TOP 7 best acne toners for adults and teenagers under 1500 rubles

Special tonics are used to remove cosmetics and oily shine from the face. This product is a must have in your home cosmetics arsenal, since toning is one of the mandatory stages of comprehensive skin care. Tonic completes the facial cleansing stage. There are hundreds of names of such products, among which there is something for every taste and budget: from very cheap to luxury brands, for moisturizing, facial tonic for acne. The main purpose of toning is to refresh the skin, saturate it with oxygen and moisturize it.

Acne facial toner: features

Anti-acne facial toner has a number of features:

  • completes the first stage of facial care - cleansing;
  • carefully brings the disturbed acid-base balance of the skin back to normal;
  • gives freshness;
  • prepares the face for the next stage of care - applying a cream or cosmetic serum so that the product penetrates as deeply as possible and has the desired effect.

Additional properties of the tonic for problem skin include: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and control of the secretion of fatty secretions. Depending on individual needs, this may be a whitening effect, removing the stratum corneum of the skin.

Important! When choosing a tonic, first of all pay attention to its composition.

Numerous customer reviews became the basis for compiling a rating of the best facial tonics for acne: from budget options to premium ones.

How to choose a toner for oily and combination skin

95% of the volume of any tonic is water, and only 5% is active additives. Manufacturers can use ordinary purified water, thermal or micellar water as a base. The softer the base, the more delicate the product is on the skin.

However, both expensive and cheap tonics hardly differ from each other in terms of the main component. The nuances of their effect are determined not by it, but by the auxiliary ingredients. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should not focus on the brand, price or image imposed by advertising. A good toner for oily and combination skin should contain one or more valuable ingredients.

AHA acids

Fruit acids (glycolic, grape, lactic and others) have a beneficial effect on oily skin. They have an exfoliating effect: they soften and dissolve dead skin cells, preventing them from accumulating around the pores and in the sebaceous ducts. This results in a smoother, more elastic skin surface, less noticeable pores, and a reduced risk of acne.


These substances heal the microflora, as they serve as a breeding ground for healthy bacteria. Typically, lactulose is used as a prebiotic, which supports local immunity, helps preserve the hydrolipid mantle and has an antioxidant effect. Products with prebiotics are a real healing cocktail for skin prone to rashes and inflammation.


They acidify the epidermis, reducing the intensity of the development of pathogenic bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory reactions. In addition, they have a drying effect, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and fat content.

Manufacturers usually add salicylic acid to toners, which does its job well without surface irritation. If the skin has become sensitive due to changes in care or seasonal exposure, products with acids will only stimulate its irritation and redness.

Plant extracts

Compositions containing extracts of calendula, green tea, eucalyptus, tea tree, and witch hazel are useful for normalizing fat content and improving microflora. Herbal supplements help solve the problems of oily epidermis, but you need to be careful if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Auxiliary Ingredients

The composition may contain zinc, which has a drying effect and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Panthenol is valuable, as it accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces signs of inflammation and soothes areas of irritation. Glycerin is another natural component that takes care of maintaining a normal level of tissue moisture.

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Unwanted Components

Sometimes you can come across a recommendation to use hydrolates instead of tonics as more natural and effective skincare products. However, on oily skin they will not be able to demonstrate their beneficial properties.

Hydrolates are solutions with a small content of essential oil compounds, and oils with excessive work of the sebaceous glands will only contribute to fat content. In addition, such compositions have only a slight tonic and moisturizing effect, while the epidermis of mixed, oily and problematic types requires different, more targeted care.

It would also be a mistake to use alcohol solutions. They should be used only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, as a course and to solve a specific problem. In this case, the cosmetologist must indicate the percentage of alcohol in the product or recommend a specific drug.

With regular use of tonics and lotions with alcohol, the epidermis will become even more oily. The reason is that alcohol dries the outer layer of the skin too much, literally stripping it of its protective hydrolipidic mantle. The skin has to work on its restoration, for which it accelerates the production of sebum. Therefore, trying to get rid of oiliness and acne with an alcohol toner usually leads to aggravation of the problem.

