How depilatory cream works - how to use a depilator

Every day there are new cosmetic procedures for hair removal on the arms, legs and any other part of the body. But the use of depilatory cream does not lose its popularity among women. With this product you can easily and quickly get rid of unwanted hair, but the cream only works effectively if it is used correctly. Therefore, before using a cosmetic product, women should consider what it is, how to use depilatory cream and how to enhance the effect obtained.

Composition and principle of action

Each hair on the human body contains a special protein - keratin, and each depilatory cream contains an active ingredient (most often calcium thioglycolate) that destroys this protein. That is, under the influence of a chemical agent, the structure of the hair is disrupted and it literally disintegrates.

The process does not affect the bulb, so fresh “vegetation” appears within 3–5 days. However, the active substance of the cream still penetrates shallowly under the skin, so it remains smooth a little longer than when using a razor, when the hair is cut directly above the surface of the epidermis.

In addition to the active ingredient, the cream usually includes:

  • emollients - substances that slightly soften the effect of an aggressive ingredient on the skin;
  • caring components (aloe, chamomile, calendula, etc.);
  • calcium and sodium hydroxides, through which an environment is formed that enhances the efficiency of the active ingredient;
  • stabilizers added to improve the structure of the product;
  • preservatives that extend the life of the product.

Manufacturers add aloe extract to cosmetics as a moisturizing agent; this component is a common component of depilatory creams.

The aggressive chemicals in the cream give the product a specific, pungent odor. Modern manufacturers have learned to soften this “aroma”; the more expensive the product, the more pleasant it smells, as a rule.

Using depilatory cream has both obvious advantages and disadvantages. The table below gives the general picture.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the method

  • Painless procedure;
  • no irritation;
  • the ability to remove even very short hairs (no need to wait for them to grow, as required, for example, by sugaring or waxing);
  • over time, the hairs become lighter, softer, and sparse;
  • possibility of independent use at home;
  • The hair removal process takes little time;
  • A wide range of products allows you to find the right one in accordance with your individual request.
  • After 3–5 days, the procedure must be repeated;
  • uneconomical consumption (the product is applied in a thick layer to the entire surface covered with hairs);
  • aggressive effect on the skin;
  • hairs that are too hard and thick may not be removed.

Several years ago I used depilatory creams. One tube was enough for me to “clean” my legs, armpits and bikini area. The session had to be repeated every 4 days, so a lot of money was spent on depilation that summer. Then I stopped using the product on my legs, this improved the situation a little.

Skin preparation

You can do without any special preparation for application. Hair length can be any; 24 hours before the procedure, you should not use scrubs, alcohol-containing compounds, or aggressive chemicals - all of them can damage the skin. When applying depilatory mass to injured skin, a chemical burn may occur.

Which skin should I apply depilatory cream to? It is applied exclusively to dry epidermis and is also kept in air. Except for cases when the mass is intended for use in the shower, but there are few such compositions.

Contraindications and side effects

The far from natural composition of the product requires special caution when using the product. It is recommended to avoid using depilatory cream during pregnancy and lactation, as well as when:

  • dermatological pathologies, inflammatory and infectious rashes;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • respiratory tract diseases (including asthma);
  • open damage to the epidermis;
  • excessively dry and sensitive skin.

During pregnancy and lactation you should not use depilatory cream

In some cases (usually if used incorrectly), the use of the product may cause undesirable symptoms:

  • burns;
  • pigmentation disorders in some areas of the epidermis;
  • redness, skin irritation.

If a strong burning sensation is felt after applying the cream, you should immediately wash off the product without waiting for the end of the period stated in the instructions.

Before using depilatory cream, you need to do an allergy test. Apply a little product to the elbow for 3-5 minutes, wait a day. If the skin does not react with undesirable reactions (irritation, redness, peeling, burning, etc.), you can use the product.

Skin care after the procedure

Significant care after the procedure can be avoided - for 24 hours it is forbidden to apply cosmetics to the epidermis - decorative cosmetics, deodorant, sometimes even baby cream can worsen the condition. The epidermis is slightly traumatized, and the ingress of chemical components can cause a negative reaction, irritation, and allergies. Also, you should not injure it mechanically - with scrubs, washcloths, rough clothing; in places of active moisture (armpits) you should apply talc.

How to choose a cream

When choosing a product you need to consider:

  • skin characteristics - almost all manufacturers have a line of products suitable for dry, sensitive skin;
  • characteristics of hairs - dark, coarse hairs cannot be removed with classical means, you need to look for formulations specially designed “for severe cases”;
  • the area being treated - for the armpit and bikini area there are special series of creams for delicate areas; they are usually more expensive, but also safer for the skin and mucous membranes;
  • composition - in addition to the destroyer substance, the cream must contain caring components (vegetable oils, extracts of chamomile, calendula and other herbs, aloe juice, etc.);
  • cost - although, as reviews indicate, the price of a depilatory cream is not always an indicator of its quality, the cheapest products are not worth buying: in most cases, they do not contain substances that minimize the effect of the active ingredient on the skin.

