Morning exercises after 60 years for every day: 20 standing exercises

Over time, a person’s face undergoes significant changes - the top layer of skin dries out, the outline changes, and the complexion deteriorates. To restore their former beauty and prolong their youth, women use an arsenal of all kinds of means - from harmless creams and masks to serious plastic surgery. Galina Dubinina’s facial gymnastics with video is aimed at helping women cope with age-related changes, return their skin to its blooming appearance and fall in love with the woman in them. The complex is called a facelift, literally: face up, but it can be performed not only by women, but also by men who are not indifferent to their appearance.

The role of exercises in a facelift

No matter how much lovely women try to perpetuate their own beauty and youth with all sorts of anti-aging creams, masks, serums and other gifts from cosmetic boutiques, there comes a moment in everyone’s life when it becomes clear that a young face is not only well-groomed skin. Unfortunately, all cosmetics can only act on the surface of the epidermis and fight only the smallest wrinkles, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The trouble, however, is that over the years the gravity of the Earth manifests its effect more and more clearly on a person’s face. At a certain moment, we notice the first wrinkles and changes in the oval of the face, the appearance of nasolabial folds, an emerging double chin, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth. All these are manifestations of muscle weakness, which over time stretches and loses its tone.

And since the problem is weakening muscles, it means that the problem needs to be dealt with not from the outside, but at the level of the muscle frame. Just as you can pump up any part of the body, with the help of special exercises you can strengthen your facial muscles. Regular classes using Galina Dubinina’s method will not only help you get rid of wrinkles, but will also give you vigor, good health and a blooming, fresh look, and a woman with radiant, well-groomed skin is doomed to success.

Gymnastics for facial muscles can solve many cosmetic problems and improve the condition of the skin in general.

Why do you need facial exercises?

Facial gymnastics erases wrinkles in a few weeks.

But wrinkles are not the only age-related changes that occur to the face. And it is gymnastics that fights all the signs of aging.

What happens to your appearance over the years?

  • The architecture of the face changes. The cheeks slide down and become the base of the triangle (“the triangle of youth” with its apex on the chin turns over). The picture is complemented by lowered eyebrows, drooping eyelids, and Pierrot’s smile (downturned corners of the lips).
  • The terrain suffers. The skin becomes wrinkled and flabby.
  • Color deteriorates. The skin of the face turns grey, spider veins and pigment spots appear.
  • The face becomes swollen. Lymph flow is disrupted, and fluid is retained in facial tissues. Hence the swollen eyes, bags under the eyes and a puffy facial contour.

You can overcome all this with the help of facial gymnastics. It works on a deep level.

What happens to our face before and after gymnastics?

  1. Blood
    Before gymnastics

    As we age, blood flow to the skin decreases. The vessels become narrower: the cells that line them from the inside are damaged, because of this, fewer substances necessary to relax the vascular wall are released, and the lumen is reduced. The tone of the arterioles increases, congestion occurs in the capillaries and venules. The number and size of blood vessels is reduced.

    We add to this the compression of blood vessels due to muscle clamps. And nutrients and oxygen do not reach the skin in the same, “young” quantities.

    After gymnastics

    Blood flow and metabolism accelerate, microcirculation and cell nutrition improve.

  2. Muscles
    Before gymnastics

    There are 57 muscles on the human face. Some of them are almost always tense, for example, the muscles of mastication, the orbicularis oris muscle, and the orbicularis oculi muscle. Others are almost always relaxed.

    A spasmed muscle (hypertonicity) is a shortened muscle. It pulls the skin and adjacent muscles along with it. This is how wrinkles appear on the forehead and bridge of the nose, “crow’s feet”, nasolabial lips, drooping corners of the lips, ptosis of the upper eyelids, pecking nose, floating oval of the face and other age-related changes.

    Another problem is weak muscles that are hypotonic. Under the influence of gravity, they are pulled down, facial tissues sag.

    After gymnastics

    Spasmed muscles relax, weak ones are strengthened, healthy tone and natural length are restored to each muscle, and the natural configuration of the muscular system is restored.

  3. Leather
    Before gymnastics

    Due to an acute lack of cell nutrition, less collagen and elastin are produced - the main building materials of the skin, which are responsible for its youth. Their structure changes. The collagen fibers thin out and become more fibrous. Elastin fibers stick together.

    The matter is aggravated by the large amount of ultraviolet radiation that the face has absorbed throughout its life. Each time, the sun's rays destroy collagen fibers and lead to the accumulation of abnormal elastin.

    What's the result? The skin sags, becomes covered with wrinkles, becomes coarser, dries out, and turns gray.

    After gymnastics

    Thanks to the blood flowing to the tissues, the production of collagen and elastin is activated. The skin becomes more elastic, elastic, smooth, fresh, turgor and healthy color return.

  4. Connective tissue
    Before gymnastics

    With age, connective tissue contains less hyaluronic acid and collagen elasticity decreases. The connective tissue becomes stiffer, less strong and less extensible.

    After gymnastics

    The elasticity of connective tissue increases.

  5. Lymph
    Before gymnastics

    With age, the movement of lymph slows down, it stagnates on the face like a swamp, puffiness, bags under the eyes, and paint bags appear. The skin is forced to bear additional weight in the form of liquid, so it stretches more, becomes flabby, wrinkles and jowls intensify.

