Eczema on the elbows - treatment, initial stage, causes, symptoms

Eczema can manifest itself as redness on the skin, which subsequently becomes covered with papules. They burst, serous fluid is released from them, and in their place so-called “serous wells” are formed. Eczema can appear on different parts of the body: face, hands, feet, knees and elbows.

Eczema on the elbows is a disease that requires immediate treatment. It can appear for various reasons, be it genetic predisposition or poor environmental conditions, but the main factor that directly affects the appearance of the disease still remains a mystery to specialists from all over the world. Before finding out the causes and treatment of eczema on the elbows, look at photos of the affected areas. If you notice reddish spots on your body, especially on the extremities (palms, elbows, knees and feet), the symptoms are similar to the photo, then immediately contact a dermatologist for a speedy diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Causes of psoriasis on the elbows

The main causes of psoriasis on the elbows:

  • Genetic predisposition. Psoriasis can be transmitted through several generations. So even if one of your distant relatives suffered from it, the likelihood of finding it in yourself is still high.
  • Congenital or acquired disorders of the immune system are considered one of the key causes of the development of psoriasis.
  • Endocrine disorders. The trigger for the onset of psoriasis can be obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease, hormonal imbalance and other diseases.
  • Stress. Prolonged exposure to stress or serious emotional shock greatly affects the functioning of the immune system and nervous system.

Also, the onset of the disease can be triggered by unfavorable climatic conditions or bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse.


This may be associated with various internal diseases, and may also be the result of a lack of vitamins in the body and even the presence of a fungal infection. The most common causes of the problem may be:

  1. Many people have the habit of leaning on their elbows, especially those whose professional activities involve sitting at a desk for many hours every day. It is not surprising that dryness and flaking await those who spend many hours in the office in front of the monitor;
  2. The reason for the darkening of the skin on your elbows may lie in the clothes and materials you usually prefer. In a woman's closet, synthetic blouses with long sleeves and coarse knitted woolen items coexist. From constant friction against the elbows during everyday wear, the skin in these places can begin to peel and darken.
  3. Incorrect or inadequate daily care. Chlorinated, hard water, scorching summer sun and chilly winter wind are our serious enemies in the battle for beautiful, smooth skin. The elbow area is a particularly sensitive place that requires special care, which we often forget or are not aware of.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. Often, dry, dark elbows indicate that the thyroid gland is underactive. Add to this hormonal fluctuations and we get a possible answer to the question of why elbows peel. If the resulting growths resemble rough elephant skin, you should consult a doctor, at least to rule out the presence of the disease.
  5. Avitaminosis. To keep your skin beautiful and healthy, it needs vitamins. An experienced specialist can determine what exactly the body lacks even with a quick glance at your elbows. B vitamins are often called “beauty vitamins.” Indeed, the key to healthy skin is vitamin B3, (PP). It is also called niacin (nicotinic acid). If there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, then the first thing that happens is the elbows or knees begin to peel off.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the elbows

The onset of pathology is indicated by redness of the skin and the appearance of round spots.

In general, the symptoms of elbow psoriasis are:

  • Single and separate rashes – papules or plaques – form on the skin. As the disease progresses, their number increases. Also, over time, the elements of the rash increase in size and begin to unite into larger lesions. Photos clearly demonstrate the signs of psoriasis on the elbows at the initial stage.
  • Silvery scales are clearly visible on top of the rash. They are very easy to remove. However, after this the skin begins to bleed. And peeling will soon appear again.
  • Under the peelings there is a so-called “terminal film”. It is a smooth red skin surface. If it is removed, a slight spotting (blood dew) will appear on the skin.
  • The rash can affect both very small areas and fairly large areas, extending beyond the elbows.

Formations tend to spread along the periphery. With psoriasis on the elbows at the initial stage, the spots are located chaotically. If you go to the hospital in a timely manner, their growth and spread can be prevented, preventing the disease from moving into the second stage.

The course of psoriasis is cyclical. Periods of exacerbations are followed by periods of remission, during which all symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Remission can last from several weeks to several years. Its duration depends on the literacy of treatment, its timeliness, as well as on the patient’s lifestyle.

Endocrine disorders

The cause of excessive dry skin, including on the elbows, can be a hormonal imbalance. In turn, it can be caused by endocrine diseases, taking hormonal drugs, age-related changes or congenital characteristics.

The sebaceous glands located on the skin are responsible for the protective function. “The production of sebum occurs under the influence of sex steroid hormones, primarily androgens and estrogens. Accordingly, if you produce less of these hormones, your skin remains dry. The cause may be endocrine diseases. For example, pronounced changes in the skin occur with diabetes mellitus. Hormonal levels can also change the use of hormonal medications. There are also individual congenital characteristics: weak sensitivity of receptors to the actions of hormones, resulting in low sebum production, resulting in drier skin. In addition, with age, sebum is produced in smaller quantities, again due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones,” the doctor notes.

Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows

It is impossible to completely cure the disease. From time to time it will still make itself felt. In the form of a rash. Therefore, the key goal of therapy is to delay its onset, prolonging the period of remission for as long as possible. And also - to weaken the symptoms and reduce all stages of the pathology to a minimum.

