Why does your back itch every day: causes and their solutions

When a person experiences itching or itching in any part of the body, coping with the phenomenon is quite simple. It is enough to scratch the problem area and the itching will subside. But if the skin itches in a hard-to-reach place, and even constantly, this can become a real problem. Especially when your back itches. Why itching in the back may occur and how to cope with it is the most important and useful information.

Why does my back itch?

Itchy back - explanation

The feeling of itching cannot be called pleasant. This, of course, is not pain, but sometimes it is worse than aching pain. The desire to scratch the skin in a disturbing place is indomitable, it is almost impossible to cope with it. The surface layer of the dermis is irritated, there is a tingling and burning sensation. When this happens chronically, it continues constantly, the person is always in an irritated state. It turns out that itching is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It can worsen the quality of life along with pain.

By the way. If your back itches, a person is deprived of restful sleep and active wakefulness, his performance decreases, and depression may even develop.

When looking specifically at back itch, which is recognized as a medical problem, the phenomenon is divided into several global species pairs.

  1. Acute and chronic.
  2. Generalized and localized.
  3. Pathological and physiological.

Causes of itchy skin

Common Causes of Itchy Skin

Why does my back start to itch? This is perhaps the most important question, the answer to which determines how to get rid of the itching that torments a person.

The entire surface of the back can itch, as well as locally the area between the shoulder blades, near or under one shoulder blade, in the lower back, along the length of the spine.

There are many reasons. From wearing synthetics or wool close to the body, insect bites, to serious diseases of the excretory and all internal systems, nervous structure, oncology in early development.

Advice. With the sudden onset of itching, any person immediately strives to satisfy the understandable desire to scratch his back. But doctors recommend not to do this, but to go to the doctor for a consultation and determine the cause as soon as possible. Of course, if we are talking about a systematic phenomenon that has no visible causes (for example, such as a mosquito bite under the shoulder blade).

Wearing synthetics or wool can cause itchy skin

But even when the cause is known, you should refrain from intense scratching if possible. When scratching, it is very easy to miscalculate the force, lose control and damage the skin. This will contribute to the formation of hematomas, scars and ulcers, damage to the deep layers of the dermis and the spread of microbes over a large area, fraught with infection.

What to do if your back systematically itches? Contact your therapist or dermatologist. Often, an examination is prescribed in parallel by two doctors, or the therapist, based on the results of the diagnosis, refers the patient to a dermatologist, neurologist, allergist and other specialized specialists.

By the way! Treatment of itching in the back will be aimed not only at eliminating the causes of its occurrence, but also at relieving symptoms, therefore, with effective therapy, the sensation of scabies is relieved very quickly, and the patient feels much better.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of itching

What does it mean if your tailbone itches?

The coccyx is the lowest part of the spine, sensitive to signs and quite accurately interpreted. According to popular belief, if the tailbone itches, it means that life situations will arise that require a lot of time and effort from a person, both emotional and physical. When your tailbone literally feels on fire, it means that you will soon be overwhelmed with work and official matters and are not expecting a salary increase.

Itching for an unmarried girl means a boring life without fans and signs of attention from them. The young man can prepare himself for the upcoming adventurous adventures that only a strong spirit can do.

There is also a positive interpretation of this sign: if there is a quarrel with your loved one, expect that mutual reconciliation will soon occur and you will be together again.

Senile itching in the back

When old age comes, people begin to experience various ailments associated with the aging process. They often complain of constant itching in the back. Itchy shoulders and shoulder blades, spine, sides and lower back. The itching can be in one place or another, or it can immediately cover the entire back and spread to the body. The sensations are annoying and intensifying; it is impossible to get rid of them by simply scratching.

Important! One of the typical voiced complaints of patients aged 65 years and older at an appointment with a therapist is itching in the back. The phenomenon has a name - senile itching and is considered pathological.

This signal should not be ignored under any circumstances, and although it occurs as a consequence of age-related changes, and the signs are harmless, it can indicate a serious pathology of the systems.

The main differences between senile itching and other diseases

In old age, the skin on the back itches for the following reasons:

  1. Parasitic microorganisms.
  2. Manifestation of allergies.
  3. Disturbances in nerve structures.
  4. Pathologies of metabolic processes.
  5. Other pathologies.
  6. Tumors.
  7. Actually, age-related problems bring changes.

Physiology of senile itching

First of all, this phenomenon is characterized by the fact that, despite the method of its occurrence, it is aggravated by the loss of moisture from the skin layer, which accompanies the aging process of the body and skin, among other things.

Sign if your lower back itches

According to popular belief, the middle part of the back often signals unpleasant moments that can happen anywhere and on any day of the week. If your lower back itches, expect a sharp decline or depression. There is a danger of facing misunderstanding from others and aggression from the outside world. At work, conflict situations and problems with colleagues are possible. Depending on the location of the itching, two interpretations are distinguished:

  • the upper part of the waist next to the sides - soon there will be a large sum of money, profit in business or a bonus at work. The amount of money depends on the severity of the itching;
  • the lower part of this area is a warning about the danger in the professional field in terms of well-being and decreased emotional mood.

A reliable protection against bad omens is a mole or mole in the lower back. Their owners should not worry after reading the interpretations.