    After gymnastics

    Let's remember what moves lymph. Muscular activity. We do exercises for the face, do lymphatic drainage massage - the muscles move, the lymph is drained. And along with her, all the problems that she caused go away.

Pros and cons of Galina Dubinina's facelift

Galina Dubinina's facelift is based on remarkable exercises for facial rejuvenation by American cosmetologist Carol Maggio and German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. Having studied and tested their methods, using her own experience as a fitness trainer, Galina Dubinina selected the most effective exercises and, adding yoga elements to the complex, created her own program.

Galina Dubinina presents her complex

In addition to exercises for the face and neck, the program includes:

  • acupressure and bioenergetic massage;
  • breathing exercises;
  • exercises for the eyes and eyelids;
  • express complex for preparing the face for a party;
  • gymnastic complex using Bodyflex breathing;
  • options for morning and evening exercises;
  • exercises for men.

Dubinina’s gymnastics are aimed at improving blood microcirculation, bone structure, hormonal levels, regulating the subcutaneous fat layer and, as a result, improving the health of the entire body. From all the complexes proposed in the program, everyone can choose exercises based on their own needs.

Daily fitness classes according to Galina Dubinina’s method have a number of advantages:

  • It’s not difficult to perform the complex and you don’t have to visit expensive salons and gyms;
  • The duration of the lesson is about 10 minutes - even the busiest women can allocate this time for themselves;
  • the visual effect of the exercises is not inferior to the results of plastic surgery to tighten the facial skin;
  • the complex includes breathing exercises that promote healing of the whole body.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the program is the need to constantly work. Although this can hardly be considered a serious drawback. There are no contraindications for performing the exercises - anyone can do them, regardless of age, gender and health status. But since young and mature skin have different care needs, the basic course is supplemented with sets of exercises for different age groups. People with dilated blood vessels are advised to perform exercises with caution and, preferably, after consulting a specialist.

Video: facial exercises (facelift) from Galina Dubinina

Facial massage - benefits and features

The massage is aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance and functional condition of facial skin. The results are noticeable immediately, therefore, having had a massage once, many women strive to repeat the session in the future, impressed by its instant effect.

Benefits of facial massage:

  • improvement of skin color;
  • stimulation of blood flow in tissues, improving their nutrition and oxygen supply;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • relieving increased muscle tone;
  • rejuvenation effect, correction of age-related changes;
  • stress relief, relaxation;
  • “raising” the oval of the face;
  • combating puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • softening of cosmetic skin defects - correction of pigmentation, post-acne marks and acne;
  • reduction of fat layer and double chin.

In our Sugar Ray salon you can get a facial massage service at prices affordable to everyone. For an excellent result, one procedure is not enough - we recommend taking 3-4 courses of 10-15 massage sessions annually. You can get the necessary information and sign up for the procedure on our website.

Facelift of Galina Dubinina

To perform gymnastics you will need a little preparation. First of all, before starting classes, you need to clean your face of makeup and take a contrast shower. Lie on the floor and relax all your muscles. Massage the earlobes and sinks for 3-5 minutes - this is where the points responsible for the condition of the internal organs are located. Rub your palms until warm and apply them to your face. Count from 1 to 8, then backwards. If the sensations are pleasant, you can stay in this pose for a few more seconds.

Bioenergy massage is an important part of facelift

Using the fingers of both hands, massage the head well, trying to move the skin in different directions. 1-2 minutes of vigorous movements are enough.

After performing the massage, you can start doing exercises.

Exercises for the neck and décolleté

Do not forget that the neck most often reveals a woman’s age and it is advisable to start taking care of it as early as possible. Therefore, not only respectable ladies, but also young women can include exercises in their complex.

These exercises will help improve skin tone by strengthening the muscles of the neck and décolleté:

  1. Lie face down on the floor, arms extended along the body. Slowly raise your head up and smoothly move it back as far as possible. At the top point, linger for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10–16 times.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press your legs towards you. Stay in this pose for 1 minute, breathing evenly.
  3. Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Support your chin with your fists and press firmly on it with your lower jaw. Hold the pose for a count of 8.

    We rest our chin on our fists and fix the pose

  4. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but you need to press on your fists every count. We count to 8.

Do 3 sets, alternating 3 and 4 exercises.

Facelift for chin

With age, the chin loses its clear outline, which is called “floating”. Usually this process begins at the age of 40, for some a little earlier or later. Exercises for the chin are recommended both for those who want to regain their former features - women 50–60 years old, and for prevention, who want to avoid this trouble.

Gymnastics are performed at a calm pace, breathing evenly:

  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight. Throw your head back and try to reach your chin with the tip of your tongue. Stay in this pose for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times. During the exercise, all the muscles of the lower area of ​​the face work.
  2. Sit on a chair, back straight, head straight. Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of your nose. Hold the pose for 7–10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times.

    We try to reach the nose with our tongue

These exercises will help strengthen the orbicularis facial muscles. After just two to three weeks of regular exercise, you will notice improvements in the contour of your chin.

