Unique and effective gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio: technique and reviews

To stay young and beautiful, women are ready to undergo any procedures and pay a lot of money for them.

However, not only with the help of cosmetology you can achieve amazing success in rejuvenation. Regular gymnastics for the face, or rather unusual gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio, has many followers and adherents around the world, because it works, and the results are stunning.

To use it, you will not need money, but time, patience and consistency. Well, and of course, mastery of technology.

How the technique came about

Back in the first half of the 20th century, German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz began to talk about the benefits of physical activity for facial muscles and proposed a set of exercises to help keep them in good shape, a kind of aerobics.

Several decades later, Facebook was given a second wind by the American Carol Maggio.

She, approaching the 40-year mark, began to notice age-related changes in her skin and decided to actively fight them.

Carol approached the process professionally - she was trained as a cosmetologist, actively communicated with specialists in the field of aesthetics, and ultimately made a statement for herself: various injections do not solve the problem, they bring an instant result, which disappears after a couple of months, and the skin continues to age.

A talented woman reviewed Benz’s works, systematized them and proposed her own aerobics complex for the face, which solves age-related skin changes.

Carol organized a course for everyone, “Aerobics for the skin and facial muscles,” where she taught her students to perform a set of exercises, and then wrote an illustrated book, which became a bestseller.

This gymnastics was instantly appreciated by women; it gained popularity for its simplicity and quick results.

It was from this period that a new page began in the biography of Carol Maggio; she became famous and recognizable.

Introduction to the methodology and author

Carol Maggio is a successful former American cosmetologist who has developed a thoughtful and scientifically based set of exercises for face-building. She actively uses it herself and, at 65, looks no more than 50.

At its core, this is a rejuvenating gymnastics for the face, working primarily with the muscles - it trains them so that they become more elastic and adapted to age-related changes. Thanks to this, the aging process slows down significantly and does not spoil the appearance.

In addition to muscle training, Carol Maggio's system is based on energy flows. If you mindlessly and indifferently carry out the complexes she suggests, you may not achieve any result at all. The main thing in her technique is to mentally imagine all the colossal energy with which you are filled during gymnastics and follow it. This is how the muscle-brain connection is organized, thanks to which the rejuvenation effect is achieved.

According to statistics, at this point in time, this is the most popular gymnastics for facial rejuvenation, practiced by hundreds of thousands of followers around the world. In particular, in Russia its official representative is Anastasia Burdyug, a face-building trainer who received a license from the hands of Carol Maggio herself.


It is a mistake to think that gymnastics from Carol Maggio only gets rid of wrinkles and its only value is its rejuvenating effect. First of all, it trains the muscles, and this gives many other positive results. In particular, regular exercise:

  • restores skin elasticity;
  • makes the oval of the face beautifully outlined;
  • eliminates sagging cheeks;
  • corrects features, making them more correct;
  • normalizes complexion;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • raises eyebrows;
  • tightens folds on the neck;
  • gives expressiveness and openness to the look;
  • raises the corners of the mouth;
  • smoothes nasolabial furrows;
  • opens heavy eyelids;
  • widens too thin lips;
  • tones;
  • removes expression lines and age wrinkles;
  • strengthens the muscles of the orbital region, which opens the eyes wider;
  • improves the shape of the nose without any plastic surgery;
  • eliminates double chin;
  • cares for the skin around the eyes, removing bruises, swelling and bags.

The results become noticeable 6-7 months after the start of classes, and the rejuvenation effect is long-term and persistent. The author promises that in this way you can lose 10 years at once!


Each exercise of this gymnastics affects quite deep layers of the skin and can affect not only the dermis. Here, blood circulation, lymph flow, neurons of the brain, and muscles of the collarbones and back are involved in the process. Therefore, it is so important to follow all contraindications for such face-building, so as not to harm your health:

  • beauty injections that were given over the past 2 weeks: muscle exercises neutralize the effect of solutions injected under the skin;
  • facial surgery performed within the last month;
  • any damage to the facial nerve: inflammation, neuritis, injury, paralysis, etc.;
  • pressure surges;
  • wounds that have not had time to heal, scars, ulcers, scratches, etc.

In addition, during the period of exacerbation of any diseases and fever, gymnastics should be postponed until complete recovery.


In order to effectively and profitably put into practice the rejuvenation method of the American Carol Maggio, you should listen to her recommendations.

