Deep tissue massage - rules of the procedure

Massage therapy at a SPA center with essential oils can simply relax and calm you down. And some techniques will help cope with real diseases.

Therapeutic or therapeutic massage refers to physiotherapy: it can be prescribed by a doctor to eliminate muscle pain and stiffness in movement. Psychotherapists prescribe massage therapy to treat mental and emotional problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression.

What types of therapeutic massage are there?

Experienced massage therapists master several techniques at once. There are even trends: 10-15 years ago everyone was fond of Swedish massage, and today gua sha is popular. But each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. It cannot be said that one method is better than another. A good therapist himself selects a technique based on the client’s requests.

Some techniques involve the use of oils and medicinal ointments, others are performed “dry”.

Most massages require you to undress, although some massage therapists work through your clothes. When choosing a specialist, you need to check the certificates and understand what techniques he knows. A good massage therapist will listen to all wishes, check indications and contraindications and develop an individual therapy program.

However, you need to know the features of each technique in order to understand what to expect from the procedure.

Indications for testing

The benefits of performing a deep massage are immediately noticeable. You don't have to languish waiting for results. Early effects will be: normalization of muscle and tissue function, manifested in improved well-being and appearance.

The demand for deep massage is determined by the range of beneficial effects. Most often, middle-aged ladies (35–40 years old) use the technique. Massage helps:

  • maintain muscles and skin tone;
  • prevent age-related changes;
  • minimize signs of fatigue and tension;
  • stabilize the psycho-emotional state.

The effect helps to prolong youth, preserve, and model a decent appearance. Elderly women who tried the technique for the first time note the rapid achievement of “complex” results (getting rid of large folds, wrinkles, sagging).

A separate group of “users” of the technique are those with health problems (results of injuries, illnesses, congenital defects). Deep tissue massage provides relaxation of muscles of different groups (neck, shoulders, facial, chewing muscles). The result of the effect is an improvement in blood supply to tissues, sensory organs, and the brain. Stabilization of various body systems occurs.

Swedish massage: a relaxing, painless technique

Those who have never had a massage should start with painless, relaxing techniques. The Swedish technique includes soft, long, kneading movements, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping movements on the upper layers of the muscles. Additionally, passive movements of the limbs are performed.

A course of Swedish massage will relieve muscle tension, at the same time relax and energize you.

The four most common Swedish massage techniques are:

  • fleurage:

    smooth sliding movements aimed at complete relaxation of soft tissues;

  • petrisage:

    squeezing, kneading movements, which can alternate with light blows;

  • tapermo:

    deep, circular, rubbing movements that help activate blood flow and remove scar tissue;

  • tapoment:

    short, alternating tapping with folded palms and fingers.

Swedish massage perfectly relaxes the body and also helps relieve stress.

Characteristics of impact

For a young body, the skin provides the basis for the picture of the facial condition. Cleanliness and health of the epidermis is the most important detail. Over the years, the situation has shifted towards muscles. They act as a reliable frame that holds the skin in normal tension. When muscles weaken (a natural aging process), the integument shifts, folds, creases, and wrinkles form.

Maintaining tissue tone helps maintain muscles and stop the atrophy process. Regular muscle training is aimed at this. The muscles are constantly working (facial expressions, the process of chewing, opening and closing the eyes), this is not enough for full activation. Many tissues weaken in the absence of full load. Some minor muscles remain unused.

Massage is an excellent way to keep muscles in good condition. The technique of influence is suitable for a special one, characterized by the depth of elaboration. Only then will it be possible to achieve the desired results:

  • getting rid of facial wrinkles;
  • formation of correct contours;
  • oval lift;
  • improvement of the external characteristics of the skin (color, firmness, elasticity);
  • rapid recovery from injuries;
  • elimination of various cosmetic defects associated with pinched nerves and muscles.

The efficiency of the system is related to the correct depth and force of impact. This has a positive effect on the conductivity of neurons. The work of nerve impulses is activated. The muscles gain a strong connection with the brain. Facial expressions become clearer, features become toned.