Facelift for cheeks

Sagging cheeks cause women a lot of grief as they age. Galina Dubinina's program includes exercises that help strengthen the orbicularis facial muscles. Women over 50–60 years old should pay special attention to these activities. By regularly performing the complex, after 2-3 weeks you will feel a tightened contour.

  1. Stretch your lips into a wide smile. Perform at a calm pace 20 times.
  2. Press your upper lip with your index finger and, holding it, smile 15 times.
  3. Hold your upper lip between your teeth, tense all your facial muscles and hold the position for 5–10 seconds. Repeat everything with the lower lip. Alternating, perform 10 times on each lip.
  4. Smile widely 30–40 times. The exercise is performed at a fast pace.

    A wide smile is not only a sign of a good mood, but also a great way to improve the shape of your face.

Lip exercises

All women dream of beautiful lips, regardless of age. Over the years, even the most perfect lips change their contour and become thinner, and no cosmetic products can stop this process.

A few simple exercises will help give your lips plumpness and proper shape:

  1. Open your mouth slightly and extend your upper lip forward. The lip should not stretch upward, but forward. Alternate tension with relaxation. Perform at a fast pace 15–20 times.
  2. The exercise is performed similarly to the first, but both lips need to be pulled forward. Perform 16 times at a slow pace and 16 times at a fast pace.

    Pull both lips forward

  3. Bite your lower lip or press it with your finger. Pull your upper lip forward as much as possible. Pull out your upper lip with force, then press it to your finger. Repeat 16 times at a measured pace.
  4. Open your mouth and alternately press your upper and lower lips between your teeth. Repeat 16 times.

Reviews about Galina Dubinina's facelift

So, after going through a bunch of information, I decided for myself that Carol Maggio’s exercises would be too strenuous for me, and somehow scary, the reviews are different; I somehow didn’t like the other techniques either, but the exercises from Galina Dubinina attracted me because of their accessibility (the trainer shows and explains in a way that even a child can understand), in addition, the lessons can be downloaded from well-known resources. Yes, and the reviews were neutral and positive :) So, my impressions: doing all the exercises from Galina Dubinina’s complex, I spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour. Does it seem like a lot? But you probably spend even more time in the gym, and there are about 50 muscles on your face, I wouldn’t lie! When you have mastered all the exercises, you can perform them during the day in “snatches”: in the elevator, in the toilet/bathroom, on the way to work, before bed). I prefer to do the whole complex at once, but this is my choice. I do facial exercises about 2-3 times a week. I think that this is enough for me for now, but again, each person will find an optimal regime for themselves - most importantly, not every day, since the muscles should rest. Immediately after finishing, you will feel how your face seems to rise up)) These are subjective impressions, but that’s exactly what they are! Not a single cream/serum/mask gave the same effect, but this is understandable - they have a different function (care for the epidermis, that is, the “tip of the iceberg”). An important point: I (and not only me) recommend applying oil to a cleansed face before gymnastics. In principle, any cream, or even a rich cream, will do. In a word, I recommend trying this wonderful method of facial care - perhaps this is exactly what will help you correct or “maintain” something in your face without radical intervention!


I also especially liked the fact that you can do selective exercises, for example, for a beautiful lip shape, getting rid of a double chin, getting rid of nasolabial folds. There was a time when I was fixated on my lips (my corners are a little drooping), I can say with confidence that the shape of my lips became better, then I did gymnastics quite often and didn’t miss them, but now I’ve somehow given up completely. Will need to repeat!


I also encountered all of the above problems because... I’m approaching 30 years old and I like close-up photos less and less, and there is no money for salon procedures and there is no prospect of it, I started doing these exercises - each small lesson in the video course is dedicated to a specific problem and well describes a specific exercise - how to work muscles, where to put your fingers and so on... What I like is that it explains in detail how to avoid unnecessary wrinkles with such active facial expressions, there are elements of massage... after a week of classes (there are two seasons, I did the exercises according to the 1st, everything took 20-30 minutes , and when you already know how to do the exercise, everything is much faster) I felt the muscles of my face, they ached and my neck too. Unfortunately, mother’s laziness overcame me and in the end I chose only a few of the most relevant exercises and try to do them in the bathroom. It’s better, of course, to do it all in front of a mirror in order to control your actions and, first of all, it will be funny because of the grimaces. I’m sure it works, and I especially like Galina’s face—in the close-ups you can see that her face is fine despite her advanced age. I want to believe that this is not plastic.


Yes, I think the main thing here is consistency. It is necessary that this exercise becomes a habit. This is the hardest part))


Galina Dubinina’s facelift cannot be called a unique technique, because it is based on the developments of other specialists. But a successfully supplemented and modified program will help restore tone to the facial muscles, tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles and, possibly, avoid expensive and not always safe operations to rejuvenate and improve appearance.



Many residents of the country have known about the benefits of physical exercise since childhood, because I instilled this idea in my mother-in-law in kindergarten. To begin with, from an early age, addiction to physical activity begins to develop with the help of morning exercises. Later, you can add full-fledged daytime workouts. But you shouldn’t forget about morning exercises. On the contrary, many doctors emphasize that a person whose morning begins with a light workout is healthier and more resistant to various diseases. And the performance of an organism warmed up in the morning increases significantly.

