Classic facial massage - benefits, contraindications and correct technique

Deep pinch techniques involving subcutaneous fat tissue, which form the basis of the technique, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood and lymph circulation. Manual influence promotes cell renewal, improvement of trophism and healing of the skin.

Technique and features

Facial massage according to Jacquet is most often used for medicinal purposes. It is performed with exciting pinch movements with the thumb and forefinger along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. Deep pinching alternates with vibration, stroking and kneading techniques. The procedure is carried out using talcum powder.

Facial massage according to Jacquet is used as an independent therapeutic technique or as one of the stages of facial cleansing.

The duration of 1 session is 10 minutes, the course on average consists of 10 sessions.


  • Oily skin.
  • Open and closed comedones.
  • Acne disease.
  • Post-acne phenomena (stagnant and age spots, scars).
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Scarring


  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Eczema.
  • Rosacea.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Viral skin diseases: herpes, flat warts, molluscum contagiosum.
  • Hirsutism in women (facial hair).
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Violations of skin integrity.

Goals of cosmetic facial massage

The goal is to slow down the aging process and eliminate cosmetic defects. In addition, cosmetic massage has a positive effect on the condition of all organs and systems. This is due to the fact that there are points on the face, each of which is responsible for the activity of a particular organ or system. For this reason, influencing them, in particular, normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the condition of blood vessels. However, the main goal is to improve the external and internal condition.

Indications for the procedure

Classic facial massage is suitable for those who want to improve the quality of their skin.

Not everyone talks about it, but this procedure has limited functionality. It is more aimed at young rather than mature skin, since it does not provide a full anti-aging effect.

Rejuvenating massage is a different story; it is based on different techniques. We'll tell you more about it, but later.

For now it's classic. What problems can he cope with:

  • dull color,
  • decreased skin turgor,
  • excess oiliness, rashes,
  • dryness, flaking
  • scars, scars.

Classic massage can also be prescribed for therapeutic purposes. With its help, problems of pinched nerves and loss of facial symmetry due to neurological diseases are solved.

Benefits of cosmetic facial massage

Both cosmetic massage performed in the salon and the procedure at home bring benefits. The main thing is to regularly perform the appropriate manipulations. Only under this condition will massage give the following results:

  • metabolic processes occurring in cells are normalized;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are toned;
  • the epidermis is saturated with oxygen;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • facial contours are aligned;
  • wrinkles disappear;
  • age-related changes slow down;
  • dead epidermal cells are removed;
  • the so-called double chin is eliminated;
  • swelling of soft tissues disappears;
  • subcutaneous fat decreases.

Harm of cosmetic facial massage

Despite all the benefits, in some cases a cosmetic procedure can cause harm:

  • if the manipulation is constantly carried out at a young age, then the facial skin will lose its ability to naturally regenerate, which will lead to premature aging;
  • if you use a large amount of cosmetics for manipulation, this will provoke the occurrence of acne and other rashes on the skin;
  • too frequent exposure to the fading epidermis will lead to its stretching;
  • intense exposure to a thin face leads to stretching and bruising.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct sessions with a specialist after consultation with a doctor.


The massage technique has the following contraindications:

  • acne with a purulent center, accompanied by inflammation;
  • skin pathologies in the acute stage;
  • herpes virus;
  • pathologies caused by a fungus;
  • the presence of unhealed lesions on the skin;
  • the vessels are too close;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • oncological pathologies of a malignant nature;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • heart pathologies.

Types of cosmetic facial massage

Experts distinguish 3 main types of cosmetic facial massage.

Classic look

To perform this manipulation, a cream or special oil is required. The procedure is indicated at any age, regardless of skin type. Classic facial massage tones, normalizes water balance and improves the condition of the skin. During the procedure, strokes and pats are performed. After the manipulation, the skin becomes fresh and tightened.

Plastic look

No cream or special oil is used for manipulation. During the procedure, significant pressure is applied. Plastic facial massage is recommended after 35 years for all skin types, but is especially useful for oily skin. Manipulation allows you to get rid of swelling of soft tissues, pigmentation and wrinkles, including deep ones. After plastic massage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood microcirculation and the tone of the epidermis are improved, and the facial muscles are toned. The skin becomes tightened and the contour acquires a clear outline.

