Eye cream: the basics of choosing the right one

Many women mistakenly believe that any face cream is suitable for delicate, sensitive, thin skin around the eyes, so they apply it generously, in a thick layer, and the next morning they wake up with severe allergies, swelling and redness in this area. Some products are truly universal, but most face creams, especially anti-aging ones, are strictly not recommended for application to the area around the eyes. In order to understand all the intricacies of choosing such a cream, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most important information presented in this article.

Causes of rapid aging of eyelid skin

There are girls who love eye cream so much that they are ready to apply it all over their face. Others consider this product to be the weak link in the care chain. Of course, those in the first camp are right, but it is still better to use such a cream without fanaticism and apply it only at the destination.

Dry skin around the eyes: what to do and what not to do

The skin around the eyes, unlike the skin on the cheeks or forehead, is very vulnerable. Why?

  • It has weak barrier and moisture-retaining properties.
  • The skin around the eyes is much more sensitive and thin (6 times thinner than the skin on the cheeks, for example), so the evaporation of moisture in it occurs many times faster.
  • Facial expressions also contribute to dryness and the early appearance of wrinkles. And if you like to rub your eyes thoroughly when removing your makeup, this aggravates the situation.

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How to choose the right cream for your skin type

It is common for everyone to have their own skin type, with their own problems. However, what everyone has in common is hypersensitivity of the skin around the eyes. That is why this zone is subject to various deformations. The most noticeable are dark circles, bags, and wrinkles. These symptoms are caused not only by age-related changes, but also by certain disruptions in the body, or as a consequence of incorrect life principles. The most negative impact on skin condition is caused by smoking, abuse, lack of physical activity, disturbed sleep patterns, consumption of unhealthy foods, stress and many other factors.

As for skin types themselves, there are three of them: dry, oily and combination.

The cream should be selected based on your skin type; it is better if the cream is intended for sensitive skin.

When looking for a cream, it is better to prepare in advance by finding a suitable product on the Internet and studying reviews about this brand.

How to choose an eye cream

There is only one piece of advice: do not ignore the special cream.

Caring for the skin around the eyes


Just a few years ago, eyelid creams were not divided into day and night creams: it was believed that if you apply such a product before bed, swelling is guaranteed by the morning. But now the situation has changed. The production of night formulas with oils and vitamins, such as A and C, which do not cause swelling, has been launched. Applying them before bed is useful because the skin regenerates more actively at night.


For daytime care, choose light textures if you have young skin, and richer ones, such as balm, if your skin is aging. To prevent foundation or concealer applied over eye cream from creasing, use a small amount of product and do not smear it on the skin, but tap it in with your fingertips. By the way, this will make your makeup more durable. Look for caffeine and plant extracts in the product.

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People's secrets

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the price of factory-made creams is quite high, which makes them accessible not to every consumer. There are many popular products that can also be useful in daily care of a delicate area. The ingredients of these creams are simple and are often available to any housewife, which makes the cream accessible to everyone.

Butter (if you don’t have it, you can replace it with vegetable oil). It is known not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial effect on external beauty. In order to overcome wrinkles, you need to rub in the oil with the pads of your fingers, leaving it on the skin until the morning. The butter will melt on contact with your skin. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the greasy texture.

The following recipe will help remove wrinkles around the eye area:

  • Mix dry chamomile blossom (half a glass) with an equal amount of linden blossom. Pour boiled water (125 ml) and cover with a lid. Leave the container for 15 minutes;
  • at the next stage, mix in a container: 1 tsp. butter, 2 tsp. tinctures, and 1 tsp. castor oil;
  • Beat the mixture until it reaches a creamy consistency.

It is advisable to apply the resulting cream before bed by rubbing it onto the eyelid area. No need to worry about cream residue. It should be transferred to a container that is hermetically sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Can be stored for up to 5 days.

Composition of eye cream

Each age has its own list of ingredients, but there are some things in common.