The benefits of gymnastics

Today, doctors, nutritionists, and fitness trainers are talking about the benefits for people of 60 physical activities. Even psychologists note that gymnastics for the elderly has a calming effect, making them more emotionally stable, especially in stressful situations. Not everyone knows, but facial exercises after 60 are also useful, helping to visually prolong youth.

But first, let's look at the benefits for women after 60 years of general charging.

First of all, daily morning exercises are necessary to prevent the development of:

  • heart diseases,
  • vessels,
  • blood pressure disorders,
  • sagging muscles, skin,
  • disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus,
  • joint diseases,
  • salt deposits, etc.

Daily gymnastics for women after 50 or 60 years of age significantly increases the tone of the whole body, blood circulation improves, the cells of all tissues and especially the brain receive more oxygen. As a result, women who devote at least 15 minutes a day to such an activity feel much better and younger than their peers, are full of energy, and complain less of pain.

Exercise for 60 years (warm-up round)

The warm-up complex contains 10 exercises to warm up the muscles. Includes the entire body: neck, shoulders and arms, back, chest, abdomen, buttocks and legs. It is also useful to perform this set of movements for the joints, spine, and ligaments, because it is their mobility and elasticity that decreases in older people. The first round of exercises consists of various bends, swings, roll-ups, raises. The initial posture for physical exercise after 60 years will be simply standing or against a support.

Standing shoulder raises

Stand up straight with your feet planted firmly. Complete this stance with a straight body, arms along the sides. Start from the accepted position to perform the main movement: raise your shoulders as high as possible, trying to reach them under the level of your ears. Then lower, repeat. Don't squeeze your neck. The muscles of the upper body are activated to the maximum: trapezius, deltoids. The collar area relaxes and blood circulation to the head improves.

How many to perform: 8-12 repetitions.

Information + hand raises

Maintain the position in a normal stance, feet shoulder-width apart, keep one line in the body. Straighten your arms straight to your sides. Open your chest, do not tense your upper torso. Now bring your hands together in front of you, clasp your hands together, stretch and slightly round your back. Then, as you exhale, return to your place and spread your arms behind your body. In morning exercises after 60 years, the clamps of the chest area are removed, posture improves, arms, shoulders, and back are stretched.

How many to perform: 8-12 repetitions.

Body tilts to the sides

Leave your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms freely down along your body. Establish a single straight line in your back, looking forward. From this position, perform the main movement: lean to the right, lowering your right hand along the side of your body and raising your left. Do not tilt your body back and forth. Stand back up and repeat to the left. Bending will gently stretch the muscles along the sides, elongate the spine, increase its flexibility, and relax the back.

How much to do: 10-14 inclinations in total.

Forward twisting bend

Stay in a normal stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head, clasping your hands together and spreading your elbows to the sides. Keep your back straight. Perform the exercise: begin to bend your neck and tilt your head down, rounding your upper body and bringing your elbows together in front of your face. Go back, repeat. The trapezius muscle and collar area are perfectly warmed up, the spine is stretched, clamps are removed, and the neck is relaxed.

How many to perform: 8-12 repetitions.

Swing your arms back and forth

Maintain the stance from the previous exercise, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your body in a single line. Straighten your arms freely along your sides, turning your hands with your palms facing away from you. From this position, proceed to the main movement: begin to move your arms forward together, and then back. The result is swings. Raise it low, keep the amplitude to medium. The exercise tones almost all the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back; morning exercises are mandatory after 60 years.

How much to do: 12-16 arm swings.

Circular rotations of the pelvis

Place your feet wider, about two shoulder widths apart. Then place your hands on your waist. Straighten your back, look forward. Start doing the main element smoothly, without sudden movements: first, circular rotations of the pelvis to the right, and then to the left. Try to maintain the maximum amplitude without wagging your body. Physical exercise will be useful after 60 years, as it warms up the lumbar region with the hip joints, and also massages the internal organs.

How much to perform: 6-8 rotations in one direction, then the same number in the other direction.

Swing your leg forward at the support

Stand with your right side near a support. Place your near hand on the chair. Place the second one on your waist. Set a straight line in the body. Alternately, as you exhale, begin to swing your straight legs forward, do not raise them too high. The angles between the shins and feet are 90 degrees. Don't move suddenly, don't rush. In terms of effectiveness, one of the best exercises for toning the buttocks and thighs. Swings affect the lower back with the abs. Useful for the musculoskeletal system.

How much to do: 10-14 leg lifts in total.

Arm raises + chest information

Return to a normal stance with your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend your arms at your sides, lowering your elbows just below parallel, pointing your forearms straight up. The back is straight, the chest is pushed forward. From this position, as you exhale, move your arms slightly back behind your body, then bring them in front of you, bringing your palms together at chest level and squeezing them. After 60 years of age, an exercise is added to morning exercises to strengthen the area between the shoulder blades and improve posture.

How many to perform: 8-12 repetitions.

Swing your legs to the side at the support

Stand near the support again, only this time with your face. Place your hands on the chair. A straight line in the back, gaze directed forward, shoulders straightened. As you exhale, swing your right leg clearly to the side along a single plane with the body, put it in place. Then repeat with your left leg in the opposite direction. Keep your body static. Don't make sudden movements. The exercise will strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities and support the mobility of the hip joints.

