Myofascial facial massage - a modern method of rejuvenation without surgery

The skin of the face is much more exposed to negative effects than other tissues. The skin of a young body is able, with the help of a huge amount of its own quickly restored resources, to resist the destructive influence of various external factors, but with age, this ability becomes a luxury, and the body is no longer able to fight on its own.

So, after 35 years, most women begin to notice how their skin loses elasticity, their face changes color and acquires treacherous wrinkles. Such symptoms only indicate that age cannot be hidden, and it will still take its toll. Or will you hide it?

What is myofascial facial massage, the essence of the technique

The procedure is similar to a circular lift, but does not involve the use of surgical instruments. All actions are carried out using the fingers. The effectiveness of the technique lies in its impact on special points (myofascia). All tissues, muscles, nerve endings are interconnected and form a structure. Muscle connections (myo) and connective tissues (fascia) are responsible for the trophic ability of the skin, maintaining its tone and muscle structure. Age-related changes are associated with disorders in myofascia.

The tissues become dense and shortened, which leads to characteristic symptoms - pain, the formation of wrinkles, decreased tone and tightness.

Thanks to the procedure:

  • blood circulation is restored;
  • muscle elasticity increases;
  • skin rejuvenation occurs.

Useful video

For a detailed study of the myofascial technique for influencing the dermis of the face, do not neglect the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the complete list of information that can easily be found on the vastness of the global network.

At the same time, we have prepared for you thematic video materials in which experienced cosmetologists and massage therapists describe the essence and purpose of the procedure, not forgetting to give useful recommendations regarding its implementation. In fact, you will discover a lot of new and useful data that will allow you to get maximum efficiency from manipulation.

Surround your dermis with quality care, based on modern methods of mechanical action. Myofascial massage is an effective technique for combating age-related changes and toning the skin at the cellular level .

Every year there are more and more fans of this method of skin care. And this is not surprising, because its efficiency and practicality provide the best conditions for achieving the task. Find a suitable salon for yourself in your city, make an appointment with a responsible specialist and start today towards rejuvenating your appearance.

Functions of myofascia

Myfascia is responsible for certain functions (supportive, trophic, protective) that are necessary for the normal maintenance of skin tone and appearance.


  • maintaining facial structures in the required position;
  • takes part in metabolic processes;
  • separates the anatomical features of various structures;
  • responsible for attaching muscles to bone tissue;
  • prevents damage to the structure of muscle tissue;
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • takes part in lymphatic flow;

At the same time, myofascia also performs a protective function and prevents the development of various degenerative disorders in blood vessels and nerves.

How does massage work?

Thanks to the targeted effect on the fascial tissue, its gradual change occurs. At the same time, the tissue is able to retain the shape newly obtained during the massage, thereby leading to changes. Systematic procedures lead to improvement and restoration of blood flow. This improves tissue nutrition and saturates skin cells with oxygen. Thanks to increased blood flow, tissues are cleansed of various negative substances - poisons, waste, toxins.

As a result of the impact, spasms and tension are eliminated, the elasticity and firmness of muscle fibers increases, and reflex functions are restored. Massage leads to the restoration of all fascial tissue, due to which muscles, facial expressions and connective tissue return to their normal position.

Pros and cons of this massage

Having considered the principles of the effect of myofascial massage on the body, you are guaranteed to pay attention to its advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, the technique has both positive and negative features, which you simply must know about. The advantages of the system include:

  • destruction of spasmodic nodes;
  • relaxation of tense muscles and adhesions;
  • restoration of normal blood flow conditions;

  • stimulating internal cells for independent healing and restoration;
  • improved posture and coordination of movements;
  • increasing overall vitality and improving mood.

As for the disadvantages of myofascial effects on the body, these include general contraindications to massage, from which even the gentle technique is not free.

At the moment, the myofascial principle of influence is equated not only with cosmetic, but also with medical procedures.


Myofascial facial massage (reviews from patients who have completed the course are in most cases positive) is a therapeutic and cosmetic treatment and is used in certain cases. Before performing a massage, you must consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.


  • decreased muscle tone in the facial area;
  • deterioration of skin elasticity;
  • the presence of a large number of enlarged pores;
  • sagging skin;
  • change in complexion and tone;
  • the presence of swelling, puffiness;
  • double chin;
  • age-related changes - wrinkles, folds, deterioration of trophism.

In some cases, massage may be prescribed to patients who have recently undergone plastic surgery. It is also recommended to perform this method. Who is suitable for a circular facelift? However, in this case, all actions are carried out without surgical intervention.