General Tips

  1. Carol advises taking a frontal and profile selfie before doing her gymnastics, and then repeating the same thing, trying out several of her courses and visually evaluating the results.
  2. To perform the exercises correctly, you need to watch the video tutorials and work through the step-by-step instructions for them.
  3. Classes must be regular.
  4. Beginners can devote no more than 20 minutes a day to gymnastics. The main thing is not the amount of time spent, but the correct execution of each exercise.
  5. It is optimal to do it twice a day.
  6. In addition to gymnastics, Carol Maggio strongly recommends organizing proper facial skin care, which includes the use of suitable cosmetics and various anti-aging procedures (massage, moisturizing spa masks, light peeling, etc.). An integrated approach to this issue at a young age will be an excellent prevention of early withering, and at a later age it will be a noticeable lifting.
  7. Carol Maggio pays special attention to massage and recommends alternating gymnastics with it: a day - massage, a day - exercises. Moreover, it should be carried out in full courses and constantly change: vacuum, honey, spoons, Asahi, lymphatic drainage. And once a year she strongly advises going to a professional.

As already mentioned, Carol places great emphasis on visualizing each exercise. Only by imagining the energy flows can you correctly perform the desired movement.

Execution technique

  1. It is advisable to do Carol Maggio’s gymnastics in front of a mirror to monitor the correctness of the exercises.
  2. Starting position - correct posture, retracted abs, tense hips and buttocks.
  3. It is necessary to carefully concentrate on performing each exercise. When training muscles, you need to feel how deeply you are working them - this part of the face should become warm.
  4. A greater effect can be achieved if you use your imagination and imagine how, when doing it, the energy fills the worked muscle to the maximum. Without this, gymnastics loses all its salt.
  5. After each exercise, both the body and facial muscles need to be relaxed.
  6. Carol Maggio recommends finishing gymnastics each time as follows: purse your lips as tightly as possible and begin to forcefully exhale air from your lungs, feeling their vibration.

Course Descriptions

  1. A basic gymnastics complex for beginners includes 14 simple exercises.
  2. The main complex for advanced ones offers 9 exercises: some repeat the basic ones, only more complicated.
  3. An adapted gymnastics complex is now gaining great popularity because it is designed to be performed at the workplace, at a party, at the computer or in the car.

You should start doing gymnastics with a basic or adapted course from Carol Maggio. You can order them for a certain amount or find free video tutorials.

Carol Maggio's book for prolonging female beauty

K. Maggio’s first book, “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face,” was published in 1995. In it, she described in detail all the facial muscles, their location, as well as the processes occurring in them during aging.

According to Carol's findings, the following changes occur in the face:

  • eyebrows droop;
  • cheeks become flabby;
  • eyelids droop;
  • the nose lengthens a little;
  • lips become thinner and wrinkled;
  • the skin of the neck withers;
  • a double chin appears.

It is on solving these problems that the cosmetologist suggests focusing on in his gymnastics. Developed by her, the complex consists of a basic level, including 14 exercises for beginners and 9 exercises for advanced experts.

To date, she has written four more books, in which she talks about how you can professionally work with facial muscles at all stages of aging.

It’s easier to start getting acquainted with Facebook building with the book “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face.”

Making apple cheeks

This exercise not only helps to straighten your cheeks, but also remove circles under your eyes.

  1. You need to round your mouth into a large O, then wrap your lips around your teeth, as if pulling them inward.
  2. This will cause slight tension in the cheek muscles.
  3. With your index fingers you need to fix the position at the highest point - on the cheekbones.
  4. Next, you need to smile without changing the position of your lips, just stretch the corners.
  5. Fix your face in this position for a few seconds, then relax.
  6. Repeat 10 times.

Course Descriptions

The basic gymnastics complex for beginners includes 14 simple exercises, for advanced ones - 9 exercises for training different facial zones. It is convenient to perform gymnastics in front of a mirror - this makes it easier to track how accurately and according to the instructions you are doing it.

Exercise to enlarge your eyes

The basic level exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Take your starting position - sit or lie down.
  2. Fix your fingers: the middle fingers should be on the bridge of the nose, the index fingers should be on the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Squint your eyes, feel how your eyelids tense.
  4. Feel the muscles pulsate and slowly close your eyelids. Count to 40.
  5. Open your eyes and repeat the exercise.
  6. Do this 10 times in one approach.