How much to do: 10-14 leg lifts in total.

Raising on your toes with your arms above your head

Place your feet together and straighten your legs. Lower your arms freely in front of you. Establish a straight line in your back and straighten your shoulders. As you exhale, without jerking, move your arms above your head to the sides, stretch upward, and lift your feet onto your toes. Performing this simple physical exercise after 60 years will increase the overall tone of the body, relax the muscles, strengthen the calves and spine.

How many to perform: 8-12 repetitions.

Selection of exercises

The complex of morning exercises should be selected carefully, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases and their characteristics. Because the main goal of exercise at sixty is to improve health, and not harm it. In addition, for women over 60, the load should be gentle. At home you can start with:

  • Breathing,
  • warming up the hands, knee joints,
  • vestibular exercises,
  • walking in place

Exercises with dumbbells for mature women or daily running at the stadium are possible and optional. Even the above simple exercises will be enough to feel an improvement in your well-being.

Although, if a woman has been involved in sports all her life, at retirement age you can add dumbbells to your daily routine. Exercises with dumbbells for women allow you to train your muscles more strongly, which will subsequently affect excellent posture, a toned figure, and the general tone of the muscles of the arms, chest, and back.

Along with general exercises, facial gymnastics is recommended after 55 years and later, which helps to train the facial muscles.

Exercise for 60 years (round for body tone)

The second round of our morning exercises after 60 years includes more intense exercises that will strengthen muscles and joints, develop endurance, burn calories, and awaken from sleep. For example, hip raises, shin curls, side steps, body rotations, arm fly-outs, and arm curls. The class is conducted completely standing; perform the exercises at a comfortable pace.

See also:

  • Active morning exercises for losing weight in the stomach: 20 exercises
  • Exercises for the back while standing: prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis

Walking with high hips

Stand up straight, place your feet next to each other. Bend your arms at your sides. Start walking further in place, raising your hips high as you exhale and bringing your knees above the level of your pelvic bones. Work your hands in opposite directions towards your legs, as when running. Keep your body straight throughout the walk. Take your time, lift one leg and put it back, then the second. Such physical exercise after 60 years will be an excellent way to increase endurance and strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

How much to do: 16-20 knee raises in total.

Turn the body sideways with your hand

Make the distance between your feet wider, about one and a half shoulder widths, which will give the necessary stability. Place your hands on your waist. The back is straight, legs are straight. Perform the main element: as you exhale, turn your body completely to the left at the same time as you extend your right arm in the same direction and then return to the starting position, repeat the turn to the right. The spine is strengthened, and the exercise provides an effective way to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.

How much to perform: 10-14 turns in total.

Walking in place with shin overlapping

Return to your normal stance with your feet side by side. Bend your arms at your sides, keeping your elbows at your waist. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Perform the main exercise: start walking in place, alternately doing laps as you exhale. Bring your heels to your buttocks, knees pointing down. Use your hands differently for each step. This exercise is included in morning exercises after 60 years to tone the back of the legs, develop knee joints, and maintain endurance.

How much to do: 16-20 shin wraps in total.

Side step + raise arms

Stay in the position from the previous exercise with your feet together. Keep your back straight, straighten your shoulder girdle. Place your arms down along your sides. To complete the starting position, bend your knees slightly. Now take a step to the right and at the same time, as you exhale, raise your arms up above your head. Then stand in place and repeat to the left side. The muscles of the whole body are toned, joints become stronger. Physical exercise is beneficial for everyone after 60 years.

How much to do: 14-18 arm raises in total.

Body rotations with straight arms

Place your feet one and a half shoulder width apart, keep an even line in your body along the entire length. Raise your arms in front of you to chest level, clasp your hands together, palms facing down. As you exhale, turn your body to the right: your legs and pelvis are static, your arms remain in their original position. Go back and then turn left. The muscles of the trunk and core will be strengthened, as there is an active load on the stomach and lower back. Your posture will improve and your back pain will go away.

How much to perform: 10-12 turns in total.

Knee raises with touching hands

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten up. Bend your arms at your sides. Keep your elbows near your waist, forearms parallel to the floor, palms down. From the accepted positions, begin to walk in place, while exhaling, raising your hips high so that your knees touch your hands in this walk. Do not lean forward, the body is static. Include exercise in morning exercises after 60 years to tone the whole body, with an emphasis on muscles and leg joints. The core is intensively strengthened, especially the lower abdomen.

How much to do: 16-20 knee raises in total.

Step to the side + spread of arms

Bring your feet together and bend your knees slightly. Stretch your arms in front of you at chest level, bend them towards you, and clasp your forearms in front of your face. Install the housing in a straight line. At the same time, take a step to the right and from the accepted position, spread your arms clearly to the sides as you exhale. Stand back up and repeat the step to the left. Make almost no pauses. The muscles of the whole body become toned. The spine becomes stronger, posture improves, and overall endurance increases.

How much to do: 14-18 arm raises in total.