Why do we need this example? ⠀

An example with a banner shows the condition of bones, muscles and fascia. If in one area there is displacement and clamping of the fascia, then in another there will be flabbiness, sagging, or slipping into the traction line!

What cravings are there in the body? For example, postoperative sutures act as pulls, which disrupt a single fabric of tissue, especially a cesarean suture.

Facial sagging occurs faster if there are postoperative stitches that need to be worked with, but we ignore this fact.

This is not the only example, there are other cravings. Therefore, traction or so-called cords in the body need to be worked out; I post all myofascial techniques for the participants of the Rejuvenation Club, in which you can start rejuvenation!


Thanks to the systematic implementation of myofascial massage, a number of significant changes are achieved. In this case, the positive effect is not only on the face, but also on the general condition of the body.


  • elimination of nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles and folds in the forehead area are smoothed out;
  • facial wrinkles (crow's feet) become less noticeable or disappear altogether;
  • pores are cleaned and narrowed;
  • improving blood flow and tissue nutrition;
  • the function and structure of muscle tissue is restored.

Myofascial facial massage.

This effect can be achieved only with the correct use of myofascial techniques. To do this, massage should be performed only in proven cosmetology centers.

Patient reviews

The cost of such a procedure in Russia ranges from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles. The price is considerable, considering that the full course involves at least five procedures. However, positive reviews and photos of clients who have experienced the positive effects of myofascial massage say the following:

“I used to be skeptical about massage, especially if it was cosmetic in nature. But several sessions of myofascial massage pleasantly surprised me with their results. The face is fresher, looks more toned, and the hated crow’s feet have finally disappeared.” Olga, 38 years old.

“Constant neck pain was my constant companion. Neither expensive ointments nor plasters helped. After completing a course of myofascial massage, I forgot about the problem, like a bad dream! The pain went away, and the reduction of the double chin became another pleasant bonus. The sensations during the massage were not pleasant, but it was worth it.” Anna is 40 years old.

“I’ve been thinking about Botox injections for a long time, but I was terribly afraid of the procedure. The cosmetologist advised me to try a plasticizing facial massage first. I don’t regret for a minute that I agreed. The result exceeded all my expectations. The complexion has improved, the skin is tightened, there are no bags under the eyes. At the same time, no pain or swelling! I recommend it to everyone who, like me, is afraid of operations.” Tatyana is 44 years old.

“The first impression caused negative emotions. There were painful sensations from the procedure, but no particular result was observed. A friend advised me to change the master. Progress was obvious. After the first procedure, I noticed positive dynamics, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth disappeared, the skin became more toned and fresh.” Irina is 41 years old.

Contraindications for myofascial facial massage

This procedure can be prescribed to both men and women, regardless of skin type. However, the technique has a number of other limitations that can lead to various complications and consequences.


  • dermatological diseases - eczema, psoriasis;

  • allergic inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • feverish condition;
  • the presence of neoplasms (malignant and benign) – warts, moles, papillomas;
  • herpetic lesion.

It is also recommended to refrain from the procedure if the integrity of the skin is damaged - wounds, abrasions, cuts, scratches. It is necessary to wait until the skin has completely healed.

Basic techniques

Myofascial facial massage (reviews about all methods of influence are mostly positive) can be carried out in various ways according to developed methods. There are several basic techniques that are the most effective and popular. The method is selected individually, based on indications, age and skin type.

This takes into account the amount of work and the result that needs to be achieved.

Tatiana Shubina's technique

Tatyana Shubina’s method consists of 2 main stages. The first part is devoted to the use of special proprietary techniques that allow you to influence the lymphatic system, which helps reduce muscle tension in the head and face. Next, the presence of spastic clamps is determined, and various methods of finger movement are used, which helps determine the condition of the deeper facial muscles. Then massage actions are carried out, which eliminate the double chin and swelling in the face.

The second stage involves the use of exclusive techniques for influencing the face, allowing you to achieve the necessary changes in a short time.

Plasticizing massage

Before the massage, the face is first cleaned and talc is applied. Then light stroking movements are carried out, which will prepare the skin for further actions. After this, the specialist proceeds directly to the massage. To do this, in accordance with the massage lines, a small area is captured, then compressed, and light vibration movements are carried out. Next, light pinching is performed, starting from the chin and ending with the earlobes.

Then they rise higher and carry out the same actions, starting from the side walls of the nose and moving to the tips of the ears. After this, they rise higher again and perform pinching, moving from the center of the forehead to the temples.

For each section the following actions are carried out:

  • kneading the skin surface;
  • deep kneading;
  • light tapping;
  • vibration movements.

