Seborrhea and acne. Correction without consequences.

Symptoms of facial seborrhea

The disease has a number of varieties:

  • blepharitis – rash in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • rashes in the beard and mustache area in men;
  • rashes on the wings of the nose and cheekbones;
  • rashes behind the ears, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, on the bridge of the nose, etc.;
  • the appearance of pink spots on the skin;
  • peeling of the skin in the affected areas;
  • mild itching.

Most often, oily seborrhea occurs on the face. Its main manifestations are oily skin, enlarged pores, blackheads mainly on the wings of the nose and cheeks. The skin of the face becomes an unhealthy gray shade.

Signs and symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis

It is not easy to choose an effective remedy for seborrhea on the head of an adult without examination and consultation with a specialist. For pathogens, sebum is an ideal environment for growth, which causes an inflammatory process. Most often, seborrheic manifestations are located at the site of concentration of the sebaceous glands:

  • on the back;
  • breasts;
  • in certain areas of the face;
  • on the scalp under the hair.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are determined by the type of disease and the location of inflammation. Damage to the scalp in the area of ​​hair growth is accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. Remedies for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp are more effective when combined with a dietary regimen.

Manifestations of the disease with diet violations, excessive consumption of spicy and sweet foods, spices and alcohol are significantly aggravated. Nutritional correction reduces the severity of symptoms and speeds up the treatment process.

Basically, with properly prescribed therapy, remedies for seborrhea of ​​the head are effective. The prognosis for dermatitis is very favorable.

Causes of seborrhea on the face

  • hormonal imbalance in the body during the transition period in adolescents;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • weakened immunity.

Men are more susceptible to seborrhea on the face due to the presence of androgens in their blood - hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands. An excess of these hormones leads to a high level of sebum secretion by the skin.

Folk remedies

In addition to medicinal shampoos, folk recipes are successfully used to treat seborrheic dermatitis. Good reviews of celandine in the treatment of seborrhea. Prescriptions should be in combination; traditional recipes do not exclude, but complement the intake of medications. The use of herbs and essential oils is effective. Baking soda also helps with scalp seborrhea. A variety of masks and lotions help to quickly restore the affected areas of the skin.

Excess sebum causes the development of oily seborrhea, while lack of production leads to dry dermatitis. Therapeutic therapy in both cases requires individual selection of special means after the examination. Specialists will determine the cause of dermatitis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

You should not try to solve the problem on your own; even traditional recipes are best discussed with a cosmetologist. Among the salon procedures that help in the treatment of seborrhea, it is worth highlighting mesotherapy and darsonvalization. These procedures are included in the range of services at our salon. Sign up for a consultation, and our specialists will definitely help you restore the beauty and shine to your hair.

Treatment of oily and dry seborrhea on the face

In the NEARMEDIC network of clinics, individuals have a comprehensive approach to the treatment of seborrhea. Therapy includes:

  • use of special cosmetics to care for problem skin;
  • restoring the balance of the body by taking vitamins and minerals;
  • diagnosis and treatment of the causes of the disease;
  • treatment of complications that arise after seborrhea.

The main goals of treating seborrhea on the face are:

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • restoration of the endocrine system;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

In each case, our specialists select individual treatment tactics.

Effective assistance from professionals

There are a lot of remedies for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, but they do not always give the expected result. If you want to get rid of an unpleasant defect forever, visit one of the Apriori salons. We have excellent specialists with extensive experience who can help solve the problem by finding out the causes and characteristics of the disease. To combat seborrhea, we use procedures that in practice give the best results:

Hair mesotherapy has long been used in medicine as an effective technique aimed at improving the condition of the skin, eliminating inflammatory processes and defects. Thanks to injections, the deep layers of the epidermis are able to replenish the lack of nutrients. Therapeutic cocktails activate metabolism and help deliver oxygen to cells, which stimulates recovery processes. For each client, the master selects a combination of drugs individually.

Darsonval is popular with our clients, because exposure to current pulses provides an excellent effect. The skin recovers, the symptoms of seborrhea gradually disappear. A distinctive feature of the procedure is the ability to simultaneously use masks and cosmetics, which greatly enhances the effect.

The results of the first and second procedures will be noticeable after the first 2-3 sessions. The duration of the course is determined by the master. Professionals at Apriori salons offer to use their services not only to eliminate existing problems, but also for preventive purposes.

Prevention of seborrhea on the face

Dermatologists at the NEARMEDIC clinic recommend:

  • exclude sweet, spicy, salty, seasonings, alcoholic and carbonated drinks from the diet, so as not to provoke increased sebum production;
  • cleanse your face every day with special lotions;
  • use only medicinal cosmetics that suit you;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the scorching sun. In small doses this can even lead to improvement, but in large doses it can lower the skin’s immunity and contribute to the spread of infection.

And, of course, strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor!


The photo shows what oily seborrhea of ​​the head looks like.

The disease requires mandatory treatment.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis should be comprehensive. An ideal combination of medicinal shampoos and antifungal drugs.

Means and preparations

Before treating seborrhea of ​​the scalp, the cause of the disease should be established. The disease is provoked by the following factors:

  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • increased or decreased sebum secretion.

In addition to drug therapy, treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp involves adjusting the diet, taking medications, as well as physical therapy to restore the condition of the skin.


Patients are prescribed medications for scalp seborrhea:

  • Androcur;
  • Loratadine (course from 7 to 60 days);
  • Triamcinolone (to relieve inflammation);
  • Selevit or Triovit (zinc-containing drug).