Taking your legs back

Stand behind a chair and place both hands on it. Keep a straight line in your body and tighten your abs. Then, as you exhale, begin to alternately move your right and left legs back, raising them to a moderate height. Don't move suddenly, don't rush. Keep your leg straight, do not bend it at the knee. In terms of effectiveness, one of the best exercises for toning the buttocks and thighs. The exercise is also useful for strengthening the lumbosacral spine.

How much to perform: 12-16 leg abductions in total.

Leg kick + punch

Return your feet to shoulder-width apart and straighten your knees. Hold your arms at your sides like a boxer, elbows tucked in, hands clenched into fists. Straighten your back and chest. This is the starting position. Place your right foot to the side on your toes. Turn your body to the left and, as you exhale, perform a strike with your right hand. Stand back up and immediately repeat both movements in other directions. The muscles of the core, shoulders and arms are strengthened, the legs are toned to the maximum, the joints and spine become more mobile.

How much to perform: 16-20 punches in total.

Bent over arm raises

Place your feet firmly, bend your knees and move your pelvis slightly. Tilt your body forward. Keep your back straight. Straighten your arms along your head, turn your palms towards each other. Direct your gaze downwards. Start from this position by lowering and raising your arms, the amplitude is small. The exercise is useful for the upper half of the body: it strengthens the shoulders, arms, cervical spine, and back. After 60 years of age, it is mandatory to include it in your morning exercises.

How much to do: 8-12 lifts in total.

See also:

  • Morning exercises fully standing without a mat: 20 exercises
  • Exercises on the bed: 20 static poses to start the day
  • Easy exercise for ages 70+ or ​​for very beginners

The essence of facial exercises

A person over 60 needs active care. It is generally accepted that it is enough to use creams, masks, scrubs to look good. Those with higher incomes can afford a facial after 60 different lifts, injections, laser corrections, etc.

In fact, no matter what anti-aging cosmetics are, they themselves will not give the effect that can be achieved together with special exercises for the face after 60.

These exercises are aimed at training the facial muscles, increasing their tone and improving blood circulation. If you do facial exercises every day after 60, you can reduce the rate of wrinkle development and prevent:

  • drooping of the eyelid
  • depression of the cheeks
  • appearance of a double chin, etc.

Facial training after 60 should preferably be carried out after morning or evening washing. All you need to implement it is your own hands and the desire to look great.

The simplest exercises will be the following:

  • with the middle and index fingers, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, you should make smoothing movements for several minutes,
  • with your index finger you need to lift the tip of your nose up, while pulling your upper lip down (15 times),
  • You need to place your fingers in the corners of your lips and use them to stretch and compress your lips for several minutes,
  • pulling the cheeks between the teeth, or one and a half minutes, or 20-30 times,
  • when closing the eyelid, use your index fingers to press on their corners, preventing them from lowering calmly (provide resistance 15 times),
  • stretching your lips you need to pronounce letters such as a, i, o, u, s, e,
  • You should draw circles with your chin and “write” letters or numbers.

These exercises are very simple and quick to perform. But for a person over 60, they play a very important role, as they significantly eliminate age-related imperfections. Regular facial gymnastics after retirement age often gives an effect that is several times greater than the results from expensive creams and even injections. And most importantly, this form of anti-aging treatment is absolutely safe and free.

And considering that facial skin after 60 is more susceptible to the negative effects of external factors, this method can be a salvation for many.

You can see such classes in more detail in practice using videos useful for women on the Internet, which contain step-by-step instructions and a visual demonstration of the entire complex.

To summarize, we can conclude that for a 60-year-old lady it is possible to stay young and healthy without leaving huge amounts of money at the pharmacy. Sometimes it’s enough just to forget about your laziness and give your body a few minutes to develop immunity from aging.

Among the variety of cosmetic and surgical methods of facial rejuvenation that exist today, one can also find “natural” ones, which act by triggering skin regeneration processes. These are absolutely safe techniques that allow you to fight age-related changes and prevent their occurrence. One of these techniques is facial gymnastics, developed by fitness instructor Galina Dubinina. This method of rejuvenation is also called facelift. It is a set of exercises that improve the tone of the facial muscles and thereby tighten the skin. Facelift classes do not take much time, do not require the use of any special cosmetics and have no age restrictions. All the exercises are quite simple, but at the same time very effective: performing them regularly will lead to results that can be compared with the effect of cosmetic procedures.

The benefits and effectiveness of gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics as a way of facial rejuvenation has become incredibly popular in recent years. This is the most progressive beauty trend, which arose as a healthy alternative to punitive cosmetology. After the world became overrun with “muckles” (faces pumped with fillers, Botoxed into a mask, unnaturally tense faces), it became obvious that beautiful is only natural. Millions of women “sculpt” their faces themselves, erasing wrinkles without injections or scalpels.

What idea has been imposed on us by cosmetologists for decades? Cosmetology is necessary for the beauty and youth of the face. In the West this has been happening for more than half a century, in Russia for about 20 years. Sufficient time to evaluate the real, destructive impact of surgical, injection and hardware techniques on appearance and health.

Yes, we are a little behind the Western view of the problem (we simply have less experience), but we will soon catch up. Many of our women have already realized that they can only rejuvenate their faces with their own hands.