After the session, the skin is lightly stroked and a moisturizing mask is applied. It is necessary to allow the skin to rest for several hours so that it takes on and maintains the shape it was given during the session.


Myofascial release is used to relax muscles. This, in turn, helps restore blood flow and tissue, and also helps improve trophism and saturates the facial skin with nutrients. This type of massage is popular among most women and has a huge number of positive reviews. The procedure involves the use of 3 techniques: stretching, pressure and twisting. This technique is otherwise called the “three T technique.”

All movements should be soft, smooth, without sudden force. Light redness after the procedure is an indication that the release was performed correctly.


The problem of diverse somatic and mental reactions to stress occupies an important place in modern fundamental and clinical research in neurology, psychology and biology.
Despite the efforts made to reduce mental stress in people of various social and nosological groups, its level has remained high over the past decades [1, 2]. One of the most striking markers of experienced stress is increased tonic muscle activity, since excess muscle tension is a reflexive protective reaction to psychological stress [3]. Many authors have noted the high association of neurotic disorders with the functional state of the facial muscles, and the greatest “emotional determination” when experiencing negative affect is shown by the muscles of mastication (m. masseter), the orbicularis muscles of the mouth (m. orbicularis oris), the muscle that depresses the angle of the mouth (m. depressor anguli oris), and the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow (m. corrugator supercilii) [4-6].

It was found that an increase in the bioelectrical activity of the facial muscles is triggered by the limbic-reticular complex and is realized through the “facial-trigeminal nerves” system [7].

At the same time, a long stay in a state of chronic stress or low mood leads to the physiological cumulation of muscle tension in the facial muscles, the formation of shortening and spasms of the facial muscles [8].

According to the feedback hypothesis (FFH), facial muscles, as a result of prolonged tension, become an independent hyperactive system that not only supports, but also intensifies negative emotional experiences [9]. Consequently, in addition to the descending influence of the central nervous system on the state of the facial muscles, there is also an ascending effect - from the facial muscles through afferent channels to the emotional centers of the brain. Thus, negative emotional states and facial muscles mutually potentiate each other, forming a vicious circle of experienced emotions [10].

Currently, a modern scientific concept of emotional proprioception is being developed, according to which persistent muscle relaxation, breaking the vicious circle between the tension of the facial muscles and the emotional centers of the brain, can give a positive psycho-emotional effect in the correction of depressive conditions [11].

In 2012-2014 The first randomized and controlled studies using botulinum toxin type A (BTA) were conducted, which showed that a single injection of BTA into the area of ​​the corrugator supercilii muscle can lead to long-term relief of symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder - for a period from 3 to 6 months [12, 13].

A 2016 magnetic resonance imaging study demonstrated that BTA injections, through peripheral denervation of facial musculature, altered afferent signals from the facial muscles, affecting areas of the brain associated with emotional processing [14]. When BTA was injected into the bridge of the nose, the reaction of the amygdala to negative stimuli decreased in patients. When BTA ceased its action, amygdala activity returned to its original state, thus confirming that BTA reversibly interrupts afferent feedback from m. corrugator supercilii to the amygdala. The authors believe that by denervation of the muscles involved in negative facial expressions (mourning, sadness, sadness), “distress signals to the brain” are interrupted, which has a beneficial effect on mood [11–14].

However, there is growing evidence that such treatments have mixed effects on patients' psychological responses. Thus, it was found that after injections of botulinum toxin into m. corrugator supercilii patients experienced reduced emotional reactivity and decreased sexual function, which is associated with low activation of impulses in the amygdala of the brain [15, 16].

Considering all of the above, it can be assumed that there is a more accessible method of solving this problem, which is based on the positive and safe effect of facial feedback.

Currently, various areas of medical facial massage are being developed that correct the activity of the facial muscles. These techniques are used, as a rule, in connection with neurological dysfunctions to relieve pain (parafunction of the masticatory muscles, myofascial pain syndrome of the face, prosopalgia, trismus of the masticatory muscles, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint), while the problem of increased tone of the facial muscles in healthy individuals those experiencing chronic stress goes beyond cosmetic care. Often, facial muscle hypertonicity is a diagnostic finding during cosmetic, massage or dental procedures. In this regard, it can be assumed that the use of cosmetic and medical massage techniques that reduce the tone of the facial muscles can be an effective psychocorrective tool that breaks the connection between muscle tension and the patient’s negative emotional state and has a positive effect on the psychological status.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using massage techniques based on facial feedback, and to study the possibility of their use as a tool for correcting psycho-emotional states.

