Facial massage is the best procedure for natural rejuvenation!

Deep pinch techniques involving subcutaneous fat tissue, which form the basis of the technique, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood and lymph circulation. Manual influence promotes cell renewal, improvement of trophism and healing of the skin.

Technique and features

Facial massage according to Jacquet is most often used for medicinal purposes. It is performed with exciting pinch movements with the thumb and forefinger along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. Deep pinching alternates with vibration, stroking and kneading techniques. The procedure is carried out using talcum powder.

Facial massage according to Jacquet is used as an independent therapeutic technique or as one of the stages of facial cleansing.

The duration of 1 session is 10 minutes, the course on average consists of 10 sessions.


  • Oily skin.
  • Open and closed comedones.
  • Acne disease.
  • Post-acne phenomena (stagnant and age spots, scars).
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Scarring


  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Eczema.
  • Rosacea.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Viral skin diseases: herpes, flat warts, molluscum contagiosum.
  • Hirsutism in women (facial hair).
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Violations of skin integrity.

Plastic facial massage

The main feature of the technique is deep treatment of the skin, subcutaneous fat and facial muscles. Only experienced specialists with medical education can perform plastic facial massage. If a specialist works correctly, the modeling result of this procedure is comparable to the lifting effect of injection and hardware rejuvenation techniques.

During the massage, blood actively flows to the tissues, and metabolic processes accelerate. With each session, the skin and muscles are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Plastic massage is recommended after 30-35 years, primarily for the treatment and prevention of age-related changes. The technique is also effective for acne and oily skin.


When performing plastic facial massage, no special means are used. The procedure is performed using dry face or talcum powder. To work through tissues, superficial and deep kneading techniques are mainly used.

Kneading, fixing, vibrating and stroking movements are carried out strictly along massage lines and alternate with each other. All movements are made with effort and pressure.

The course includes 10-15 procedures with an interval of 1-2 days.


  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Reduced turgor.
  • Flaccid and flabby skin.
  • Descent of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Changes in muscle tone: hypotonicity or hypertonicity.
  • Edema.
  • Excess adipose tissue (jowls, double chin).
  • Unhealthy complexion.
  • Oily and problematic skin.


In addition to infection, serious general diseases and acute inflammatory skin diseases, plastic massage is not recommended for rosacea and increased fragility of blood vessels.

Facial massage is the best procedure for natural rejuvenation!

05/16/2018 | Health, Beauty, Facial
Treatments for facial skin care are difficult to imagine without massage, which stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, improves blood microcirculation, helps remove metabolic products, restores muscle tone, reduces swelling and much more.

Positive results from regular massage will not keep you waiting: wrinkles are smoothed out, muscles are strengthened, facial skin becomes more elastic and signs of aging are reduced. During a facial massage, muscle tension, the main cause of facial wrinkles, goes away. Of course, such impressive results can only be achieved when the massage is performed by a specialist and the procedures performed by him can be compared in the effect on the skin even with plastic surgery .

Types of facial massage

Today, there are many options for facial massage, which differ significantly both in technique and in results. But in general, all massages are divided into 3 types:

1. Classic (preventive) – is basic and underlies most facial massage techniques. It improves skin tone, elasticity and slows down aging. It is carried out mainly by stroking and rubbing movements using massage oil or cream. 2. Modeling – used for decreased muscle tone, the appearance of deep age-related wrinkles, and age-related aging of the face. The massage therapist performs the procedure intensively, using rhythmic kneading movements. This helps to correct facial contours, reduce wrinkles, improve metabolic processes, increase skin elasticity, and activate blood circulation.

3. Relaxing massage is a special massage technique recommended for stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and various psychosomatic diseases. Negative situations in life cause a contraction of facial muscles, causing muscle tension, in place of which facial wrinkles form. Therefore, relaxation techniques are relevant at any age, preventing premature aging of the face.

There are other types of massage, but they usually combine those discussed above, combined in various ways. Let's consider only the most interesting and popular of them.

Various facial massage techniques

Buccal – this massage was developed by cosmetologist from France Joëlle Siocco. It consists of intensive massaging of the oral cavity from the inside - cheeks and gums. At the same time, despite the painful sensations, the results of the massage are the most positive: it helps to cope with nasolabial folds, a “double” chin, deep and expression wrinkles in the mouth, and is comparable to contour plastic surgery. In our training center you can learn it from one of the best teachers - Antonina Sviridovna Ivanova on the course Buccal massage + post-isometric facial relaxation.