While taking tablets for seborrhea of ​​the scalp, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Nutrition adjustments

A therapeutic diet helps cleanse the intestines of toxins, increasing the overall resistance of the body, which prevents the growth of bacteria. The therapeutic diet involves split meals in small portions every two to three hours. The menu is based on a combination of vegetables, berries, fish and lean meats, cereals and grains. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of alcohol, carbonated drinks, processed foods, marinades, potatoes and baked goods. Fatty, fried and spicy foods are prohibited.


Shampoos for oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp have an antifungal effect. You can buy medicated shampoo for seborrhea "Mustela" at the pharmacy. The duration of the course is one month. To prevent illness, the drug is prescribed once every two weeks. Good reviews about the “Keto+” seborrhea shampoo. It has a mild effect with high efficiency.

Shampoo for seborrhea “Cinovit” helps restore the functions of the sebaceous glands, which leads to normalization of sebum production. Cynovit is used several times a week, the foam is thoroughly rubbed into the roots for one minute. After two minutes, the product is washed off. The course of treatment with shampoo with zinc for seborrhea is 4 weeks.

Shampoos for oily seborrhea and hair loss, along with a therapeutic effect, help restore the hair structure. After the course of treatment, the strands become shiny, silky and voluminous.

Medicinal shampoo "Alerana" for seborrhea is an antifungal agent. Its regular use stops the growth of pathogenic organisms. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, usually a monthly course is prescribed.

Seborrhea cream

Sebozol - a cream for seborrhea of ​​the scalp relieves inflammation, prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, stimulates blood flow in the head and improves the condition of the hair structure. For maximum effectiveness, the product is applied locally to damaged areas twice a day. The approximate course is 4 weeks; more precise prescriptions will be made by the attending physician.

Mycozoral ointment for seborrhea of ​​the scalp will relieve dermatitis in just a month of treatment. The cream should be applied carefully so as not to affect healthy areas of the skin, this will prevent the appearance of hives and burning. Medicine for seborrhea of ​​the head is used no more than twice a day. Course 4-8 weeks.

Sulfur ointment for seborrhea of ​​the scalp shows the greatest effectiveness in combination with shampoos and antifungal drugs taken orally.

Ointment for dry seborrhea on the head “Skin-up” promotes the rapid restoration of damaged skin, and also stimulates the functioning of the rock glands, and relieves irritation. Salicylic ointment for scalp seborrhea is applied to the affected area in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with light movements. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease: from two to six weeks.


The Gestil line has a high price. The balm has good reviews and shows high effectiveness in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, the use of the product significantly improves lymph microcirculation and blood flow. The hair follicle is restored, the hair becomes healthy and elastic. The balm is applied for 15 minutes, two to three times a week, to clean and always damp hair. You can use it for prevention even after completing the treatment course.

Belita Vitex with pepper is a complex of active components to suppress pathogenic bacteria, normalize the production of sebaceous fat and stimulate hair growth. The balm is used three times a week, applied to the scalp for 10-25 minutes. The duration of use is not limited.

How to recognize the problem?

Before you find out how to cure seborrhea on the face, it is necessary to diagnose the type of pathology, as well as the degree of development. The disease is usually divided into two types: dry and oily, but recently patients have been diagnosed with “mixed seborrhea” in their medical records.

Since the disease is better treated at the very beginning of its progress, the accompanying symptoms should be carefully studied. Signs of seborrhea on the face will differ depending on its underlying type.

Oily seborrhea

Oily seborrhea of ​​the facial skin is a type of disease that is extremely difficult to cope with on your own.

The flaw appears like this:

  1. The pores noticeably expand, the epithelium resembles an orange peel.
  2. Oily shine appears again and again after using a cleanser on your face.
  3. Large numbers of black dots form on the nose and chin or whitish pimples on the cheeks and forehead, the so-called comedones and milia.

In the event that treatment was not undertaken on time, small retracted and raised scars are added to the symptoms - the consequences of acne. In this case, the itching is practically not felt, but instead, excessive sweating of the palms and oily hair are added to the existing problems.

Dry seborrhea

This type of pathology is primarily identified by excessive dryness of the epithelium, while at first it is difficult to recognize the problem by symptoms. Cosmetic preparations created for moisturizing practically do not help. For this reason, the area of ​​the nose, forehead and cheeks constantly flakes and turns red, becoming rough to the touch. Associated symptoms include sometimes unbearable itching.

At the initial stage of the problem, a person feels only slight discomfort and notices the formation of pinkish or red spots on the face. As it develops, small cracks appear, which act as one of the factors of possible infection. The pathology smoothly moves to the area behind the ear and the scalp. The hair suffers no less - fragility appears, healthy shine disappears, and partial hair loss is possible.

Mixed seborrhea

The combined or mixed type of pathology appears as a cross between the oily and dry subspecies. The known symptoms of both types in a patient with such a problem will not be pronounced:

  1. The redness is not strong and not large-scale and turns into an earthy shade.
  2. The oiliness of the T-zone is combined with dryness of the cheeks and chin. It’s the same story with hair – oily at the roots, most likely it will be dry at the ends.
  3. Despite excessive sebum secretion, the formation of scales is noticeable and the skin is rough.
  4. Itching and burning persist in certain areas of the face.

Getting rid of this disease is difficult, since it is necessary to act on different areas of the skin, and it is not advisable to use the same drugs.

Reasonable treatment of each type of pathology is necessary, since at this time the epidermis is most vulnerable to the development of other serious diseases.

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