Fractional facial mesotherapy - the essence of the procedure

Cuperosis: treatment with mesotherapy


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2 Certificate GMP-0036-000221/18

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9 Based on the report “Anesthetics in injection cosmetology for 2016” Vademecum Analytical Center for sales volume.

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11 On the Russian market there are so-called cosmetic products containing lidocaine and not registered as medicines

12 Cling film can be used as an occlusive dressing

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19 The combination of lidocaine and prilocaine in concentrations above 0.5-2% has bactericidal and antiviral properties. In Akriol Pro the concentration is 5%.

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87 Effective face lift with liquid mesothreads: what is it and what are the popular brands? –

88 Mesotherapy of the periorbital area using peptide cocktails –

89 Enzyme hair removal: getting rid of excess vegetation –

90 Liquid mesothreads and traditional threadlifting: advantages and disadvantages –

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Contraindications for use

It is prohibited to carry out mesotherapy for the treatment of rosacea for the following reasons, which are inextricably linked with the patient’s health condition:

  • allergy to the components of the drug used;
  • the period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • mental health problems and epilepsy;
  • circulatory failure;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • dermatological ailments in the treated area;
  • taking aspirin for treatment.

Some patients want to undergo the full course of treatment so much that they try to hide their existing diseases so that the doctor does not find out about them and prohibit the manipulation, but this is absolutely impossible to do. The fact is that injections in the presence of any contraindications can worsen not only the current condition of the skin with visible rosacea, but also health, since the procedure is considered an operating procedure and represents quite a significant stress for the body.

MAGNESIO (magnesium)

The microelement magnesium is available in ampoules of 2 ml.


Problems of hair and scalp: diffuse hair thinning, damage due to aggressive environmental influences.

Inflammatory processes on the skin: acne.


  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
  • improvement of tissue trophism (delivery of amino acids, vitamins).

Recommended cocktails:

Inflammatory processes on the scalp:

Magnesio – 4.0-10.0 ml

Cobalto – 2.0 ml

Irritated, damaged skin of the scalp (due to dyeing or perm), inflammatory processes on the skin:

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Magnesio – 2.0 ml


The complex includes microelements copper, gold, silver. Available in ampoules of 2 ml.


  • Problems of hair and scalp: alopecia, diffuse hair thinning, damage to hair shafts, loss of pigment (gray hair).
  • Inflammatory processes: acne.
  • Decreased skin tone (atony).


Copper is a powerful antioxidant. It promotes the formation of connective tissue (elastin, collagen), participates in pigmentation processes, and is part of melanin. Silver has a pronounced bactericidal effect, takes part in metabolic processes, stimulating the activity of protective enzymes. Gold acts as a conductor of active

components into the deep layers of the skin.

Recommended cocktails:


Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Azufre – 2.0 ml

Loss of pigment (early greying), damage to the hair shaft:

Magnesio – 2.0 ml

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Germanio – 2.0 ml

Diffuse hair thinning:

Regeneracion Dermica Derm A-36 – 2.0 ml

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Possible complications

Since the impact is considered to be surgical due to the fact that microtraumas remain after it, there are a number of side effects that may occur after the end of the manipulation. Among them are the following most common phenomena:

  • pain directly during the procedure;
  • swelling and redness in the treated area;
  • erythema, which can neutralize on its own without additional effort;
  • bruises caused by a vessel being touched during needle insertion.

The most common causes of complications are either a lack of experience on the part of the specialist, or a situation where the patient neglected the advice of a cosmetologist.

We recommend reading about mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. From the article you will learn about the effectiveness and indications for mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, types of mesotherapy, meso-cocktails for the face, and technique for performing the procedure. And here you can read more about the benefits of mesotherapy for the face and hair.

Mesotherapy for rosacea, carried out using any of the two possible methods, will help cope with the unpleasant phenomenon only if a full course of procedures has been received and all prohibitions and contraindications have been taken into account. We should also not forget that in order to achieve an extremely positive result, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations given by the doctor during the rehabilitation period.

Care and restrictions during the recovery period

The procedure, which is carried out to treat rosacea, requires compliance with fairly strict recommendations for a while, which, however, will help consolidate the result and avoid side effects. In order for the recovery period to pass as quickly and as best as possible, it is necessary:

  • treat the skin with the medications recommended by the doctor;
  • limit heavy physical activity and intense training;
  • avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and taking nicotine;
  • increase the volume of water intake, take more plant foods and less animal foods;
  • get enough sleep to give the body the strength to rehabilitate;
  • use sunscreen when going outside;
  • Avoid using caring and decorative cosmetics, other than those prescribed by a cosmetologist.

In addition to these tips, a specialist can offer a number of additional recommendations that can speed up the restoration of the integrity of the skin.

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