A set of exercises to enlarge the eyes strengthens the orbicularis eyelid muscle.
From the advanced level:

  1. Take the starting position - the exercise is best done while sitting.
  2. Place your middle and index fingers at your temples.
  3. Lightly pull the skin upward with them, feel how it stretches.
  4. Look straight ahead, fixing your gaze on one point.
  5. Without taking your eyes off the chosen object, raise your eyes upward, count to 10. Look forward, count to 10 again.
  6. Lower your eyes and mentally count to 10 too.

Make sure that your eyebrows do not move; when they move, this means you are pumping your forehead muscles.

Lower eyelid strengthening exercise

A simplified version of the lower eyelid exercise:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes.
  2. Close your eyelids tightly and count to 40.
  3. Open your eyes.
  4. Move your fingers to the inner corners of the eyes, fix.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly again and count to 30.
  6. Relax your muscles.

An exercise for the lower eyelids helps remove bags and bruises under the eyes.
For an advanced level, there is a complex exercise that helps remove swelling, strengthen the upper and lower eyelids, and slightly lift the corners of the eyes.

How to do:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, move your thumbs down, and cover your nose with the remaining three, like a “house.” The middle fingers are located between the eyebrows, the index fingers lightly press on the dimple at the inner corners of the eyes.
  2. Look up, hold your gaze.
  3. Squint your eyes, trying to pull your lower eyelid as high as possible.
  4. Remove your hands from your face and close your eyelids tightly.
  5. Count to 40.
  6. Relax your muscles.
  7. Repeat 15 times.

Nose shortening exercise

Carol Maggio says that the nose continues to grow with age, so it gradually becomes wider and droops. To avoid this, you need to constantly train your nasal muscle. The same exercise helps to correct the shape of the nose and reduce its size.

How to do:

  1. Place your index finger on the tip of your nose and pull it up.
  2. Lower the nostrils as much as possible, feel how the wings of the nose tense.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then you can relax.
  4. Repeat the exercise 35 times.

Carol Maggio's exercise helps tighten the nasal muscle, which gets stretched over the years.
For an advanced level, the exercise is modified:

  1. With one finger, you move the tip of your nose upward, but in doing so you strain not the wings of your nose, but your upper lip - you need to pull it back. Use your finger to continue pressing on the tip of your nose.
  2. Repeat the exercise 45 times.

Jaw strengthening exercise

The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, press your upper lip to the upper row of teeth.
  2. Place your lower lip behind your lower row of teeth.
  3. Press your index finger to the middle of your chin.
  4. Open your mouth, then close it, without moving your jaw joints if possible. Feel the muscles at the corners of your lips tighten.
  5. Do this until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

Exercise strengthens the jaw muscles and orbicularis oris muscle

Gymnastics to strengthen the neck

The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

How to do it:

  1. Take the starting position lying down, it is better to do it on the floor.
  2. Place your middle fingers on the side of your neck and press them lightly.
  3. Slowly raise your head from the floor 4–5 cm.
  4. Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  5. Also slowly return to the starting position, relax.
  6. Repeat 20 times.

The exercise can be done without arms - they are extended along the torso. The rest of the execution procedure is the same. Repeat 35 times. While in position, turn your head to one side and then to the other so that your body remains motionless. Make 45 turns.

The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

Another exercise is designed for advanced people:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Cup your hands, pressing your wrists together.
  3. Place your wrists under your chin and clasp your neck with your palms on both sides.
  4. Try to pull your chin forward as far as possible, and use your hands to pull the skin back.
  5. Do 30 reps.

Double chin exercise

The following basic level will help you get rid of a double chin and at the same time strengthen your neck muscles:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Raise your chin as high as possible.
  3. Purse your lips and stretch them into a smile (do not expose your teeth!).
  4. Place your hand at the base of your neck and pull the skin down.
  5. Turn your head to the left, fix the position and count to 10.
  6. Now turn to the right and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  7. Then raise your head up and do not move until you count to 10. Feel how your neck muscles tense.
  8. Relax your muscles.
  9. Do 40 reps.

The double chin exercise helps correct the oval of the face and remove wrinkles on the neck.
For the pros, Carol Maggio suggests another exercise:

  1. Sit down, straighten your back and relax.
  2. Open and close your mouth several times, while carefully monitoring which facial muscles are working.
  3. Now open your mouth again.
  4. Tighten the corners of your lips and try to close your mouth only with their help, without using your lower jaw.

We wash the nasolabial

In the book gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio, this exercise is given an important place, because nasolabial folds greatly spoil the face, adding age.