Deep muscle development ensures the acceleration of internal processes and the prevention of stagnation. There is an improvement in blood circulation, activation of lymph movement, increased supply of oxygen to tissues, and stimulation of metabolic processes. Muscle function, strength, and strength are stabilized. Swelling and bags go away, appearance improves.

A massage of sufficient depth affects the functioning of the muscles, and not just the superficial tissues, as with classical techniques. Muscles gain tone, their shape, volume, and strength are maintained. Result: the skin receives a powerful “corset” that prevents sagging and wrinkles.

Under medical supervision, deep massage allows you to quickly get rid of the consequences of various diseases. The impact is carried out with extreme caution. There is a great danger of aggravation of destructive phenomena.

In addition to the “main” effects, deep massage promotes emotional relaxation. The patient is distracted from problems, gains a feeling of calm and satisfaction.

Advice. The best option when trying to achieve any of the effects is to contact a professional master. Performing deep massage on your own with significant violations of technology is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Deep tissue massage

A rather painful technique that allows you to work deep muscles, eliminate tension, and joint problems. The massage therapist's movements are slow, but very intense. The specialist literally “takes into his hands” the organs, kneads the tendons and fascia located deep under the skin.

Deep tissue massage cannot be called relaxing. But it is this technique that has a real therapeutic effect. A course of massage therapy usually does not last long, but it can relieve chronic tension, eliminate sprains and speed up recovery from injuries.

How much does the procedure cost?

A successful result depends 90% on the skill of the massage therapist. That’s why it’s so important to entrust your body to a top-class specialist. A salon or clinic will definitely help you find one. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, a professional local half-hour massage of deep structures and tissues can be done for 1000 rubles, a general one and a half hour massage for 3000 rubles. But one procedure to restore health will not be enough: you will have to visit the clinic 10–15 times.

Stone therapy using hot stones

For this type of massage, the therapist places heated stones on specific areas of the body, such as acupressure points. Smooth pebbles can be used as massage tools. Stone therapy is designed to promote deep relaxation and calm. Hot stones are also used to relieve muscle tightness because they can transfer heat deep into the skin.

Full body workout

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to determine the location of the spasming muscles. To begin with, the massage therapist performs light strokes to warm up the skin and skeletal muscles. This will avoid pain and possible injuries.

During this stage, the specialist determines other pain points on the patient’s body. To relieve spasms, special techniques are used, performed manually, but sometimes the master may resort to using some massage tools.

The first session lasts about 40 minutes, gradually increasing its duration. As a result, it reaches 1.5 hours, but no more.

Prenatal massage for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. A special massage allows the body to quickly adapt to a new function, as well as cope with the negative consequences of bearing a child. An experienced specialist can reduce swelling of the limbs and relieve lower back pain without harm to the fetus.

Massage may be the only option for women who are prohibited from taking medications. The main thing is to make sure in advance that the massage therapist has a table designed specifically for working with pregnant women.

Features of the technique

Approximately 50% of our body composition is made up of connective tissue. These are fascia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fatty tissue, blood vessels, capillaries and fluids. In the body, they are united into a network, forming the mechanical basis of the body, supporting and connecting organs with each other, enveloping every muscle, providing the possibility of movement.

Look at the photo from left to right: loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, cartilage, bone, blood.

The slightest deformation of these structures leads to the formation of clamps, resulting in:

  • fascia and tendons are shortened;
  • muscles lose the ability to contract normally and weaken;
  • increased load on the joints leads to their deformation;
  • pain appears;
  • motor activity is limited.

The body is unable to restore deformed structures on its own. Only the massage technique already known to us will cope with the task. During the session, deep-lying connective tissues become the object of influence. Special techniques make it possible to change their biochemical composition and stretch the fibers. As a result, spasms and tension are eliminated, pain goes away, inflammatory processes are stopped, and the mobility of the spine and joints increases.

Benefits of therapeutic massage

Even if there are no health complaints, it is recommended to visit the massage room at least once a week. The procedure will help you relax, get rid of anxious and obsessive thoughts. The specialist will relieve accumulated muscle fatigue.

Cosmetic massages help reduce wrinkles and improve complexion. You will learn how to do self-massage for wrinkles in our article.

