“The frogs have arrived. How to deal with “bulldog cheeks”

A double chin doesn't just change your features. Regardless of gender, with a broad gesture he adds an extra 5-10 years to his face.

The problem is not invented, because even well-groomed and thin celebrities suffer from this scourge. See for yourself:

Christina AguileraVictoria Beckham
Cameron DiazJessica Simpson
Elizabeth HurleyBritney Spears

And while a man can remove his double chin by growing a beard, it is not at all easy for a woman to disguise it. Unlike extra pounds on your hips, there is no way to hide this crease on your face in the folds of your clothes.

Hundreds of creams promise relief. But there is no evidence that any of them actually works.

Is all that remains in this case just to carefully monitor the position of your head and hold your back? Is it possible to remove a double chin?


We use homemade masks

You need to fight jowls not only in the cosmetologist’s office, but also at home. A good tightening effect can be achieved using masks based on white clay and honey. For the first option you will need 2 tablespoons of dry white clay, 1 tablespoon of grape juice and 1 teaspoon of wheat germ. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For a honey mask, beat the egg white, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey heated in a water bath. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with warm water. Do not forget that regularity of procedures is important in home care. Alternate masks 1-2 times a week.

Jowl prevention

  • Watch your lifestyle. Move more and eat right to keep your muscles healthy.
  • Use sunscreen to prevent UV rays from depleting your skin's collagen reserves.
  • Watch your posture. Keep your back straight, try to constantly control its position and posture.
  • Apply moisturizers and drink enough water to stay hydrated both internally and externally.
  • Try to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  • Try to use your phone less often and keep your back straight when using it so that your skin does not wrinkle or stretch. Be sure to take at least ten-minute breaks when working at the computer.

Do you want to learn more cool self-massage techniques and life hacks for maintaining youth? Then sign up for the “BoldlyNET” marathon. Here you will learn about the best exercises for correcting posture, relieve muscle spasms, work out the muscular frame of the face and regain a toned young face and body.

Doing a massage with a towel

There are a variety of options for home massage. I will tell you about a technique using a terry towel, the size of which must be chosen based on the size of your face: the towel should almost completely follow its contours. Take two bowls of water. Pour cold water into the first and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt, and hot water into the second. Fold the towel lengthwise and soak it in cold water, wring it out a little and lightly pat it on your chin, then apply it to it and gently pull it towards your temples. Stay in this position for 3 minutes. Next, repeat the same manipulations with hot water. The procedures need to be done 3-5 times.

How to remove jowls in 14 days

There are different ways to get rid of jowls. You can take a risk and go to the salon. Cosmetologists now offer many procedures. They help some, make things worse for others - luck and professionalism play the main role here, because entrusting your face to another person, even a doctor, is quite a risky business. Or you can remove jowls yourself by establishing beauty rituals: choosing good skincare products and regularly doing self-massage.

We buy only the right cream

When choosing a cream, forget about the stereotype “the more expensive the better.” The main thing is to find the necessary ingredients in the composition: elastin (responsible for skin elasticity), retinol, vitamin E, argan oil, magnesium (improves blood circulation). The higher the component is on the list, the more of it there is in the cream itself, therefore, it has an active effect on the skin. If a component that is important to you completes the list, it means that this product contains so little of it that you should not expect any benefit. Take this point into account.

How to tighten your face shape with exercises

We wrote above that the skin of the face and the formation of jowls are greatly influenced by the condition of the back. Therefore, you need to start with it. It is necessary to relax spasmed, tight muscles and restore their natural length and elasticity.

The simplest and most effective exercise: lie on a cushion for five minutes a day and do exercises on your shoulders and neck.

Watch the video on how to do the exercise with a roller correctly:

  1. Place the roller under the shoulder blades.
  2. Stretch your arms up and place your palms on the floor, so that your little fingers touch.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, big toes touching each other.
  4. If it’s your first time, lie down like this for at least a minute, increasing the time every day and bringing it to the ideal five minutes a day.
  5. Exit from the side: turn over on your side, lie there for a while, breathe calmly.
  6. Get on all fours, arch your back up like a cat and rise to your feet.

