How to remove dark circles under the eyes from a cosmetologist? Will going to a beauty salon help?

under the eyes almost always indicate some kind of internal disorder , unless they are bruises from injuries and in such cases treatment of the root cause is required. Sometimes such disorders are temporary due to the influence of external or internal factors - these bruises can be disguised.

But if these defects are of cosmetic origin or arise as a result of genetic predisposition and special tissue structure, salon procedures would be the best option .

Why is this happening?

Bags, bruises, and black circles under the eyes give the face a tired and middle-aged appearance. They are equally inherent in women and men .

The causes of problems around the eyes are different: age, lack of sleep, dry skin, improper care, concomitant diseases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and endocrine system.

Even young age does not exclude the poor appearance of the area around the eyes. For some, circles under the eyes appear already in their 20s and 30s. This may be due to hereditary factors, dietary habits, and stress. If during the examination the doctor did not identify a disease that provokes the appearance of edema, you can engage in cosmetic correction.


Potato mask

Grate one small raw potato on a fine grater and mix with olive oil 2:1. Apply the mask to the area under the eyes for 20 minutes and rinse with water or diluted black tea without additives. Potatoes moisturize, and due to starch, lighten the skin a little.

How to braid a spikelet for yourself: step-by-step photos

How to remove bruises and swelling around the eyes?

Removing dark circles under the eyes in cosmetology

The specialists of our Darmed cosmetology clinic are ready to provide you with an effective method

– correction of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

A visible effect is achieved using modern injection agents:

MesoEye C71, Hyalual 1.1%, Juvederm Volite, NEAUVIA Hydro Delux and Belotero Balance.

Thanks to the patented bioactive formula, the following occurs:

Result No. 1

Outflow of lymph and improvement of blood microcirculation.

Result No. 2

Reducing spasm of arterioles and eliminating varicose veins.

Result No. 3

Restoration and protection of collagen fibers.

Get a procedure for correcting dark circles under the eyes at Darmed-Clinic

Make an appointment with a specialist now!

Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual treatment program taking into account your desires and needs.


Price for cheekbone correction with fillers

Preparations: 1st group - Biorevitalizants
Administration of the drug - MesoEye C71 /USA/ (1.0 ml)14 500₽
Administration of the drug - NEAUVIA ORGANIC Hydro Delux XL /Italy/ (0.5 ml)5 000₽
Administration of the drug - Hyalual 1.1% (1.0 ml)10 500₽
Administration of the drug - Hyalual 1.1% (2.0 ml)13 900₽
Preparations: 2nd group - Hyaluronic fillers
Administration of the drug - Belotero Balance /Switzerland/ (1.0 ml)18 500₽
Administration of the drug - Juvederm Volite /France/ (1.0 ml)19 000₽

Cheekbone correction results

Photos before and after


Causes of dark circles

Cosmetic defects in the form of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes can appear at any age, as indicated by:

  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Heavy load on the facial muscles;
  • Structural features in the form of weakly defined subcutaneous fat;
  • Low levels of collagen and elastin;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders and decreased skin tone;
  • Proximity of blood vessels to the skin.

Removing dark circles under the eyes in a beauty salon: tips and reviews

On the forums you can find many reviews about the impact of salon procedures on the skin condition of many women.

  • “I performed my first massage procedure for the skin around the eyes when I turned 40. Swelling under the eyes, redness and unhealthy appearance of the skin became noticeable. The cosmetologist performed a manual massage. Now, I regularly carry out similar procedures. In between, I use lymphatic drainage creams for the area around the eyes” Raisa, 45 years old
  • “I performed mesotherapy to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. It was very painful. But there were no terrible consequences. The swelling went away within a couple of hours after the injection. I’m satisfied with the effect: the skin is smoothed and looks healthy.” Anna, 34 years old
  • “In the salon I only use masks and peeling. I do not recommend doing any injections. I didn’t have a negative experience, but my friend did. After injections into the skin around the eyes, the face became swollen, and two huge hematomas appeared under the eyes. The cosmetologist just threw up her hands. The result: wasted money and a terrible appearance for at least a week!”, Tatyana, 36 years old

There are a wide variety of reviews online. They all teach that choosing a salon and a specialist should be approached as responsibly as possible. The procedures should be carried out only after detailed consultation and clarification of contraindications.