PIR (post-isometric relaxation of facial muscles) - massage is performed to prevent and eliminate age-related changes. Thanks to this technique, you can correct the oval of the face, eliminate wrinkles and smooth out the skin texture. The massage is performed by a specialist in strict sequence, combining passive and active effects on the muscles, which promotes deep muscle relaxation and the removal of tension. You can compare this technique with passive-active gymnastics or face fitness, which the client does with the help of a massage therapist.

Vacuum massage is carried out using a special vacuum apparatus or silicone cups, which exert dynamic and static negative pressure on the facial skin. Stretching and relaxation of spasmed muscles occurs, metabolism accelerates, toxins are eliminated and fibroblasts that produce elastin and collagen are activated. Thanks to this, a rejuvenating effect is achieved, the oval is corrected, wrinkles are smoothed out and complexion improves. Vacuum massage is part of modeling massage, which has already been trained by many specialists who successfully practice it. Training takes place every month; you can read more about the modeling lifting massage course here.

Guasha massage is an oriental technique, performed by a specialist using special scrapers along energy channels, has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and allows you to look several years younger. Restores the natural complexion and makes it more even. Massage improves skin elasticity, firmness, smoothes wrinkles and refreshes the face. The scrapers are made from natural materials: buffalo horn, agate, jade, copper. Guasha massage in our center is taught by a certified specialist who was trained by Chinese masters.

Japanese (Asahi) massage was developed by Yukuko Tanaka based on ancient geisha rejuvenation techniques. Massage movements are made along the movement of the lymph using stroking and pressure, “beauty points” are activated. This type of massage is in demand among women over 35 years old, because... it perfectly fights sagging skin and wrinkles and has a bright rejuvenating effect. With great success, specialists in this practice are trained in this practice at the Asahi massage course.

Hakim facial massage is a unique energy massage technique that is both simple in movement, combining relaxing soft strokes and impact on bioactive points, and very effective in rejuvenation. In the technique, it is necessary to strictly follow a sequence designed specifically to restore all body systems. During a massage, many processes occur that promote healing and rejuvenation. Our Hakim massage specialists were trained by masters from the Samadeva University (France). After completing the Hakim course and passing the exam at our center, you can receive a university diploma (France).

Facial massage is the solution to many problems!

We examined only a few techniques out of a huge number, but in general, all types of massage in one way or another combine the same basic techniques aimed at rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin and facial contours.

Specialists who have been trained in the educational program actively share reviews of their clients on facial massage procedures on social networks, noting that complex manual massage techniques, for example, modeling, and easy ones performed with the help of tools, such as Guasha and vacuum, have equally beneficial effects on clients, launching natural skin regeneration processes.

In conclusion, I would like to note that today facial massage is an incredibly popular procedure that helps many women (and not only - men are now also active clients for facial massage!) to become beautiful and healthy.

Thanks to facial massage, you can also solve psychological problems - relax and relieve tension, gain self-confidence, restore joy and fill life with new colors. The main thing is to choose the right technique for facial restoration, and you will see the miraculous power of massage!

Author: Tinyakova Vasilisa, head of the educational center “Department of Cosmetology and Massage”.

All courses on facial massage at the Department of Cosmetology and Massage


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Myofascial facial massage

The technique involves influencing the fascia (connective tissue membranes) of muscles and neurovascular bundles. The master works on all muscle tension, as a result of which muscle tension is relieved, blood circulation is restored, and headaches go away.

After a course of procedures, the skin is noticeably tightened, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

Myofascial facial massage is primarily recommended for women 30-40 years old for skin lifting. The effect of the procedure is comparable to the results of injection and surgical circular lifting.

Technique and features

Myofascial facial massage is most often performed without the use of cosmetics. The technique involves deep work of connective tissue using kneading, stretching and twisting techniques.

Sequence of procedure:

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Applying talcum powder or cosmetic oil.
  3. Kneading the tendon helmet of the head, kneading the fascia of the face and neck.
  4. Twisting of the skin under the chin.
  5. Twisting techniques in the parotid area.
  6. Ear massage.
  7. Stretching the forehead and cheekbones.


