Orange oil for the face: properties and use at home, the opinion of cosmetologists

Orange oil is concentrated sun energy contained in a small bottle. Once you uncork it, the tart Mediterranean aroma will burst into gray everyday life, color your life with tropical colors, share the unbridled energy of youth, and infect you with the sparkling joy of eternal summer. Its life-giving power is used in aromatherapy to combat stress, in folk medicine to treat certain diseases, in cooking to add exotic notes to traditional dishes and, of course, in cosmetology to care for young, mature and aging skin.

History and description

The birthplace of the orange is called China and India, where this tree from the Rutaceae family began to be cultivated as early as 2.5 thousand years BC. Around the 15th–16th century, fragrant and healthy fruits appeared in Europe, for which we have to thank sailors. Initially, citrus pulp was used for food. Then they began to make marmalade and Curacao liqueur from the peel. Mentions of the use of orange oil for medicinal purposes date back to the late 17th century (Europe).

The aromatic citrus essential oil is a deep yellow liquid with an orange, reddish or brown tint. It has a characteristic pleasant smell of orange, from the peel of which it is extracted. To obtain concentrated healing liquid, one of 2 methods is used:

  1. Cold pressed, when the zest is pressed. Thanks to this, high-quality oil is released, which has all the beneficial qualities of the raw material.
  2. Hydrodistillation is a cheaper option. Aromatic ether is obtained using water and steam. At the same time, the quality of the oil deteriorates.

When we talk about orange oil, we most often mean the extract from the zest. One of the most popular and in demand in cosmetology is a product made from the peel of sweet Chinese citrus fruits. It is relatively inexpensive.

From the zest of bitter citrus fruits (oranges) a healthy oily liquid with a characteristic aroma is also obtained, which is called bitter or orange. The peel of red (blood) oranges is also a source of natural ester.

Attention! In the description of its product, the manufacturer must indicate which raw materials were used.

Oil with a pleasant aroma is extracted not only from the zest of orange citrus. There are these types of esters:

  • petitgrain - from orange leaves, most often bitter, since the “sweet” analogue is not considered particularly valuable;
  • orange blossom is an aromatic liquid extracted from orange flowers. One of the most expensive esters, which is widely used in perfumery;
  • Neroli - oil from the flowers of the sweet orange tree. Typically produced in Portugal. Rated lower than the orange blossom variety.

The homeland of the fruit also matters. Citrus fruits from Spain and Guinea are called the best.

Varieties of orange juice

The orange tree belongs to the Rutaceae family. The plant has given the world several varieties of essential oil:

  • orange, obtained from the peel of fruits (sweet orange and red);
  • neroli, extracted from flowers;
  • petitgrain from leaves;
  • orange oil from the peel of bitter oranges.

Bitter orange is a close relative of the orange, but its fruits have a specific sourish-bitter taste, and the oil obtained from them has a refined, refined aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

The natural oily liquid contains many complex compounds. The most famous component is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C performs several functions at once: stimulates collagen production, whitens the skin of the face and body, and acts as an antioxidant. Some other components of the ester obtained from different varieties of orange:

  • limonene - has a refreshing, cleansing, antibacterial effect, which is important for women who struggle with acne;
  • a-terpineol is a solvent with antimicrobial properties;
  • fatty acids - nourish and moisturize the epidermis;
  • bergapten - helps in the treatment of skin diseases, participates in the production of melanin, protecting the skin from harmful radiation;
  • vitamins of group B, A - are responsible for youth, elasticity of the skin, protect it from aging;
  • phellandrene - activates collagen production;
  • furfural - regulates the process of sebum separation, reduces the severity of acne, etc.

The ether contains not only useful components. For example, linalool can provoke allergies, which are often caused by citrus fruits.

The healing properties of orange oil

Essential orange oil has a wide spectrum of action. It is actively used both in the culinary and medical fields, and for cosmetic purposes. It is characterized by disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and restorative properties. It has proven itself to be a sedative.