Another exercise to relieve neck spasms “Frame”:

  1. Raise your shoulders and fold your arms above your head in a loose frame, clasping your elbows with your palms.
  2. Keep your back straight and your neck straight.
  3. Raise your shoulders, lengthening your spine.
  4. Lower your head and squeeze the front surface of your neck between your collarbones and chin.
  5. Hold this for 30 seconds.
  6. Then stretch everything that you are holding: press one hand to your collarbone, and with the other, stretch the side surfaces of your neck.

“Pumping up” the muscles

Gymnastics for the face, like exercises for the body, should be done daily, only in this case the effect is guaranteed. If regularity is not your thing, look for another way to deal with jowls. There are a lot of exercises to work out the vulnerable zone, for example, you can alternately pronounce the drawn-out sounds “U” and “I”, do at least 10 repetitions. Another way is to try to reach the chin with the tip of your tongue. The minimum number of repetitions is 10 times.

Correction methods

The only way to completely remove jowls is through surgery. There are several methods for dealing with sagging cheek skin. Let's look at the main ones:

  • skin tightening;
  • SMAS-lifting (tightening the muscular aponeurotic layer);
  • MASC-lifting (method of influencing the muscular-ligamentous system);
  • space lifting (tightening the muscle layer of the middle and lower third of the face).

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each method, you need to understand the anatomy of the face, the location of muscles and the causes of aging.

We trust our face to a professional

If you don't have the time or desire to restore your face with home treatments, try a professional massage. It helps improve local blood circulation, cope with swelling, start the process of tissue regeneration, improves skin tone and stimulates renewal of the epidermis.

There are several types of massage: manual and hardware. Each technique is good in its own way, but to achieve the desired rejuvenation effect with manual massage you need to do at least 5-10 procedures. When it comes to hardware massage, as a rule, one session is required, which is preferably repeated twice a year to maintain beauty.

Among the hardware techniques, one can highlight lymphatic drainage massage; it is indicated for women after 35 years. Good skin tightening is provided by myostimulation, laser and ultrasound techniques, radio frequency lifting (RF-lifting), which allows not only to reduce subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the double chin, angles of the jaw, cheek-zygomatic area, but also to tighten the skin.

Facial anatomy and causes of jowls

The soft tissues of the face consist of 5 layers:

  • Leather. In the mid-20th century, it was generally accepted that the skin sagged. Therefore, for the purpose of rejuvenation, it was she who was tightened. The result was short-lived.
  • Subcutaneous fat layer. It includes 2 main components: connective tissue and fat itself. The thickness of this layer varies in different areas and is not the same in different patients. With age, the amount of fat decreases, and the remaining fat clumps into lumps and sank, thus forming jowls and a number of other defects (bags under the lower eyelid, etc.).
  • Musculoaponeurotic layer or SMAS. As we age, muscles stretch and sag along with fat. Therefore, tightening the skin alone does not give the desired result. A lasting effect can only be achieved by correcting the entire layer, including skin, muscles, fat and connective tissue. This kind of lift is called
  • Connections and spaces. The connection of soft tissues to bones (to the skeleton) is made using ligaments. However, the ligaments are not distributed evenly throughout the face. They are located locally in several zones. In the spaces between them, the muscle layer is directly connected to the next fifth layer. In these places, the muscles can move freely along with the skin, which is how facial expressions appear on the face. Ligaments, unlike muscles, do not sag over time, so when looking at yourself in the mirror, it is not difficult to detect the transition between these layers.
  • Periosteum and deep fascia. These are tissues fused to bone. They do not affect the formation of jowls.

The next layer is the skeleton. It also undergoes changes over time, its volume decreases.

Thus, as a result of aging, the lower jaw shrinks and the cheek muscles stretch, sagging along with the fat. Which leads to the formation of jowls.