Preparing for the session

Before the procedure, you should prepare. First of all, you need to free your hair from tight hairpins or elastic bands. This is necessary for a full procedure, since the massage involves influencing not only the face, but also the head and neck. Immediately before the session itself, it is necessary to cleanse the facial skin of impurities and cosmetics, since clogged pores will not be able to pass a sufficient amount of oxygen, which will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. During the massage it is recommended to be in a lying position.

Do the Do You Have Fascial Sticking Test?

Take the fabric in the neckline area into a tuck (fold), and pass this fold along the neckline area.

Write in the comment who was hurt? Who is in a lot of pain? Whose fold does not rise at all or does not rise above the surface?

Who can’t roll out folds in the décolleté area or pectoral muscles because of pain?

99% of my clients who work out at the Rejuvenation Club experience pain when they do this test, and write to me that the fold is not captured!

How is the session going?

At the beginning of the session, the master palpates the skin to determine the depth and degree of muscle tension. After which the specialist proceeds directly to the procedure. The procedure begins with exposure to the scalp. At the same time, a neck massage is performed. Next they move on to the face. The massage is performed taking into account the rhythms of breathing - exhalation and inhalation are performed in 5 beats. All movements should be smooth, soft and careful. During the procedure, the specialist must monitor the patient’s condition.

In case of any discomfort or malaise, the session must be interrupted. The duration of the first session should not exceed 30 minutes.

Why do you need classes at the Rejuvenation Club?

The deeper layers of tissue, where adhesions and scars often occur, often require something more to work through. You will learn the most popular methods of influencing fascia, fascial sticking - myofascial release techniques.

Using myofascial release techniques, you will initiate the process of fascial repair and remodeling to release tissue and increase range of motion that will last not only during, but also after, practice.

You'll learn to release stuck fascia - it's like clearing away the cobwebs between muscles, allowing them to work more smoothly and efficiently, which improves hydration and releases toxins. By preserving the youth of fascia, you preserve the youth of other tissues - muscles, blood vessels, nerves!


To achieve results, you must perform all actions in strict accordance with the instructions. Each department (area) has its own specific methodology.


During the procedure, the impact occurs on the tendon helmet, temporal regions and areas around the ears.


  • In the area of ​​the scalp, use both hands to perform clockwise circular movements.
  • The patient is in a lateral decubitus position. The master places his thumb in front of the ear. The remaining fingers are located in the area of ​​the scalp.
  • The master's movements alternate. First, intense circular actions are performed, then light stroking.

The duration of exposure is individual, according to the testimony of a specialist. The procedures are recommended to be performed only by experienced specialists and masters of myofascial massage.

Neck area

Massage of the neck area is carried out with extreme caution, since this area contains large main arteries and nerve endings, damage to which can be associated with health hazards. When placing your fingers in the scalp, the second hand should be on the neck. The specialist performs kneading and deep stroking. In this case, all actions must be performed with both hands. Procedures in the chin area are carried out only after the frontal and temporal lobes of the head have been treated.

The front zone of the neck and the area located behind the auricle are warmed up with both hands at once. At the same time, apply a little force. Movement techniques: rubbing, circular, rolling.

Facial zone

Myofascial facial massage (patient reviews report that the procedure is absolutely painless and safe) is performed taking into account massage lines and in strict accordance with developed techniques and methods. When massaging the face, the specialist places his fingers as follows: the thumb is in the temple area, the middle and index fingers are on the forehead. The master alternately moves his fingers towards each other, then spreads them in opposite directions. Then the master processes the lines above the eyebrows.

Using his fingers, he lightly pinches a small area of ​​skin between the eyebrows. With the second hand, the specialist performs a light pinching, moving from the tip of the nose straight to its base. Then they move on to treating the side walls of the nose. When performing a massage, the master gradually moves to the temples through the cheekbones. After this, the upper lip is treated and moved to the ears. Next, the master goes down to the corners of the lips and performs massage actions, gradually moving to the earlobes.

Complete the facial treatment by performing massage movements in the chin area and moving towards the earlobes.

Performing self-massage at home

When conducting a session at home, you must first clean and degrease the skin. Then you should steam your skin by holding your face over a pan of hot water. If desired, you can add a few drops of any essential oil to the water. After steaming, you need to treat your hands with disinfectant. Massage actions are performed according to a similar (as for a salon) scheme. In this case, all movements should be smooth and easy. It is not recommended to violate the order of actions and introduce your own techniques.

Before the session, you should determine the so-called trigger points. These zones can be recognized by pain sensations that spread beyond the trigger nodes. At the initial stage, you can simply massage these areas without pressure or strong pressure. Full massage actions are recommended to be performed only by those who are familiar with the impact techniques.