  • Antioxidants (vitamin E, grape extract, green tea, witch hazel) are needed by mature skin for protection, and by young skin to prevent aging.
  • Retinoids and peptides are powerful anti-aging agents that are recommended once you reach your 30th birthday. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, prevents and reduces wrinkles and pigmentation.
  • Caffeine is useful for lovers of a nocturnal lifestyle and anyone who suffers from puffiness and blueness under the eyes: it improves blood flow in the vessels and capillaries, and provides a drainage effect.
  • Moisturizing agents (glycerin and hyaluronic acid) restore and maintain the necessary level of skin moisture.
  • Nourishing oils (avocado, jojoba) soften and increase elasticity, helping water molecules not to evaporate longer.
  • Vitamin C accelerates the process of cell renewal and stimulates the production of new collagen in the lower layers of the epidermis bordering the dermis.
  • Probiotics help restore the skin's community of beneficial bacteria and reduce inflammation, and act as a balancing component in retinoid and vitamin C formulas.

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What components must be included?

If you want to choose a really high-quality cream for the skin around the eyes, always study its component composition, by which you will know exactly what it is capable of and what it cannot do in principle. To do this, we provide you with a list of useful substances:

  • haloxyl (haloxyl) – a component that accelerates the local exchange of bilirubin in the blood, due to which it has a whitening effect, eliminating “bruises”;
  • vitamin K, which improves blood microcirculation, strengthens small capillaries, and eliminates dark circles;
  • vitamin C, an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory, retains moisture in the skin, increases elasticity, whitens and slows down the aging process;
  • Ester-C is a special form of vitamin C (fat- and water-soluble), brightening, tightening the skin and stimulating collagen production;
  • essential fatty acids - Essential Fatty Acids, for example Omega 3 or those contained in natural oils of evening primrose and borage, which intensively moisturize the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and restore damaged cells;
  • hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains a large number of water molecules, due to which the epidermis becomes elastic, elastic and renewed;
  • eyeliss – a peptide complex that has a unique effect on rejuvenation, restoration, strengthening capillaries, eliminating inflammation, congestion;
  • argirelene, which works on the principle of Botox, delaying contractions of small facial muscles, preventing the formation of new wrinkles and folds;
  • coenzyme Q10, which improves metabolic processes and provides the skin with a healthy, beautiful and youthful appearance;
  • resveratrol is an antioxidant that actively counteracts the aging process of cells.

What is the difference between eyelid skin care at different ages?

In short - composition, concentration of active components and texture. Details are below.

Taking care of the skin around the eyes is necessary at any age © iStock

After 25 years

Closer to your 25th birthday, you may notice the first expression lines around the corners of your eyes. At this age, correction of dark circles and morning puffiness under the eyes may also be necessary.

The main task of a product for young eyelid skin is high-quality hydration. If the cream relieves swelling, this is a big plus.

A corrective cream may not have the desired effect if the cause of blue under the eyes lies in the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. In this case, only a concealer or foundation with a dense coverage will save you from the eternal panda look.

After 30 years

At this age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, the skin begins to lose tone and moisture reserves, which leads to dryness and the appearance of wrinkles. As before, deep moisturizing is necessary, but creams will have to be purchased with expanded functionality. The composition should contain peptides, vitamins and shock doses of antioxidants - to protect cells from oxidative processes

After 40 years

Having celebrated your 40th birthday, feel free to switch to heavy artillery - products with retinoids, peptides, vitamin C. At this age, the level of the hormone estrogen in the body begins to decrease, the lack of which affects the condition of the skin: it loses elasticity and density, and the rate of its regeneration decreases.

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Top best products

If the search for eye cosmetics “at random” did not yield anything, then the top 5 most popular and effective products will help you navigate the sea of ​​​​various drugs.

Anti-aging creams

When the age gradually passes the 40 mark, women, in relation to the eye contour, opt for professional products that truly have a rejuvenating effect. You can slightly push back the age limits if you use:

  • Avene Ysthal;
  • Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye;
  • Gel-cream Acglicolic Classic Forte Sesderma;
  • Vichy Liftactiv Yeux;
  • Librederm.

Budget options for this line include Green Mama “Golden Root and Vitamin F”; CORA eye cream-gel against swelling and wrinkles with Shea butter; peptide cream Laura Evalar and Clean Line from domestic manufacturers.


For dry skin, moisture is a necessary nourishment. The epidermis quickly becomes thinner not only from lack of nutrition, but also from lack of moisture. You can try to replenish water reserves in cells, maintaining high turgor (elasticity), using the following means:

  • Natura Siberica;
  • Sea&Energy;
  • Black Pearl (Sea of ​​Spa);
  • Eunyul real moisture eye cream.