You should also not use products containing cosmetic fragrances. They not only have an intrusive odor, but can provoke allergic reactions.

Natural tonics

Bielenda Skin Clinic Professional Mezo

Bielenda Skin Clinic Professional Mezo active corrective toner is designed for mature skin that requires comprehensive, gentle care. It gently removes remaining impurities, tightens pores and eliminates oily shine, reduces unwanted pigmentation due to the exfoliating effect caused by the presence of acids in the composition.

The tonic perfectly prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cream or serum, enhances cell regeneration, which leads to a noticeable rejuvenating effect. Clients note that the toner helps get rid of irritation, redness and other imperfections.


  • Good composition;
  • Comprehensive care;
  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Noticeable result;
  • Rejuvenating effect.


  • Fragrance in the composition;
  • If it comes into contact with the area around the eyes, it causes irritation to the mucous membranes.

“Lingonberry and Celandine” Green Mama Taiga Formula

Tonic for oily skin “Lingonberry and Celandine” Green Mama Taiga Formula is the result of the work of Russian specialists, which uses the achievements of modern science in combination with traditional natural ingredients known for their healing properties.

Natural extracts, which in addition to lingonberry and celandine include mint, aloe, calendula, witch hazel, have a mild antiseptic effect, normalize sebum production, mattify the skin, and have a detox effect. All this leads to a gradual reduction in rashes, the skin becomes clean, elastic, and acquires an even tone.


  • Rich composition;
  • No alcohol;
  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Cleans well;
  • Fights imperfections;
  • Soothes irritated areas;
  • Good volume (300 ml).


  • Without dispenser;
  • The medicinal smell is not for everyone.

The Face Shop Clean Face Mild Toner

Gentle facial toner with green tea extract The Face Shop Clean Face Mild Toner is an excellent Korean product designed for problem and combination skin.

The main active ingredient is tea tree oil, known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The balanced composition of the product helps to tighten pores, eliminate excess oil and sebaceous shine, reduce redness, and all this without the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

After using this toner, your skin will delight you with freshness, even color and a healthy appearance in general.


  • Cleanses problem skin well;
  • Mattifies;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Helps fight rashes;
  • Light texture;
  • Pleasant unobtrusive smell;
  • Stylish bottle


  • Avoid contact with the area around the eyes;
  • High price;
  • Small volume (130 ml).


  1. Toner for oily skin is a must-have.
  2. The tonic is a second degree cleansing. It expands and cleanses pores, preparing the skin to absorb creams and masks.
  3. Each toner is designed for a different skin condition.
  4. If you use a mattifying toner, it can replace a makeup base.
  5. Tonics can be used more than twice a day.
  6. An alcohol-based product cannot be used constantly, and it is strictly forbidden to use it in the hot season.
  7. Some tonics give good results if you use other care products from this series in parallel.
  8. Popular brands producing tonics for oily faces are Garnier, Green Mama, Green Mama, L'Oreal, La Roche-Posay, Librederm.

Ideal composition

Do you know what to look for when choosing a toner? We should be interested in what the product is made of, the degree of its usefulness and safety for the skin.

As for odors: preparations from companies that support the trend of naturalness do not contain artificial flavors, but the smell is not strong, but barely perceptible. This is achieved due to the presence of plant extracts and essences in the composition. Agree, strong smells of berries or flowers in most cases will scare away customers, causing an association with an air freshener for the toilet, and not with a facial product. But a product that gently smells of fresh grass, fruit or field will be perceived easily and naturally.

So, regardless of what system of naturalness and safety your favorite alcohol-free facial toner is certified with, it:

  • 90-100% consists of natural ingredients;
  • has a short shelf life due to the lack of preservatives;
  • has a pale color (there are no dyes in the composition);
  • does not contain fragrances, radioactive substances, petroleum products;
  • has the mark of the standard, quality and certification body.