How does all this affect age-related facial changes?

Imagine that you are holding a folded banner for demonstrations. Remember, when we go to the May Day demonstration, 2 people hold from different ends a stretched canvas on which a call is written, for example, Peace! Work! May!?

If sufficient fabric tension is not created between these two people holding the supporting structure, then the banner sags, and if one edge is over-tensioned, then everything on the other side will move, and the call in both cases will be unreadable.

A sagging and stretched banner

Precautionary measures

Improperly performed massage can lead to various complications and external negative manifestations. The grip of the fascia should be carried out according to the massage lines, since otherwise sprains or pinched nerve endings may occur. At the same time, age-related changes may become more pronounced - wrinkles will become deeper, the skin will stretch and sag. In cases of the development of any unpleasant symptoms or deterioration of the condition, it is recommended to stop further procedures and consult a specialist for advice.

If there are any contraindications, it is recommended to abstain from the procedures altogether. If you have chronic diseases in the acute stage, you must wait for remission, and then consult with a specialist about the possibility of massage.

Results of the procedure

Myofascial facial massage (patient reviews report rapid achievement of visible results) when carried out correctly leads to noticeable results immediately after the first session. However, for a more lasting and pronounced effect, you need to complete the whole course.

Systematic massage will achieve the following results:

  • elimination of pain and muscle tension;
  • restoration of psycho-emotional state;
  • increased muscle tone and skin turgor;
  • improvement of facial color and texture;
  • elimination of headaches, migraines;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • relieving swelling and other stagnant processes;
  • disappearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • correction of asymmetry, sagging, sagging.

The effectiveness of the technique depends on the condition (neglect) of the skin, age and other individual physiological characteristics of the patient. The more significant the changes, the more procedures will be needed.

Optimal time for training

There are no restrictions or strict recommendations on the time for performing exercises. Myofascial release can be performed:

  • in the morning before breakfast;
  • at any time of the day when you are free;
  • during, before and after sports;
  • in the evening for relaxation and deep sleep.

The effect is most noticeable if you practice releasing as a cool-down after the main workout. By adding exercises with a roll, you will notice that the muscles recover faster, hypertonicity goes away, and overall well-being becomes better. MFR exercises in the form of a warm-up are no less effective - it helps to warm up the joints and muscles in advance, prepare them for stress, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. Before training, it is recommended to roll the muscles on which the maximum load is planned.

You can use several exercises daily to prevent musculoskeletal diseases. MFR classes are indispensable for amateur runners and professional athletes.

Thus, the training time depends entirely on your goals and objectives, level of training and sports activity.

How many procedures need to be done and how often

The number of procedures is selected individually, based on the indications. In some cases, only 2-3 sessions are enough. For more advanced conditions, you will have to take one or more courses. For complete changes and elimination of existing defects, it is recommended to undergo 7-10 sessions.

In this case, the number of procedures per week should not be more than 1-2. You are allowed to take no more than 1-2 massage courses per year.

Anterior and posterior fascial lines

Before using the services of cosmetologists (mesothreads, braces), first eliminate the cause, not the effect. It is necessary to eliminate the tractions that pull the face down.

The anterior fascial line affects:

1. GKSM - sternocleidomastoid muscles of the neck, which in turn affect the entire lower third of the face, the angle of youth 2. Fascia of the skull.

To prevent the skull from becoming deformed, you need to stretch the fascial line, starting from the bottom. Yoga asanas are suitable here: cobra, camel (carefully, with bends in the spine, if there are problems, then first consult a specialist)

Stretching on a fitball, a roller under the thoracic region, or a bridge help open the anterior fascial line, so we eliminate the traction that pulls the face down along the anterior fascial line.

1-2-3 stretching of the anterior fascial line

Cost of myofascial facial massage session

The cost of the procedures depends on the cosmetology center where the procedures will be performed, as well as on the number of sessions. The complexity and volume of work is also taken into account. In clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region, the price for 1 session varies from 1300 to 3500 rubles. When ordering a whole course of treatment, various discounts can be provided, allowing you to save from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Massage cost:

Type of massage Session duration Price
Face 30 min. 1200-1500 rub.
Head, face, neck 60 min. 2500-3500 rub.
Head, face, neck 90 min. 5500 rub.
Relieving muscle tension (face, neck) 50-60 min. 2500 rub.

Before performing myofascial massage, you must consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist and make sure there are no contraindications. It is also recommended to study reviews from those who have undergone a non-surgical facelift. You can undergo a course of procedures at any cosmetology center that provides similar services.

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