How can you remove dark circles under the eyes?

By professional methods

It is difficult to remove dark circles under the eyes .
Cosmetologists and pharmacists around the world study skin problems, including around the eyes. The result of their efforts is the emergence of new techniques and drugs. They have proven effectiveness and are safe. Several professional procedures, and sometimes even one, solve the problem of an unaesthetic appearance for six months to a year.

At home

You won't achieve this effect at home . Of course, it is useful to use moisturizers for eyelid skin care; you can use patches for a short-term refreshing effect. But it is impossible to hide the problem of blood vessels in this area, remove swelling, pigmentation, and make metabolic processes in the skin occur more actively without special medications.


Sometimes surgery . For example, with large hernial protrusions of the lower eyelid, a significant excess of skin flap. But such conditions are quite rare. In most cases, you need to give the skin a small boost for more active collagen synthesis, fibroblast renewal, and improved microcirculation.

How does lymphatic drainage work? Benefits of the procedure

Lymphatic drainage is a salon procedure that improves blood circulation in the problem area. Lymphatic drainage is used for blockage of blood vessels, swelling and accumulation of lymph under the skin. This procedure improves blood circulation and circulation of subcutaneous fluids.

Lymphatic drainage is a massage of the area around the eyes. It can be manual or hardware. Each type has its own characteristics:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage. From the name it is clear that this massage is done using hands. The cosmetologist massages the eyelids using cosmetics. Presses on special points that improve microcirculation and relieve swelling. This procedure can be carried out at home if you master the skills
  • Hardware lymphatic drainage. There is a vacuum massage of the area around the eyes and exposure to microcurrents. Hardware massage has its contraindications

The advantages of the procedure are obvious

In this regard, injection techniques are superior to any other methods of influence .
Remove dark circles under the eyes with injections of fillers and biorevitalizants quickly, effectively and non-traumatically. Without a scalpel, scars, a long rehabilitation period, or anesthesia, you can cope with defects in the area around the eyes:

  • The skin becomes more juicy and moist.
  • Its folds and wrinkles are reduced.
  • The sagging of the upper eyelid goes away.
  • The vessels are not visible because the skin becomes denser.
  • The outflow of lymph, tissue nutrition improves, and the work of blood vessels is well coordinated. Because of this, swelling and pastiness of the eyelids disappear.

Drugs used for treatment

To remove dark circles under the eyes using injections, two main groups of drugs are used in cosmetology:

  1. Biorevitalizants:
      MesoEye is a drug designed specifically against dark circles under the eyes. It affects microcirculation, strengthens the walls of arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels. Allows you to get rid of wrinkles, dark circles, dark circles under the eyes, periorbital fat hernias. Contains peptides, a complex for rejuvenating the dermis from amino acids, vitamins, nucleosides, hyaluronic acid.
  2. Nuvia Hydroderlux – hyaluronic acid 18 mg/ml, calcium hydroxyapatite. The drug is already in a sterile syringe. There are 2 of them in a package of 2 ml.
  3. Hyalual 1.1% the effect of hyaluronic acid is enhanced by sodium succinate. The drug is safe, mild, but effective. It has a lymphatic drainage effect, improves tissue respiration, skin renewal, and removes dryness and wrinkling of the skin of the eyelids. Suitable for people aged 28 – 35 years.
  4. Fillers:
      Belotero Balance contains sodium hyaluronate 22.5 mg/ml and phosphate buffer. The drug is sold in a disposable sterile 1 ml syringe.
  5. Juvederm Volite contains hyaluronic acid treated with VYCROSS technology and lidocaine to make the procedure painless.

Take a course of treatment for dark circles under the eyes at the Darmed cosmetology clinic

Make an appointment with a specialist now! Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual treatment program taking into account your desires and needs.



How does the procedure work?

The skin of the periorbital area is cleaned. The injections are carried out at an angle of 10 degrees to the surface of the skin to a depth of 1 mm. They run parallel to the contour of the eye in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.

Various techniques are used:

* Micropapules – mini-doses of the drug are injected into separate points evenly distributed throughout the zone. * Antegrade - the skin is punctured, the drug is gradually introduced and the needle is slowly moved forward. * Retrograde - the needle is injected, then the drug is injected as it is removed. * Fan administration - in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye, from one point, the drug is directed in the form of rays in different directions.