What beauty bloggers advise

Admit it, you also don’t always wipe your face with toner after cleansing your skin or before applying cream? Correct yourself immediately! Products with the right composition based on plant extracts should take pride of place in the daily beauty ritual. For example, an alcohol-free toner for combination skin from the Swiss brand L.Raphael is aimed at maintaining the natural hydrobalance of the dermis, and a product from Methode Cholley will provide freshness thanks to cucumber and mint extracts - a great way to awaken the skin!

Another alcohol-free product is a product from the perfumery and pharmaceutical house Santa Maria Novella. The frosted glass bottle hides the active ingredients that nourish the epidermis with moisture and soften the skin. And what a magical aroma it has!

A practical option is an alcohol-free facial toner from Lush in the form of a spray with pleasant floral notes. You can take it with you when traveling and spray it throughout the day. The product is perfect for combating teenage rashes, as well as for those with oily skin.

If your main goal is to narrow pores, then Egia toner with several types of acids and plant extracts will do the job perfectly. The only condition: regular use.

How not to cause harm

You can choose mild cleansing tonics yourself depending on your preferences. Products with acids are stronger. It is not recommended to use them without consulting a cosmetologist, otherwise you may get a burn or severe peeling. The doctor individually selects a regimen of use depending on skin type and concentration of active ingredients.

Be sure to use day cream with spf if your care includes cleansing with acids. Neglect of this rule threatens the appearance of pigmentation.

Cleansing tonics work better together with cleansing gel, cream and masks from the same company. But there will be no immediate effect. Regular care is important.

Prohibition: the best alcohol-free facial toners for sensitive skin

The appearance of our face depends 90% on a well-chosen product. La Mer's The Moisturizing Lotion is oil-free and yet delicately moisturizes the skin. The product is not quite similar to the tonic we are used to - the consistency is reminiscent of milk. Reviews from girls confirmed that in winter the product is ideal as a base for makeup, and in summer - for the final stage of care. To activate the beneficial components, just warm a small amount of lotion between your palms. However, it is so soft that it can be used for delicate skin around the eyes.

La Praire has a delicate face toner without alcohol that refreshes and softens. The formula is based on a unique cocktail of natural ingredients and a cellular complex. Ivy, chamomile, horsetail, seaweed, cucumber and apple extracts - everything that is necessary to moisturize, nourish and stimulate the natural process of self-regulation in the dermis.

"Non-alcoholic" Asian

Reviews of the alcohol-free Naturalth Goat Milk Moisture Toner from the Korean brand Toni Moly are extremely enthusiastic. And all because it consists of 30% New Zealand goat milk extract. Thanks to the abundance of beneficial minerals and substances in this ingredient, the product provides the skin with everything it needs to maintain its tone, and the results last for a long time. The product lightens age spots, deeply cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes, soothes irritations and improves collagen production.

In addition, milk proteins stimulate the process of cell renewal and eliminate fine wrinkles.

Types of tonics


Toners contain slightly stronger ingredients, making them more suitable for normal or combination skin types that suffer from acne. They often contain a low concentration of alcohol to treat acne by removing excess oil from the skin and preventing clogged pores.


Lotions are most often used to treat acne symptoms. Best suited for oily skin, they contain a high concentration of astringent ingredients to release missing oils and impurities.

Astringents are effective in eliminating excess oil and reducing the appearance of pores, but they may be too drying if you have sensitive or dry skin.


This product plays a multi-valued role in daily care:

  • Gently cleanses of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dust particles;
  • tones;
  • intensively moisturizes, especially after peeling, as it fills the epidermis with necessary substances;
  • actively nourishes (tonics contain a large number of useful components that restore the reserves of vitamins and minerals in skin cells);
  • soothes irritations;
  • evens out tone, eliminates greasy shine and lightens age spots.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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