The product is especially characterized by its healing properties:

  1. Compresses with the addition of orange oil help with bleeding gums and skin dermatitis, have an antiseptic and hemostatic effect,
  2. Visual acuity increases and eye strain is relieved, which is especially important for people who spend a lot of time at the computer,
  3. Adding one drop of the product to the juice helps get rid of hypovitaminosis,
  4. Has a calming effect, helps relieve stress and psychological fatigue, eliminates insomnia, fear and excessive anxiety,
  5. Increases blood flow, cleanses lymph, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and normalizes blood pressure,
  6. Provides protection of the body from infections and harmful effects through good absorption of ascorbic acid,
  7. It has a choleretic effect, which prevents the appearance of stones in the gall bladder,
  8. Used in the treatment of bronchitis and colds accompanied by elevated body temperature, reduces the degree of contraction of the smooth muscles of internal organs,
  9. Helps restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, suppresses the development of fermentation processes in the intestines, promotes the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body,
  10. Shows effectiveness in the treatment of obesity and in the presence of swelling, has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect and improves skin tone,
  11. By promoting the formation of collagen fibers intended for tissue regeneration, the product has a beneficial effect on muscle pain and rickets,
  12. Stimulates increased ability to work, concentration, activates the protective properties of the immune system and improves overall health,
  13. Orange oil for the face is used for skin prone to dryness and wrinkles, to cleanse and rejuvenate skin cells, to reduce enlarged pores, as well as to lighten freckles and age spots,
  14. It has a positive effect on our biological field: negativity is replaced by an optimistic attitude, which gives a person faith in himself and his capabilities and improves his mood.

Indications for use

Orange peel oil is used in aromatherapy and folk medicine. In addition, the ether has a significant effect on the skin of the face:

  • restores damaged epidermal cells;
  • promotes skin regeneration;
  • moisturizes dry dermis;
  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • lightens freckles, age spots;
  • heals the skin;
  • evens out the complexion and makes it look fresher;
  • reduces the appearance of wrinkles and scars;
  • has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect;
  • serves as a prophylactic against pimples, blackheads and other purulent formations on the face.

Attention! The oil has a positive effect only when used correctly and regularly.

Benefits for facial skin

Orange essential oil is widely used in skin care procedures, promoting skin regeneration and protection. It has a beneficial effect on any skin type, especially dry ones. Orange oil for the face has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Thanks to the whitening effect, freckles and stubborn age spots become less noticeable,
  2. Controls the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminating excess oily skin,
  3. Nourishes the skin and helps tighten large pores,
  4. Activates collagen synthesis in cell fibers, as a result of which skin elasticity is maintained, cell aging processes are inhibited and the skin takes on a healthy appearance,
  5. By relaxing the facial muscles, the product has an effect on smoothing wrinkles, smoothing the skin texture,
  6. Increases lymph flow and blood circulation, reduces or completely eliminates swelling,
  7. Cleanses the skin of harmful substances.

Orange essential oil for the face has moisturizing and softening functions, which makes it useful in caring for dry and aging skin with symptoms of blemishes and peeling. It perfectly maintains the required level of moisture in the skin, and its regenerating properties promote rejuvenation and the growth of new cells.

Attention! When using facial products, the correct dosage must be observed to avoid harm to the body.

Orange oil is famous for its effectiveness in combating skin imperfections, inflammatory elements of various types, purulent rashes and dermatoses. Its use is possible to prevent the formation of pimples, comedones and blackheads. The product can significantly improve the appearance of scars and post-acne spots.

In the field of cosmetology, it is added to creams, lotions and masks to care for all skin types. Having this product on hand, you can prepare your own masks and creams for home use.

Where to buy and how to store

Natural oil has small and active molecules. They easily penetrate the skin and provide the therapeutic effect of the drug. Acting in a similar way, low-quality or counterfeit ether can harm the body. Therefore, you need to choose the product very carefully.

Orange essential oil is sold in pharmacies, organic stores and boutiques, and cosmetics stores (all of this, including online). Before purchasing, you have the right to ask for a quality certificate issued by the country of origin of the product. Examine the bottle.

According to international standards, any natural oil must be sold in a darkened glass container with a tight-fitting lid and a dispenser. Volume - from 5 ml. Usually the bottle is also additionally packaged in a cardboard box.