After a course of massage treatment of 10 procedures, you will notice:

  • general improvement in blood circulation (a blush will appear on the cheeks, hands and feet will not be constantly cold);
  • disappearance of muscle pain;
  • improving flexibility, range of motion of joints;
  • normalization of heart rate;
  • reducing feelings of anxiety;
  • eliminating symptoms of stress.

In most cases, massage is pleasant and painless. Don't deny yourself pleasure. Find “your” master on the website Relaxing types of massage techniques have no contraindications and do not require prior consultation with a doctor.

Author's methods

The opportunity to heal the body with the help of deep massage has been exciting the minds of people for decades. As a result, many unique methods have emerged, differing from each other in techniques, techniques and purpose of implementation. Today the most in demand developments are:

  • Franz Xavier Mayer - an Austrian doctor who lived in the middle of the last century. He came up with a special healing method based on correcting the functions of the digestive system. Along with cleansing procedures, diets, breathing exercises, the doctor identified abdominal massage as a therapeutic agent. In his opinion, deep study of the structures of the abdominal cavity is involved in cleansing the body, corrects intestinal tone and motility, and removes spasms.
  • Alexander Shishonin is a doctor, candidate of medical sciences, who has developed an effective method for treating cervical muscles, used for osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intracranial pressure, and hypertension. A set of special exercises is combined with a deep massage of the neck muscles, aimed at relaxing and eliminating spasms.

  • Anatoly Shevtsova is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, a kinesiologist who has created completely new highly effective techniques for layered massage of deep and superficial muscles and uses them to reduce tension, spasms, asymmetry, and restore energy balance.
  • Ariel Pelevin - founder of the School of Psychosomatic Practices. He views the procedure as a dialogue between the doctor's hands and the patient's body. In his textbook on deep tissue massage, he describes methods for working the patient’s back, abdomen, legs, arms, and knee joints. The master pays great attention to the massage therapist’s postures, the sensitivity of his fingers, and the laws of working with connective tissue.

  • Irena Terauda. Her techniques, aimed at strengthening facial muscles, fascial modeling, muscle stretching, and aligning trigger points, will appeal to women who want to maintain a youthful appearance.

Popular wisdom says: “God has two hands, and both of them are yours.” These words perfectly characterize the work of a deep massage specialist. As if guided by higher powers, the master works miracles, without surgery or complex equipment, influencing the most distant, deep structures of the patient’s body, restoring him health, joy of movement, youth and beauty.

What diseases and pathologies can you contact a massage therapist for?

If you plan to undergo therapeutic body massage, it is better to consult a therapist. The doctor will help you choose the optimal technique and make all the necessary notes for the massage therapist.

A course of therapeutic massage is not limited to simple relaxation. A massage therapist will help you cope with the following problems.

  1. Back pain, radiculitis, hernia. Hot stones and deep muscle work will help restore your range of motion.
  2. Headaches, migraines. Targeted treatment of trigger points eases the course of the disease and improves sleep.
  3. Arthrosis, arthritis. The study found that patients who received an hour-long Thai massage twice a week were less likely to use painkillers and also showed an increased range of motion.
  4. Cancer. For certain types of cancer, massage (especially lymphatic drainage) is strictly prohibited. But patients who do not suffer from metastatic forms of cancer, and have already completed the main course of treatment, can go to a massage therapist to speed up the recovery of the body. Swedish massage will relieve depression and activate the immune system.
  5. Depression. Psychotherapists often prescribe massage therapy for people who are unable to cope with negative thoughts. Some techniques are even indicated for generalized anxiety disorder. If you complement massage therapy with regular breathing exercises and yoga, then depression and anxiety can be dealt with without medications.

There are many more benefits to having a professional massage. You can simply call an experienced specialist and discuss indications and contraindications with him.

Sculpting at home

To perform an anti-aging treatment at home, first examine the location of the lymph nodes in the upper arm. It would not be amiss to repeat the location of the massage lines.

Before performing the manipulation, steam your face well. To do this, do steam inhalation - there is no need to wash your face with warm or hot water.

Apply oil or cream to the softened skin, then begin to perform light strokes, gradually increasing their intensity. When treating the neck and décolleté area, be careful: the epidermis in these places is very thin and can be easily damaged. At the very end, apply pressure to the skin in the treated areas. Do this with your fingertips and knuckles.