How to treat psoriasis on the elbows is decided by a dermatologist. He analyzes the symptoms, features of the course of the disease and the patient’s condition. Based on these data, an individual therapy program is drawn up. If psoriasis is located on the elbows, as a rule, only external therapy is prescribed.

It includes:

  • moisturizers containing salicylic acid and urea. These products will not only cope with peeling, but also make the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch.
  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs containing naftalan, tar, D-panthenol, zinc, vitamin D3 analogues. The advantage of this group of drugs is the possibility of long-term use of drugs with virtually no risk of side effects. They are designed to reduce inflammation and maintain a period of remission.
  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticosteroids). Allows you to cope with the symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time. They are most often used in short courses of 14-21 days under the supervision of a dermatologist. Longer use may lead to undesirable local and side effects.

One of the modern drugs for the complex treatment of psoriasis on the elbows is Losterin cream. Thanks to its ingredients, the cream not only moisturizes the skin, but also reduces the manifestations of the disease.

The patient should be prepared from the very beginning that the course of treatment will be long. If treatment is not carried out, the disease will develop into an old form. In such cases, therapy becomes even more complicated. Only a doctor should select medications for psoriasis on the elbows. Otherwise, therapy may be ineffective.

Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows with folk remedies

For psoriasis on the elbows, treatment at home can only be an additional measure. It is impossible to replace drug therapy with them. Not only will this not help get rid of the rash, but it may also make the situation worse.

The effectiveness of traditional methods has not been proven. They are believed to relieve minor symptoms such as itching and redness. However, they will not completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Moreover, many natural components, on the contrary, are strong allergens and additionally irritate the skin. Therefore, before using home remedies, you should consult your dermatologist.

Complex therapy of psoriasis on the elbows using the line of dermatological products Losterin

"Losterin" is a line of dermatological drugs used for various skin diseases. For example, the classic Losterin cream can be used as a remedy for psoriasis on the elbows. It has a non-hormonal basis and contains soft components that have a non-aggressive effect on the lesions.

“Losterin” moisturizes the skin, fights inflammation, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms such as itching and redness. The composition of the drug softens the skin and improves its regeneration processes.

What to do if your elbows are cracking and peeling

The first thing to do if the skin on your elbows is peeling is to visit a doctor. A comprehensive analysis of hormones and the presence of concomitant diseases will not be superfluous.

Reconsider your attitude to nutrition and change your daily menu. You need to balance the menu not only when your elbows start scratching the top of the dinner table, but preferably even at the first symptoms of a change in skin condition. Excessive indulgence in foods that are too fatty or, conversely, avoidance of animal products will inevitably lead to skin problems. For greater confidence, it is recommended to drink a multivitamin complex containing vitamins A, B, E twice a year.

In addition to the internal attribute of vitamins necessary for the body, you should introduce into your arsenal special, effective means to solve problems with darkening, dryness and roughening of the skin on the elbows.

You can try to solve the reason why women's elbows are peeling by using the services of a good cosmetologist. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot remove dead epidermal cells using rough peeling. The skin will probably respond to such a harsh impact with even more intense keratinization. Weekly soft scrubs and gommage will help deal with the problem as delicately as possible.

It’s better not to fill your closet with a bunch of jars and tubes, but to use a universal and dermatologist-tested cosmetic product for special skin. The EVO elbow and knee cream contains an optimal concentration of Vitamin B3 (5%), which helps quickly restore healthy skin color and protect it from negative external influences. To enhance the softening properties of the cream, carbamide (urea) is added to its composition. It perfectly softens and moisturizes dry, rough and cracked skin, and also promotes its renewal. If you apply this cream regularly, then after 7 days of use the skin on your elbows will noticeably improve, and after a month it will be completely restored and will make you happy with a healthy appearance.

Prevention of psoriasis on the elbows

Prevention is a whole range of methods that help reduce symptoms, speed up treatment and increase the duration of remission. These measures must be observed throughout life: both during periods of exacerbations and in asymptomatic times.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • Avoid stress. Even minor emotional or physical stress can provoke the disease. To make it easier to cope with stressful situations, you can work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Treatment in a resort and sanatorium setting will also be beneficial. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the health of the body as a whole.
  • Stick to a diet. It is exclusionary. Potential provoking foods and unhealthy foods (sweets and baked goods, salty and spicy, smoked, fried and too fatty) are removed from the menu. Meals should be regular. Food is taken 4-5 times a day in small portions and at the same time.
  • Drink vitamins. Vitamin complexes improve the immune system. It is advisable that they be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. This has a bad effect on all body systems.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day. In this case, it is advisable to go to bed before 12 o’clock at night.
  • Avoid any damage to the skin. Wounds, scratches, bruises - all this can cause a rash.
  • Wear loose clothing. It should not rub the skin too much. It is also desirable that things be made from natural materials. For example, linen, cotton or silk.
  • Moisturize the skin. It is necessary to apply moisturizers and emollients every day.

It is also important to be regularly examined by a doctor and follow all his recommendations. Then the presence of illness in life will be minimal.

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