Pinch view

Talc is used for manipulation. During the procedure, pressing, patting and pinching are performed. Pinch massage is indicated for use in the presence of pronounced cosmetic defects - scars, pimples and other rashes. Thanks to the procedure, the epidermis is freed from toxins, acquires elasticity and age-related changes slow down.

Technique “36 movements”

“36” movements are part of the Chinese Guasha massage. To perform the manipulation, special tools made from natural materials are used. Most often, craftsmen use scrapers made of jade and buffalo horn.

The manipulation is carried out in five massage stages:

  • Cleansing. A gel is applied, with which the skin gets rid of impurities and dead cells. This technique also helps saturate the skin with oxygen, thereby improving the complexion.
  • Lymphatic drainage. To carry out this manipulation, the master uses a fish-shaped scraper with a long tail. With this tool, the specialist acts on biologically active points. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic and taut, the psycho-emotional state is normalized, and the condition of all system organs improves.
  • Regulation of tissue nutrition. No equipment is required to carry out this stage. The master performs 36 movements with his hands, after which the name appeared. The technique consists of stroking, rubbing, pressing, kneading. After special 36 movements, the epidermis acquires firmness and elasticity, blood microcirculation improves, which has a positive effect on the skin tone, and the biological points of the face are activated.
  • Direct nutrition of soft tissues. The essence is the use of nourishing masks. Thanks to this, the soft tissues of the face and the skin receive the necessary nutrients, which has a positive effect on the appearance.
  • Hydration. The essence is treatment with a moisturizer. This is the final stage of manipulation. Thanks to this, the epidermis receives a sufficient amount of moisture, which slows down the aging process.

Only a master can work with this technique. If you entrust the “36 movements” to a non-professional, this can have undesirable consequences not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Why do we look worse as we age?

Age-related skin changes are just the tip of the iceberg

Often, noticing wrinkles, folds or a swollen oval face in the mirror, women believe that the skin is to blame. And therefore they begin to intensively care for the skin of the face and neck:

  • buy anti-wrinkle creams,
  • anti-aging serums,
  • make masks
  • peelings,
  • mesotherapy
  • and other home and salon skin care treatments.

Of course, our skin is subject to both chrono- and photoaging, so with age it really requires more and more care. But the signs of aging that we see on the skin of the face and neck are just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the appearance of wrinkles, folds or swelling is associated not only with skin aging, but also with age-related changes in the bones of the skull, our muscles and blood vessels. It’s just that these changes are hidden from our eyes, and therefore we often do not give them due importance.

But in order for anti-aging care to be adequate and as effective as possible, you need to know and remember about these changes.

Age-related changes in the skull

First of all, it should be noted that throughout life our skull deforms and decreases in volume, and after this our face changes.

However, while our muscles are young and elastic, they tend to tightly grip the changing skull, and healthy elastic skin follows the muscles. Therefore, at 30 years old, our face no longer looks the same as it did at 20, but, as a rule, there are no obvious signs of aging yet.

But the older we get, the more our bones dry out and the skull decreases in volume, and the facial muscles weaken, lose volume, elasticity and can no longer grip our skull as tightly as before.

And since the facial muscles are woven into the skin at one end, where the facial muscles sag, our skin sag.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the face and neck

But in addition to the fact that some muscles weaken with age and begin to sag, that is, they are in hypotonicity, other muscles are often in hypertonicity, for example, the muscles of the forehead or neck. Hypertonicity is excessive muscle tension.

Many people now lead a sedentary lifestyle - they work all day at the computer, or spend a lot of time driving, and in the evening they often relax again at the computer, for example, watching videos on YouTube.

All this contributes to hypertonicity of the neck muscles.

And many of you probably know that when the neck muscles are overstrained, they compress the blood vessels, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain:

  • headaches appear
  • attention decreases
  • memory deteriorates,
  • sleep is disturbed.

In general, our health and well-being suffers. But perhaps not everyone knows that the beauty of our face largely depends on the condition of the neck muscles.