Look at those who are on various “youth injections” - Botox, fillers, meso-cocktails - for at least five years. What happened to them? It’s the same thing everywhere: natural physiological mechanisms are disrupted. Vessels, muscles, skin have forgotten how to perform their functions. And now “the injections of youth” are their sentence for the rest of their lives.

  • The capillaries have atrophied, the vessels have stuck together - the blood does not deliver the required amount of nutrients and oxygen to the skin and muscles.
  • Some facial muscles spasmed, others atrophied, the configuration of the muscular system became abnormal - hence the wrinkles, folds, creases, nasolabial lips, drooping corners of the mouth, drooping eyelids, jowls, etc.
  • The skin experiences a chronic nutritional deficiency - it coarsens, becomes dry, flabby, wrinkled, and sallow-gray.

Having made an injection in the face, another woman can no longer stop, gets hooked on the needle, wants to somehow smooth out the rapid aging, but only makes everything worse. She wanted a magical, instant transformation and got her “cheese in the trap” - a bloated, immobilized, old face with distorted features.

Gymnastics for the face is completely different. She:

  • Safe.
    Naturally, obstacles to the full functioning of all tissues are eliminated, and rejuvenation mechanisms are activated.
  • Effective.
    The causes of age-related changes are eliminated and long-term results are achieved.
  • Convenient.
    You don’t depend on anyone, you don’t “work for a cosmetologist.” Spend 10-15 minutes a day on your face and do simple exercises.

About the author of the method - Galina Dubinina

Galina Dubinina is a specialist not only in the field of facial gymnastics. She works as a fitness instructor and has always been interested in natural ways to maintain health and youth throughout the body. But she decided to get serious about developing a system that allows her to rejuvenate her face only when she saw the first signs of aging in the mirror. In order to stay young and beautiful herself, she began to study natural rejuvenation techniques: the systems of Carol Maggio and Reinhold Benz. Studying and testing these techniques on herself, Galina Dubinina created her own complex, which includes the most effective exercises. Having tested the system on herself, she moved on to training other women, and in 2004 a group was created to test the effectiveness of the new technique. The facelift system became widespread after all participants were satisfied with the result.

Galina Dubinina is an ardent opponent of injection cosmetology and plastic surgery. She suggests women choose “healthier” methods of rejuvenation, which are not limited to facial gymnastics: the author recommends supplementing facelift with breathing exercises, as well as regularly conducting self-massage sessions.

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles - what is it?

The effectiveness of gymnastics against wrinkles is proven by the centuries-old traditions of entire nations. And Japanese women are among the first to stand here. The whole world knows about their amazing youthfulness. Their skin remains smooth and porcelain for a long time. At menopause they look 30-35 years old.

One of the main secrets of their youth is Asahi’s self-massage of the face. It was known many centuries ago. Girls are taught it from a young age.

Unlike soft European facial massage, Asahi is performed with pressure, a smoother effect is applied only to areas with lymph nodes. The process involves not only the skin, but also the facial muscles and connective tissue. The face is recreated.

Japanese women are a wonderful example of women creating their own beauty and youth.

Galina Dubinina's method

The essence of Galina Dubinina’s facial rejuvenation method is to perform a set of exercises that train the muscles of the eyes, cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. With the help of these fairly simple, at first glance, actions, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. Due to weak, flabby muscles, the oval of the face loses its definition. It is the weakening of the muscle frame, according to the author of the technique, that is the main cause of aging. And with the help of exercises you can increase the tone of your muscles and, accordingly, your skin.

In addition, thanks to facial gymnastics:

  • cell renewal occurs;
  • the outflow of lymph from facial tissues is normalized, swelling is reduced;
  • the production of collagen and elastin is activated;
  • blood supply to the face, neck and entire head increases.

The following positive aspects of facelifting using the Galina Dubinina method can be noted:

  • they make you look younger;
  • in the future it will be possible to refuse traumatic cosmetic procedures (injections, laser and chemical peels, etc.), and even more so from the services of a plastic surgeon;
  • improvement of skin condition and color;
  • pain in the head and cervical spine caused by impaired blood supply or overexertion disappears;
  • Thanks to the stimulation of the lymphatic system, the entire body heals.

Types of massage

Our Sugar Ray center provides most of the famous types of facial massage. We list the main ones:

  • Classic massage. Improves the appearance and internal structure of the epidermis, prevents and corrects age-related changes. The cosmetologist touches all massage lines of the face, using in practice elements of stroking, vibration and rubbing.
  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Fights puffiness, bags under the eyes, uneven skin color. The specialist works strictly in the natural direction of lymph movement, using vibration, pressure and rubbing techniques.
  • Myofascial facial massage. Used as an alternative to non-surgical skin tightening to sculpt the contours of the face. Recommended for correcting age-related changes, including sagging skin and facial wrinkles.
  • Buccal facial massage. A variant of sculptural massage based on an unusual treatment of tissues - not only external, but also internal - through the oral cavity. The procedure consists of uniformly affecting deep expression wrinkles of the lips, cheeks and chin. Often combined with myofascial massage.
  • 3D lifting massage. Aimed at activating weak muscles in the face, neck and décolleté. Increases skin elasticity, has a tightening effect, relieves puffiness and circles under the eyes.
  • According to Jacquet. A therapeutic option that improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the aesthetic appearance of the skin. It is used for seborrhea, acne and post-acne - problems associated with increased fat content of the dermis.

