Just 3 exercises for a clear oval face, beautiful neck and décolleté area

Did you know that the youth of the face largely depends on the muscles of the neck, because thanks to the correct balance, the face receives oxygen and nutrients? Therefore, a set of rejuvenating exercises needs to start from the neck!

Traditionally, Revitonics pays, first of all, attention to the neck muscles, because the youth of the face directly depends on their condition. The correct balance of the neck muscles determines whether our face will receive a sufficient amount of blood - and therefore oxygen and nutrients necessary to “feed” both our brain and our skin. Taking this fact into account, our mini-complex was built, in which we start working with the neck, and only then move on to various areas of the face.

We remind you that these techniques can be performed if there are no contraindications for facial massage and exercise therapy exercises for the neck-shoulder girdle.


This technique works with the occipital region - the basis of the youth of our face. Removes pathological deflection in the cervical region, returns the correct statics of the neck. Relieves tension from the neck and lengthens its back surface. Helps reduce the “withers” in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. Improves blood supply to the head, helps cope with headaches caused by tension in the suboccipital muscles.

Exercise helps:

  • start blood supply to the head;
  • relax and lengthen the back of the neck;
  • return the “natural” statics of the neck;
  • get rid of headaches;
  • bring the occipital lymph nodes back to life;
  • reduce lymph-fat deposits in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra.

The technique is performed on the principle of post-isometric muscle relaxation. This is a technique in which, after a phase of slight resistance, a phase of muscle relaxation occurs.

Note! The exercise is performed very slowly and carefully.

How to do it: The essence of the work is soft counteraction provided by the hands. Try to overcome the resistance of your hands with your head, holding this position for 1-2 minutes. Everyone has their own strength - focus on comfortable sensations.

Stage 1. Clasp your hands and place them on the back of your head. Tilt your head down. Under the weight of the head, self-stretching of the occipital muscle group occurs. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Stage 2. Using your hands to resist, slowly lift your head up. Try to overcome the soft resistance of your hands with your head. Everyone has their own counterforce, focus on comfortable sensations. Try to feel the stretching of the occipital region in two directions: from the occipital region up - towards the crown, and down. This stage should take you 1-2 minutes.

After static muscle tension, the body will reflexively relax them.

Stage 3. While in the same position - hands locked on the back of the head, head down, stop working against resistance and relax. Again, feel how the back of your neck and occipital area are gently stretched under the weight of your head. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

How much to do: 1-2 times a day.

Basic rules for neck beauty

The skin of the neck is as delicate as that on the face. Here are the basic rules that will allow you to get rid of hated wrinkles forever.

  • Constant diet. It is important that the skin is provided with the vitamins, minerals and moisture it needs to function properly. These nutrients can and should come from outside in the form of creams and serums. But more importantly, they must also come through food. Preventing neck wrinkles starts with getting enough vitamin C, E and A in your foods. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of these and other vitamins and should be consumed every day. Eating fruit with breakfast, salad with lunch, and steamed or raw vegetables with dinner is a great way to give your body what it needs. It's also a good idea to take a multivitamin every day. This ensures that any gaps in the diet are covered by the multivitamin.
  • Sufficient amount of calcium. Calcium is an important element not only for healthy bones, teeth and organs, but also for skin. Most of the calcium in the skin is found in the epidermis (outer layer). It helps the skin regulate the rate at which new cells are generated and old cells are formed. Calcium also promotes the production of sebum, which is a natural barrier to moisture. Essentially, calcium helps keep your skin moist and elastic. If the body does not get enough calcium, the skin may appear thin, dry and fragile. For best results, you should consume 1000-1200 mg of calcium daily in the form of whole foods such as cheese, yogurt and milk. If lactose intolerance is a problem, it is worth purchasing special products.

  • Sun protection. Exposure to ultraviolet rays is one of the main reasons why neck wrinkles appear. Applying a special sunscreen with at least SPF 30 will help prevent the formation of future wrinkles. And be sure to apply sunscreen every two hours spent outside. If you don't have sunscreen, you can wear a light scarf.
  • Neck exercises. Regular neck exercises can also help eliminate existing wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. When muscles tense, they tighten the skin. This is a kind of tightening and smoothes out wrinkles.
  • Active hydration. A daily moisturizer helps keep the skin hydrated so that elastin and collagen can work to keep the skin tight and firm. While applying moisturizer to your face, you should continue to apply the same moisturizer to your neck. It's best to use an oil-free formula to avoid clogging your pores. This can lead to other problems such as acne.