Moisturizers are rich in different components: they not only retain moisture, but are also able to relieve swelling, lighten dark circles, and minimize fine wrinkles. The list of them is large and among this variety you need to choose a composition that will take into account the problems and individual characteristics of the eye contour.

The packaging should be selected correctly. The product in the tube has less contact with air, which slows down the oxidation processes of some components. A tall jar with a dispenser will also work. For wide-neck packaging, fold back the edge of the foil and scoop out a microdose with a spatula.

Filler creams

Cream filler is able to smooth out wrinkles from the outside, filling the “fold”, and acts from the inside, replenishing the lack of moisture. This solves the problem of fading dermis, maintaining turgor and giving freshness. Molecules in filler creams deliver hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin to the tissue, which are responsible for skin elasticity. The creams in this line include:

  • Libriderm 3D cream filler;
  • Filorga Hydra filler cream;
  • Filorga time-filler cream;
  • Cream filler L'Oreal Revitalift;
  • Mary Kay cream filler.

The filler product is not a replacement for contouring; it provides temporary rejuvenation and is effective throughout the day. But even a one-day effect of renewed skin without wrinkles causes admiration for the appearance at receptions and parties.

Manufacturers add plant components, natural oils, and vitamins to fillers. This is decorative and at the same time care cosmetics, which provides a double effect.

For puffiness under the eyes

Swelling is often associated with an active rhythm of life. Lack of sleep, stress, coffee addiction, lack of time to rest leads to an unpleasant cosmetic defect. The following remedies will help eliminate it:

  • Multi Correction Anti-Age (ROC);
  • RevitaLift (L'Oreal);
  • BARK with shea butter;
  • Librederm with hyaluronic acid;
  • LiftActiv Supreme (Vichy).

Some imported creams do not contain annotation in Russian, so you need to talk to a consultant in the cosmetics department or a professional cosmetologist.


Most anti-aging creams perform nutritional function as the main one. Many cosmetic products combine a number of components, including nutritional ones. Dry skin around the eyes needs nourishment at any age. Among such a line, the following are in demand:

  • Kamali “Nutritious”, 20 ml;
  • Janssen - Rich Eye Contour Cream;
  • Deoproce with spider web proteins Spider Web Multi-Care Eye Cream;
  • RefectoCil with vitamin E and D-panthenol.

Apply eye contour cream twice: in the morning and evening, optimally 1–2 hours before bedtime. A very small amount is used: the size of a grain of rice.

Types of creams for the eye area

If you have carefully read the labels of cosmetic products and have thoroughly studied the range of themed products in cosmetic stores, then you know: there are not so many types of eye cream. But what abilities they have!

For young skin, a light eye cream is suitable; for older skin, a thicker one © iStock


Fights wrinkles: can visibly reduce fine lines, and smoothes out the depth of more pronounced ones. Also on the list of its tasks is increasing the density of the skin of the eyelids and the so-called lifting effect. It often takes on the role of a filler and fills in “crow’s feet” - such a product is simply invaluable before going out and in situations where you need to look perfect.


With these products, everything is more or less clear: they provide the fragile skin of the eyelids with moisture reserves and do not allow it to evaporate. The most delicate in composition and texture are suitable even for those with sensitive skin.


Perhaps the most popular type in this product category. It has a pronounced draining and brightening effect, helps get rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. You can count on such creams after a sleepless night, chronic lack of sleep, or “overdoing it” with liquid at night.

A corrective cream may not have the desired effect if the cause of blue under the eyes lies in the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. In this case, only a concealer or foundation with a dense coverage will save you from the eternal panda look.

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The best inexpensive creams for wrinkles around the eyes: price up to 500 rubles.

Let's start with inexpensive products for wrinkles around the eyes, which, despite their cost, have the necessary characteristics: moisturize, eliminate puffiness. Of course, they cannot claim to be super products, since they do not contain expensive lifting ingredients, but many of them can smooth out small expression wrinkles. The 3 creams presented below will appeal to women for whom price-quality ratio is important.