Myofascial facial massage is indicated for the treatment and prevention of age-related changes. It is recommended for sagging and swelling of the skin, excess subcutaneous fat, sagging soft tissues, and enlarged skin pores. The technique is also used as a rehabilitation procedure after plastic surgery.


  • Inflammatory skin changes.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Scratches, abrasions, hematomas in the affected area.
  • Cuperosis.
  • General and local infectious process.
  • Severe somatic diseases.

Why does facial massage become necessary as you age?

The skin of the face ages under the influence of changes occurring in the body. This process is influenced by the following factors:

  • muscle spasms;
  • incorrect posture and neck position;
  • decrease in the volume of bone structures that occurs with age;
  • skin type features;
  • influence of the sun;
  • facial expressions;
  • incorrectly selected type of skin care;
  • Lifestyle.

As the body ages, the elasticity of the skin and its tone change. The reason for this is that blood circulation is impaired and the volume of skin structures becomes smaller. Thinning also occurs in the outer layer of the skin, which is accompanied by a decrease in the fat layer.

When exposed to the sun, the skin dries and pigmentation appears. Due to hypertonicity of the facial muscles and poor lymph flow, drooping of the eyebrows and forehead occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of folds on the eyelids. The line of the nasolabial triangle also becomes more noticeable, the facial contour drops, and a flabby double chin appears.

In addition, with age, calcium is washed out of the body and muscle hypertonicity appears, which leads to a decrease in the volume of the skull bones and the formation of sagging and folds.

That is why facial muscle massage is rightfully one of the most important daily skin care procedures. Thanks to it, the texture of the skin improves, it becomes younger and healthier, stimulation processes are launched in the deep layers, cell regeneration begins, muscles relax and return to normal. Thanks to massage, you can get rid of stress and nervous tension.

If you do the procedure regularly, the result will be immediately noticeable - the skin will become younger, the appearance will be transformed.

The benefits of facial massage are that it helps:

  • reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent them;
  • tighten pores;
  • relieve tension;
  • carry out a natural facelift;
  • rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • saturate the skin with nourishing ingredients.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to understand the existing types of facial massage and their features.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

When the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels slows down, excess fluid and toxins accumulate in the tissues. As a result, swelling appears, the skin becomes pasty, and the complexion becomes unhealthy.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is aimed at activating the outflow of lymph, therefore all massage techniques are carried out along the lymphatic vessels towards the nearest lymph nodes.

After a course of procedures, swelling goes away, the face looks fresh and rested, and overall health improves.


  • Benefits of massage
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Basic techniques
  • Facial massage by a cosmetologist

In cosmetology, facial massage is used as a complement or alternative to cosmetic care.
The procedure stimulates the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid, improves metabolism, makes the skin elastic and firm. In addition to salon procedures, some treatments can be carried out at home, but only a professional approach gives the greatest effect. The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • skin color is evened out and becomes “fresh”;
  • due to increased blood circulation, cells are better saturated with oxygen and beneficial substances from the cosmeceuticals used;
  • Hypertonicity is eliminated;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • sagging, swelling decreases;
  • the oval takes on smooth outlines;
  • the vascular network is strengthened;
  • fat deposits are reduced;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and as a result, pimples and acne disappear;
  • mood improves.

To achieve all the described benefits, one facial massage procedure is not enough. It is advisable to complete a course of 10–15 procedures and repeat it 3 times a year.

Indications for use

Any woman should take care of her face with self-massage, and she should start as early as possible. Ideally, from the age of 20. The sooner you start, the longer your youth will last.

Self-massage of the face should become mandatory from the age of 30, when the skin becomes mature and the aging mechanisms begin. This procedure is as integral a part of life as brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

There is no upper age limit. Massage will have an effect at any age.

Effect of the procedure

As a result, you get a radiant, beautiful, youthful face.

  • The color became healthy and even, hyperpigmentation was reduced.
  • The turgor and tone of the skin have increased, sagging has been eliminated, and the relief has been leveled.
  • Wrinkles, folds and creases were smoothed out.
  • The cheeks were tightened, the jowls and nasolabial folds were gone.
  • The oval became clear, the double chin “resolved”.
  • The swelling, bags under the eyes, and puffiness are gone.
  • Cheekbones are outlined.
  • Eyebrows, eyelids, and corners of lips rose.
  • Ptosis (drooping) of tissues has decreased.
  • Lips have become fuller.
  • The nose has acquired a neat appearance, there is no pecking tip and a rough shape.
  • The skin is moderately moisturized, there is no peeling or oily sheen.
  • The rashes have decreased.
  • Acne marks, scars, scars have been erased.