  • Surgical intervention. Sometimes treating neck wrinkles requires more than just topical application, exercise and proper nutrition. In some cases, surgical treatment is required. It ranges from filler injections and Botox, to surgery and neck lifts. But the cost of such a choice is considerable.
  • Cold water. Temperature matters when it comes to reversing the signs of skin aging. Water that is too hot or too cold can damage the delicate capillaries in the top layer of skin. To prevent this, you should wash your face only with cool water. It will also help tighten pores, which can have a significant impact on the appearance and well-being of your skin.

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  • Peeling. This procedure promotes regeneration and gets rid of dirt and dead skin cells. It is important to exfoliate your neck skin at least once a week, if not more often. But you definitely need to use special, soft products that are not too harsh, otherwise you can cause even more problems. An effective combination of glycolic and lactic acids promotes exfoliation and removes dead skin cells. This cleansing effect will reveal healthy, glowing skin and help prevent new wrinkles from forming on your neck.

"Text Neck Correction"

The exercise allows you to:

  • step by step restore the correct cervical deflection;
  • relieve stress from all anterior structures of the neck;
  • reduce tension and swelling in the larynx;
  • lengthen the back of the neck.

Contraindications: all diseases of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, nodular goiter, cysts, nodes).

How to do it: Keep your head straight. Clasp the fingers of both hands and place them on the back of the head, placing the thumbs on the border of the hairline. Lock in this position until you feel tight contact of your hands with the back of your head for about 5-10 seconds. Next, gently press the back of your head onto your hands and hold this position for 1 minute.

How long to do: 1 minute, 1 time per day.

Lips and nose

The exercises presented below train the nasolabial triangle area.

1. Round your lips a little, as if you were trying to make an “o” sound. Hold them in this position for five seconds, then relax. Make 5-10 passes.

Do a similar exercise with the sound “u” and with your lips closed, as if preparing for a kiss.

2. Press your lips firmly against your teeth. Stay in this pose for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

3. Move your lips and lower jaw left and right 10-12 times.

4. Stick your tongue out as far as possible and hold it for 2-3 seconds, then remove it and relax for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the exercise five times.

5. Curl your lips inside your mouth, pull your nostrils down. Place your index finger on your chin and push your chin up. Focus on your lips. When you feel a burning sensation, start counting to 30, then purse your lips and blow to give the muscles a rest.

6. After this, you can perform another exercise with curled lips. But this time with his mouth wide open. Roll your eyes upward towards the crown of your head. Place your middle finger in the middle of your upper lip, and your index and ring fingers at the corners. Apply gentle pressure. Now smile 40 times with one upper lip, then hold the smile, count to 20 and relax.

The first six exercises remove wrinkles around the lips and lift their corners.

7. This exercise will help smooth out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows). Place one finger at the base of the eyebrow, the second slightly higher. Begin to wrinkle and relax your eyebrows. Complete eight reps.

8. This exercise will help narrow and shorten the tip of your nose. Use your index finger to lift the tip of your nose upward. Pull your upper lip down so that your nose drops, then return your lip to its normal position. Do 35 reps.

“Clear oval” (lengthening the side surface of the neck)

How the reception works:

  • tightens the oval;
  • removes all sagging in the chin and cheeks;
  • improves skin condition;
  • lengthens the neck;
  • makes it more flexible.

How to do it:

1. In the first phase (30 sec.) we try to bring the muscles of the lateral surface to maximum fatigue.

Slowly, with muscular effort, as if it is difficult for you, lift your shoulder up. Then tilt your head towards your shoulder. You should feel and see that you have the maximum number of folds in your chin area. Hold for 30 seconds. Pay attention to the correct technique: at this time you should bring your shoulder as close as possible to the base of your neck. Return to the starting position.

2. In the second phase , we gently lengthen the neck muscles, freeing the arteries and lymphatic ducts.

We begin the stretching process. One hand rests on the collarbone, the second hand rests on the jaw area. In the tilting position, we stretch the side surface of the neck and lengthen it. Return to the starting position. Also perform the stretch for 30 seconds. If you have time, increase the time to 1 minute.

Perform both phases of the exercise on the other side.

How much to do: 1 time per day.



These exercises will not only help you deal with wrinkles, but will also reduce puffiness around your eyes and erase the sleepy look from your face.

1. Apply cream around the eyes. Then massage with your fingertips: lightly tap from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Then massage the outer corners with your middle fingers.

2. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and your index fingers on the outer corners. Lightly pressing on your eyelids, look up. Then squint your eyes so hard that you can feel your pulse beating at the corners. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. Press your fingers firmly against the base of your cheekbones. Now close your eyes tightly and remain in this state for six seconds.

4. Place your index fingers on the borders of your cheeks and lower eyelids. Open your lips wide to create a clear, long oval. After this, close your eyes and roll them up towards the crown. Then open your eyes and quickly “flick” your upper eyelids for a minute. While performing the exercise, you should feel a strong tension in your lower eyelids.