Approximately 0.5 ml is applied to the skin around the eye on one side. Thin needles are used for intradermal and subcutaneous administration. They prick the skin around one eye, then the other. This is a kind of contouring eyelid surgery.

Ways to deal with bags and dark circles under the eyes


Carboxytherapy has gained a good reputation in the fight against bags and dark circles under the eyes .
This is an injection technique of introducing carbon dioxide under the skin to stimulate collagen production, strengthening and brightening the skin. The usual course consists of 6 procedures twice a week. Cost – from 1500 rub. A combination of carboxytherapy with peelings, mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Carboxytherapy is even more effective if it is combined with other methods of combating dark circles under the eyes - chemical or diamond peeling, mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Those who want to know how to remove dark circles under the eyes are often advised to use peelings that help reduce pigment synthesis. Special gentle compositions are used, the use of which implies rapid recovery and minimal trauma to the skin.

To remove dark circles under the eyes, trichloroacetic and lactic acid are actively used.
A course of 4-6 sessions can be carried out separately, and if it goes in parallel with carboxytherapy, intervals of about a week are made between these procedures. The price depends on the composition, but usually it starts from 2000 rubles. Glagoleva Ekaterina
: So-called “bruises” and “bags” in the periorbital zone can cause a lot of concern for both patients and doctors.
At the moment, microcurrent drainage can be considered the “ gold standard
” in getting rid of edema caused by fluid retention.
In parallel with microcurrent therapy, the cosmetologist explains the need to maintain an adequate drinking regime: at least 1.5-2 liters of drinking still water per day, stop drinking liquids 2-4 hours before bedtime
. Black tea, coffee, juices and fruit drinks are not included in this volume.

Second method

modern cosmetology, which is proving itself better and better for improving the tone and texture of the skin in the periorbital area, is fractional photothermolysis. It is better to choose devices and techniques that have clear instructions: it is possible to work in the area around the eyes.

There cannot be a standard protocol - after all, a specialist has to deal with too complex problems in this area, but both doctors and patients must remember the need for differential diagnosis of edema with hernial protrusions.

If minimally invasive therapy does not bring the desired results, then a consultation with a plastic surgeon should be recommended. Sometimes blepharoplasty

may be the method of choice. In aesthetic medicine we are trying to move from less invasive to more invasive. And if you can achieve an effect using therapeutic methods, that’s great, but we must remember cases when surgical intervention is not only inevitable, but also useful

To anesthetize or not?

European cosmetologists, who talk about how to remove dark circles under the eyes, categorically do not recommend using painkillers before mesotherapy, since ointments significantly reduce the effectiveness of the administered cocktails. But in Russia, such ointments and sprays are used quite often, especially when it comes to treating such a sensitive area as the periorbital.

In this case, fewer sessions are performed than with mesotherapy of other areas of the face. Visible results may appear after the first procedure; on average, no more than five are required, but courses will have to be repeated at least once a year. Cocktails against dark circles under the eyes include antioxidants, microelements, and vitamins to improve microcirculation. The price starts from 1000 rub.


Biorevitalization also has positive reviews regarding the solution to this problem. Bags and bruises under the eyes are removed thanks to drugs that are administered in a special way - the so-called “single needle technique”. It allows you to reduce the number of injections, while increasing the amount of substances administered. The optimal course is four procedures with an interval of 2 weeks. Biorevitalization cannot be carried out more than once a year - this will disrupt the natural metabolism of the skin. Cost – from 4000 rub.

Lasers in the fight against dark circles under the eyes

Laser therapy, including fractional photothermolysis, is also used to remove dark circles under the eyes. The devices allow you to work in delicate areas, however, painful sensations are possible, especially with a low pain threshold. It will take 4 sessions once a month, costing from 4000 rubles. Some advertisements on how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes claim that you can sunbathe immediately. However, it is recommended to sunbathe after the course for some time to avoid hyperpigmentation. The sun ban will end in just three months. In addition, swelling persists for two days after the procedure.

Microcurrent therapy

A less radical, absolutely painless, but popular method for removing bags and dark circles under the eyes is microcurrent therapy, which has a beneficial effect on capillaries and provides lymphatic drainage. The course consists of 10-15 procedures with an interval of several days. Then a maintenance session once a month is recommended. In some cases, microcurrents give satisfactory results, but it happens that the effect is weakly expressed. It all depends on the nature of the bruises under the eyes. Cost – from 1000 rub.


