytic agents.

These substances include lactic and salicylic acid.

Removing moles on your own by tying the growths with thread or cutting them off with scissors can lead to serious health problems.

  • There have been cases when the patient cut off the papilloma himself , and a spot with an odor appeared.
  • An unpleasant odor and discharge from the growth may indicate that the tumor has degenerated into a malignant form.

Photo: papilloma injury with signs of degeneration

Recovery period

The recovery period after radio wave and laser surgery, as well as electrocoagulation, is 2–3 weeks.

  • During this period, it is not recommended to stay in the sun, visit the pool or sauna, or mask the wound with foundation.
  • You should avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol.
  • The place where the papilloma was must be protected from household chemicals, since they contain dangerous acids, chlorides and alkalis.


Prevention of the human papillomavirus and its manifestations in the form of papillomas is aimed, first of all, at strengthening the immune system.

  • To do this, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and, if possible, eliminate stress.
  • When the first skin formations appear, consult a doctor and get the necessary tests.

How are papillomas in the anus removed?
How to cure papilloma in a breast cyst? Find out here.

What is papilloma and why is it dangerous? Read on.

Be attentive to your health!

Even if a tumor that appears, for example, on your arm, does not bother you, it signals that your body is weakened and needs help.

Timely examination will prevent serious consequences.

Video: “Removal of moles and papillomas”‏>

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