On the label, the manufacturer indicates basic information: the name of the oil, the type of plant that served as the starting material, and the method of obtaining the substance. Do not choose a product identical to natural or a synthetic product. But it shouldn’t always be taken at face value either. The following expert advice will help you verify the reliability of the manufacturer’s data:

  1. Examine the contents of the bottle. The correct oily liquid is homogeneous, transparent, without sediment. The ether may become slightly cloudy in the cold, but this is temporary.
  2. It is better to buy a product made in countries where citrus fruits are grown in abundance: the USA, Italy, Spain, Mexico, etc.
  3. Smell the chosen drug. You should smell the orange and nothing else.
  4. Drop a little ether onto a paper napkin. If the product is natural, after it has completely evaporated you will see only a yellow-orange speck on the surface. A colored greasy trace indicates that the preparation contains other components, that is, the oil is diluted or poorly purified. Transparent fat on a paper napkin will indicate the synthetic origin of the product.
  5. Add a few drops to your face cream. Due to the low quality ester, the product will separate and become liquid over time. A similar test can be done with shower gel. If, after aromatization, it begins to foam poorly and acquires a cloudy tint, it means that you have chosen a low-quality oil.

There is an opinion that natural ether cannot cost less than 150 rubles for 5–10 ml.

Please note: there is essential oil and there is cosmetic oil. The first is an orange extract in its pure form. This is a concentrate that needs to be diluted with base oil (olive, almond, etc.) or dripped in small doses into finished cosmetics (cream, scrub, etc.), otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn or allergy.

The cosmetic product is already combined with another oily substance and is therefore ready for use. The manufacturer must note exactly which components are included in the product and their proportions. For example, Elpharma cosmetic oil contains only 50% orange ester. There is also the same amount of soy ingredient. The cost of the drug is about 60 rubles per 15-ml bottle.

By the way. If desired, cosmetic oil can also be used not only in its pure form, but also added to cosmetics for the face and body.

One of the popular concentrated essential oils is produced by the company Botanika. There is a mark on the packaging that this is a 100% orange product. Price - 55–60 rubles per 10 ml. Orange ether from the Mirrolla brand is in the same price category. In general, inexpensive oils cost from 35 to 150 rubles (the amount depends on the volume and manufacturer).

If a high price is an indicator and guarantee of quality for you, pay attention, for example, to the following products:

  • Vivasan Brazilian sweet orange oil (Switzerland) - 760 rubles per 10 ml;
  • Orange essential oil from Now Foods (USA) - 550 rubles per 30 ml;
  • Essential oil Red (Blood) orange Blutorange from STYX (Austria) - 1180 rubles for 10 ml, etc.

When in contact with air, the ether oxidizes. This is especially true for citrus substances. Therefore, store the oily liquid in a dark and cool place, be sure to tightly screw the lid on. The maximum period is 2 years, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. A spoiled, old product acquires a sour smell, becomes sticky and dense. Throw away such ether without regret.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Sweet orange fruit oil is one of the most inexpensive because... it is found in abundance in the zest of citrus fruits. However, to avoid buying a low-quality product, you need to be able to distinguish the original from the fake.

Pay attention to the composition. There should not be any foreign components.

It is better to buy oils in specialized places, for example, in a pharmacy.

The liquid should be stored in a dark glass bottle. The lid is screwed on tightly. The manufacturer and shelf life are indicated on the packaging.

How to cook it yourself

If you don't trust store-bought products, try making orange oil at home. Detailed instructions:

  1. Choose thick-skinned citrus fruits. You will need 3-4 pcs.
  2. Wash them well with soap and hot water to remove dirt and wax. At the end, pour boiling water over it.
  3. Remove the peel and chop it.
  4. Remember well with a wooden pestle (a metal pestle will intensify oxidation processes, and this is undesirable).
  5. Place the crushed peels that have begun to release ether into a glass jar.
  6. Fill with any base oil (olive, almond, etc.). The liquid should completely cover the orange peel. Approximate quantity - 200 ml.
  7. Cover with a lid and leave to brew in a cool, dark place for 3 days.
  8. Warm up for half an hour in a water bath. Open the lid slightly.
  9. Cool and strain the ether through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  10. Pour into small containers, close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

How oil is obtained, chemical composition

Some citrus oils are made by steam distillation. But most of them are obtained by cold pressing orange peels. Sweet orange oil is produced using this method. This is the best way to preserve the entire range of useful compounds, since the raw materials are not subject to temperature changes.

Pure natural oil has a yellow-orange color, which, depending on the quality of the raw material, may be slightly dark orange.

The aroma is very strong, fresh and at the same time slightly bitter, with distinct sweet notes.

Along with grapefruit oil, it contains the highest percentage of D-limonene, a natural compound with chemopreventive effects for the treatment of cancer. Refers to monoterpenes. According to scientists, it has powerful antioxidant properties. Its content can reach up to 80-96 percent.