Before purchasing a depilatory cream, it is important to make sure that the product contains caring ingredients.

What do modern manufacturers offer? The table below provides an overview of the most popular means.

Table: overview of popular means

NamePeculiaritiesApproximate cost at the beginning of 2022 (in rubles)
Eveline “Ultra-gentle depilatory cream 9 in 1”
  • High-quality hydration;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • affordable price;
  • Some reviews contain information that the product slightly slows down hair growth.
Byly Depil “Moisturizing depilatory cream with kukui oil”
  • Does not cause discomfort during the procedure;
  • Suitable for dry skin.
Vitex "Delicate depilatory cream for sensitive skin with aloe vera"
  • Gentle on the skin;
  • provides a good moisturizing effect;
  • More suitable for light, fine hairs.
Lady Caramel “Body depilatory cream in the shower”
  • Suitable for wet depilation while taking a shower;
  • acts quickly;
  • not suitable for sensitive skin.
Tanita “Depilatory cream for sensitive areas”
  • Suitable for treating delicate areas;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • provides a softening effect on the skin;
  • does not leave a sticky feeling.
Line of products from Veet
  • It’s easy to choose a product that suits your skin type and hair hardness;
  • high efficiency;
  • fast action;
  • the cost is slightly higher than most analogues;
  • creams contain a large number of caring components;
  • One of the new products is a depilatory cream in the shower, which is removed with a special sponge rather than a spatula.
Creams from Sally Hansen
  • Suitable for sensitive skin;
  • economical consumption;
  • practically odorless;
  • Most products are removed with a damp sponge, which is more comfortable for the skin than using a spatula.
Cliven “Depilation Cream”
  • Contains components (lanolin, glycerin, almond oil) that moisturize the skin;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • easy-to-apply consistency;
  • effective on dark, coarse hair.
Products from Velvet
  • Affordable price;
  • removes even dark, coarse hair;
  • are spent uneconomically;
  • unpleasant smell.
Silium “Depilation Cream”
  • Suitable for hypersensitive skin (mallow extract prevents irritation);
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient to apply.

Video: review of depilatory cream

How to use

The manufacturer accompanies any cream with instructions that describe the clear sequence of use of the product, and these recommendations must be strictly followed to avoid side effects.


To make the use of depilatory cream as safe and effective as possible, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • several hours before and after the procedure, do not use soap, shower gels, body lotions, deodorants;
  • do not leave the composition on the skin longer than specified in the instructions;
  • do not use the product for depilation of the deep bikini area, so as not to injure the mucous membrane;
  • do not apply the product to moles, warts, papillomas;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap after handling the cream;
  • do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes; if this happens, rinse immediately with plenty of warm running water;
  • for 1–2 days after the session, do not sunbathe, do not visit baths and saunas;
  • Use the product no more than 1-2 times a week.

Before using the cream, the skin must be cleansed by taking a shower, but without detergent.

It is not recommended to use depilatory cream on a regular basis, as this can have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Description of the procedure

Typically, the use of the tool follows the following algorithm:

  1. take a shower (without detergent), dry off;
  2. apply the cream in a thick layer using a spatula in the direction of hair growth;
  3. wait 3–10 minutes (see instructions for the product);
  4. remove the cream, along with the destroyed hairs, with a spatula, moving the spatula against hair growth;
  5. wash off any remaining product by taking a warm shower without using soap or shower gel;
  6. Wipe dry, apply a soothing cream or lotion to the treated skin areas.

After the procedure, it is recommended to walk around without underwear for some time so that the skin can calm down, putting on a robe or loose clothing made from natural materials.

Video: how to apply depilatory cream

Negative consequences

After incorrect depilation using cream, the following consequences may occur:

  1. Burns. Most often they appear due to the fact that the cream has been overexposed. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the burn with cool water and apply a healing cream. If your skin condition has not improved after a few days, consult a dermatologist.
  2. Ingrown hair. You can reduce the likelihood of this consequence occurring. To do this, peel the area to be depilated the day before the main procedure, and immediately before the session, take a bath. If ingrown hairs have already appeared, steam them with a hot towel and apply a scrub. This must be done 2–4 times (no more than one session per day).
  3. Allergy. In this case, stop using the cream immediately. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.

To avoid this, follow the instructions for use of the product and take precautions.

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