Low back and related symptoms

How to deal with itching sensations

These methods and rules are recommended mainly for the elderly, for whom senile itching becomes a constant companion. But they can be successfully used to reduce the manifestations and prevent this phenomenon at any age.

Elderly itching may be caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system.

In older people, itching of the back often causes more discomfort than in younger people, since due to general absent-mindedness it is difficult for them to concentrate on anything else. Not all older people can take anti-itch medications. Often this is not possible due to pathologies of the liver, kidneys or stomach. In addition, almost any medicine has a number of side effects that have a strong effect on a weakened elderly body and can negatively affect well-being and health.

Recommendations for eliminating itching

To minimize the sensation of itching, you must adhere to the recommendations given by therapists to combat this phenomenon:

  1. In the morning and before bed, wash in the shower with baby soap. This is not only hygiene, reducing the percentage of pathogenic microbes on the skin, but also improving blood circulation and moisturizing the skin.
  2. Wear clothes made of cotton or linen. Wool is allowed, but it is better if not in direct contact with the skin, since due to its rough texture it can cause additional skin irritation.
  3. Try not to scratch those spots on your back that constantly itch, and after a shower treat them with a cream that has a moisturizing property. This will preserve moisture in the epidermis and slow down drying.
  4. Do not be nervous. The advice to avoid stress is equally useful for patients of all ages, but older people need to especially monitor the situation and immediately take mild sedatives if it occurs.

Skin moisture loss

If you follow these rules every day, you can not only reduce the manifestations of senile itching, but also completely avoid it. And by starting to take care of preserving moisture in the skin until old age, you can significantly delay the onset of this phenomenon.

Advice. Do not scratch itchy areas under any circumstances. Ideally, you shouldn't itch at all. This will cause ulcers to appear, folliculitis to develop, and boils to form. You can use creams, ointments, and lotions to reduce itching topically, but only in consultation with your doctor.

Video - Itching in the elderly

Treatment process

Relief from the symptoms of itchy back varies at different ages. The products that the doctor will prescribe that can relieve itching largely depend on the condition of the skin.

Therapy for older patients

For people who have not reached old age, the therapy will be as follows.

It all starts with constant hygiene and proper care. The skin, gently cleansed, can be treated with a 5% vinegar solution or talc powder.


If necessary, antihistamines can be prescribed:

  • Tavegil;
  • Erius;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin.

Antiallergic drug Tavegil


Sedatives may be prescribed:

  • valerian;
  • peony tincture;
  • motherwort in tincture;
  • Novo-Passit.

Peony tincture

Physiotherapeutic manipulations

Physiotherapeutic manipulations, which include:

  • transcutaneous stimulation of nerve endings;
  • phototherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • diadynamics.


It is possible to turn to traditional medicine, especially if the itching of the back is caused by skin sensitivity, inflammation and irritability. Here, baths with decoctions are invaluable. They are made by pouring about two liters of decoction of the following plants into the bathtub:

  • chamomile;
  • juniper;
  • coltsfoot;
  • cornflower;
  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • violets;
  • calendula;
  • walnut leaves;
  • oak bark.

Baths with decoctions are excellent helpers in the fight against itchy skin.

The standard recipe for preparing a decoction is a tablespoon of crushed parts of the plant per one hundred milliliters of water, boil for 5 to 10 minutes.

Therapy for older patients

In old age, drugs that suppress the sensation of itching locally and drugs for oral administration are prescribed as local treatment.

Local tools

Ointments containing a corticosteroid base. The method is good for chronic inflammation of the altered epithelium.

  • Berlicourt;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Hydrocortisone.

Sinaflan ointment

A moisture-preserving alcoholic tincture of mint is also used. Compresses from it are also used to stimulate blood circulation, wrapping in the form of applications with gauze soaked in tincture, itchy areas or lubricating the affected areas. The application lasts for half an hour. You can lubricate at night or as itching occurs until the condition is relieved.

Capsaicin ointment is often prescribed, which relieves neuropathic itching. But you need to be careful with the drug, due to the presence of multiple side effects.

To relieve chronic itching, immunomodulators are used:

  • Calcineurin;
  • Tacrolimus;
  • Pimecrolimus.

The drug Tacrolimus

Among analgesics, Pramoxine is used locally, a blocker of nerve endings to cause loss of sensitivity.

Salicylic acid may be prescribed to areas of severe itching.

Preparations for oral administration

Both to maintain the condition in addition to local therapy, and in case of its ineffectiveness, oral medications are used.

  1. Antihistamines that will relieve itching due to an allergic reaction: Loratadine, Chloropyramine, Suprastin.
  2. Antidepressants - reduce the manifestations of mental deterioration: Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram.
  3. Neuroleptics - help against neuropathic itching: Chlorpromazine, Aminazine, Tiapride. Prescribed with caution.

The drug Aminazine in tablet form

Itchy skin in the back is a serious complex problem at any age. It is important to find out the reasons for the appearance as early as possible in order to prevent a deterioration in a person’s general health and quality of life. In many cases, diagnosing the causes of itching helps to cure serious diseases, the symptom of the initial stage of which may be this phenomenon.

Video - Why do people itch?

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