  1. To perform the exercise, you need to make a large O with your mouth and hug your teeth with your lips.
  2. Place your index fingers on the sides of your mouth and move them from the corners of your mouth to the wings of your nose until a slight burning sensation appears.
  3. Then speed up the movement and repeat for a few more seconds.
  4. Relax, do 5 repetitions.

Recommendations for implementation

When mastering the technique, it is better to start with a cosmetologist who is familiar with the technique and is ready to show how to perform the exercises correctly. But if this is not possible, it is better to watch a video with facial gymnastics by Carol Maggio.

Also, for the first time you will need a mirror to see your own movements; later, when the whole process is brought to automaticity, you can do the complex without it.

Before starting the class, hands and face should be washed, wiped with micellar water, a little massage oil, serum or nourishing cream can be applied to the face to enhance the effect.

Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics will only be effective if you perform it regularly. The author recommends doing this 2 times a day. It doesn’t matter whether a woman is sitting or standing, but her body should be relaxed, her back straight, her muscles not tense. Breathing should be smooth, without tension.

It is recommended to pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks to tune the body to work and concentrate. During the process of Facebook building, it is advisable to relax and get distracted, and let go of negative thoughts. It is better to focus on the movement of the muscles and imagine which of them are working at a given moment.

If a burning sensation appears during exercise, it means that your actions are correct. However, there should be no pain, only slight tension. After doing the exercises, you need to relax your muscles by taking air into your mouth and blowing it out through pursed lips, feeling the vibration of your lips and cheeks.

How and why the Carole Maggio training system works

The Carole Maggio exercise complex is based on exercises for the facial muscles. Everything should be directed towards energy fragments. Ruthless and mechanical execution will not be effective. The subconscious should be filled with positive emotions. Muscle tension transmits impulse signals to the brain, thereby achieving an effect.

Carol Maggio is 37, 52 and 65 years old.

According to statistics, Carol Maggio's exercises rank first among procedures that do not involve surgery. More than one hundred thousand followers consider this technique unique.

According to the book by Carol Maggio, in the classroom you can achieve the following results:

  • adjustment of the natural eyebrow line;
  • raise the corners of the lips;
  • face contour lift, removal of the 2nd chin;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • neck lift;
  • correction of sagging eyelids;
  • growth of a narrow strip of lips;
  • elimination of black circles, bags under the eyes;
  • cheek lift;
  • nose correction

For a more detailed introduction to the technique, read the book on facial gymnastics by Carol Maggio, which describes facial aerobics in Russian.

Following the advice of a cosmetologist, you must first take a photo of your face and then start the exercises. This will allow you to see the result more accurately.

According to the creator’s advice, gymnastics should be done only 15 - 20 minutes a day, the result will not take long to arrive. The main thing is to focus on the correct technique, abstract from external problems, and focus on yourself.

In addition to gymnastic exercises, you need to maintain skin elasticity with the help of cosmetics:

  • nourishing the skin with moisturizing creams;
  • maintaining water balance using gels and masks;
  • use anti-aging serums from natural products;
  • caring for the skin around the eyes with essential oils and creams.

You can also get a lymphatic drainage massage for rejuvenation. If you use these products with Carol's gymnastics, the anti-aging effect will be more significant. At 50, a woman can look 40.


Massage and facial gymnastics by Carol Maggio is a safe procedure, but there are also contraindications for it:

  • the presence of plastic surgery, braces or any injections;
  • inflammation of the facial nerves;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of injuries, suppuration or inflammation of the skin.

In these cases, gymnastics will not help, but will only worsen the situation.

Only regular exercise and dedication will allow you to maintain the tone of your facial muscles, slow down the changes that occur with age, and restore radiance and youth to your skin.

What is the role of exercises in a facelift?

Regular gymnastics of the facial muscles leads to the same results as plastic surgery. Only wrinkles are smoothed out not due to tissue tightening, but because the volume of the facial muscles increases. In fact, face building causes muscle spasm - from constant tension, they look something like after a botulinum toxin injection. Meanwhile, the load on the tissues should not be constant; most of the time they are in a passive state, and this is normal. Overexertion causes side effects, facial expressions are distorted, and nervousness appears. Women who oppose Maggio's exercise system say they have noticed involuntary, slightly nervous facial expressions on Carol herself.

Facial gymnastics helps remove facial and age wrinkles, but only temporarily

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