There are proposals for lipofilling of the periorbital zone. But they should not be taken seriously. It is impossible to calculate how many fat cells will survive. And according to unofficial data, it rarely reaches even 30%. Therefore, the final result will be unpredictable.


A new product for correcting dark circles under the eyes is the introduction of a pigment into the area under the eyes that matches the color of the skin, in other words, tattooing. There are still few masters practicing this technique. Their primary task is to select the appropriate shade of paint as accurately as possible. Potential clients wishing to learn how to remove dark circles under the eyes should remember that the procedure is quite painful even with the use of local anesthesia, the recovery period will last quite a long time, and up to four procedures may be required. At the same time, those who decided to try a similar correction of dark circles under the eyes on themselves are extremely pleased with the effect. The cost of such procedures should be checked with the specialist, but keep in mind that the cost of the course is unlikely to be less than 6-8 thousand rubles.

Course of procedures

The number of sessions depends on the chosen drug and the condition of the eyelid skin:

  1. Biorevitalizants:
      MesoEye, specially created to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Perform from 2 to 4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks. The course can be repeated after six months.
  2. Nuvia Hydroderlux – 4 procedures once every three weeks.
  3. Hyalual 1.1% from 2 to 4 sessions, with a 2-week break between them.
  4. Fillers:
      Belotero Balance 1ml after a single procedure, the effect lasts 6 – 9 months.
  5. Juvederm Volite 1 ml is taken once, the effect lasts up to 8 – 10 months.

Walnut mask

Grind the walnut kernels in a coffee grinder to flour and mix with the same amount of melted butter. Drop some lemon juice - no more than 3 drops to avoid irritation. Apply the mask under your eyes, carefully avoiding the mucous membranes, for 20 minutes.


How to remove a double chin: 10 quick and effective exercises

Effect duration

After professional correction of dark circles under the eyes, the effect lasts from six months to 9–12 months . Along the way, all the properties of the skin improve: it becomes more hydrated, the surface is smooth, without wrinkles. Ptosis and small hernias of the eyelid area disappear. At a young age, repeat the procedure once a year . Aging skin may need support more often – once every six months. Or you can remove dark circles under the eyes with Botox.


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To get a free consultation and find out the cost of the procedure, you can make an appointment, or leave your contact information and our company specialists will call you back.

Please contact us, we will be happy to help you!

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Ignatieva Elena Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Grebenshchikova Alexandra Igorevna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Bogdanova Yulia Andreevna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Sokrich V.A. Doctor - cosmetologist

How to choose a beauty salon? What should you pay attention to?

Good cosmetic procedures that will really help cope with skin problems can only be done in a professional salon, where real specialists work and have the appropriate equipment. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a salon, you must first check it for some qualities:

  • Positive reviews. You can ask those who have already performed similar cosmetic procedures with success about the location of the salon. If you don’t know anyone, you can find reviews online
  • You need to call the salon and find out about the range of services and the cost of procedures. staff must respond politely and provide complete information. You can find out about the salon’s experience in this area, find out what equipment the salon has
  • When visiting a salon, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the room and inquire about the education and experience of the cosmetologist who will perform the procedure. Also, learn about the hygiene of tools and equipment. Personally evaluate the neatness of the person you plan to entrust your appearance to.

Sometimes, searching for a good salon takes a lot of time. If the salon has an oppressive, repulsive atmosphere, and the staff is lazy, you should not use its services. The main thing is that the salon workers love their work and do it well.

Recommendations from a cosmetologist

Contraindications - Recommendations


Contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Increased bleeding.
  • Wounds, inflammation at the sites of planned injections.
  • Allergy to some substance in the drug.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Autoimmune pathology.

How is rehabilitation going?

To remove bruises and dark circles under the eyes, you do not need to endure a long and difficult period of rehabilitation. A person does not fall out of his usual life . Give your body a rest for one or two days and avoid applying makeup to the eye area.

Side effects

Since the skin of the eyelids is very delicate , injections can cause swelling in this area. Hematomas occur when a needle enters a vessel. In persons prone to allergic reactions, itching, redness, and swelling may occur after administration of the drug. For treatment, take antihistamines orally and ointments based on glucocorticoids around the eyes.