5. Bring your middle and index fingers to your temples and lightly pull the skin upward. Look straight ahead. Now begin to lift and relax your upper eyelids. Make sure your eyebrows don't move. Do the exercise 30 times.

Holding your temples with your fingers, look down at your knees and do another 30 repetitions. After finishing the exercise, purse your lips and blow to relax the muscles.


How the reception works:

  • straightens his curled shoulders;
  • does not allow slouching;
  • visually lengthens the neck;
  • makes the décolleté area smooth;
  • forms the habit of calm, even breathing;
  • instantly calms you down!

Why is the technique called “Icebreaker”? The palms, like the stern of an icebreaker, reveal the chest area with all their weight. To do this, constantly create tension in the tissues in this area in different directions. To feel the powerful resistance force that greets you, do not smooth your skin, but overcome the rigid muscular pull of your pectoral muscles!

Contraindications: breastfeeding. The intake has a strong lymphatic drainage effect, so there is a risk of infection entering the general lymph flow.

How to do it: Clasp your hands, pressing the bases of your palms tightly to the center of your sternum. Inhale and as you exhale, gently lower your shoulders and shoulder blades down. The lock stands statically on the chest. Feel the gentle stretch along the entire line of your shoulder girdle. Make a rolling-pushing movement with the palms of your hands, displacing the breast tissue. Hands move like an icebreaker, point them in different directions, trying to separate the two halves of the chest area.

Breathe calmly and evenly.

Attention! This exercise is performed very slowly. Fascia hates speed! Only forward, smooth movement.

How much to do: 5-6 times, 1-2 approaches per day.


1. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead, parallel to your eyebrows. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows while looking up. Next, press on your forehead and push your eyebrows up. Do 10 repetitions and completely relax.

2. Place your entire palm on your forehead. While holding the skin, raise your eyebrows. Do several repetitions of 10 seconds each, relaxing your forehead muscles between sets.

3. Press your palm against the skin at the hairline and pull it back. Do eight cycles of tension and relaxation. Then, leaving your hand in the same position, close your eyes. Look down and move your eyeballs left and right. Perform the exercise for 6–7 seconds.

4. Open your eyes wide while raising your eyebrows as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10–12 times, increasing the pace towards the end of the exercise.

Optimal age for a neck lift procedure

Many ladies diligently take care of themselves, trying to prolong their outward youth. However, the aging process can be slowed down, but cannot be completely stopped. Visual changes are inevitable, and, as a rule, it is the neck that reveals a woman’s true age. Therefore, in cosmetology there are many procedures aimed at rejuvenating this area of ​​the body. Thus, mesotherapy is recommended for women starting from 35–40 years of age . For those over forty, a cosmetology clinic may recommend a lower face lift.

At the age of 50 years and older, patients often choose plastic surgery, but masks and exercises, for example, lifting with an elastic bandage, have a good effect.

If a woman is over 65 years old , then without surgical intervention a lasting visual effect of rejuvenation will not be achieved. However, even for this age, you can choose special creams and masks that will help maintain skin elasticity after the surgical procedure.

Thus, each age has its own methods of rejuvenating the skin on the neck. Let's take a closer look at them.

Tips and tricks

Gymnastics for women against wrinkles on the neck includes various sets of exercises. However, after any of them, you need to make patting movements with a damp towel or hand on the chin in its lower part.

Initially, it is recommended to do the exercises in front of a mirror. This will help evaluate the correctness of their implementation. Then you can do gymnastics at any free time. It takes no more than 5 minutes to perform gymnastics.

In some cases, gymnastics of the cervical region may be contraindicated:

  • young age (below 20 years) due to inappropriateness;
  • local skin damage;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • rehabilitation after surgery.

Often contraindications are temporary. Gymnastics can be performed from either a sitting or standing position. It is useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes to increase its elasticity. When going outside, you need to use cosmetics with UV protection.

General rules of Facebook building

Gymnastics for the face and neck have many options. Having studied the Facebook building exercises, we can identify recommendations that are of a general nature and organization.