Egyptian scientists studying the composition of orange oil discovered more than 200 different chemical compounds in it, such as:

  • Myrcene;
  • Alpha-pinene;
  • Geraniol;
  • Citronellol;
  • Nerol;
  • Linalool

and others.

General recommendations for use

Before applying orange essential oil to your skin, please note these important notes:

  1. Clean your face of makeup and impurities and pat dry gently with a towel. But do not use tonic or lotion, as this will leave a film on the skin.
  2. For convenience, gather your hair in a ponytail and wear a headband or headband.
  3. A tampon twisted from a piece of cotton wool, a sponge, a brush or a brush will help distribute the medicinal mixture. If you are using a non-disposable applicator, wash and dry the instrument thoroughly.
  4. Apply the drug with orange ether along the massage lines. Correct directions: from the chin to the temples, from the upper lip to the ears, from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.
  5. The best time for a cosmetic procedure is in the evening, before bed. The ether will be quietly absorbed into relaxed skin. If you choose morning or afternoon, apply the mixture at least 2-3 hours before going outside to avoid burns and pigmentation.
  6. For the same reason, it is better to use products with natural orange essential oil from November to March, during the period of inactive sun.
  7. The frequency of sessions is no more than 1–2 times a week. The course consists of 10 procedures. Then it is recommended to take a break for at least 3 weeks.

Important nuances

Note! Orange essential oil is a concentrated product, so it is strictly forbidden to apply it to the skin without dilution. The product is used in a mixture with other components, and orange oil should not be more than 10%.

You can mix orange oil with both finished cosmetics and vegetable oils. Recommended dosages:

  • for cosmetic massage - no more than 10 drops of ether per 10 grams of base;
  • for oil applications, for every 10 grams of base you need to add no more than 4 drops of ether;
  • To enrich homemade or ready-made cosmetic formulations, it is recommended to take no more than 5 drops for every 10 grams of base.

It is recommended to apply the prepared formulations to well-cleansed skin. You need to remove your makeup, wash your face with foam or wipe your face with lotion. If this condition is not met and oil mixtures are applied to uncleansed skin, it can cause rashes to appear.

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Directions for use: recipes

Concentrated orange ether is combined with other oils, dripped into scrubs and creams, tonics and lotions, etc. It is applied precisely to acne and post-acne, but only after an allergy test and consultation with a doctor. Homemade and store-bought masks with a few drops of aromatic citrus liquid have a good effect. Choose a recipe based on your skin type and the problems you need to solve.

Advice. The proportions in which essential oil is mixed with cream, lotion, tonic, gel, balm, shampoo or other cosmetic product differ depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. You can add from 3 to 5–6 drops per 10 ml of product or 3–5 drops per 15 ml. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for a specific product.

For dry skin

The following types of masks will help soften and moisturize the epidermis:

  1. Oily . Add other esters to 10 ml of avocado oil: 1 drop each of orange and rosewood, twice as much sandalwood. Mix, spread over your face, and after 15–20 minutes, remove the remaining nutrient mixture with warm water.
  2. Wheat . Take 2 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat (it needs to be crushed and then measured). Add 5 tbsp there. l. orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed), 3 drops of citrus essential oil and 2 drops of rose oil. Distribute the composition over the skin. Wait until completely dry. Rinse off the residue and moisturize the epidermis with a thin layer of cream.
  3. Banana . Turn the ripe yellow fruit into a pulp, combine with 5 drops of orange ether. Keep it on your face for half an hour, then wash it off.

To minimize the severity of wrinkles and improve skin tone , this mixture option is suitable:

  • combine raw chicken yolk with citrus oil (you will need 2 drops);
  • add 2 tbsp. l. milk and small boiled potatoes, pureed;
  • Mix everything and apply warm to your face;
  • cover with a towel;
  • after 20 minutes, rinse with warm and then cool water.

To nourish and restore dry skin, use other recipes:

  1. With avocado oil . You will need 8 ml of this ingredient. Add 3 drops of orange ether to it and massage it over the skin of the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
  2. With olive oil . To 1 tsp. main component, pour in 5 drops of orange oil. Treat your face, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water.