How quickly will the effect appear and what kind?

Depending on the type of massage and technique, you can see basic results such as reduced swelling and lifting. These effects are usually noticeable after the first procedure. With regular massage or completing a course, muscle tone and microcirculation improve, the oval of the face is corrected, the severity of facial wrinkles is reduced, and general tissue rejuvenation occurs. Don’t forget about the neurosedative effect of massage, which helps reduce stress and relax.

What types of massage should you try at home?

Hand massage

Just a few minutes of self-massage a day will improve lymph flow and add radiance to the skin. It's simple: in the morning and evening, while cleansing the skin or applying cream, add soft massage movements.

Massage with a sonic brush

This is one of the most versatile massage options, since such devices also include a cleansing function. Ideally complements daily makeup remover, helping to deeply cleanse pores without damaging the skin. Some of these gadgets also work as independent facial massagers, providing a powerful lymphatic drainage effect.

Cleansing and toning facial massager Luna 3 FOREO

17 999 ₽

Multi-frequency face brush D687 Bork

17 000 ₽

Facial massage brush Sonic Cleaner Dermofuture

3 100 ₽


Recently, myostimulation has become available at home thanks to special gadgets. With the help of current pulses, they set the muscles in motion, which helps to increase their tone and improve blood supply.

Myostimulation massager PureLift™ Face PureLift

38 500 ₽

Microcurrent therapy device Trinity Nuface

17 000 ₽

Microcurrent facial massager Okachi Gliya

12 700 ₽

Roller massage or gua sha

Many people have already fallen in love with gadgets made from natural stones - chilled rollers and gua sha are ideal for combating morning puffiness and signs of fatigue. With a roller you can massage any mask, and with the help of gouache you can perform a massage for relaxation and muscle stretching.

Face Moving Payot Roller

3 390 ₽

Rose quartz roller (silver) Quarz

3 400 ₽

Guasha Stones Face Fit

1 300 ₽

Unpleasant consequences of cosmetic facial massage

If you do a facial massage correctly, it will not cause any discomfort. It may be a little painful if the muscles are in severe spasm, but thanks to regular exercise this will quickly pass (by the way, working with vacuum cans is also not very comfortable at first, but then you get used to it, but that’s another topic).

On the contrary, self-massage of the face gives a lot of positive impressions. You feel warmth rushing to your face. It may seem that certain areas seem to be moving, the skin is stretching - this is when blood begins to actively flow to them, and the muscles begin to readjust to normal function.

Moreover, facial massage lifts your mood, calms your psyche, and improves your overall well-being.

Can bruises, hematomas, discomfort, or pain appear after the procedure? Only if the technique was broken.

It is extremely rare, but still there are allergic reactions to creams and oils that were applied before the massage (if it is performed using the classical technique or with vacuum cans).

If you use cosmetics before the procedure, they must be tested and safe. We advise you to give preference to Beauty365 natural cosmetics: hydrosols, oils, squalane, balm. All of them are 100% made from plant materials and are gentle on the skin. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose.


Facial massage should not be performed in case of colds, as well as in case of various inflammatory reactions on the skin - acne, rosacea, including herpes and injuries (abrasions, scratches). You can start massage after the exacerbation has passed, or after the onset of remission.

For rosacea, preference is given to lighter lymphatic drainage massage techniques. As for botulinum toxin injections and fillers, massage can begin three weeks after the administration of the drugs.

Number of procedures and frequency

Many people are interested in the question of how often you can do a facial massage. If you use the classic technique, Guasha massage or roller, then you can perform the procedure at least every day. However, it is important not to overdo it: 5–7 minutes is enough, during the session you should avoid excessive pressure on the skin, and you should not use peeling products immediately after the massage.

Carrying out the procedure less frequently is also acceptable; the effect will be noticeable even if you perform 2-3 procedures per week. But it is important to remember that regularity is important, so try not to skip pre-planned manipulations. Patience and self-organization will allow you to see positive results within a few weeks.

On average, massage will need to be done in courses from 8 to 20 sessions. To maintain the effect between courses, it is recommended to use special care and apply all products along massage lines.

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