Recommendations before the procedure

If you have recently had laser procedures or chemical peeling, you need to wait at least 3 weeks before affecting the eye area. Stop aspirin and other drugs that cause bruising.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the session , you should avoid exposure to sunlight, aggressive cleaning, high temperature and humidity. There is no need to touch the skin of the eyelids with your hands until the injection marks have completely healed. Procedures that lead to vasodilation can reduce the effect of the administration of drugs, so for some time you can do without a bath or massage.

The specialists of our cosmetology clinic carry out the procedure at a high quality level. order a call back or make an appointment at the branches of our clinic, which are located in the Frunzenskaya and Sukharevskaya areas. A cosmetologist will provide you with a free consultation on treatment and care for your facial skin.

Correction of cheekbones and chin with fillers are popular procedures in aesthetic cosmetology. They are minimally invasive and at the same time effective and safe. They allow you to give the desired shape and lost volume to any part of the body, including the cheekbones of the face. Find out the price of the procedure in the price list of the Darmed clinic or from the manager.

Peeling procedure for the skin around the eyes in the salon

The peeling procedure can remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Peeling brings the following benefits:

  • Prepares the skin for the application of cosmetics
  • Smoothes the skin surface
  • Brightens skin color

This procedure should be performed with caution, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate. Typically, finely dispersed peeling is used, which does not injure the skin around the eyes. Also, chemical peeling based on fruit extracts is used. Chemical peeling is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Preventing dark circles around the eyes

Cosmetologists advise paying attention to the following points:

  • Good dream.
  • Sufficient drinking regimen - at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day.
  • The food is varied, with vitamins, minerals, proteins.
  • Moisturizers for the care of the periorbital area.
  • Treatment of chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, veins, blood coagulation system.
  • The body must receive enough oxygen, so it is useful to walk in the fresh air.
  • You can periodically do lymphatic drainage facial massage.
  • Do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure and apply skin care products with SPF.


To get a consultation

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You can ask questions that interest you and get answers from competent specialists at our clinic.

Please contact us, we will be happy to help you!

To receive a free consultation, please use the special form.

How long does it take for a bruise under the eye to last?

How long does it take? If after the blow you do not provide first aid and subsequently do not engage in treatment, a moderate or severe hematoma will disappear within a maximum of two weeks (plus or minus two to three days, taking into account individual physiological characteristics).

The speed of bruise resorption also depends on the time of year .
In hot weather, bruises take longer to heal. If a person immediately takes action and then treats the injury site with special ointments, the healing process takes from several days to a week .
Occasional mild hematomas, regardless of whether medications were used or not, usually resolve within three days.


Darmed-Clinic on Frunzenskaya

Darmed-Clinic on Sukharevskaya


I have been going to a cosmetologist: Alexandra Grebenshchikova for 5 years now, I have done various procedures with her, ranging from facial massage, cleansing, all kinds of peelings, injections: lips, biorevitalization, nasal tears, Botox. The last time she was in this clinic for botulinum therapy, forehead, eyes, cheekbones (yes, Botox was injected into the cheekbones to reduce the shape of the face). I will follow her to the ends of the earth! The clinic is beautiful, clean, equipped with advanced equipment, I plan to try the new Fraxel, with fantastic results on the face and body. I will remove old stretch marks on the body and pigmentation on the face. Let's look at the results!

Irina D.

Irina D.


Hello! Today I had a cleaning with Dr. Elena Alexandrovna Ignatieva. Perfect! My skin glows from the inside, I can’t stop looking at it :) Elena Alexandrovna is a very competent doctor and in addition to cleaning, she also selected treatment and home care for me. Thank you very much!)) I also want to note the work of the nurse and esthetician Daria Alexandrovna Fomina. I go to her for laser hair removal and BeautyLazer anti-cellulite massage (I recommend!!! the effect is super, there were 6 sessions, a full course of 12). Daria Alexandrovna is very attentive and always does everything super! Several more times I had lip augmentation with Pavlik Alla Sergeevna - the effect of natural lips, no bruises, etc. Juvederm drug. Every time I come to the clinic and every time I am convinced that first-class specialists work here. I recommend to everyone!

Well, I will return to DarMed more than once

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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