When blood flow is disrupted, our skin cells receive less nutrients and oxygen, and as a result, the skin ages faster .

In addition, due to muscle hypertonicity, venous outflow and lymph outflow are disrupted, which contributes to the appearance of edema and other problems. The face becomes pasty (that is, puffy, as if wrinkled), the oval floats, and a double chin is formed.

Hypertonicity of certain facial muscles, for example, the forehead muscles, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and folds in this area.

Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, the specialist performs movements strictly along massage lines. In this case, the area around the eyes is not involved. The master should not stretch or compress the epidermis too much, gather the skin into folds, or cause pain. If the specialist does not adhere to these rules, then it is recommended to interrupt and go to another salon.

Here are the permissible movements of a massage therapist:

  • smoothing the epidermis;
  • tapping;
  • kneading the skin with fingertips;
  • vibrating movements;
  • stroking.

Each movement is repeated five times. To see positive dynamics, you need to perform 10 sessions in a row. After this, take a break and repeat the manipulations.

Technique and features

Classic facial skin massage is performed using a gentle and enveloping technique, which is determined by the following features:

  • The procedure is done only with the fingertips, which move across the face with smooth, sliding movements. No force is used.
  • The basic technique is stroking with periodic pressure. Patting and vibration are also used.
  • The face itself remains motionless; there is no need to use the facial muscles: frown, open your mouth, blow, wrinkle your nose, etc.
  • To make it easier to glide and reduce friction, the skin is moisturized with cream or oil before the procedure.

Cosmetic facial massage at home

Cosmetic facial massage can be performed at home. To do this, it is recommended to carefully study the massage technique of performing the manipulation so that the procedure brings benefits and does not cause harm. When performing a cosmetic facial massage at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • wash with cool water and detergent to remove makeup and dirt;
  • the epidermis is wiped with tonic for final cleansing;
  • apply a rich cream suitable for the skin type;
  • hands are washed and wiped dry;
  • knead the skin with fingertips, moving from the bridge of the nose to the frontal area and temples;
  • knead the area of ​​the epidermis from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as well as the upper and lower eyelids;
  • massage the area from the middle of the chin to the cheekbones;
  • perform stroking of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the wings;
  • knead the cheeks from the jawline to the temporal region;
  • massage the area above the lip.

The cosmetic procedure is performed within 10 minutes. It is not recommended to increase the exposure time to avoid unpleasant consequences. Do not press your fingers too hard on the epidermis to avoid hematomas. It is recommended to perform 10 sessions, then take a break of several months and repeat the procedure.

How many sessions do I need to complete?

If you find a specialist who assures you that he will help you in 1-2 sessions, run away from him! For such a number of sessions, you can only get a relaxing massage for your face.

If you are determined to have a tightening (rejuvenating) effect, then the number of procedures depends, first of all, on the type chosen (vacuum, lymphatic drainage, cryo, buccal, etc.) and your age.

  • If you are between 30 and 40 years old and your skin is in good condition, without obvious cosmetic problems, then many experts recommend taking half the course - from 7 procedures.
  • If you are 40+, then this number of procedures may not be enough, so tune in to the full course - up to 14 procedures.
  • If you have started the course, then get ready to visit a cosmetologist at least 2 times a week, and preferably every other day.
  • The effect will last up to six months, then you should take the course again.

Thus, on average, aim for 10-14 procedures within one month.

Unpleasant consequences of cosmetic facial massage

If the massage is performed incorrectly, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • formation of hematomas on the epidermis;
  • redness of the skin;
  • uncomfortable sensations.

Such problems with cosmetology can appear if you press too hard on the skin, move against the massage lines and perform the movements incorrectly. To prevent this from happening, you should entrust a cosmetic massage to a professional, and if the manipulation is performed at home, then adhere to the rules of the procedure.

In addition, allergic reactions to the special oil may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the epidermis, itching and burning. You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you use only proven and high-quality cosmetics for the procedure.

Cosmetic facial massage is a procedure that helps improve your appearance and get rid of some defects. The main thing is to perform cosmetic manipulation correctly and regularly. Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

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