Getting rid of Bisha's lumps

Bisha's lumps are fatty deposits in the cheek area. While our muscular frame is normal, they make our cheeks round, but over time, thanks to the force of gravity, they begin to pull our face down, because the fat they are made of is quite heavy. In order to avoid sagging tissue, you can resort to surgical removal of Bichat's lumps (bishectomy). In this case, the operation is performed in an open (external) manner. If you just want to remove Bisha's lumps without a facelift, this can be done using endoscopic equipment: through an incision in the mucous membrane from the side of the oral cavity. Healing of the mucosa occurs 2-3 days after bischectomy, and complete restoration and correction of the mucosa takes from 4 to 10 days.

What is a fringe?

The term jowls describes sagging skin on the cheeks. It usually goes down to the jawline or below. Because of them, a person looks much older than his age, so everyone strives to get rid of this sign of aging. Jowls may be less pronounced in people with thick skin or high fat content. They are also less noticeable if there is enough collagen in the cheek area. Some lucky people may never experience ptosis due to genes, environmental factors or lifestyle.

Jowls are not dangerous to health; they disturb their owners precisely from an aesthetic point of view, because of which self-esteem can suffer greatly.

In the early stages, recognizing jowls can be quite difficult. You don’t see much of a difference in appearance until your cheeks sag so much that it’s impossible not to notice. Do you doubt it's time to take action? Then do an experiment: take a photo of yourself ten years ago and compare it either with a recent photo or with your reflection in the mirror. Do you see the difference? Has your jawline gotten lower? Then it's time to correct the situation.

Insert threads

Both in our country and far beyond its borders, bio-reinforcement with threads (contour plastic) is extremely popular among women. Abroad, thread lifting is even often called the “Russian method”, since this method of rejuvenation was invented in Russia. Threads for contouring are made from absolutely safe materials that have passed multiple tests.

The insertion of threads under the skin occurs very quickly (only 10-15 minutes) under local anesthesia through small punctures, after which no trace remains on the skin. There is virtually no recovery period, and the patient can continue to live his normal life. The result of thread reinforcement is noticeable immediately after the procedure and is progressive: the oval of the face is significantly tightened, the disturbing sagging of tissues, jowls, nasolabial folds and the double chin disappears. The duration of the threads is different: non-absorbable threads made of polypropylene last up to 6 years, absorbable threads made from polylactic acid - up to 2 years, and those made from caprolactone - up to 5 years.


The technique that causes the most controversy is that it is ineffective for most patients. However, with certain deviations it also shows good results. Moreover, it cannot be called a full-fledged facelift.

During the MASC lifting procedure, the doctor makes an incision along the ear and higher along the hairline and pulls the SMAS through the resulting incision using threads. In this case, the muscular aponeurotic layer is not cut, but simply tightened. After the procedure, the SMAS is constantly in a tense position, and therefore quickly stretches again. In addition, with the introduction of thread lifting techniques without an incision, the relevance of this operation naturally came to naught.

Several years ago, a plastic surgeon from France proposed improving the MASC lifting method and using metal staples instead of threads. However, practice has shown that, under constant load, the staples partially unbend, and the facial tissues return to their original state.

Why does a double chin appear?

The chin is formed by the bones of the lower jaw, which determine its shape, as well as by the muscles of the facial and cervical region. Anatomically, a person has only one chin, and the appearance of its “understudy” in the submandibular region is due to the accumulation of fatty deposits here. As the volume of adipose tissue increases, the skin in the submandibular area sags: it is too thin and cannot effectively retain fat masses.

“The main reason for the appearance of a double chin is excess weight,” comments plastic surgeon Viktor Shcherbinin. “In the chin-neck area, fat begins to accumulate first, so even slight excess weight can trigger the occurrence of this defect.”


Typical reasons

Other factors also contribute to the formation of a defect.

  1. Genetics. If most relatives have a double chin or it appears at a certain age, it means that the person is at risk for this problem. With a high degree of probability, he will also develop an aesthetic defect.
  2. Anatomical features of the structure of the jaw and neck. Protrusion and drooping of tissues in the submandibular region are caused by malocclusion, pathologies of the masticatory-speech apparatus, and a large angle between the jaw and neck. In men, the problem is caused by a low position of the Adam's apple.
  3. Posture disorders. Despite the unobvious relationship, this is one of the most common causes of the problem. According to statistics, curvature of the spine leads to the development of this defect in 90 percent of cases.

In women and men

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