Gymnastics for the face according to the Galina Dubinina system

The facelift system includes exercises for different areas of the face.

A set of exercises for the cheeks and nose

Exercises for the cheeks and nose will help make the cheekbones more defined and reduce the manifestations of ptosis:

    To train the zygomatic muscle, you need to smile with your lips tightly pursed and their corners raised. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed against the teeth. You can do this with your finger. You need to do 8 repetitions at a medium pace, and then 16 at a fast pace. The muscle is under tension all the time. If wrinkles form under the eyes during the exercise, you can hold these places with your fingers.

Video: cheek lift according to Dubinina

Exercises for tightening the oval of the face and eliminating nasolabial folds

Exercises that will help make the oval of the face clearer and tighten the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle:

    Raise the corners of your lips as high as possible and hold them tense for 16 seconds. If nasolabial folds form during the exercise, you need to hold them with your finger. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Video: how to make the oval of the face clear using the Dubinina method

A set of exercises for the forehead area

The author claims that wrinkles on the forehead are formed as a result of the habit of raising and frowning the eyebrows. With the help of exercises you can correct the situation. To begin with, it is recommended to massage the surface of the head, focusing on the frontal part: this will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the complex. The exercises themselves must be performed in the following sequence:

    Place your hand on your forehead in the area where your hair borders. Pull back a little, lock and hold for 8 seconds. Then look down and slowly close your eyes. Stay in this position again. And finally, you need to pull your lips down, stretching your face well. After static exercises, you need to repeat all the actions dynamically, pulling your lips down 16 times and closing your eyes, while holding your forehead.

Video: eliminating wrinkles on the forehead using the Dubinina method

Eye exercises

Exercises for the area around the eyes will help deal with wrinkles and tighten the eyelids:

    Open your eyes as wide as possible. You can raise your eyebrows a little if it makes it easier. Hold the tension for 4 seconds. Then lower the upper eyelid without relaxing. Wait 4 seconds. Repeat all manipulations 8 times.

Video: upper eyelid lift according to Dubinina


I also encountered all of the above problems because... I’m approaching 30 years old and I like close-up photos less and less, and there is no money for salon procedures and no plans in sight, I started doing these exercises - each small lesson in the video course is dedicated to a specific problem and well describes a specific exercise - how to work muscles, where to put your fingers and so on... What I like is that it explains in detail how to avoid unnecessary wrinkles with such active facial expressions, there are elements of massage... after a week of classes (there are two seasons, I did the exercises according to the 1st, everything took 20-30 minutes , and when you already know how to do the exercise, everything is much faster) I felt the muscles of my face, they ached and my neck too. Unfortunately, mother’s laziness overcame me and in the end I chose only a few of the most relevant exercises and try to do them in the bathroom. It’s better, of course, to do this everything in front of the mirror to control your actions, and first of all it will be funny because of the grimaces. I’m sure it works, and I especially like the face of Galina herself - in close-ups you can see that everything is in order with her face despite her mature age. I want believe that it is not plastic.


So, after going through a bunch of information, I decided for myself that Carol Maggio’s exercises would be too strenuous for me, and somehow scary, the reviews are different; I somehow didn’t like the other techniques either, but the exercises from Galina Dubinina attracted me because of their accessibility (the trainer shows and explains in a way that even my child can understand), in addition, the lessons can be downloaded from well-known resources. Yes, and the reviews were neutral and positive :) So, my impressions: doing all the exercises from Galina Dubinina’s complex, I spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour. Does it seem like a lot? But you probably spend even more time in the gym, and there are about 50 muscles on your face, I wouldn’t lie! When you have mastered all the exercises, you can perform them during the day in “snatches”: in the elevator, in the toilet/bathroom, on the way to work, before bed). I prefer to do the whole complex at once, but this is my choice. I do facial exercises about 2-3 times a week. I think that this is enough for me for now, but again, each person will find an optimal regime for themselves - most importantly, not every day, since the muscles should rest. Immediately after finishing, you will feel how your face seems to rise up)) These are subjective impressions, but that’s exactly what they are! Not a single cream/serum/mask gave the same effect, but this is understandable - they have a different function (care for the epidermis, that is, the “tip of the iceberg”). An important point: I (and not only me) recommend applying oil to a cleansed face before gymnastics. In principle, any cream, or even a rich cream, will do. In a word, I recommend trying this wonderful method of facial care - perhaps this is exactly what will help you correct or “maintain” something in your face without radical intervention!


The advantages of Galina Dubinina’s method over other methods of rejuvenation, which involve the use of cosmetic products or the implementation of manipulations aggressive to the skin, explain the huge number of fans that it has won. Its simplicity, naturalness and safety attracted many women, who were subsequently not disappointed with the results achieved through simple exercises. Of course, the method also has disadvantages. So, if after some procedures, for example, Botox injections, you can literally look younger “before your eyes,” then facial gymnastics should be done regularly for a long time. This requires patience and determination. However, many women experience much greater pleasure from the results that were obtained through their own efforts.

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