On a note. If pressing on one area causes pain in another, continue the procedure until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

How to do a buccal massage procedure at home by working out the muscles on the inside of the mouth, the expert says:

Elena Nosovskaya

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the School of Massage Techniques

“The thumb makes circular movements from the chin to the ear area. Don’t forget to reach your ear - all the muscle-tendon attachments are located there. And we lift everything up, pull the muscle up. We pull it up and “put our head” on our fingers.” TV show “Live Healthy!” from 01/15/2018.

What else you need to consider: contraindications, possible side effects

Like any other physiotherapeutic procedure, therapeutic massage has contraindications. A massage therapist may refuse to perform a procedure on a patient if there are symptoms of ARVI or any infectious or inflammatory disease.

While taking blood thinning medications, it is recommended to replace deep massage with superficial relaxing techniques. Otherwise, hematomas may appear on the body.

“Local” contraindications, such as burns and open wounds, are not always a reason to reschedule a scheduled session. If the patient does not feel pain or discomfort, the specialist will perform a massage, going around the problem area.

As for unpleasant side effects, in most cases patients have no complaints.

But after myofascial release and deep tissue massage, body aches and soreness may occur. Usually, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own a few days after the procedure.

During the massage itself, slight discomfort is allowed. But if the painful sensations are so intense that it is impossible to endure, then you need to inform the specialist. The specialist will select the optimal pressure force.

Overall, numerous studies confirm the safety of therapeutic massage. But you should not think that a physiotherapeutic procedure can replace prescribed drug treatment. Massage does not replace drug therapy, but only complements it.

Mechanism of influence on the body

Thanks to deep massage techniques you can achieve excellent results. They begin to appear after several sessions, and sometimes immediately. All thanks to the ability of massage:

  • accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • intensify blood circulation;
  • restore muscle tissue;
  • relieve pain;
  • fight inflammatory processes;
  • break down subcutaneous fat;
  • relax muscles and relieve hypertonicity;
  • increase lymph outflow;
  • trigger regeneration processes in skin cells and connective tissues.

In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping it to recover more quickly from stress suffered by a person.

How to choose a good massage therapist

In order for the completed course of procedures to be beneficial, you need to spend time selecting a good specialist. On the website you can find many resumes of proven specialists.

Before making your first appointment, be sure to arrange a preliminary interview. In addition to checking educational documents and letters of recommendation, it is important to evaluate your feelings. Sometimes even the most experienced specialist does not inspire emotional trust. Therapeutic massage will be most effective if the patient can completely relax.

In most cases, clients tend to choose massage therapists of the same gender.

There is no need to pay for the entire course of procedures at once.
You may realize during your first session that the specialist has not understood your individual needs. But the time and material costs of finding “your” massage therapist will definitely pay off. 3 thousand 4.3 Rate this article Published: 06/24/2021

Preparing for the session

Not only the patient, but also the massage therapist himself needs to prepare for the session. Do not forget that you are not a professional, and a few lessons on YouTube are not enough to carry out complex therapeutic therapy. Beginning massage therapists should start with the simplest wellness massage. It will relieve general tension in problem areas and will have a relaxing and strengthening effect. The general stages of preparation can be summarized in a short list, although everything is individual:

  1. Get your hands in order. Nails should be cut short to avoid accidentally scratching the patient. Also wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. A clean towel should be placed next to the massage therapist, on which the patient can lie down, and which can also be used for wiping after moisturizing cream or oil. Cosmetics should also be prepared in advance.
  3. The room itself needs to be ventilated before the procedure, but the temperature should be comfortable. The massage therapist's hands must be warm; it is very important for the person to relax during the session.
  4. Massage can only be performed on a hard surface; it is advisable to have a special table available. It is also worth purchasing a special massage oil, which must be thoroughly rubbed and heated in the palms.
  5. A massage session lasts about half an hour, because... The back and neck are always the most problematic areas of a person. Movements of the palms should be carried out in the direction of blood flow. To avoid infection, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Beginners should remember that if the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure should be stopped or the force reduced. The pressure on the spinal column should be very gentle. The main principle of massage at home is to do no harm.

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