For oily skin

The following group of recipes will help cleanse and tone the skin, tighten pores, eliminate oily shine, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and restore the texture of the dermis:

  1. Almond mask . Lightly salt the chicken protein and beat it. Combine 10 drops of almond oil and 3 drops of orange oil. Mix all ingredients and leave on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. Composition with white clay . From the previous recipe you will need orange essential oil and beaten egg white. The proportions are the same, no salt needed. Add 1 tbsp. l. white clay and 50 ml grapefruit juice. Apply a homogeneous mixture to your face and neck. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water, to which you first add a few drops of cucumber juice.
  3. Tonic with aromatic oils . Take 7 drops of orange essential oil and 2 drops of chamomile essential oil. Add 15 ml of medical alcohol, pour in 0.2 liters of purified water. Place in a dark place. Apply a thin layer to the face daily, shaking first.

For normal skin

smooth out wrinkles and even out skin tone :

  • Combine 20 ml of avocado oil with rosewood esters (3 drops), mint and orange (2 drops each) and vanilla (1 drop);
  • stir well;
  • spread over the skin and leave for half an hour;
  • After this, wipe your face with a cotton swab moistened with linden decoction.

To increase the elasticity of the epidermis and improve blood circulation, combine 2 drops of orange ether with mashed chicken yolk. Or take 3 drops of orange oil, 1 tsp. cream and 2 ripe, mashed strawberries. Both types of masks are applied for 15 minutes, then washed off.

For combination skin

Mixed epidermis also needs nutrition and hydration. Use this recipe:

  • combine 1 tsp. citrus oil with the same amount of sour cream;
  • add 2 tsp. chopped cucumber pulp;
  • turn into a homogeneous mixture;
  • apply for 20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

For sagging skin

This mask will not only give the dermis tone and additional elasticity, but will also cleanse and tighten the pores:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dilute black clay with cold green tea to a thick consistency;
  • add a teaspoon of grape seed oil;
  • add 3 drops of ether from orange and 2 from grapefruit;
  • spread over face, rinse after 15 minutes.

For acne

This recipe also requires black clay (12 g), diluted with infused green tea. Pour in 16 drops of pomegranate essential oil and 3 drops of bitter orange oil. Steam your face with calendula decoction, and then apply the mask, excluding the lips and eyelids. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water and lime juice added to it.

For wrinkles

This mixture will saturate and enrich the skin with vitamins, minerals, moisturize and tone the epidermis:

  • measure 18 g of pureed ripe mango pulp (prepare using a blender or food processor);
  • add 14 drops of grape ether and 5 of orange;
  • distribute the composition in a dense layer over the skin of the face;
  • After half an hour, wash it off.

For eyelid skin

While caring for your face, take care of your eyes. A mask of only 2 components will help moisturize the skin of the eyelids and make fine wrinkles less pronounced. Recipe:

  • lightly heat 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil;
  • pour in 1-2 drops of aromatic citrus essential oil;
  • soak cotton pads with a homogeneous mixture;
  • place them on your eyelids and leave for 15–30 minutes;
  • blot the skin with a napkin or paper towel;
  • repeat the procedure daily for a week.

By the way. Unlike other oils (for example, almond oil), orange essential oil is not used for eyebrows and eyelashes.

For lips

The delicate skin of your lips will radiate a natural shine and remain soft and well-groomed if you prepare a fragrant balm:

  • place a container with the following ingredients in a water bath: beeswax, coconut, almond and palm oils (take 1 tsp of each);
  • stirring, melt, but do not bring to a boil;
  • Cool slightly, pour in 1 capsule of vitamins A, E, as well as 4-5 drops of orange ether;
  • mix, pour into a suitable container;
  • apply as needed.


External beauty is impossible without good health and health of internal organs. Reasonable intake of orange citrus oil will lower blood pressure, relieve insomnia, stimulate metabolism, and be beneficial for diseases of the stomach, liver, and gall bladder. To do this, add 1 drop of ether to a glass of tea or juice twice a day.

Customer reviews and recommendations from cosmetologists

Experts in the field of cosmetology assure that exotic phytoessence provides anti-aging facial skin care if you use it wisely, choosing only a high-quality product and adhering to prescription standards. In their opinion, orange oil triggers the processes of regeneration and cell renewal, stimulates collagen production, promoting rapid rejuvenation. It is also an excellent whitening agent. The skin becomes fresh, smooth, elastic, and a slight glow appears on the face.

Most buyers are satisfied with the purchased product, enjoying not only its effect, but also the sunny mood that the divine aroma gives.

Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil to your cleanser, and the same amount of any citrus fruit (orange, lemon, grapefruit). They regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Mix everything in your palm, smear it on your face, leave it for 1-2 minutes (I feel a bit of a burning sensation during this time), then wash it off. The result is that the skin is oil-free, clean, after a week of daily use, pimples and small wen disappear, they do not crawl out, but simply dry out, becoming invisible.


Oatmeal-orange mask against blackheads and pimples. I don’t have acne as such, but sometimes they appear and it just infuriates me. Constant companions are black dots on the nose. These shortcomings have been corrected. I start every morning and evening with this mask. Take 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and soak a few drops of hot water in a bowl, then add 2 drops of orange oil. Let the oatmeal soften for 2 minutes and apply to the face using rubbing movements. Leave for 5-10 minutes and wash off. The main thing is to start! By the way, never apply pure essential oil to your face. At the very least you will get a burn! In general, you can just listen to the aroma of this oil, it is very invigorating and energizing!


As you can see, it is quite possible to improve your skin health using orange oil at home. In addition, the magical aroma will give you vigor and lift your spirits even after the most difficult day at work.

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Precautionary measures

Every new product must be tested beforehand. And now we are not talking about checking the quality of the purchased product, but about how it will affect your skin. If you have already been diagnosed with an allergy to citrus fruits in any form, cosmetic procedures with oil are also contraindicated. If not, then prepare a mask or other medicinal mixture with orange essential oil, apply a drop to your wrist or elbow.

The skin there is delicate, so if it becomes covered with red spots, begins to itch or peel, it is also prohibited to use the product on the face. To identify a possible reaction, experts recommend waiting about 15–20 minutes.

You cannot distribute concentrated essential oil from a bottle over your face. You risk burning your skin and causing other problems (for example, allergies).

If the test does not reveal individual intolerance to ether, use the recipes in accordance with the basic recommendations. Those with sensitive skin should choose formulations with a minimum amount of orange oil. If you need to urgently go outside soon after application, use sunscreen.

Attention! When applying citrus essential oil to the skin around the eyes, be careful not to get the mixture on the mucous membrane. And before taking the oil internally, be sure to consult your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of natural orange essential oil for facial skin:

  • normalizes sebaceous balance;
  • cleanses and refreshes the epidermis;
  • reduces the severity of defects: acne, wrinkles, post-acne, etc.;
  • whitens, evens out skin tone;
  • suitable for any type of dermis;
  • having a pleasant aroma, it has a calming, relaxing effect, inducing good sleep and relaxation;
  • sold in many retail outlets (pharmacies and stores);
  • It is used sparingly - even with regular use, the bottle lasts a long time.

Disadvantages of Fragrance Oil:

  • can cause allergies, burns, pigmentation;
  • requires special storage conditions and rules of use;
  • needs careful checking, since the risk of stumbling upon a counterfeit product is quite high.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology it is recommended for inflamed, oily skin with enlarged pores. Has a rejuvenating effect.

Inhibits the activity of the enzyme elastase, thereby preventing the degradation of elastin, a protein that, together with collagen, is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. D-limonene also increases the bioavailability of CoQ10.

Strengthens connective tissue, regenerates, preventing aging and premature wrinkles. Tones, brightens and tightens the skin. Reduces the appearance of cellulite.


Women and girls post a lot of reviews about orange ether. Many people had pleasant impressions from using the product. For example, a girl named Oksana shared her recipe for an effective mask for problem skin.

Natalya combined orange ether and flax extract. The result was not long in coming: the skin became more even. But the woman warns that the oil cannot be applied in its pure form.

The author of the following review, Diana, believes that orange ether does not moisturize the skin. But it will help those who suffer from frequent rashes on the face.

Before using a new product, you must test it. Apparently, the girl who left the following review forgot about an important rule and got a severe allergic reaction.

If you choose and use citrus essential oil according to all the rules, you will be able to minimize the risk of developing undesirable consequences. Orange oil has many benefits and uses, so women often call a small bottle of aromatic liquid an indispensable product for health and beauty.


Orange essential oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy, or if you have hypersensitive skin. The product should not be used if you have bronchial asthma or high blood pressure. It is not advisable to visit a solarium immediately after using any composition that contains orange essential oil. You should avoid sunbathing for at least an hour.

In case of increased emotional excitability, it is also better not to use the product. This also applies to severe lesions of the central nervous system. The presence of damage to the skin is a contraindication to the use of the product.

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