Rules common to all:

  • Anti-wrinkle exercises must be carried out regularly, then the result will be noticeable within a few weeks.
  • It is better to put stress on the muscles in the morning, after sleep. While the body is in a relaxed state, the exercises will be much more effective, and the lifting of spirit and mood will last until the evening.
  • You can start doing such gymnastics at any age. After 25, age-related changes begin to occur in a girl’s body. To maintain youth, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck. Closer to 40 years of age, training should be almost daily.
  • Before training, remove makeup. A contrast shower and a light massage will come in handy.
  • If you have free time, you need to do gymnastics every time. When sitting in traffic jams, watching a movie, during lunch at work. First you need to identify the most problematic area of ​​the neck, where there are many wrinkles, and find simple exercises aimed at solving the problem.
  • Start gymnastics by warming up the neck, moving on to the main exercises. Finish with breathing and relaxing movements. You can add self-massage by rubbing and stroking tired muscles.
  • When at home, it is important to perform exercises in front of a mirror to ensure that they are performed correctly. To facilitate blood circulation, keep your back straight.
  • After a gymnastics session, it is recommended to shower and apply nourishing cream or moisturizing milk to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

How to do gymnastics for the neck against wrinkles

The ability to turn the neck is due to the presence of strong muscles at the back and sides. The skin of the neck in front is supported by the subcutaneous muscle. It is quite thin. The muscle covers the neck from the sides and front, while it is attached in the upper part to the lower jaw and fuses tightly with the skin. In the lower part, the fiber is located under the collarbones and is attached to the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles.

Experts emphasize that the subcutaneous muscle also lifts the skin upward. This is what determines the beauty and shape of the neck. Muscle tone determines the presence of a double chin.

Thus, the subcutaneous muscle should be trained regularly and also massaged quite intensively. With massage you can stretch a muscle. Thanks to gymnastics and exercises, it is possible to make the skin more elastic and dense. As your appearance improves, shallow wrinkles and a double chin disappear.

It is known that the work of facial muscles is intense. But the subcutaneous muscle often does not receive enough movement. This leads to poor blood flow and insufficient supply of nutrients. Gradually, muscle tissue loses its elasticity and density, which is accompanied by weakening and sagging.

The consequence of sagging is the appearance of a double chin and wrinkles in the neck area. In this regard, it is important to learn how to perform and regularly do special gymnastics, the exercises of which will allow you to tighten the subcutaneous muscle.

When performing gymnastics, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • It is important to forcefully lower your chin and lower lip at the same time. During muscle tension in the neck, you can see the appearance of vertical stiffening ribs that appear through the skin. This is exactly the tension that should be achieved through exercise.
  • Strengthening muscle contraction can be achieved by arching the lower lip while inhaling.
  • When performing gymnastics, it is important to pay attention to the absence of tension in the back of the neck.
  • To prevent wrinkles from forming around the mouth and cheeks, you need to monitor the formation of folds when performing exercises.

After straining a muscle, it is recommended to relax. In this case, relaxation will be felt in the chest, chin, corners of the mouth and lower lip. Gymnastics for the neck against wrinkles are presented in the video:

About exercises after neck surgery

After surgery, you may still have stiffness and weakness in your neck and shoulder on the side you had surgery on. The exercises described in this material will help strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder and make them more flexible. This will help you regain range of motion and function in your neck and shoulder.

It is important for your recovery to start doing these exercises when your doctor prescribes them. It will also determine how well your shoulder and neck will function in the future.

If you experience pain, nausea, dizziness, swelling, or discomfort while doing these exercises, stop the exercises and call your doctor.

to come back to the beginning

Why do you need gymnastics?

When caring for their face, women often forget about the décolleté and neck area. It is this part of the body that ages faster. Masks, wraps, and massage help take care of the area. There are also special anti-wrinkle exercises for the neck.

It helps restore youth to aging skin, increase firmness and elasticity, and remove a double chin. After exercise, general blood flow improves and blood supply to the whole body is restored. Not only the cervical region, but also the face and the entire body receive a charge of energy and youth.

Gymnastics and exercises for the neck are considered an excellent remedy against the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging. Every woman can afford to devote 10 to 20 minutes to these small activities while watching her favorite channel.

Features of a neck lift and indications for the procedure

With age, all processes in the human body slow down. In particular, the production of collagen protein, which is responsible for skin elasticity, decreases. As a result, the epidermis becomes sluggish and inelastic. This is especially noticeable on the neck, since the skin on it is thin and therefore more susceptible to age-related changes. The situation can be easily corrected with the help of various cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. The neck lift method is selected depending on the patient’s age and the condition of her skin.

To keep the epidermis toned, you need to take care of yourself from a young age: use creams and masks, do massage, gymnastics. At a more mature age, it is recommended to resort to hardware procedures. They are carried out in beauty salons under the supervision of specialists.

When a neck lift is needed, surgery is prescribed in the following cases:

  • in the presence of pronounced transverse folds and wrinkles;
  • with sagging skin;
  • with the appearance of fatty deposits and a double chin;
  • with a decrease in the tone of the subcutaneous cervical platysma muscle;
  • with violations of the clarity of the cervical-mental angle.

With severe sagging skin and platysma, deep folds can form on the front of the neck, and a real bag can form under the chin. Only plastic surgery can help get rid of such deformities.

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