Sea & Energy Green Tea and PassionFlower Eye Cream

Rating: 4.8

Israeli cosmetics never cease to delight and surprise us. The Sea & Energy company presents a high-quality, inexpensive product that includes all the healing properties of Dead Sea minerals. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used morning and evening.

The passionflower extract included in the composition reduces puffiness and eliminates dark circles, brightens pigmented areas. Green tea acts as an antioxidant and has a calming effect, so the cream can also be used for particularly sensitive skin prone to irritation. Additional ingredients: grape seed, shea butter, ginger and soybean oils, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E.

The airy consistency is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy feeling. The cream has a tightening, moisturizing and corrective effect.


  • natural components in the composition;
  • effectively fights swelling;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.

Features of application

First you need to cleanse your skin and remove traces of makeup. Important: the eyelid product is used after the serum and concentrate, but strictly before the face cream.

  1. 1
    Take a small, pea-sized amount of cream. Warm the cream between the pads of your ring fingers.
  2. 2
    Using your fingertips, gently spread over slightly damp skin. Gently “drive” the cream, moving along the orbital bones under the eyebrows from the inner corner of the eye to the outer; further along the lower eyelid from the outer edge of the orbit to the bridge of the nose.

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Rating of the best creams for wrinkles around the eyes

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best inexpensive creams for wrinkles around the eyes: price up to 500 rubles.1Sea & Energy Green Tea and PassionFlower Eye Cream460 ₽
2Anti-wrinkle eye gel DNC173 ₽
3Lifting gel for wrinkles around the eyes L'Action Lifting Eye Gel405 ₽
The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 30 - 35 years1Clarins Multi-Active Eye Care1 799 ₽
2Dr. Sea AntiWrinkle Eye Cream 830 ₽
3Five Elements Aqua Hydro Balance Repair Eye Contour Cream810 ₽
4Anti-wrinkle cream Bio Natura Siberica799 ₽
The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years1Swiss Line Cell Shock Eye Zone Lifting Complex II9 000 ₽
2Dior Prestige Le Concentre Yeux9 800 ₽
3Ahava Extreme Firming Eye3 300 ₽
4NoniCare Eye Cream1 140 ₽
The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 50 years13Lab WW Eye Cream20 475 ₽
2Black Pearl Hialuronic Eye Cream7 600 ₽
3Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Synchronized Complex II2 999 ₽
4Limoni Snail Intense Care Eye Cream750 ₽

Tools Overview


Name Advantages

where to find?

Caffeine and fragmented hyaluronic acid hydrate and reduce puffiness. Suitable for sensitive eyes and can be used as a makeup base.

where to find?

Thanks to its water-oil texture, it does not clump and does not spoil makeup. Upon contact with skin, moisture microspheres are released for long-lasting hydration.


Name Advantages
Regenerating deep care around the eyes Revitalift laser X3, L'Oréal Paris

where to find?

The combination of fragmented hyaluronic acid and the Pro-Xylan complex has an intense effect on the skin: moisturizes and strengthens the supporting framework.

where to find?

Works on all fronts: corrects visible and emerging wrinkles, age spots, signs of fatigue. The formula, enriched with antioxidants and probiotics, deeply moisturizes and neutralizes free radical damage.

How to apply correctly

Application is one of the secrets to the effectiveness of creams. Apply the product to the area around the eyes with light tapping movements.

Apply a few drops of cream onto your eyes and gently rub in with your fingertips along the massage lines.

Cosmetologists recommend using moisturizers at night. During rest, the skin absorbs nutrients better. Anti-wrinkle products, on the contrary, should be used in the morning. During the day, the skin will be reliably protected.

How to store eye cream

However, no one is immune from intolerance to the wonderful composition of the cream. Therefore, in stores it is imperative to take individual samples and test them on the skin near the eyebrow or cheekbone (just remember that using general tester jars from the counter is dangerous to health ). If irritation occurs, do not buy this product under any circumstances. Here are some more important rules for using eye creams:

- Keep the jar in a dark, dry place, close it carefully and wash your hands before applying the cream. It's easy to get an infection in the eye. Many brands have begun to abandon chemical preservatives - this reduces the allergenicity of the cream, but reduces its shelf life and resistance to microbes. expired funds without regret .

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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